02/12/2004 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission Approved as Amended March 15,2004 ADVISORY PARKS COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 12, 2004 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on February 12, 2004 with the following Commission Members present: Terry Davis, N. Mark Filipi, Dorothy Peterson, and Ken West. Member Danner arrived at 7:30 p.m. Members Bari, Belfiori, Perry, Pletcher and Williams were not present. Staff present included Ken Vraa, Director of Parks and Recreation; Jeff Asfahl, Superintendent of Recreation; Paul Olson, Parks Superintendent; Mark Vaughan, Civic Arena Manager; Cathy Bolduc, Program and Events Supervisor; CJ Lilly, Parks Planner; John Gorder, Assistant City Engineer and Cherryl Mesko, Administrative Coordinator/ Recording Secretary. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Director Vraa noted that Sycamore Place was struck from the agenda because the request pertaining to this development had not been received. N Mark Filipi moved, Margo Danner seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the agenda as presented. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF JANUARY 15,2004 Dorothy Peterson moved, Margo Danner seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the minutes of the January 15,2004 meeting as presented. VISITORS TO BE HEARD EAGAN MEN'S CHORUS Ken Coy presented a brief history of the Men's Chorus organization, and described some of the activities the group has participated in during the past year, including their first performance at the local library and the Grand Opening of the Eagan Community Center and Eagan Rotary Band Shell. He said the group had 35 performances that year with 11 to 12 members at a time. He shared the schedule of events from the Eagan Men's Chorus, and talked about the "Big Sing" they hosted in Eagan. He said the group was so pleased with the event they would like to host it again, possibly in 2009. Member Ken West asked what the general attendance at performances is. Coy replied there are typically 50-500 audience members. Chair Davis asked how many performance dates are set for 2004. Coy replied at that time there were 12 set dates. Member Peterson asked how people might participate. Coy said that rehearsals are Monday evenings at Peace Reformed Church. Director Vraa also noted that their web site can be accessed through the City of Eagan web site. Coy thanked Parks and Recreation for their assistance. EAGAN WOMEN OF NOTE Thera Burtt of the Eagan Women of Note expressed thanks to the Parks and Recreation Department and the Eagan Men's Chorus. She said the Eagan Women of Note are in their 5th year, starting with 18 women and now holds a membership of 38 who contribute their talents to the community. She described some of their performance venues, such as Holz Farm, Dakota County Government Center, Lone Oak Senior Center, and are churches. Burt mentioned rehearsals are held at Peace Reformed Church on Monday evenings, and new members are accepted in September and January. She said more information is available on the City's web site. Chair Davis said he was glad to hear that they had a successful year. Director Vraa said they have represented the community very positively. Chair Davis jokingly asked for suggested background music from the two choruses before APrC meetings begin. RECOGNITION OF AWARD - CAHTY BOLDUC Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of the Regular Meeting of February 12,2004 Page 2 Superintendent Asfahl said Recreation Supervisory Cathy Bolduc received and award by the MRP A for Meritorious Service. Bolduc said she was very fortunate to work for a City that supports staff to be involved in state association activities. Chair Davis said it is a great reflection on the City. Bolduc noted that she had the opportunity to help with the National conference as well. Superintendent Asfahl said the City also received recognition for the cooperative efforts with Apple Valley and Rosemount on the teen booklet. CIVIC ARENA REPORT - MARK VAUGHAN Civic Arena Manager Mark Vaughan thanked the Chorus members for participation in the Home Show. He then discussed revenue growth, maintenance issues, and shared utility costs pertaining to Civic Arena operation. He noted that the Civic Arena had purchased vending machines. He described the transition of Skate School instructors, which went smoothly. He briefly described upcoming events at the Civic Arena, and talked about the first ever wedding held at the Civic Arena. Member Peterson asked how the equipment washing machine was doing. Vaughan said that the right niche will be tapped with marketing efforts. Chair Davis asked if it might be time to look for more efficient heating systems. Vaughan said that the heating system is pretty efficient, high costs are just part of doing business. SUPERINTENDENT'S UPDATE AND DEPARTMENT HAPPENINGS Superintendents Asfahl and Olson recapped the various program and maintenance activities during the month of February, which were included in the Commission's packet. Superintendent Olson described: . Skating rink conditions and maintenance requirements . Upcoming DNR grant applications . Equipment ordered for the disc golf course . Thomas Lake Park Pavilion construction . Snow removal on trails. Superintendent Asfahl described: . Senior activity including New Member Recognition events and first Senior Birthday celebration at the Lone Oak Room . Senior card tournaments in February . Softball packet distribution and registration deadlines . Outdoor winter leagues winding down the season . "Discover Us" distribution the week of Feb. 16 . Eagan Art Festival on June 260-27, and Fourth of July planning . Trapp Farm Tubing Hill . High skating rink use . Home School class offerings begin . The Glacier After School program is in its last session . Eagan Teen Center are working to develop programs and partners . Teen center attendance varies daily, average about 3 to 5 per day. CONSENT AGENDA There were no consent agenda items for the Commission to discuss. