09/15/2003 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission Approved October 20, 2003 ADVISORY PARKS COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 15, 2003 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks Commission was called to order at 7 :00 p.m. on September 15, 2003 with the following Commission Members present: Joseph Bari, Phil Belfiori, Margo Danner, Terry Davis, N. Mark Filipi, Elizabeth Perry, Dorothy Peterson, Richard Pletcher, and Ken West. Member Williams was not present. Staff present included Ken Vraa, Director of Parks and Recreation; Jeff Asfahl, Superintendent of Recreation; Paul Olson, Parks Superintendent; Eric Macbeth, Water Resources Coordinator; Paula Nowariak, Recreation Supervisor; Colleen Callahan, Youth Development Coordinator; Aaron Hunter, Cascade Bay Manager; Beth Wielde, Research and Special Projects; Cherryl Mesko, Recording Secretary. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Richard Pletcher moved, Margo Danner seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the agenda as presented. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF AUGUST 18, 2003 Dorothy Peterson moved, N Mark Filipi seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the minutes of the August 18, 2003 meeting as presented. VISITORS TO BE HEARD WMO PRESENTATION Water Resources Coordinator Macbeth introduced Wayne Sames, recently appointed member of the WMO board of managers serving Eagan, Mendota Heights and Inver Grove Heights. Coordinator Macbeth noted that board members can no longer be City staff as has been the case for the past several years. It was noted that the board meets quarterly to review the watershed plan for the region; 95% of which is located in Eagan. Mr. Sames, a previous Advisory Parks Commission member, further explained the change in legislation to select citizen members to the organization rather than staff. He noted that although he is stillleaming about the organization he is very enthusiastic about participating and appreciates being able to be involved. He concluded that he will try to communicate updated information to the Advisory Commission as well as other groups in the community. EAGAN BANDIT BASEBALL - WAYNE BUTOR Mr. Butor introduced the Eagan Bandits as a "town team" or amateur baseball team that belongs to the Cannon Valley League and whose home field is Goat Hill Park. The team is fairly new to the league and has enjoyed successful seasons since they began in 200 I. Mr. Butor outlined the groups fundraising ventures to offset the annual budget expenditures of approximately $3500. The Bandits are hopeful that local interest in the team will grow so that residents are still coming out to watch their local team play 25 years from now. Marty Haugen, 3718 Denmark Court addressed the Commission with concerns about the alum dosing in Fish Lake. He noted that his home takes up part of the wetland and that there is sludge in the pond as a result of the alum dosing. He also expressed concerns for condemning part of the Patrick McCarthy property to provide another dosing station because of the expense and aesthetics. He opined that it is not appropriate to sacrifice Mr. McCarthy's property solely for the improvement ofFish Lake. Mr. Haugen suggested that there certainly are other options and solutions to the problem that haven't been carefully pursued. Member Davis thanked Mr. Haugen for his comments and suggested that he stay so that he can comment when the Pond JP-47 item appears on the agenda. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of September 15,2003 Meeting Page 2 SUPERINTENDENT'S UPDATE AND DEPARTMENT HAPPENINGS RECREATION PROGRAM UPDATE - COLLEEN CALLAHAN Youth Development Coordinator Callahan provided an in-depth review of the background and evolution of the youth development programs. She reviewed the collaborations with the school districts and YMCA along with other coordinated programming to provide a more inclusive and comprehensive approach for access and service delivery. Coordinator Callahan also briefly reviewed the growth of teen programming and specifically identified several events and programs to engage teens in the community. Coordinator Callahan introduced Sam Kunjummen who explained that he had become a member ofE-TAB (Eagan Teen Advisory Board) to make a difference in teen participation in the community. He shared his pride in what has been accomplished by the group especially collecting survey information from teens that was presented to the City Council. He noted that it is important for their voices to be heard, particularly as it affects the Teen Center at the Eagan Community Center. Member Davis thanked Sam and the E- T AB board for their involvement and interest in making a difference in the community. Sharon Starnes addressed the Commission as a parent of a teen who had participated in the past series of Battle of the Bands. She stated that the series started a year ago and has provided an outstanding opportunity for young aspiring artists to showcase their talents. She added that this is a really great way for parents to share an interest with their teens. Coordinator Callahan concluded her presentation by noting that a lot of the programs that are currently being offered are from ideas the teens have brought forward. When asked if the teen center would take donations of televisions and VCRs, Coordinator Callahan responded they would be happy to consider any gift. RECREATION PROGRAM UPDATE - PAULA NOWARIAK Supervisor Nowariak presented a very detailed power point presentation of the youth and family programs that occurred during summer 2003. After talking about the high number of returning staff she reviewed the multitude of programs and events that are offered during the summer to fill the days of children 5-12 years old. Supervisor Nowariak's presentation was concluded with a review of program evaluations and looking ahead to the 2004 season. CASCADE BAY SEASON UPDATE - AARON HUNTER Cascade Bay Manager Hunter shared a power point presentation and brief overview of the 2003 season. Although the summer started off slowly it was noted that the final revenues will be sufficient to cover all expenditures, debt reduction and renewal/replacement. It was noted too that Cascade Bay