02/13/2003 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission Approved March 17, 2003 ADVISORY PARKS COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 13, 2003 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on February 13, 2003 with the following Commission Members present: Joseph Bari, Phil Belfiori, Margo Danner, Terry Davis, N. Mark Filipi, Elizabeth Perry, Dorothy Peterson, Richard Pletcher, Ken West and Melvin Williams. Staff present included Ken Vraa, Director of Parks and Recreation; Jeff Asfahl, Superintendent of Recreation; Paul Olson, Parks Superintendent; Eric Macbeth, Water Resources Coordinator; Beth Wielde, Research and Special Projects; CJ Lilly, Parks Planner and Cherryl Mesko, Recording Secretary. INTRODUCTION OF NEW COMMISSION MEMBER Director Vraa introduced Commission Members Phil Belfiori, Terry Davis and Dorothy Peterson who had been recently appointed to three year terms by the City Council. Commission Member Ken West was also introduced as the newly appointed alternate for a one year term. COMMISSION ORGANIZATION ELECTION OF CHAIR, VICE CHAIR AND SECRETARY Following a brief description of the position, Director Vraa opened nominations for the Chair. Margo Danner nominated and Joseph Bari seconded the nomination of Terry Davis. Terry Davis nominated and Elizabeth Perry seconded the nomination of Dorothy Peterson. Joseph Bari moved, N. Mark Filipi seconded with all members voting in favor to close the nominations. Ballots were completed and counted with Terry Davis elected as Chair. Following a brief description of the position, Director Vraa opened nominations for the Vice-Chair. Richard Pletcher nominated and Terry Davis seconded the nomination of Dorothy Peterson. Phil Belfiori nominated and N Mark Filipi seconded the nomination of Elizabeth Perry. Dorothy Peterson moved, Margo Danner seconded with all members voting in favor to close the nominations. Ballots were completed and counted with Dorothy Peterson elected as Vice-Chair. Following a brief description of the position, Director Vraa opened nominations for the Secretary. Dorothy Peterson nominated and Terry Davis seconded the nomination of Richard Pletcher. L Mark Filipi nominated and Margo Danner seconded the nomination of Joseph Bari. Elizabeth Perry moved, N. Mark Filipi seconded with all members voting in favor to close the nominations. Ballots were completed and counted with Richard Pletcher elected as Secretary. Standing subcommittees were established with the following members serving on each: . Recreation: Richard Pletcher and Melvin Williams . Natural Resources: N. Mark Filipi, Elizabeth Perry and Ken West . AcquisitionlDevelopment: Joseph Bari, Phil Belfiori, Margo Danner, Terry Davis and Dorothy Peterson. It was noted that various ad-hoc committees may be established depending upon issues that need to be addressed by the Advisory Commission and members are typically identified at that time. All Commission members are also invited to attend any subcommittee meeting. Director Vraa then turned the meeting over to Chairman Davis. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Added under Round Table were 1) Additional funding sources requested by the City Council, 2) Green Space discussion and 3) Historical Committee update. Dorothy Peterson moved, N. Mark Filipi seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the agenda as amended. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of February 13, 2003 Page 2 APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF JANUARY 16,2003 Elizabeth Perry moved, Richard Pletcher seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the minutes of the January 16,2003 meeting as presented. VISITORS TO BE HEARD Councilmember Carlson addressed the Commission as the Council liaison to the Advisory Parks Commission. She asked for Commission feedback on the role the liaison could provide and added that she will be available for comments from Advisory Commission members. Member Davis expressed his enthusiasm for the proactive approach the Council is taking to maintain good communication with advisory commissions and looked forward to talking further with the Council at a joint workshop on how this role would be beneficial. SUPERINTENDENT'S UPDATE AND DEPARTMENT HAPPENINGS Superintendents Olson and Asfahl provided an overview of activities in the Parks and Recreation divisions. CONSENT AGENDA There were no consent agenda items for the Commission to discuss. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS There were no development agenda items for the Commission to discuss. OLD BUSINESS DISC GOLF SUMMARY FINDINGS Researcher Wielde presented the results of a municipal survey conducted to determine the success, cost, and physical development of disc golf in communities throughout Minnesota. Disc golf courses typically were 9, 12, or 18-hole varieties. Courses are typically not revenue generators, but were well liked and moderately to heavily played. Communities had stated they consider disc golf an asset to their communities. Wielde presented a virtual tour, showing Commissioners the hole setup in Kaposia Disc Golf Course in South St. Paul, noting the varied terrain and the way natural elements such as trees, streams, and existing trails were integrated into course design. After discussion about Eagan's public need and desire, definition of "asset," and other aspects of the survey, Elizabeth Perry moved, Dorothy Peterson seconded with all members voting in favor to continue the study, pursue a potential partnership with the school district, have Mr. Ashcroft pursue resident interest and follow-up with cities to