12/16/1997 - City Council Special MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EAGAN CITY COUNCIL Eagan, Minnesota 00432 December 16, 1997 A special meeting of the Eagan City Council was held on Tuesday, December 16, 1997 at 5:00 p.m. at the Eagan Municipal Center. Present were Mayor Egan and City Councilmembers Awada Blomquist and Masin. City Council member Wachter arrived at 5:35 p.m. Staff members present included Director of Parks & Recreation Vraa, Director of Public Works Colbert, Director of Finance VanOverbeke, City Engineer Matthys, Superintendent of Streets Erhart and Superintendent of Utilities Schwanz and City Administrator Hedges. VISITORS TO BE HEARD Mayor Egan noted that there were no visitors to be heard. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM/PART III City Administrator Hedges stated that Parts I and II were reviewed by the City Council at a work session on November 25; however due to time restrictions, Part III, which addresses the public infrastructure and park site acquisition and development, was continued to this meeting. He stated that Public Works Engineering staff needs direction on both budget 1998 for project implementation and for the ability to begin the planning and data analysis for projects proposed for 1999. He further stated that the public improvement projects require approximately 15-18 months lead time in order to coordinate a successful construction season. Director of Public Works Colbert presented Part III, summarizing the proposed arterial and collector improvements, local street improvements, local street sealcoat, signals and streetlights, water trunk distribution, water system operations, sanitary sewer trunk and sanitary sewer system operations. City Administrator Hedges stated that the storm drainage conveyance and water quality management were reviewed at a previous budget meeting. Director of Public Works Colbert spoke to the philosophy pertaining directly to the preventative maintenance projects and collector roads, such as Johnny Cake Ridge Road extending through the Bieter property and the anticipated improvement of Dodd Road. Director of Public Works Colbert also spoke to the water supply and distribution, stating that the water department has been able to shave off peak usage as a conservation measure, which has minimized the number of wells that need to be constructed throughout the community. City Council member Awada asked about the financial status of the major street construction fund. Director of Public Works Colbert stated that at the present time, there is approximately $10,000,000 in the fund. City Council member Blomquist stated that projections in the CIP are based on special assessment policies. She further stated that in her opinion, the assessment policy needs to be reviewed. Director of Public Works Colbert, in response to questions from the City Council, spoke to the state aid formula and how the gas tax is allocated to cities. After discussion of the street construction fund, City Councilmember Blomquist again stated that she disagrees with parts of the assessment policy. Mayor Egan stated that if there is a policy change, the City Council will need to readdress funding allocations as a Council policy change. City Councilmember Masin stated that it would be helpful to know specifically what parts of the assessment policy require further review and modification as stated by City Council member Blomquist. City Councilmember Wachter was present at approximately 5:35 p.m. Mayor Egan asked if there was any further status on the upgrade of TH 13 from Silver Bell to Yankee Doodle Road and further asked if MnDOT is giving consideration to improvements from Yankee Page 2/Eagan Special City Council Meeting Minutes December 16,1997 00433 Doodle Road to the Lost Spur Country Club. Director of Public Works Colbert stated that there are no plans to upgrade TH 13 from Yankee Doodle Road to the Lost Spur. He further stated that plans are continuing by MnDOT to award the Super 2 improvements on TH 13 from Silver Bell Road to Yankee Doodle Road in May 1998. Mayor Egan asked if there was any further update on Yankee Doodle Road extended from TH 149 into Inver Grove Heights. Director of Public Works Colbert stated that the analysis regarding options to improve Yankee Doodle Road was being performed by the consulting firm of Short Elliott Hendrickson and to the disappointment of the City and Dakota County, the results of that study have not been completed. He further stated that the transportation study regarding Yankee Doodle Road extended has been given to the firm of Strgar, Roscoe & Fausch. He stated that as soon as the results are completed, an update would be shared with the City Council. There were no further questions regarding Part III. Mayor Egan thanked staff for their work on the five (5) year CIP, especially Part III. He stated that it would be presented for final consideration at the December 16 regular City Council meeting. 1998 PART III PARK IMPROVEMENTS City Administrator Hedges stated that during 1997, the Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission was directed to prioritize park improvements, assuming $2,000,000 of available funding. Director of Parks & Recreation Vraa stated that during 1997, the only project completed was the Lexington Diffley parking lot. He further stated that the APrC is recommending four (4) projects during 1998 that total $710,000. He reviewed the projects as follows: 1) Walden Heights park development; 2) four (4) playground replacements at River Hills, Highview, Woodhaven and Evergreen; 3) Lexington Diffley athletic field's park shelter and restroom buildings; and 4) Rahn tennis court replacement/repair of the north courts. Director of Parks & Recreation Vraa also stated that the APrC is suggesting that there may be some smaller projects that would come from the small projects set aside portion of the parks site fund for landscaping, security lights and park signage. Mayor Egan thanked the Director of Parks & Recreation and APrC for their work on the five (5) year CIP. City Councilmembers stated that the recommendations by the Commission are consistent with the Park Master Plan. After a brief discussion, Mayor Egan stated that these recommendations will also be considered as part of the five (5) year CIP at the December 16 regular City Council meeting. EXECUTIVE SESSION Mayor Egan adjourned the special work session into executive session for the purpose of providing direction to the City Administrator on negotiations with the Police Association. The executive session was adjourned at approximately 6:25 p.m. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:55 p.m. December 16, 1997 Date TLH