07/01/1997 - City Council Special
Eagan, Minnesota
July 1, 1997
A special meeting of the Eagan City Council was held on Tuesday, July 1, 1997 at 5:00
p.m., at the Eagan Municipal Center Building. Present were Mayor Egan and City
Councilmembers Awada, Blomquist, Masin and Wachter. Also present were Director of Parks
and Recreation Vraa, Director of Public Works Colbert and City Administrator Hedges.
City Administrator Hedges stated that, at the direction of the City Council, staff has begun
coordination of a scope of services to develop a master plan for the 40 acre Municipal Center site
that currently is occupied by the Dakota County Library facility, Police facility, Municipal Center
and Civic Arena/wading pool. He stated that there have been several proposals discussed
ranging from the amphitheater project proposed by the Eagan Rotary Club, swimming' pool,
second sheet of ice and space for additional parking. The City Administrator further stated that in
response to the City Council's direction, Mr. George Watson, of Brauer and Associates has been
contacted and, along with the Director of Parks and Recreation prepared a draft of a scope of
services for the development of a site master plan. He further stated that Mr. Watson is a
principle planner with Brauer and Associates who has familiarity with the City of Eagan having
performed some consulting work with the Central Area Task Force and was retained to review the
Unisys site for a central park. The City Administrator stated that there has been no commitment
made to Mr. Watson, only a request that he assist in developing a draft "scope of services" to
complete the master plan for the Municipal Center site.
Director of Parks and Recreation Vraa stated that the program elements that were
identified at this time include 1) second ice sheet, 2) swimming pool, 3) amphitheater, 4) parking
and access, 5) extension of parkway to east, and 6) police expansion. He stated that Mr. Watson
has outlined two levels for the study. He stated that level 1 includes a project focus meeting,
preparation of existing conditions base plan, preparation of alternate schematic concepts and
preparation of a final concept plan at a cost ranging from $6,500 - 7,200. He further stated that
the second level of services includes a preliminary master plan and final master plan at a cost of
$5,800. Director of Parks and Recreation Vraa provided a brief explanation of the scope of
services including both levels of services as outlined by Mr. Watson of Brauer and Associates.
City Councilmember Wachter stated that the program elements identified by the Director
of Parks and Recreation are consistent with previous discussions the City Council has had
regarding the Comprehensive Site Master Plan for the Municipal Center campus. . City
Councilmember Blomquist raised concerns about receiving only one estimate and, further, that
the cost for the scope of services appears to be rather significant. City Council member Wachter
stated that he is in agreement that another firm should be contacted with a proposal received no
later than the July 15 City Council workshop. City Administrator Hedges stated that he has had
some dialog with Greg Ingram, principle Planner for Ingram and Voss, who might be available to
provide a proposal for a scope of services.
Special City Council Minutes
July 1, 1997/Page2
City Councilmember Awada proposed that the Council discuss the program elements.
She stated that the City should be reasonable and practical in its evaluation of what components
will fit on the Municipal Center site without huge development costs and further minimize any
expense of parking. She further stated that there are some fundamental questions regarding the
extreme elevation and ability to develop the southeast quadrant of the Municipal Center site. City
Councilmember Awada further stated that the memo from Brauer and Associates is
comprehensive and provides the scope of services the City needs to prepare and present a
sound master plan for the Municipal Center site. She stated that the cost and services idet:ltified
in level 1 of the proposal seem appropriate, however, would agree to a second request for
proposal from Ingram and Voss.
Mayor Egan stated that he would like to separate the program elements addressed by
the Director of Parks and Recreation into two categories with the second ice sheet, swimming
pool, amphitheater and parking and access as a high priority and the extension of the parkway to
the east from the Municipal Center site and Police expansion as a low priority. After further
discussion, there was a consensus by the City Council that the City Administrator and Director of
Parks and Recreation contact Ingram and Voss to provide a second proposal for the scope of
services to consider a master plan for a future and final development of the Municipal Center
Director of Public Works Colbert stated that in order to signalize the intersection of
Blackhawk Road and T.H. 13, MnDOT design criteria requires the construction of a super two
lane improvement from Seneca Road to Yankee Doodle Road at an estimated cost of $1.2
million. He further stated that the maximum MnDOT funds currently available are approximately
$350,000. Director of Public Works Colbert asked for direction from the City Council as to how
the remaining balance of $850,000 should be financed.
