07/14/2003 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission Approved as Amended, August 18, 2003 ADVISORY PARKS COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 14, 2003 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on July 14,2003 with the following Commission Members present: Joseph Bari, Phil Belfiori, Margo Danner, Terry Davis, Dorothy Peterson, Richard Pletcher, and Ken West. Members Filipi, Perry and Williams were not present. Staff present included Ken Vraa, Director of Parks and Recreation; Jeff Asfahl, Superintendent of Recreation; Paul Olson, Parks Superintendent; Eric Macbeth, Water Resources Coordinator; Holly Champlin, Preschool Program Coordinator; Sheila O'Bryan, Planner and Cherry 1 Mesko, Recording Secretary. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Joe Bari moved, N. Mark Filipi seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the agenda as presented. RECOGNITION - JUDY FORDE; 20 YEARS OF SERVICE Preschool Program Coordinator Champlin introduced Judy Forde who has been working with the preschool program for Parks and Recreation for the past 20 years. Coordinator Champlin reviewed several accomplishments by Ms. Forde during that time and presented her with a certificate of appreciation for her many years of service. Ms. Forde thanked the Commission for their recognition and shared some highlights of her experiences working with preschoolers. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF MAY 19 AND JUNE 16, 2003 Dorothy Peterson moved, Terry Davis seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the minutes of the May 19,2003 meeting as presented. Terry Davis moved, Joseph Bari seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the minutes of June 16, 2003 as amended on Page 4 by Commission Member Peterson. VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors who wished to address the Commission under this agenda item. SUPERINTENDENT'S UPDATE AND DEPARTMENT HAPPENINGS Superintendents Olson and Asfahl provided a brief overview of issues and activites from the Parks and Recreation divisions. CONSENT AGENDA Dorothy Peterson moved, Margo Danner seconded with all members voting in favor to make the following recommendations to the City Council: 1. Gardenwood Ponds 6th Addtion - Brand Engineering . This development shall be responsible for a cash parks dedication. . This development shall be responsible for a cash trails dedication. . This development shall be responsible for dedication of cash in lieu of storm water treatment ponding. 2. Wentworth Park - Generation 2 lnc . This development shall be subject to a cash parks dedication. . This development shall be subject to a cash trails dedication. . The applicant shall fulfill required tree preservation mitigation through the installation of 32 category B trees (or an equivalent combination of category A and/or category C trees and/or cash payment) Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of July 14,2003 Page 2 . To ensure survival of these preserved trees, staff is recommending that a long-term tree survival plan be prepared by a certified arborist and implemented on all trees with encroachment into the CRZ. . To require that Tree Protective measures (i.e. orange colored silt fence or 4 foot polyethylene laminate safety netting) be installed at the Drip Line or at the perimeter of the Critical Root Zone, whichever is greater, of significant trees/woodlands to be preserved on site. . To require that the applicant contact the City Forestry Division and set up a pre-construction site inspection at least five days prior to the issuance of the grading permit to ensure compliance with the approved Tree Preservation Plan and placement of the Tree Protection Fencing. . This development should meet the City's water quality requirements by creating stormwater treatment capacity through a minimum wet-pond volume of 0.23 acre-feet covering an area of 0.15 acres. The stormwater treatment pond should be constructed according to NURP standards with a maximum depth of 6 feet, a 10: I aquatic bench, and an outlet structure acceptable to City standards. . A de minimus exemption for wetland fill less than 2,000 should be granted by the City to allow construction of the access road from Slater Road to the development. . To the extent practicable, a buffer of natural vegetation outside the boundary of the wetland should be maintained before, during and after construction. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS LEXINGTON RIDGE - MILLERVILLE, INC. Following a brief introduction by Director Vraa, Planner O'Bryan reviewed the background of this development noting that in 1994 an application to rezone this property to single family residential for an 11 lot subdivision was proposed for this lot. Planner O'Bryan reviewed the location and layout of the existing site, noting that although the rezoning was approved to single family residential the 1994 request for an 11 lot subdivision was denied in large part because of the proposed access through the park. Forestry Supervisor Hove and Water Resources Coordinator Macbeth reviewed the tree preservation and water quality issues relative to the site. Supervisor Hove noted that there are very steep slopes from the building site to Diffley Road but that the applicant had done a good job of tree preservation. Coordinator Macbeth noted that water will be collected in a pond that appears to be partially located on park property adjacent to Diffley Road. Commission members expressed concern for the excavation that would be required to carry water down the slope to the proposed ponding area. Member Belfiori specifically addressed concerns for erosion control given the significant slope changes. Coordinator Macbeth emphasized that erosion control would be a very big issue with this site. Several Commission members expressed their primary concern for the access shown through the park when this was the largest contributing factor for denial for the 1994 project. Ray Miller, representing the developer, acknowledged that access to this proposed development would be an issue and noted that access from Diffley Road would involve navigating very steep slopes, which would be difficult. He added that although the plan has not been presented to Dakota County with access off Diffley he opined that the County would not approve that access point. Mr. Miller stated he was hopeful that by changing the number of lots from 11 to 8 that it would be a more palatable project for the Advisory Commission and City Council to consider. Member Pletcher asked if access off Diffley Road would preclude placing 8 lots on the site. Mr. Miller said that it could be done but it would result in much more tree removal from the site. Member Peterson shared her appreciation for the work staff and the developer have done on this proposal to date but felt the need to focus the Commission's review of the access to the site. She noted that in order for the entrance road to change from an existing 16 foot easement to a 25 foot road land would need to be taken from Lexington Diffley Athletic Fields. Member Davis also opined that the water flow will increase the ponding that may encroach onto park property as well as the Diffley Road right-of-way. A consultant for the developer noted the depression that currently exists for water retention will be sufficient to handle the treatment of water from this site. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of July 14, 2003 Page 3 Members West and Davis again spoke of the concern for access through park property. Member Davis concurred with the findings and recommendation of the previous Commission in denying this access and asked the developer to go back to Dakota County to work on access off Diffley Road. Davis added that he is aware that a change in access to Diffley Road would result in additional tree loss. Member Danner opined that it would have been helpful if the developer had gone to Dakota County first to request access from Diffley Road rather than propose the same access that was previously denied. Mr. Miller responded that Dakota County had indicated that they would not allow access from Diffley and that the access would need to go through the park. Member Peterson commented that the County has no authority to lead a developer to plan access through city park property. After further brief discussion, Dorothy Peterson moved, Terry Davis seconded with all members voting in favor to recommend to the City Council that this development, as proposed, not move forward and suggested that the developer work with Dakota County to provide access to the development from Diffley Road. OLD BUSINESS HOLZ FARM CONSULTANT PRESENTATION Following a brief introduction and background by Director Vraa, Advisory Chairman Davis reminded the Commission and viewing public that the presentation would represent a conception master plan for the Holz Farm. A representative from Brauer and Associates presented a very in-depth review of the Holz Farm site and discussed how they had approached bringing together a cohesive land unit to include residential, historic farm and park. The main idea was to keep the farm as a 1940's vintage farmstead. It was noted that access off Dodd Road would provide a right-in, right-out access. They also suggested ways to upgrade buildings and allow pedestrian access only to the farm. Expansion of the play area and landscaping was also highlighted Following brief discussion, Dorothy Peterson moved, Richard Pletcher seconded with all members voting in favor to recommend that the City Council accept the master plan for Holz Farm and work to prioritize how it will be completed. As a follow-up, Director Vraa pointed to National Register of Historic Places information that the Commission might want to start thinking about. Member Davis asked the Commission what the thought process should be for this discussion. Member Peterson opined that a subcommittee and Friends of the Farm might want to look at the advantages and disadvantages of a program like this. She suggested beginning this review in November. Member Davis asked Commission members to think about 2-3 people who might want to serve on this subcommittee and also who might chair it. NEW BUSINESS EAGAN GREENWAY TECHNICAL REPORT Following a brief introduction by Director Vraa, Dave Holmen provided an in-depth presentation of the Eagan Greenway technical report. Members Davis and Belfiori thanked Mr. Holmen for the helpful information noting that this was the type of information that would have helped in the review of the Anderson parcel but will certainly aid in the review of future potential acquisitions. Member Davis added that it was hard to identify specific parcels that are publicly owned and also wanted to know where parcels are in relation to address or landmarks. Director Vraa noted that staff has a larger map to view if that would be helpful. Member Belfiori asked if this information will be shared with the City Council as part of future discussions. Member Davis stated that the Commission will use whatever resources they have at their disposal and again thanked Mr. Holmen for all the hard work in getting this information to the Commission. WATER RESOURCES UPDATE Coordinator Macbeth shared several items of interest for the Commission and public regarding the Water Resources division. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of July 14,2003 Page 4 OTHER BUSINESS AND REPORTS SUBCOMITTEE UPDATES Member Peterson commented on the potential grant opportunities through the Dakota County Open Space referendum and noted that criteria appears to include property zoned agricultural that is outside the musi line. Member Davis noted that the Advisory Commission met in a workshop session prior to this meeting regarding the Caponi Art Park. There will be a follow-up meeting scheduled. It was also noted that the Alternative Funding sub-committee met on July 9 to narrow down the information needed bystaff. This sub-committee is expected to meet again in September. COMMUNITY CENTER UPDATE Director Vraa updated the Commission on several exterior projects that are nearing completion. He noted that sales have begun for fitness memberships with 80+ membership sold to date. Activities and reservations for the interior of the building have been very strong and steady and staff is gearing up for full operation of the building by October. Member Bari as~ed if the pavilion has been getting much use. Director Vraa responded that it has several dates reserved this summer and fall. Member Danner asked about bandshell bookings. Director Vraa responded that because of the well and trailway, use of the bandshell has been postponed. Evening in the Parks events may be occurring in August, he added. Member Peterson asked ifparks maintenance staff had constructed the gazebo building on site. Director Vraa acknowledged that the concrete slab was contracted out but the actual construction of the building was done by staff. Vraa added that it turned out very well and has received many positive comments. NATURAL AND SCENIC GRANT NOTIFICATION Director Vraa verified that staff has received notification from the DNR that a natural and scenic grant has been given to the City of Eagan. Vraa noted that the contract is forthcoming. ROUND TABLE Member Peterson asked if the Commission would hear a report on the Civic Arena skating school much like it heard about Cascade Bay. Director Vraa suggested placing it on the September agenda. Member Danner asked how the Cascade Bay season is going. Director Vraa said that although the weather has been cooler than normal there is a great staff that keeps everything running very smoothly. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to conduct Richard Pletcher moved, Ken West seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p.m. ~~~/ Secretary Date