06/16/2003 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of June 16, 2003 Page 2 by stating that the Board of Directors is willing to offer whatever support they can to help ensure the growth and expansion of cultural experiences through the Eagan Art House. He further offered their willingness to partner with the City of Eagan to create a facility that will meet the broad base of interest in cultural activities. Member Davis thanked Ms. Gustafson and Mr. Bifulk for bringing their ideas and energy to this community amenity, which is an important part of Eagan. He also thanked them for their offer to partner with future needs that may arise. SUPERINTENDENT'S UPDATE AND DEPARTMENT HAPPENINGS Superintendent Asfahl provided a brief overview of issues and activities from the Parks and Recreation divisions. PROGRAM UPDATE - SONYA RIPPE Sports Program Supervisor Rippe addressed the Commission and provided a power point presentation outlining the various programs under her supervision including basketball, volleyball, co-rec soccer, softball, touch football, basketball, boot hockey, broomball and 4-on-4 hockey. In addition, Supervisor Rippe is responsible for the concessions operations at the athletic sites. Member Peterson asked if the fall basketball and volleyball leagues would be held at the community center. Director Vraa responded that the final allocation of court time had not been determined yet. Staff has been working with some of the athletic associations to try to outline their expectations for use. Vraa stated that meetings with recreation staff will also occur to outline their needs as well. Director Vraa concluded that this is going to be a very difficult issue because none of the groups will get all the court time they feel they need. PROGRAM UPDATE - HOLLY CHAMPLIN Preschool Program Coordinator Champlin addressed the Commission and also provided a power point presentation outlining the various programs under her supervision. Supervisor Champlin noted that the preschool programs for fall of2002 were at 75% capacity, winter of 2002-03 were at 84% capacity and spring of2003 at 85% capacity. An overview of program highlights, trips and upcoming events was also presented. A brief overview of the Puppet Wagon programming was also shared. Following a few questions from the Advisory Commission, Director Vraa noted that Coordinator Champlin does an excellent job monitoring her budget to ensure that revenue generated covers staff and all costs associated with her programs. CONSENT AGENDA There were no consent agenda items for the Commission to discuss. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS WENTWORTH PARK-GENERATION 2INC. Following a brief introduction by Director Vraa, Planner Sheila O'Bryan provided a brief background of this proposal noting that the request is for approval of seven town offices and a Preliminary Subdivision to create 8 lots on 2.82 acres south of Cliff Road and west of Cedar Avenue on Slater Road. Forestry Supervisor Hove reviewed the tree preservation issues and shared an aerial photo of the site denoting the vegetation. Water Resources Coordinator Macbeth then reviewed the water quality and wetland issues that pertain to this site. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of June 16,2003 Page 3 Jeff Sawyer, representing the developer addressed the Advisory Commission and shared that they are using the same engineer that worked with this site on a previous proposal that was ultimately denied by the City Council. Mr. Sawyer added that they sent out letters to all residents surrounding the site as well as anyone who had previously expressed concerns for wetland, traffic or tree removal issues from the previous proposal. The developer had a specific desire to mitigate these concerns up front and answer questions people might have regarding the impact of this proposal. Mr. Sawyer commented that this proposal will design parking around trees and will save almost 50% of them, some of which will shield the buildings from Slater Road. The elevations of the building were also shared and Mr. Sawyer noted that these units look much like townhomes but are actually purchased by small businesses, which allows ownership of their business space rather than leasing it. After further brief discussion, N Mark Filipi moved, Elizabeth Perry seconded with all members voting in favor to make the following recommendations to the City Council regarding Wentworth Park: I. This development shall be responsible for a cash parks dedication. 2. This development shall be responsible for a cash trails dedication. 3. The applicant shall fulfill required tree preservation mitigation through the installation of twenty-eight (28) category B trees (or an equivalent combination of category A and/or category C trees and/or cash payment). 4. To ensure survival of these preserved trees, a long-term tree survival plan shall be prepared by a certified arborist and implemented on all trees with encroachment into the CRZ. 5. Tree Protective measures (i.e. orange colored silt fence or 4 foot polyethylene laminate safety netting) shall be installed at the Drip Line or at the perimeter of the Critical Root Zone, whichever is greater, of significant trees/woodlands to be preserved on-site. 6. The applicant shall be required to contact the City Forestry Division and set up a pre-construction site inspection at least five days prior to the issuance of the grading permit to ensure compliance with the approved Tree Preservation Plan and placement of the Tree Protection Fencing. 7. This development shall meet the City's water quality requirements by creating stormwater treatment capacity through a minimum wet-pond volume of 0.23 acre-feet covering an area of 0.15 acres. The storm water treatment pond shall be constructed according to NURP standards with a maximum depth of 6 feet, a 10: I aquatic bench, and an outlet structure acceptable to City standards. 