Director of Public Works Colbert provided some background stating that Project 709 was
originally proposed for the signalization of Blackhawk Road at T.H. 13, the extension of Kennebec
Drive from Blackhawk Road to the Blue Cross/Blue Shield properties and the reopening of
Yankee Doodle Road northwest of Terminal Drive. He stated that as a result of objections
received at a public hearing held on August 6, 1996, the City Council approved only the
modifications to Yankee Doodle Road deleting the proposed Kennebec Drive extension and the
Blackhawk Road signalization due to lack of supplemental funding through special assessment.
He further stated that under the original project, the City was planning on financing $350,000 from
the major street fund.
Director of Public Works Colbert further stated that during the fall of 1996, the City
submitted an application for MnDOT funding for the signalization of Blackhawk Road at T.H. 13
through MnDOT's local initiative municipal agreements program. He stated that the City was
informed during early 1997 that this project was eligible for approximately $250,000 in MnDOT
funding subject to a corridor study addressing access management and signal spacing needs.
He further stated that MnDOT also informed the City of a proposal to install a structural
preservation overlay on T.H. 13 through the limits of the proposed signalization project. He then
stated that through the concerted effort of the business community and local/state elected
officials, MnDOT agreed to defer the overlay through this area and contribute the equivalent value
of approximately $100,000 towards the super two lane design. Director of Public Works Colbert
stated that this is how MnDOT arrived at the $350,000 funding. He further stated that at the May
6 regular City Council meeting, the revised Project 709R authorized the signalization of
Blackhawk Road and T.H. 13 and the preparation of detailed plans and specifications for the
super two which was approved at the June 17 meeting.
Special City Council Minutes
July 1, 1997/Page 3
City Councilmember Wachter stated that the City should move ahead and commit to the
entire project as previously discussed, stating that the City's balance of the project should be
allocated from the street construction fund. There being no further discussion, the consensus of
the City Council was to authorize funding of 50% of the costs up to $650,000 and direct the Public
Works Director to negotiate an acceptable cost participation agreement.
Director of Public Works Colbert also reported that the City has been informed that there
will be no federal funds available for the Duckwood Drive interchange which is part of the long
range Ring Road transportation improvements for the Town Centre area. He stated that the
proposed local improvements do not meet standards for federal funding.
City Councilmember Awada stated that she has heard from a number of residents about
how much the community is enjoying the wading pool. She further stated that a question has
been raised as to whether there will be additional wading pools constructed similar to the pool
located adjacent to the Civic Arena. Director of Parks and Recreation Vraa stated that there are
no current plans to locate additional wading pools as a part of the CIP. City Councilmember
Wachter suggested that consideration of additional wading pools be redirected to the APrC for
their consideration City Administrator Hedges stated that the City's wading pool has only been
open a total of four months which includes three months of operation in 1996 and one month in
1997 and that staff are reviewing operations that include whether an attendant should be required
at the wading pool to assure a proper capacity in the pool, monitor chlorine levels, determine
what type of water toys are permissible within the complex and other related issues. He stated
that the public is requesting consideration by the City to develop some regulations as well as the
City's need to comply with the State Health Department regulations for operating a wading pool
facility. City Council member Blomquist stated that it is possible that the wading pool in its present
location may be relocated as a result of the Council's review and acceptance of a final master site
plan for the Municipal Center campus. City Councilmember Wachter stated that it has been his
opinion that a pool is still desirable at this location and a wading pool would be compatible.
Mayor Egan expressed concern about the outdoor unisex bathroom. Director of Parks and
Recreation Vraa stated that it would be a single bathroom facility that is not intended to be a
changing room. Councilmembers expressed their concurrence with the unisex bathroom based
on that description.
City Councilmember Masin stated that she has received calls about why the City is
considering a second sheet of ice before a swimming pool is given further consideration. Other
Councilmembers expressed similar calls. City Councilmember Awada stated that we should
inform the community that the second sheet of ice will be funded and operated through a state
grant, user fees and a contribution by the Hockey Association. She stated that there is no
financial commitment from any City funds, including the general fund, making the second sheet of
ice a good investment for the community at this time.
The meeting adjourned at 6:10 p.m. for an Executive Session. Present were Mayor Egan
and City Councilmembers Awada, Blomquist, Masin and Wachter, along with City Administrator
Tom Hedges. The purpose of the Executive Session was to discuss the status of clerical
bargaining negotiations.
July 1, 1997