06/14/2004 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission Approved July 19.2004 ADVISORY PARKS COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 14,2004 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on June 14,2004 with the following Commission Members present: Terry Davis, Dorothy Peterson, Joe Bari, N. Mark Filipi, Phil Belfiori, Richard Pletcher, Elizabeth Perry, Margo Danner, Muhammad Lodhi, and Duane Hansen. Staff present included Paul Olson, Parks Superintendent, Jeff Asfahl, Recreation Superintendent, Gregg Hove, City Forester, Eric Macbeth, Water Resources Coordinator, Beth Wielde, Research and Special Projects, Sonya Rippe, Sports Program Supervisor, Sandy Breuer, Community Center Manager, Jessica Kropelnicki, Fitness Coordinator, and Cherry 1 Mesko, Administrative Coordinator/ Recording Secretary. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Dorothy Peterson moved, Muhammed Lodhi seconded to approve the agenda, amended to move item G-l, Thorpe Woodland Gardens, to the Development Agenda. Member Bari moved, Member Danner seconded, with all members voting to approve the agenda. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF APRIL 19, 2004 and MAY 17, 2004 Dorothy Peterson moved, Mark Filipi seconded, with all members voting to approve the April 19, 2004 minutes as presented. Richard Pletcher moved, Liza Perry seconded, with all members voting to approve the May 17,2004 minutes as presented. VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION- FRIENDS OF THE FARM VOLUNTEERS Superintendent of Recreation Jeff Asfahl recognized the volunteer efforts of Maynard Ohm, who was not present at the meeting, who has reached a milestone 750 volunteer hours. Asfahl also recognized the work of Don Holz, a relative of the original farm owners, who has reached 1,000 volunteer hours, although Asfahl suspects Holz has volunteered many more hours than have been recorded. Chair Davis presented Holz with a recognition plaque and thanked him for his hard work. Holz thanked the City for their foresight in acquiring the historic site. VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors in the audience that wished to address the APrC on matters not on the agenda. SUPERINTENDENT'S UPDATE AND DEPARTMENT HAPPENINGS Superintendent of Parks Paul Olson discussed highlights of the Parks Division: . Anderson parcel dedication ceremony, July 13,2004 . The DNR has not yet responded to the grant applications for the Caponi property or Thresher Fields . Staff participated in the annual "Realtors Forum," a chance to discuss City services, amenities, and programs with realtors. Member Bari asked what information Council wanted to receive about the Wescott sun shelter. Olson said staff is discussing the programmatic needs and talking with the property owners. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of the Regular Meeting of June 14,2004 Page 2 Member Danner noted the beauty of Central Park, and complimented staff for their efforts, including the Lioness Plaza. She inquired as to whether the electric system would be in place at the festival grounds in time for the Fourth of July and Art Festival events. Olson said it should be done by the Fourth of July, but hopes to be done for the Art Festival. Danner asked about the grassy areas on the hill near the ellipse and near the Grandfather Tree. Olson said the area by the ellipse would be mowed, but the grasses near the Grandfather Tree are meant to be native prairie grasses. Danner commented on the algae in the pond. Olson said the pond surfaced was skimmed for algae on Friday and that alum treatment was scheduled soon. Danner commented on the gazebo, that it was a great outdoor amenity that should be marketed. Chair Davis suggested the APrC think about participation in the upcoming Fourth of July parade. The group decided to discuss it during the Round Table portion of the meeting. Superintendent of Recreation Asfahl discussed highlights of the Recreation Division: · Summer softball has experienced a stormy season, and teams are registering for regional/ state tournaments. . Summer Kick Off and Open House will occur on July 14th at the ECC. . Summer staff training. · Puppet Wagon begins on June 18th at Trapp Farm Park, with 10 performances planned for the summer. · Elegant Eaganites (Eagan's 'Red Hat' Society) has several events planned for summer 2004. They meet the first Monday of each month in the Lone Oak Room at 1 :00. · 30 participants celebrated the one year anniversary of the Lone Oak Room. In one l87-day tally, 2,773 people signed in to use the Lone Oak Room. Average number of visitors is 15 per day. · Evenings in Central Park begin on June 16 with a Cruise into Eagan event at Central Park. · The Community Performance series will hold over 10 performances at the Eagan