enjoyed a very high return rate for staff. The change for 2003 was the expansion of programming opportunities during off-peak hours with 1500 people participating. Looking to 2004, Manager Hunter commented that expansion of programs and the addition of swim lessons will add to the season. Member Bari asked if there were any issues with the change in the stroller policy. Manager Hunter responded that periodically people will ignore the rules but there have not been many issues pertaining to the change. Member Peterson asked if group revenues are still a large component to revenue generation. Manager Hunter responded that although they dropped slightly last year they certainly helped out on cooler days when daily admission numbers were lower. Director Vraa commented that although the attendance numbers for 2003 (149,000) were slightly lower than some previous years, it should be noted that they are still higher than the initial projection of 135,000 before the park opened. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of September 15, 2003 Meeting Page 3 CONSENT AGENDA Dorothy Peterson moved, Elizabeth Perry seconded with all members voting in favor to make the following recommendations to the City Council regarding the Eagan Grove Addition; I. This proposal would be subject to a cash parks dedication. 2. This proposal would be subject to a cash trails dedication. 3. Four ponds should be constructed to treat stormwater from 4.1 acres. They should have minimum wet- pond volumes and areas according to stormwater runoff and storage models that are to be acceptable to the City. The treatment ponds should be constructed according to NURP standards with a maximum depth of 6 feet and a 10: I aquatic bench from normal water levels. 4. In lieu ofponding to treat stormwater runofffrom 1.6 acres, a cash dedication should be required. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS There were no development agenda items for the Commission to discuss. OLD BUSINESS POND JP-47 - ALUM TREATMENT REVIEW Director Vraa introduced this item noting that based on Council direction staff has been proceeding with this project under the premise of acquiring part of the Patrick McCarthy property to accommodate the creation of Pond JP-47.2 He did clarify, however that because the City is moving toward condemnation of this property that appraised value and cost for acquisition cannot be discussed at this time. Water Resources Coordinator Macbeth provided background and facts regarding this project that date back to 1990 when the City's Water Quality Management Plan was the first of its kind in the state. At that time, Fish Lake was designated as one of only seven Class I (direct contact) waterbodies but fell short of the water quality management criteria when the Plan was adopted. In 1994 a diagnostic/feasibility study gave a reference point to begin work to decrease the phosphorous levels in the lake. Coordinator Macbeth reviewed the series of meetings, public announcements, published articles and briefings that occurred during 1994-95 to educate the Advisory Commission, City Council and public. In 1995 the MPCA awarded the City a grant and loan package totaling $100,000 to implement a plan with 10 management and program components. Coupled with the City of Eagan's cost share the project exceeded $250,00 from July 1995 through July, 1999. During 1996 a pilot study of alum dosing was conducted with communication documented to the neighborhood so that they could be kept updated. Coordinator Macbeth reminded the Commission that this method has been used for over 50 years. From the beginning the City was aware that sludge removal was going to happen. Coordinator Macbeth then took the Advisory Commission through the construction of the alum dosing station in 1998 through 2000. At that time the City determined not to operate the alum injection system until the sludge accumulation was addressed and a long-term operation and maintenance program was established. In January, 2002 staffreviewed short-term and long-term management issues of JP-47 at a City Council workshop and on February 5, 2002 the Council authorized a request for bids to remove and dispose of the alum sludge and create a sediment basin in JP-47 per plans and specifications. Because of storm mitigation priorities this project was postponed until October 2002 when removal was again authorized along with the creation of a sediment basin within JP-47, prioritization of the construction of settling basin on land between Hurly Lake and JP-47 subject to land availability and pending development and active pursuit of additional wetland bank acres. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of September 15,2003 Meeting Page 4 Because the City would not be able to comply with the state water quality standards for JP-47 that would be required under a non-experimental operating permit the contract was denied. Until an artificial settling basin is constructed, the alum injection system cannot be operated. The City, however, was aware in 1990 that this may become an issue during discussions and issuance of the first (experimental) permit. Coordinator Macbeth then shared technical and statistical data focusing on the watershed, model of phosphorous in and out of Fish Lake, 8 stormwater inflows to Fish Lake and only one outflow to Blackhawk, and the trends from 1991 to 2001. Noted was the expansion of the watershed from 300 acres initially to now over 3,000 acres. Macbeth added that 60% of the stormwater comes in through Pond JP-47. In summary, Coordinator Macbeth stated that what we know is that alum dosing works and that the City of Eagan is committed to maintaining the Class I designation of Fish Lake. Member Davis thanked Coordinator Macbeth for the background information, which was helpful in reviewing the issue. He asked how the sludge waste is characterized. Coordinator Macbeth noted that although the State doesn't have a standard for this waste, he does not consider it toxic since much of it is silt. Macbeth noted there are two options for disposal; landfill or land spreading. He did note that it is not strictly an organic material, but added that he is not an expert in waste removal. Member Peterson commented that the super storm in 2000 severely impacted