8. A buffer of natural vegetation outside the boundary of the wetland shall be maintained before, during and after construction. OLD BUSINESS HOLZ FARM CONSULANT PRESENTATION This item was deferred to the July 14,2003 meeting. NEW BUSINESS There were no new issues for the Advisory Commission to discuss under this agenda item. WATER RESOURCES UPDATE Water Resources Coordinator Macbeth reviewed several items of interest pertaining to the Water Resources division. He included the press conference scheduled for June 25 regarding the Cedar Pond project and the planting scheduled at Moonshine Park on June 21 for which he was seeking volunteers to help. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of June 16,2003 Page 4 OTHER BUSINESS AND REPORTS SUBCOMMITTEE UPDATES CAPONI ART PARK Member Davis noted that ten meetings have been held by the Advisory Commission to respond to the City Council's request to look at the Caponi Art Park proposal. Dorothy Peterson moved, N Mark Filipi seconded with all members voting in favor to prepare a draft executive summary that will be prepared to bring to the joint APrC/City Council meeting on June 24. HOLZ FARM MASTER PLAN Member Peterson noted that the consultants, Brauer and Associates, made a presentation at the recent Friends of the Farm meeting. Their review looked at the farm portion of the plan where the buildings on the site were identified and reviewed for potential improvements. Peterson continued that the consultants are suggesting that the windmill be removed from the site, however the Friends of the Farm would like it to remain since it has become an identifiable landmark for the site. She did note, however, that if the City of Eagan were to have the farm placed on the historical register the windmill may need to be removed. Peterson concluded that no budget or phasing plan has been submitted to date. COMMUNITY CENTER UPDATE Items highlighted by Director Vraa included the continued work on punch list items, the site development work is progressing, paver installation is scheduled to begin shortly, the second lift of asphalt on the parking lot is scheduled to occur shortly, there have been some issues with the sanitary sewer line that has collapsed in some location and the gazebo construction and irrigation is scheduled to begin soon. ROUND TABLE Member Danner shared her participation as an ambassador with the Eagan Convention and Visitors Bureau to work to bring people into the community. She also opined that the City of Eagan needs to work to keep the amenities they currently have like Caponi Art Park, Scherer's Garden, and Diamond T Ranch before they are lost to development. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to conduct Joseph Bari moved, Margo Danner seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m. 92~~7 *'Secretary . Date Approved as Amended. July 142003 ADVISORY PARKS COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 16,2003 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on June 16,2003 with the following Commission Members present: Joseph Bari, Margo Danner, Terry Davis, N. Mark Filipi, Elizabeth Perry, Dorothy Peterson, and Richard Pletcher. Members Belfiori, Williams and West were not present. Staff present included Ken Vraa, Director of Parks and Recreation; Jeff Asfahl, Superintendent of Recreation; Gregg Hove, Forestry Supervisor; Eric Macbeth, Water Resources Coordinator; Holly Champlin, Preschool Program Coordinator; Sonya Rippe, Sports Program Supervisor; Sheila O'Bryan, Planner; Beth Wielde, Research and Special Projects; and Cherryl Mesko, Recording Secretary. APPROVAL OF AGENDA N Mark Filipi moved, Joseph Bari seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the agenda as presented. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF MAY 19, 2003 Because the minutes were not included in the packet, review and approval of the May 19,2003 minutes was deferred to the July 14 Advisory Commission meeting. VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION - HOLZ FARM PARK VOLUNTEERS Superintendent Asfah1 explained that the Friends of the Farm had devised a system to recognize volunteers for significant volunteer hours. Friends of the Farm then recognized Norm Peterson for 250 hours of volunteer service and Don Holz for 750 hours of volunteer service at Holz Farm. The Advisory Commission thanked both volunteers for providing their help and support in maintaining this historic site for the community. Norm Peterson thanked the Advisory Commission and City of Eagan for the opportunity to provide this farming heritage to the community . VISITORS TO BE HEARD CAFE PRESENTATION Darla Hav1acheck addressed the Commission and thanked them for supporting the policy to restrict tobacco use at youth athletic events. She noted that Eagan is part of 25 cities now participating in the program and that the interest of other communities is growing. CAFE then presented the Advisory Commission with a certificate of appreciation for their efforts in providing a tobacco free environment for youth. Director Vraa added that people have been paying attention to the signage that has been displayed at the various athletic sites. EAGAN ART HOUSE PRESENTATION Kay Gustafson and Joe Bifulk were present to update the Advisory Commission on the past efforts and future plans for programs and activities that are currently housed at the Eagan Art House. Kay Gustafson touched on the mission statement for the Eagan Arts and Humanities Council and discussed their humble beginnings and the significant growth and interest the community has shown. In looking to the future, Ms Gustafson noted that the Art House has reached capacity relative to the programs they can offer, and will be looking at the potential growth over the next five years. Joe Bifulk, President of the Board of Directors, added that the board is comprised of a broad cross section of people who are able to look at a very diverse approach to Eagan's cultural programming. He noted that the classes being offered during the year are generally full and that interest continues to grow. Currently there are 1300 students and there is no longer room for growth. He thanked the Advisory Commission for encouraging this wonderful partnership with the City of Eagan and for the ability to offer cultural activities in such a beautiful location. They view Patrick Eagan Park as an integral part of what they are trying to accomplish. Mr. Bifulk closed