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of the Regular Meeting of February 12,2004 Page 3 There were no development agenda items for the Commission to discuss. OLD BUSINESS LEXINGTON RIDGE ACCESS ISSUE Director Vraa introduced this item and reviewed the background leading to the Advisory Commission review of this development in July 2003 and January 2004. After the Advisory Commission's review in 2003 the City Council subsequently denied this development partially because of the access through the park. The applicant pulled the application and reapplied for a similar subdivision with access via Diffley Road but withdrew that application based on the expense to upgrade Diffley Road. The 2004 application proposed clustering the buildings to allow the least impact to the site and showed access off Diffley Road. This application was recommended for approval by the Advisory Commission on January 15 and forwarded to the City Council. During the City Council review on February 3 public safety issues raised by engineering and public safety were brought forward. Director Vraa stated that the Council postponed action on this item pending staff review of several issues. He then reviewed the specific issues raised by the Council Assistant City Engineer John Gorder reviewed a drawing showing both a proposed public street through the park as well as the Diffley access to the development. It was noted that the safety concerns expressed to the City Council were relative to the right-in, right-out requirement off Diffley Road and the potential for people to circumvent this requirement. The perception presented was that this situation may result in more accidents at this location based on drivers needing to wait for traffic to enter or exit this development. Mr. Gorder noted that after Dakota County's review, they have found the Diffley access acceptable. Assistant Engineer Gorder added that the proposed public street access through the park would require an upgrade from its current 24 foot width to a 32 foot width and would end with a cul-de-sac at the intersection of the park property and proposed development. The developer can then choose to have a public street or a private street from the proposed cul-de-sac. He also showed areas where existing berms would be affected or eliminated but noted that there would be no net loss of parking within the park. He noted that there would only be a slight re- configuration of the access road and that the existing trail would not be affected. Member Davis asked who would be responsible for the cost to upgrade the proposed street within park property as well as the long-term maintenance costs. Assistant Engineer Gorder responded that improvements would be assessed to benefiting properties. He was unclear exactly what that impact would be to either party, however. Member Davis asked how the access off Diffley Road would affect the developer. Gorder responded that the capital and maintenance costs would be the sole responsibility of the property owners within this new development. Member Peterson spoke to several issues including the heavy turnover of traffic within the athletic park. She was particularly concerned about the hundreds of participants moving into, out of and through this park every day of the week, spring to fall. She cited the situation of reaching field capacity at 6:30 pm and then the changeover of traffic to meet field capacity again at 7:30 pm. Her perception was that this would create a much greater safety issue to the homeowners of this development because it would seriously impact their ability to move easily into and out of their development. Assistant Engineer Gorder responded that the residents of this development would need to be made aware of the potential for significant traffic into the park. He added that if access is not through the park, consideration should be given to providing a trail connection along Diffley Road so that residents can access the park, a potential bus stop at Lexington Way or the shopping area near the Lexington/Diffley intersection. Director Vraa questioned the number of children that might need a school bus stop from this proposed development. Mr. Ray Miller responded that although there may be children living in this area, the profile for potential residents was envisioned for single professionals or empty nesters. Member Danner opined that if there were children in this development they would not use the trail along Diffley but would take the shortest route through the park. Mr. Miller responded Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of the Regular Meeting of February 12,2004 Page 4 that he has suggested a trail connection to the