the dosing station and asked if that could be a part of the sludge build-up. Coordinator Macbeth opined that that could be a part of the problem but wanted to clarify that there is approximately 2-2 Y2 feet of sludge settlement, not 4 feet as Mr. Haugen contended. Member Peterson asked if alum dosing will be done in another basin other than JP-47. Coordinator Macbeth responded that it would. Member Filipi asked if there are alternative means to deal with phosphorous. Coordinator Macbeth noted that lawn care practices, buffer strips and education can always be helpful but noted that there is not a great deal of phosphorous coming into JP-47. Member Filipi asked ifthere was something as, or more effective than alum dosing? Coordinator Macbeth responded that there aren't any known better ways to get results that alum dosing produces. Staff will continue to collect information and do research to see how to best maximize degradation. Member Filipi asked if there are any alternatives other than alum dosing. Coordinator Macbeth reiterated that he was unaware of anything as effective as alum dosing. Member Danner asked if this had not been done in Fish Lake what other lakes could have benefited. Coordinator Macbeth responded that this program was an experiment designed specifically for Fish Lake based on the data in the early 1990's. Director Vraa explained that at the time staff tried to figure out how to get the biggest benefit for the dollars expended. Although they could have looked at LeMay or Blackhawk Lake the impact would have been to one water body. It was thought best to go upstream to one of the largest watersheds which had the downstream elements and components to test this option. Member Danner asked why the sludge hasn't been taken out of JP-47 before now. Director Vraa responded that infrequent removal would be the most cost effective. Member Danner also asked what would have happened if the McCarthy property had been developed and presumably not available for placement of a pond. Director Vraa responded that the City would have required a 3 acre parkland dedication. Member Danner asked if the 3 acres proposed for ponding will be enough and will the sludge have to be removed regularly from this new one. Director Vraa responded that his best guess would be removal every 4-6 years and that the consultants feel the size is sufficient. Director Vraa added that the plan to remove the sludge and build a new pond would be done simultaneously this fall and winter. Member Belfiori opined that Eagan is one of the most advanced cities in the state to provide these technological advancements. He thanked the City of Eagan for working so diligently toward the goal of maintaining high water quality standards. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of September 15,2003 Meeting Page 5 Mr. Haugen stated that this is an ambitious project and the City wants to see drastic results. He suggested creating a wetland rather than a permanent sediment basin for the single benefit to Fish Lake. Mr. Haugen stated the need to look at what is being created because it will be expensive and it will change the look of the McCarthy property. He also opined that this may not be the only option and would prefer a more natural wetland option. Coordinator Macbeth responded that if a 3-acre wetland would work in this location he would be the first one advocating for that option. Member Pletcher asked if Pond JP-47 will revert to a more natural water body once JP-47.2 is constructed. Coordinator Macbeth confirmed that it would. Member Pletcher asked how visible or obtrusive Pond JP-47.2 will be. Coordinator Macbeth stated that the settling area is planned to be 10 feet deep so initially there will be significant excavation but added that there are several examples of basins in the City of Eagan that are now natural looking and non-obtrusive. NEW BUSINESS There were no New Business items for the Commission to discuss. WATER RESOURCES UPDATE There were no additional Water Resources issues for the Commission to discuss. OTHER BUSINESS AND REPORTS SUBCOMMITTEE UPDATES Member Peterson noted that the Friends of the Farm have met regarding the structures on the site based on the Holz Farm Master Plan. She also addressed the idea of a preliminary application for historic restoration and suggested that 3 members of the Advisory Commission review that application, which could provide grants for the work that needs to be done on the site. Members volunteering to review the application included Dorothy Peterson, N Mark Filipi and Richard Pletcher. COMMUNITY CENTER UPDATE Director Vraa reminded the Advisory Commission of the Grand Opening on September 27 and that they should report to the pavilion for that segment of the grand opening ceremonies. It was also noted that this would be the last meeting that a community center update would appear on the agenda. ROUND TABLE Member Danner asked if a bench, like the one located near the Grandfather Tree, will be available for sale or could someone donate one to the park. Director Vraa responded that that could certainly be considered. He noted that the cost of the bench Member Danner was describing is approximately $1,000. To piggyback on the discussion of donations, Member Pletcher suggested that a meeting of the Naming Rights sub-committee would be appropriate. September 29 at 5:45 p.m. was set for that meeting. Member Peterson brought up the issue of a home potentially being accepted as surplus property and moved to Thresher Fields as a shelter building. Understanding that the Historical Society was meeting to see if there was a historical basis to preserve two buildings that were being declared surplus property, Member Peterson suggested that representatives of the Advisory Commission meet with the Historical Society to see if moving these buildings is a viable option. It was suggested that staff coordinate a meeting in October with the Historical Committee and the Acquisition and Development sub-committee to discuss this further. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of September 15,2003 Meeting Page 6 ADJOURNMENT With no further business to conduct Terry Davis moved, Dorothy Peterson seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 10: 15 p.m. ~/~~~~ Secretary Date