Rotary Band Shell. · Almost 800 children are registered for Summer in the Park and Wagonful 0' Fun for summer 2004. · Asfahl mentioned the Eagan Arts Festival will be held on June 26/27/ . Asfahl described July 4th events. EAGAN COMMUNITY CENTER UPDATE Community Center Manager Sandy Breuer provided an overview of the first year of Community Center operation. She recalled the opening of certain portions of the building starting in May of2003, the rest opening in September 2003. There are eight full time staff people and 57 recurring employees. She said The Oaks banquet room had 35 wedding rentals in 2003,55 in 2004, and shared statistics on several other areas of the building, such as the indoor playground, with 19,000 children visiting from May to December 2003, 118 groups visiting The Blast in 2003,85 in 2004 (to date), and 352 birthday parties in 2003,250 to date in 2004. She discussed use of the Lone Oak Room, used by seniors from 8 am to 4:30 pm Monday through Friday, and its multiple purpose as rental space, used for a variety of things such as bridal changing rooms, fitness classes, small weddings. The teen center has also been heavily used, noting that it is free unless there's a special event being held there. Breuer then shifted to the fitness portion of the building. The gymnasium is a coveted space during winter months. Top users are EV AA, with 223 hours scheduled in the gyms, EAA, with 762 scheduled hours, and adult leagues, with 426 scheduled hours per annum. Fitness Coordinator Jessica Kropelnicki described components of the fitness areas, 60 pieces of fitness equipment, a jogging track, licensed staff, freeweights. She reviewed fees, and described the weekly room use: . Sunday - 50 . Monday - 250 . Tuesday - 175 . Wednesday - 200 . Thursday - 125 . Friday - 125 . Saturday - 75 She detailed some 'specials' offered by the Fitness Center, such as a J-term offer 9 members signed up for, a January membership which had 157 sign up, and a 90 summer program that 220 people signed up for. She said Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of the Regular Meeting of June 14,2004 Page 3 personal training has been very successful, earning $8,000 in 2003 and $18,000 so far in 2004, even without aggressive marketing. Kropelnicki then discusses class offerings, and that currently there are punch cards available. Classes will soon be included in fitness membership fees. She discussed the open gym program. She mentioned a new program with Health Partners that would allow those with Health Partners insurance to have reduced membership rates. Community Center Manager Breuer then described some of the new programs and features upcoming in 2004, including teen birthday parties, outdoor weddings, preschool open gym, food service, gym! group fitness add- ons to Blast groups, and a running club. Richard Pletcher asked what the occupancy of the Blast was. Breuer said it is 150. Dorothy Peterson said she is very impressed. RECREATION PROGRAM UPDATE- SONYA RIPPE Sports Program Supervisor Sonya Rippe described the sports programs from October of2003 to June of 2004. In winter, leagues played basketball, there was increased participation in boot hockey, broomballleagues, and volleyball. In spring, new programs included spring basketball and volleyball. Rippe said the leagues appreciate using the gymnasiums at the Eagan Community Center, the courts are more size appropriate for adults than the middle school courts previously used. Summer sports include sand volleyball, and the ever-popular summer softball, with 209 teams, five more than 2003 totals. Co-rec soccer and co-rec kickball are also underway. Concessions operations at Northview Park and the concessions trailer are going strong. Rippe then described the fall softball program upcoming for 2004. Member Pletcher asked if there had been any requests for dodge ball. Rippe said SORR (South of the River Recreators) will be looking at that this fall. Member Bari asked if disc golf was being played. Superintendent Olson responded that there is strong evidence that it has been well received, and that response has been good. Member Peterson noted that 3X3 basketball was down to three teams, and suggested that it might have run its course. Rippe said that response for that has been up and down. Peterson also asked about women's basketball. Rippe said she has tried to run leagues, but it hasn't gotten a good deal of response. CONSENT AGENDA KREITZ ADDITION Joe Bari moved, N. Mark Filipi seconded with all present members voting to approve the Consent Agenda, Kreitz Addition development. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS THORPE WOODLAND GARDENS Superintendent of Parks Paul Olson said this item was being brought forth from the Consent agenda due to a tree mitigation issue that should be discussed. In particular, tree 1903, a 30" diameter bur oak, was brought up during discussion of an adjacent plat review during a previous Council meeting. The City applied a condition that the critical root zone be undisturbed, by not allowing encroachment from grading for a home. Staff is suggesting to carry this condition forward, applying it to the Thorpe Woodland Gardens Dorothy Peterson moved, Liza Perry seconded to recommend approval of Thorpe Woodland Place, highlighting the alternative of requiring a revised Tree Preservation Plan be submitted that shows the correct placement of tree protection fencing, placed at the Drip Line or at the perimeter of the Critical Root Zone, whichever Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of the Regular Meeting of June 14,2004 Page 4 is greater, of significant trees/woodlands to be preserved on-site. This pertains to trees numbered 1903, 1905, 1906, 1909,1910, 1911, 1912, and 1914. OLD BUSINESS There was no new business for the Advisory Parks Commission to discuss under this agenda item. NEW BUSINESS CARNELIAN PARK CELL TOWER REQUEST Superintendent of Parks Paul Olson provided background on the request from T -Mobile cellular telephone company to install a 75' cellular tower in Carnelian Park to fill a service void. The City has a history of allowing cellular provider install antennas on reservoirs, but this request is the first of its type for a park. Olson stated that after reviewing the proposed location, it does not conflict with current park use. He explained that a variance would be required for the cellular mono-pole, and that a l2'X 15' equipment building would be designed to compliment the existing shelter building at Carnelian Park. He noted that the mono-pole arrangement has in internally mounted antennae array, and that T-Mobile is willing to paint the pole to match other poles in the park. Olson said the matter would go to the APC and to City Council of approved, and that they would move forward with a lease agreement. Commissioners asked whether the proposal was appropriate to Carnelian, the amount oflease payment, and where the revenue would go. Olson shared a photo simulation of the project, showing how the pole would fit in to the surroundings, and discussed the location of the pole. He then showed comparative photos of the site as it is currently. Olson said revenue could be directed according to APrC recommendation and Council approval. Member Pletcher asked the height of nearby utility poles. Olson indicated the height, determined to be approximately 70', and the T-Mobile pole is 75'. Member Bari asked what the composition of the pole is. Kari Brown ofT-Mobile was present to address questions, and said it is metal, and the project engineer from T-Mobile said it is galvanized steel. Responding to a question about lightening, she noted that there is a lightening rod attached, and the pole will be grounded. She said is rated for 80 mph winds, and is 24" in diameter at the bottom. Brown said the pole is designed to fall into itself, rather than to the side, if there is a structural failure. Member Pletcher asked how frequently T-Mobile would need access to the equipment building. Brown said crews would need to get in there approximately every 6 weeks. Member Peterson asked the APrC to carefully consider whether this is a proper structure within a neighborhood park, and what visual impact it would have to the neighborhood. Olson said that neighbors would be notified about the matter for the APC meeting, where the public hearing will be held. Brown noted that T-Mobile offered to put a light on a pole for a free-skate area. Olson said that there is good light coverage at the site already, that the extra light is not necessarily needed. Member Pletcher noted that the benefit of the lease income might outweigh the negative impacts. Member Lodhi asked if there might be an alternative location for the pole. Olson noted that a variance would be needed no matter where it was placed in the park, as the pole would be less that the required setback from residential property. Lodhi commented that the mono- pole might not interfere with the park use now, but perhaps might in the future. Member Danner asked if this pole would be in place permanently. Brown said the City allows up to 20 year leases, which are renewed in 5 year increments. If the lease were not renewed, the site would be returned to its original condition. She noted that leases are automatically renewed every five years for a total of 20 years. Olson said the leases are adjusted annually each year, but increases must be negotiated up front. He said the annual increases tend to be about 4 to 6%,. Member Filipi asked about the power output and absorption rate. T- Mobile responded with an estimated wattage output. Member Bari asked if there are other locations in the area that have "service holes." Brown responded that there is an area by Deerwood, and another around Peridot Path, that both areas need better coverage. Member Peterson asked if there were plans for other poles to be constructed. The engineer from T-Mobile said there are no plans at this time to request additional poles. Member Hansen asked if there would be noise from the equipment building. The engineer said no, there isn't even an air conditioning unit. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of the Regular Meeting of June 14,2004 Page 5 Member Pletcher asked if the equipment could interfere with television reception. T-Mobile's engineer said it would not, not at the frequency bandwidth is has. Liza Perry asked about the difference in cost between a mono- pole and an antennae affixed to a water tower. Brown said that the mono-pole is much more expensive, combining pole and the cost of an equipment building. Superintendent Olson said the City's telecommunications consultant has reviewed the proposal and verified that there would be no interference with the City's communication systems. Olson noted that there is limited space on water towers for cellular antennae, demand exceeds supply. Dorothy Peterson moved to recommend that the City enter into negotiations for a standard City telecommunications lease (subject to variance approval) with T-Mobile to allow for the installation of a mono-pole antenna and equipment building in Carnelian Park as depicted in the plans dated 4/21/04. She further recommended the annual payment for such lease will be 100% of the amount specified in the annual City Fee schedule for a full reservoir lease, the annual proceeds of said lease to be allocated to the Park Site Fund, no credit being given for the installation of a security light on the pole, which was deemed unnecessary. Chair Davis asked Peterson to clarify the reasons for setting the lease payment at 100%. Peterson noted the imposition and impact on the City park. Richard Pletcher seconded, with all present members voting to recommend the T-Mobile cellular tower at Carnelian Park. WATER RESOURCES UPDATE Water Resources Coordinator Eric Macbeth informed the APrC that the TEP group met on June 3, 2004 to discuss the Steeplechase development proposal, but the process is still open and the group expects to have its findings by the July 19 APrC meeting. Macbeth said the search and rescue exercise conducted at Heine Pond recently provided practice for emergency personnel to conduct automobile recovery. He discussed the environmental precautions taken prior to submerging the vehicle, to make sure Heine Pond would not suffer negative environmental impact. He mentioned a cooperative project with neighbors of Hay Lake, and the pond cleaning efforts at Central Park, noting how the Water Resources staff will need to watch the pond carefully. He also discussed the plant harvesting efforts that will begin later in the week. OTHER BUSINESS AND REPORTS DEDICATION CEREMONY - ANDERSON PROPERTY/ PATRICK EAGAN PARK Superintendent reiterated the invitation to the celebration of the Anderson property acquisition, 4:30 pm on July 13. SUBCOMMITTEE UPDATES There were no subcommittee meetings to discuss. The group briefly mentioned the joint APrC/ APC meeting that was to have taken place on June 10th, but did not occur. ROUND TABLE Member Danner asked about the distribution of the Gift Book. Researcher Wielde noted that the gift book was currently being printed, and that the group had been presented with several marketing ideas during the development of the Gift Book that will be implemented incrementally. Member Peterson asked if the Gift Book had gone to City Council. Olson said the specific items had not. Wielde mentioned that the Gift Book was a guideline only, that contributions are not limited to items in the Gift Book. Chair Davis asked if the Gift Book could be added to the Discover Us brochure. Administrative Coordinator Mesko said it could. The discussion tumed briefly to mention looking in to volunteer recognition matters. The group discussed possible involvement in the Fourth of July parade. Superintendent of Recreation Asfahl mentioned that there are two units in the parade from Parks and Recreation, the Puppet Wagon and Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of the Regular Meeting of June 14,2004 Page 6 Eaganettes, and perhaps the APrC might flank one of those units. Chair Davis and members Hansen, Filipi, and Bari indicated they would be available to participate. Having the APrC representatives in a vehicle was discussed. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to conduct, Dorothy Peterson moved, Richard Pletcher seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m. d~PJd:tJ Secretary Date Minutes drafted by Beth Wielde