park. Member Davis stated that this doesn't appear to be a development with a lot of children. He added that potential homeowners will make a decision to purchase a home based on their individual needs, which would include knowing the benefits and/or challenges of access off Diffley Road. He opined that the city needs to rely on families to make their own best judgment decisions on where they will live based on their own family needs and knowing what exists within a perspective development. Member West opined that proposed access through the park was a conflict with the park's use, that this might set a precedent for other pocket development that could see access through public property as a less expensive way to accommodate their development, and that the unknown costs of construction and long-term maintenance made it difficult for him to support access through the park. Several members concurred with this anlaysis. Member Peterson asked if this was the only location in Eagan that required a right-in, right-out access. Member Filipi opined that something else could be done at Diffley Road to direct the right-in, right-out traffic more effectively and did not support access through the park. Member Davis concurred that access through the park was not a good option and that he did not see the need for a trail on the south side of Diffley Road to Lexington Way. He opined that there is right-in, right-out access in several areas of the city but that doesn't preclude people from breaking the law in those locations. It was noted that the same people who might make illegal turns onto and from Diffley Road are the same people who would speed through the park; changing the access would not necessarily result in less traffic violations. Davis also shared his concerns for putting in a full blown city street without any assurance of how it would be funded and who would ultimately be responsible for the long term maintenance costs. After further discussion, N. Mark Filipi moved, Ken West seconded with all members present voting in favor to recommend to the City Council that the access to this development not be provided through Lexington Diffley Athletic Fields for the following reasons: . The uncertainty of costs the City would be responsible for in construction of the road and/or potential future assessments. . Concern for use of the park road after hours. . Concern for the traffic and/or congestion on this roadway during heavy peak hours; specifically during those times when events/sports are beginning and ending simultaneously. Ingress and egress by homeowners in this development could be difficult and will conflict with the vehicle and pedestrian needs for this athletic park. . Park use overflowing onto private property. . Oppose the currently proposed trail along Diffley Road unless the need warrants its construction in the future. DONOR NAMING - GIFT BOOK Member Peterson described the intent of the Gift Book, to accommodate donations of a smaller amount. She said the gift book could be distributed via kiosks at City Hall, Eagan Community Center, Civic Arena, and Cascade Bay, or mailed to interested individuals. She said the gift book would be black and white with one color, and the current price quoted was $232 for SOO. She said they are looking to forward the Gift Book to Council for approval to print 1,000. Member Danner asked when costs were going to be plugged in. Member Peterson said staff would be looking in to costs for items listed in the Gift Book. Director Vraa noted that nothing has been budgeted for the Gift Book in the 2004 budget, but that Communications Division wants to keep this current so it will need some alteration. Member Peterson moved, Chair Davis seconded to approve the Gift Book be printed and be funded by City Council for 1,000 copies. All present members approved. NEW BUSINESS There were no New Business items for the Commission to discuss. WATER RESOURCES UPDATE Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of the Regular Meeting of February 12, 2004 Page 5 Water Resources Coordinator Eric Macbeth said the Sycamore Place development, and that it may come before the APrC again because of the technical report evaluation between Eagan and Inver Grove Heights. Macbeth is also looking in to how to get additional aerators on lakes. He also provided an update on JP-47, saying that the pre-con meeting is scheduled for February 13. He said movement of sludge would begin shortly thereafter. OTHER BUSINESS AND REPORTS Director Vraa invited the Advisory Parks Commission to attend a presentation of the Flow Rider system, a stationary surfing system. Chair Davis discussed the CIP progress, saying that 2004 was pretty well set, and the group is now working on future projects through 2009, and reviewing potential funding sources. He said that the next meeting for the CIP would occur on March 1, and another prior to the March 15,2004 APrC meeting. Director Vraa said he discussed the CIP work with City Administrator Tom Hedges. He said the group is hoping that action can be taken on the CIP at the March 15 meeting, and then be presented to Council at their workshop on April 4. ROUND TABLE There were no items discussed under Round Table. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to conduct N. Mark Filipi moved, Margo Danner seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m. pL/~~ Secretary Date