attempt to define the assets they've identified in having a like facility. NEW BUSINESS FRIENDS OF PATRICK EAGAN PARK FUNDING REQUEST Director Vraa provided background of this issue noting that Mr. Jack Conrad, representing Friends of Patrick Eagan Park (FOPEP) had requested to be placed on the agenda. FOPEP requested the City Council become actively involved in providing Metro Greenways with information requested to complete the award of a grant for Anderson parcel acquisition. Mr. Jack Conrad addressed the Advisory Commission and shared background information on the value of the Anderson parcel as it relates to the Greenway Corridor in Eagan and the grant application they have submitted. He discussed the partnerships that have evolved in working toward the preservation of this corridor. He added that Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of February 13, 2003 Page 3 Al Singer from the DNR had asked FOPEP to partner with other groups to show a united front in acquiring and preserving properties. It was noted that a vital part of these partnerships would be the involvement of the City of Eagan. FOPEP discussed the possibility of applying for the DNR's Natural and Scenic Area grant. They discussed the potential involvement of the Trust for Public Land, and provided basic guidelines of the grant. Dakota County Commissioner Nancy Schouwieler addressed the Commission and reiterated the position of Dakota County regarding the dollars that will be available to Dakota County residents who wish to make their land available for preservation. Although she did not commit to funding assistance for the Anderson parcel she did note that the property fell within the preliminary standards drafted by the County for consideration. Bob McGillivvay from the Trust for Public Lands also addressed the Commission. He shared the various options their organization could offer to assist in the acquisition of the Anderson parcel as well as others that might become available for consideration. In response to a question as to why the Anderson parcel was singled out, Mr. McGillivvary noted that their focus on this parcel is seen as a starting point for grant applications and partnerships to lay the groundwork for future land preservation; i.e. Caponi Art Park and the McCarthy property. After several more questions and further discussion, Phil Belfiori moved, Elizabeth Perry seconded with all members voting in favor to make the following recommendations to the City Council: 1. The APrC recommends that the City Council support the application and direct staff to apply for the MnDNR Natural and Scenic Area Grant to secure funding for protection of the Anderson parcel; 2. The APrC recommends to the City Council that it direct City staff to work with Trust for Public Land to conduct a formal appraisal of the Anderson parcel; 3. The APrC recommends to the City Council that it direct City staff to pursue funding from Dakota County Farmland and Natural Area Land Protection Program, including becoming active in the upcoming land eligibility criteria definition process. 4. The APrC recommends that the City Council set aside up to 25% of the cost (of the yet to be defined) appraised value of the Anderson parcel, not to exceed $100,000, if the remaining appraised value of the parcel can be acquired using revenue from a combination of sources listed below: a. Other relevant State grant applications b. Private corporation community grants. c. Non-profit land management and protection grants d. Grants and partnership with the Dakota County Farmland and Natural Area Land Protection program. CIP Director Vraa introduced this item noting the annual review process for Capital Improvement Projects for current and future years. He added that the Advisory Commission has been reviewing this process regularly and will identify and review items pertaining to 2003 projects for discussion with the City Council at their joint meeting. Parks Superintendent Olson then reviewed the CIP projects slated for 2003. Member Danner expressed her displeasure that the playground for Central Park was not included in the 2003 CIP because she felt it was understood to be part of the bond referendum. Member Davis commented that the playground is shown at Central Park in the 2005 CIP but reminded the Commission that this is a fluid document that is reviewed regularly and can change. Superintendent Olson reminded the Commission that the funds for CIP projects are from the Park Site Fund and not from the General Fund account. Following brief discussion Dorothy Peterson moved, Elizabeth Perry seconded with all members voting in favor to recommend to the City Council the approval of the 2003 CIP as presented and that the future CIP through 2008 be reviewed at a later date. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of February 13,2003 Page 4 REQUEST TO V ACA TE TRAIL EASEMENT - CARLSON LAKE TRAIL Director Vraa introduced this item stating that the City Council is requesting input from the Advisory Commission regarding the potential vacation of an easement along Carlson Lake. He noted that the Council held a public hearing on February 4 and will use the Advisory Commission's input and hearing commentary to determine if the easement is to be vacated. The location and history of the easement was also reviewed. Member Davis asked if the applicant was present to address their request. It was noted that they were not present. Member Pletcher asked for the reason for the request and Director Vraa replied that there was none given. Member Peterson suggested that if the easement was acquired through parks dedication it may not be able to be