01/16/2003 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission Approved February 13,2003 ADVISORY PARKS COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JANUARY 16, 2003 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on January 16,2003 with the following Commission Members present: Joseph Bari, Phil Belfiori, Terry Davis, Elizabeth Perry, Dorothy Peterson, Richard Pletcher, John Rudolph, and Melvin Williams. Members Danner and Filipi were not present. Staff present included Ken Vraa, Director of Parks and Recreation; Jeff Asfahl, Superintendent of Recreation; Paul Olson, Parks Superintendent; Eric Macbeth, Water Resources Coordinator; Beth Wielde, Research and Special Projects; CJ Lilly, Parks Planner; Joanna Foote, Communications Coordinator; and Cherryl Mesko, Recording Secretary. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Dorothy Peterson moved, Elizabeth Perry seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the agenda as presented. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF DECEMBER 16, 2002 John Rudolph moved, Joseph Bari seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the minutes of the December 16, 2002 meeting as presented. VISITORS TO BE HEARD John Ward, representing Friends of Patrick Eagan Park addressed the Commission and shared information with them regarding a grant application for the 10 acre parcel adjacent to Patrick Eagan Park. He noted that representatives of his group, Councilmember Carlson and County Commissioner Schouweiler met recently with the Metro Greenways Work Group to update the original application. He added that representatives from Design Center for the American Urban Landscape, Great River Greening, Friends of the Mississippi River, Minnesota DNR, Rice Creek Watershed District,Anotka Conservation District, 1000 Friends ofMN, Metropolitan Council and The Trust for Public Land were also present. Mr. Ward indicated that the group appeared to be quite interested in Eagan's proposal and would be reviewing it at their February Advisory Committee meeting. AWARD OF APPRCIATION Director Vraa noted that this was the last meeting for John Rudolph as he had reached the end of the term limit set by the City Council. Vraa presented Member Rudolph with a plaque of appreciation, highlighted his active involvement with the Advisory Commission over the past 10 years and thanked him for his insight and leadership. Member Rudolph expressed his appreciation to the dedicated staff and Commission Members over the years for their cooperation and efforts in guiding the City. He summarized by stating that his tenure on the Advisory Parks Commission has been very rewarding and that he appreciated the opportunity to serve. SUPERINTENDENT'S UPDATE AND DEPARTMENT HAPPENINGS Superintendents Olson and Asfahl provided an overview of activities in the Parks and Recreation divisions CONSENT AGENDA There were no Consent Agenda items for the Commission to review. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS There were no Development Agenda items for the Commission to review. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of January 16,2003 Page 2 OLD BUSINESS There were no Old Business items for the Commission to review. NEW BUSINESS HISTORICAL COMMITTEE REOCMMENDATION FOR PARK NAME Director Vraa noted that the Historical Committee has discussed the park property currently known as North Park or North Fields and are suggesting that the Advisory Commission consider naming the park based on their historical research of the property. Communications Coordinator Foote explained that the Historical Committee has discussed the historical perspective of the property currently known as North Fields. They noted that this property was owned and farmed by the Heuer family for many years and shared recollections of "threshing parties" that took place on this land each fall in the early to mid 1900's. Coordinator Foote shared additional recollections from Committee Members regarding this property. It is the hope of the Historical Committee that they can provide information that will help the community preserve its farming heritage and with that intent, they asked the Commission to consider recommending that this park property be named Thresher's Fields. Member Peterson expressed her support in working with the Historical Committee to preserve Eagan's heritage. She suggested that Commission MemberCs) meet with the Committee to work cooperatively on names that could be forwarded to the City Council. Member Rudolph noted the importance of incorporating historical names in the community and suggested that renaming North Fields might be a way to eliminate confusing this park with Northview athletic fields. After further brief discussion, Dorothy Peterson moved, Terry Davis seconded with all members voting in favor the recommend that the AcquisitonJDevelopment Subcommittee meet with the Historical Committee to discuss the renaming of North Fields and to make a unified recommendation to the City Council. THOMAS LAKE FISHING PIER COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT Water Resources Coordinator Macbeth introduced this item noting that an application had been submitted to the Fishing Pier Grant Program of the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources in September 2000 to install a structure at Thomas Lake Park similar to those at Trapp Farm, Fish Lake and Blackhawk Lake Parks. Coordinator Macbeth identified the proposed location for the pier and explained that the City's responsibility for this project would be to provide the public land, accessible sidewalk/path, accessible parking space and on-going maintenance. After brief discussion, John Rudolph moved, Dorothy Peterson seconded with all members voting in favor to recommend the City Council authorize the City of Eagan to enter into a cooperative agreement with the State of Minnesota for a fishing pier that has been awarded for installation at Thomas Lake Park. WATER RESOURCES UPDATE Items highlighted by Water Resources Coordinator Macbeth included the closure of a 2-mile section of the Mississippi River because oflack of water, an update of the JP-47 project, and an update on the Moonshine Park Grant request. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of January 16,2003 Page 3 OTHER BUSINESS AND REPORTS METRO GREENWAY GRANT UPDATE Director Vraa introduced this item noting that staff had submitted a Metro Greenway Grant to the DNR for consultant funds to formulate the technical foundation of core greenway planning. Although there has been a verbal indication that funds will be available, Vraa noted that staff had not yet been formally notified of the award. The DNR has indicated that the Soil & Water Conservation District is conducting technical studies of green and open spaces in the area and suggested that the City use the grant dollars to include the Eagan Core Greenway in the SWCD study. It is hoped that this will provide the most cost effective method to provide the data the City of Eagan is seeking for this project, Vraa added. FRIENDS OF PATRICK EAGAN PARK RESOLUTION - CITY COUNCIL ACTION Director Vraa provided a brief update regarding the Friends of Patrick Eagan Park resolution request reviewed by the Advisory Commission in December 2002. The resolution was brought forth to the City Council on December 17,2002 and was approved as prepared by the FOPEP. COMMUNITY CENTER UPDATE Director Vraa reviewed the status of the pavilion building noting that it was nearing completion. He added that the warm weather has helped enable completion of more outside work than was expected In particular, it has allowed the completion of the pond and liner. It was noted that although interior work has experienced some minor delays, things are moving ahead very well overall. Director Vraa noted that the muralist working on the indoor playground space is making great progress. Staffis also working with the Council's Operations Committee on issues of staffing, budgeting and opening. ROUND TABLE Member Rudolph asked staff to review the City's web site and make changes to outdated information on Commission members. He also thanked the Advisory Commission and staff for an enjoyable experience serving on the Advisory Parks Commission. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to conduct John Rudolph moved, Joseph Bari seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m. ~-/~~/AJ Secretary c20rr ~L~ Date / /