03/15/2004 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission Approved as Amended April 19. 2004 ADVISORY PARKS COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 15, 2004 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on March 15,2004 with the following Commission Members present: Terry Davis, Dorothy Peterson, Joe Bari, Phil Belfiori., Margo Danner, N. Mark Filipi, Elizabeth Perry, Richard Pletcher, and Ken West. Staff present included Ken Vraa, Director of Parks and Recreation; Jeff Asfahl, Superintendent of Recreation; Paul Olson, Parks Superintendent; Cathy Bolduc, Program and Events Supervisor; Paula Nowariak, Recreation Supervisor, Colleen Callahan, Youth Development Coordinator, Holly Champlin, Preschool Program Coordinator, Beth Wielde, Research and Special Projects, and Cherryl Mesko, Administrative Coordinator/ Recording Secretary. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Chair Davis made adjustments to the agenda, proposing the Department Happenings be deferred and the Recreation Updates occur toward the end of the meeting if time permits. Chair Davis moved, Member Peterson seconded, all members voted to approve the changes. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF FEBRUAR 12, 2004 Chair Davis suggested that the segment on the Men's Chorus be changed to eliminate the term "jokingly." Member Filipi moved to approve the minutes as amended, with Member Perry seconding. All members voted to approve. VISITORS TO BE HEARD Dave Fritzey of the Eagan High School football organization discussed the sale oflow to no phosphorus fertilizer, noting the no phosphorus fertilizer is a best-seller. He briefly discussed the support he has gotten for the sale. SUPERINTENDENT'S UPDATE AND DEPARTMENT HAPPENINGS Superintendents Asfahl and Olson did not present the Department Happenings at the meeting, however the recap was provided in the Commission's packet. EAGAN TEEN ADVISORY UPDATE Youth Development Coordinator Colleen Callahan introduced members of the Eagan Teen Advisory Board (E- TAB). She introduced Brent Reykdall, a student at Eagan High School, who discussed some of the work done by E- TAB in its one year history. He said the group is open to youth ages 12-28 to work with Parks and Recreation to develop teen-oriented programming. He said his desire was to strengthen the community through a teen voice. Next to speak was Michael Peterson, a junior at Eagan High School, who said he joined E-TAB as a way to get involved in the community. He has been active in fund raising, helping give teens a voice, and community service. Next to speak was Sam Kunjummen, a sophomore at Eagan High School. He discussed the accomplishments of the group, such as helping with the July 4th kettle com stand, collecting a survey and sharing ideas for the Teen Center at the Eagan Community Center, judging Battle of the Bands, working with the Eagan Foundation to get 501(c)(3) status, which is beneficial for receiving grants and other funding. Sam shared an article in the newspaper that highlighted E- TAB and their accomplishments. He mentioned the upcoming work on the Halloween Festival. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of the Regular Meeting of March 15,2004 Page 2 Member Peterson asked whether they were able to get teens from other high schools to participate. Callahan said they are working toward expanding their audience, but there are currently students from other schools that participate in programs and events. Member Peterson asked how frequently Parents Night Out was held. Brent said it was a monthly event. Chair Davis commended the youth on their presentation, saying they represent the group very well. He noted the APrC has been very interested in what they offer the community, and that they set a tremendous example for youth to follow, the best gift they can give their community. CONSENT AGENDA PATRICK EAGAN PARK ADDITION- TRUST FOR PUBLIC LAND Chair Davis moved to approve the consent agenda, Patrick Eagan Park Addition as presented. Member Filipi seconded, with all present members voting to recommend approval. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS There were no development agenda items for the Commission to discuss. Schwanz Addition, originally slated to be discussed under Development Items, was deferred to the April 19 meeting. OLD BUSINESS There was no old business for the Commission to discuss under this item. NEW BUSINESS PUBLIC HEARING- THRESHER FIELDS GRANT APPLICATION Superintendent of Parks Paul Olson noted that at their February 17,2004 regular meeting, the City Council designated the Advisory Parks Commission meeting of March 15,2004 as the date for the public hearing regarding the DNR Outdoor Recreation Grant application. Chair Davis thus opened the public hearing, asking if there was anyone in the audience who wished to speak. Superintendent Olson reviewed the site location, access points from Borchert Land, and showed an aerial of the site. He briefly described the history of the property, a tax forfeit property that has been cleaned up and developed into park land and athletic field space. Olson then covered five specific areas of the grant application, describing: . Project scope- A shelter complex with an ADA-compliant restroom building and open sided frame shelter that would also serve as a trail head to the unpaved trail segments proposed as part ofthe grant application. He shared some preliminary sketches of the complex and the proposed trail plan. Member Peterson asked whether the structure could recycle beams for the shelter, similar to what was done at Lexington Diffley. Olson noted that the beams were no longer available, that the shelter at Lexington- Diffley used all the beams that still had "life" in them. . Implementation schedule- Olson noted that the primary access, Borchert Lane would be improved in 2004. Design and survey could begin in fall of 2004 or upon grant award, ground could be broken in 2005. Substantial completion of the proposed project could occur in fall of2005. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of the Regular Meeting of March 15,2004 Page 3 · Olson described in detail the costs of the project, the percentage and amount expected to be covered by the City of Eagan through the Park Site Fund, the amount expected to be covered by in-kind services, and the amount that is requested from the Department of Natural Resources Outdoor Recreation grant program. · Olson discussed additional costs to the community, noting that maintenance of the facility is expected to be approximately $100 to $150 per week, and funds to cover that cost would be derived from the operations budget. He noted that long-term repair or replacement would fall in line with other comparable buildings. Chair Davis noted that Thresher Fields is expected to receive heavy use. Chair Davis again asked ifthere was anyone in the audience who would like to speak. There was no response from the audience. Chair Davis closed the public hearing. Member Peterson moved, Member Danner seconded with all present members voting to recommend City Council approval of submission of the DNR Outdoor Recreation grant application. 2004 CIP Superintendent of Parks Paul Olson presented the proposed 2004 CIP, as developed at APrC workshop sessIOn. He said the current balance of the Park Site Fund is $3,287,560. He then reviewed the proposed projects: Park System Plan 90,000 Cedar Pond 35,000 South Oaks Playground 35,000 Quarry Park Playground 50,000 Wescott Square Sun Shelter 40,000 Pilot Knob Park Tennis Court Reconstruction 50,000 Central Park Improvements, Trail Lighting 55,000 Central Park, Festival Grounds Electrical Systems 50,000 Central Park, Gazebo, funding adjustment 50,000 Holz Farm, Phase 1, A&B Farmstead Improvements 95,000 $550,000 He also illustrated the previously approved CIP expenditures for acquisition projects: Patrick Eagan Park, Caponi North 10 acquisition, Patrick Eagan Park, Anderson acquisition, grant match Total Acquisition, as approved $720,000 $180,000 $900,000 $20,000 was allotted for small projects, typically those under $10,000. Total 2004 PSF Expenditure Balance Expected on December 31,2004 $1,450,000 $1,850,000 Chair Davis commented on the great deal of time spent at workshops looking at the expenditures. He noted how critical it was to update the Park Systems Plan, which was last updated in 1995. Member Peterson noted the importance of moving the CIP along to allow staff to proceed with 2004 projects. Member Peterson moved, Member Perry seconded, with all members voting to recommend approval of the 2004 CIP. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of the Regular Meeting of March 15,2004 Page 4 REVIEW GLOSSARY OF TERMS Director Vraa explained that at the direction of the City Council, a glossary of was created to enhance consistency of terminology frequently used in natural resources discussion. Council wanted the APrC to review the terms and provide feedback with a quick turn around. Member Davis said at the workshop session help prior to the meeting, the group was comfortable with the information. Member Danner moved, Member Bari seconded, and all present members voted to approve the glossary of terms. WATER RESOURCES UPDATE Sycamore Place Update- Wetlands was deferred to the April 19, 2004 regular meeting. OTHER BUSINESS AND REPORTS There were no items discussed under Other Business and Reports. ROUND TABLE Chair Davis took the time to recognize Director Vraa on his upcoming retirement, wishing him well in the future. He noted it is his 7th year with the commission, and he appreciates how Director Vraa helped the commission with great guidance and moral support. Chair Davis thanked him for that support. Member Filipi commented that it was his 7th year on the Commission as well, and that the community could not thank Director Vraa enough and that he put the City in a premier position. Member Bari noted that the Commission dressed in black for the evening. He said the group was there to praise Director Vraa for his work. He said he learned a lot on the Commission, and complimented the staff Director Vraa put together. Member Pletcher commented that he had been on the Commission for 3 years and was amazed at the professionalism of Director Vraa and his staff, he is impressed. Member Danner suggested that Director Vraa look into volunteer opportunities now that he was retired and was happy to share some opportunities that he might consider. She, too thanked Vraa for all of his contributions to the community. Member Peterson said she has known Director Vraa for 24 years, and that he had worked hard to put together the park system from its infancy to today. Member Belfiori added that the City of Eagan had the best Natural Resources program in the state, and he has worked with many, many organizations on natural resources. Member Perry said she came to the Parks Commission after serving on the Golf Course Exploratory Committee. It was that experience working with Director Vraa that prompted her continued involvement. She thanked Ken for his involvement. Chair Davis acknowledged the past Commission Members that made an appearance at the meeting. Director Vraa said overall, he is passionate about parks. He thanked the Commission for its support, and that staff and commission have helped make things happen. He said he would remember everyone fondly, but added that there's lots more to do. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to conduct Dorothy Peterson moved, Margo Danner seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 8: 10 p.m. C:?~/?d---tL ecretary Date Minutes drafted by Beth Wielde