vacated easily. Director Vraa responded that it could pose some future title issues. Member Davis opined that there did not appear to be any clear reason why the vacation should be granted. After further discussion, Dorothy Peterson moved, Joseph Bari seconded with all members voting in favor to not recommend vacation of the trail easement at 1293 Carlson Lake Lane. INTERIM USE PERMIT - PETER LUND Following a brief introduction of this item by Director Vraa, Planner Dudziak provided the background of the interim use permit for the property adjacent to the entrance to the developing North Fields. Following her presentation she noted that the City Council is looking for feedback from the Advisory Commission given the close proximity of this site to North Fields. Parks Superintendent Olson shared photos from Borchert Lane, which provided a visual perspective from the park. The photos included both the Lund property and the property on the other side of Borchert Lane at the entrance to North Fields. He also shared information regarding the proposed rain gardens that would take water away from the hill and pond as well as the grading plan for North Fields. He did note that once you are in the park you wouldn't be able to see the trailers that are currently stored on the Lund property. Although the park isn't scheduled to open until 2004, Olson noted that the interim use permit coincides with the opening. Responding to questions from Commission Members, Planner Dudziak noted that this request follows the standards of a Conditional Use Permit. She noted that the Advisory Commission is being asked to look at the impact to the park based on this request. Member Peterson asked if a provision could be included that if Borchert Lane is improved during the term of the permit and the trailers are in the way the interim use permit would or could be terminated. Director Vraa indicated that would not be a concern. Commission Members expressed a desire to have this item brought back to the Advisory Commission at the end of the 18 month term so that they could re-assess the situation. Chet Harrison representing Peter Lund responded to questions regarding the swale being used for drainage of the site. He noted that when the road is brought in the water will then be run through the stormwater system. He also noted that the 18 month time frame would allow them to plan for a building on the site and they understand that the trailers will need to be moved. Following their discussion, Elizabeth Perry moved, Terry Davis seconded with all members voting in favor to recommend to the City Council approval of the Interim Use Permit for an 18month term at which time the applicant shall come back to the APrC for review and consideration of options before permit is renewed. WATER RESOURCES UPDATE Items highlighted by Water Resources Coordinator Macbeth included an update on Pond JP-47 noting that the PCA may have a requirement that could preclude the addition of an alum storage basin. It was also noted that the City was given a verbal approval of a $6,000 grant for lakeshore restoration at Lemay Lake in Moonshine Park. Installation of aerators has begun at several lakes and there were many ice fishing participants on Blackhawk Lake for the Don't Break the Ice Fest. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of February 13, 2003 Page 5 OTHER BUSINESS AND REPORTS COMMUNITY CENTER UPDATE Director Vraa noted that the parking lot lights are almost done, work is progressing on the indoor playground and carpeting is being completed on much of the interior. Substantial completion is expected in rnid- March so that the certificate of occupancy can be issued shortly thereafter. Director Vraa also noted that the plan is to open the building in phases. May 2 will see the opening of The Blast indoor playground followed by the first wedding on May 10. Member Peterson asked if the work on the pond was completed. Director Vraa responded that it was. Member Danner asked when other components of the building would be available. Director Vraa responded that in addition to the indoor playground and banquet space the meeting rooms and Lone Oak Room would also be brought on-line in May. It was noted that the specific dates for opening the balance of the building had not been exactly determined yet. ROUND TABLE AL TERNA TIVE FUNDING REQUESTED BY CITY COUNCIL Member Perry reminded the Commission that the City Council had directed the Advisory Commission to look at potential alternative funding options in anticipation of limited future parks dedication fees. GREEN SPACE FOCUS DISCUSSION Member Perry also noted that although the Greenway Corridor has been acknowledged by the Advisory Commission there is a need to review options and refine the focus on what this actually entails. She suggested setting a workshop for the Advisory Commission to set some goals before the joint meeting with the City Council. After further discussion, March 3, 2003 at 5:30 p.m. was set for a workshop session HISTORICAL SOCIETY MEETING Member Peterson noted that a meeting has been scheduled with the Historical Society to discuss their suggestion to re-name North Fields. She added that an update would be provided to the Advisory Commission at the March 17 meeting. Member Danner commented on the times indicated on the agenda and suggested that they not be included so that the Commission does not feel like they are being rushed through the agenda. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to conduct N. Mark Filipi moved, Elizabeth Perry seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 p.m. ~1/~~7 Secretary /'~i /{oy-. I 113 / Date