11/20/2000 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission Approved November 20,2000 ADVISORY PARKS COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 20, 2000 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on November 20, 2000 with the following Commission Members present: Joseph Bari, Terry Davis, Cyndee Fields, N. Mark Filipi, Barbara Johnson, George Kubik, Daryle Petersen, Dorothy Peterson and John Rudolph. Commission Member Floyd Hiar was not present. Staff present include Ken Vraa,Director of Parks and Recreation; Jeff Asfahl, Superintendent of Recreation; Paul Olson, Parks Superintendent; Gregg Hove, Forestry Supervisor; Eric Macbeth, Water Resources Coordinator; Beth Wielde, Administrative Specialist and Cherryl Mesko, Recording Secretary. APPROVAL OF AGENDA George Kubik moved, Dorothy Peterson seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the agenda as presented. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF OCTOBER 16, 2000 Barbara Johnson moved, Joseph Bari seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the minutes of the November 20, 2000 meeting as presented VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors who wished to address the Commission under this agenda item. DEPARTMENT HAPPENINGS Items highlighted by Director Vraa included the construction of a new storage building at Holz Farm Park, preparation of rinks for the winter skating season, presentations made by Forestry Supervisor Hove and Water Resources Coordinator Macbeth at the annual MRP A conference, the recent purchase of a used aquatic plant harvester, and the Old Fashioned Holz Farm Holiday event scheduled for December 2. CONSENT AGENDA Terry Davis moved, Barbara Johnson seconded with all members voting in favor to make the following recommendations to the City Council: 1. Summit Hill · This development will be responsible for a cash parks dedication and cash trails dedication. · This development shall meet the City's water quality requirements through a combination of on- site ponding and cash dedication. o The stormwater pond shall be constructed to meet 6.3 acres of the site area. It should contain a minimum wet-pond volume of 0.69 acre-feet and should have a minimum area of 0.29 acres. The stormwater treatment pond should be constructed according to NURP standards with a maximum depth of 6 feet, a 10: I aquatic bench, and an outlet skimmer according to City design standards. o I lieu of ponding to treat stormwater from 0.3 acres of the site, a cash dedication of $1,055 shall be required Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of November 20, 2000 Page 2 2. R.I. Ryan Construction · This development necessitates no additional water quality requirements. · No disturbance of the 30-foot wetland buffer should occur; this area and its vegetation should be kept in a natural state before, during and after building construction. · A heavy-duty silt fence should be properly installed and effectively maintained during construction no closer than 30 feet from the wetland boundary. 3. Crane Creek · This development shall be responsible for a cash parks dedication and a cash trails dedication. · The applicant shall be required to install one-hundred-ten (110) Category B trees as fulfillment of the City of Eagan Tree Preservation Ordinance requirements. · Tree Protective measures (i.e. orange colored silt fence or 4 foot polyethylene laminate safety netting) shall be installed at the Drip Line or at the perimeter of the Critical Root Zone, whichever is greater, of significant trees/woodlands to be preserved. · The applicant shall contact the City Forestry Division and set up a pre-construction site inspection at least five days prior to the issuance of the grading permit to ensure compliance with the approved Tree Preservation Plan and placement of the Tree Protection Fencing. · This development shall meet the City's water quality requirements through a combination of on- site ponding and cash dedication. o The stormwater pond shall be constructed to treat 6.6 acres of the site area. It should contain a minimum wet-pond volume of 0.65 acre-feet and should have a minimum area of 0.28 acres. The stormwater treatment pond should be constructed according to NURP standards with a maximum depth of 6 feet, a 10: 1 squatic bench, and an outlet skimmer according to City design standards. o In lieu of ponding to treat stormwater from 4.2 acres of the site, a cash dedication of $5,967 shall be required. o To minimize nearby impacts, the development shall be set back at least 30 feet from the edge of the delineated boundary of the wetland. During and after construction of the development, a minimum 30 foot wide buffer of natural undisturbed vegetation along the delineated boundary of the wetland shall be maintained. o Erosion control practices shall be properly installed and effectively maintained throughout the development process to prevent and minimize soil loss and negative impacts to down-gradient resources and water quality. 4. Aquatic Plant Restoration Grant Application · Recommend the City Council endorse submission to Minnesota Department of Natural Resources a grant application to support restoration of a native aquatic plant buffer around Cedar Pond. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS There were no development proposals for the Commission to review. OLD BUSINESS 2001 PARKS AND TRAILS DEDICATION FEES Following a brief introduction and background by Director Vraa, Administrative Specialist Wielde reviewed the analysis of dedication fees based on direction by the Advisory Commission in October and a subsequent sub-committee meeting in early November. Several municipalities were contacted for comparison of six specific property types. Calculation of an average fee for each property type was determined followed by formulation of fees that would represent 10% and 5 % above the metro sample average. After reviewing how those numbers were calculated, Wielde reviewed the impact to dedication fees based on both the 5% and 10% scenarios. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of November 20, 2000 Page 3 Director Vraa reminded the Commission that whatever fees they recommended to the City Council, it was important to remember that the fees must relate back to a land value. Member Peterson asked if other cities experienced any hesitancy by developers relative to their fees. Specialist Wielde stated there was no indication. Member Davis clarified that in calculating the metro sample average, both the highest and lowest fees of other municipalities were disregarded. Member Petersen noted that the land values used in calculating the fees seemed low. Director Vraa clarified that the land value is based on raw, undeveloped land. Member Kubik opined that Eagan has been behind the curve on dedication fees and felt they should be on the curve or shortly above it. Member Petersen concurred noting that there is very little land left to develop. Member Rudolph added that he would like to see the City take a more aggressive stand in showing just how much they value preserving land. Following further brief discussion, John Rudolph moved, George Kubik seconded with all members voting in favor to make the following recommendations to the City Council relative to 2001 parks and trails dedication fees: Parks Dedication . Single Family Residential $1,499/unit . Duplex 1,497/unit . Townhouse/Quad 1,360/unit . Apartment/Multi 1,368/unit . Commercial 4,360/acre . Industrial 3,786/acre . Public Facility N/A Trails Dedication $168/unit 1 68/unit I 68/unit I 68/unit 948/acre 948/acre 948/acre NEW BUSINESS 2001 FEES AND CHARGES Following a brief introduction by Director Vraa, Recreation Superintendent Asfahl reviewed the summary of fees being proposed for 2001. He noted that a survey had been done of other communities and found that the fees proposed are well within the range of similar fees, therefore was recommending no change in fees for 200 I. Superintendent Asfahl did note that a policy change was proposed to require local schools, which use park pavilion facilities at no fee, to pay a $300 damage deposit per school. This was an attempt to create more accountability by groups using the City's facilities. Member Peterson asked if there was discussion with maintenance staff to determine if fees charged are covering their costs. Asfahl noted that the maintenance staff concurred that the costs were being covered. As a point of clarification relative to which schools would have fees waived, it was noted that any school in which the City has a reciprocal agreement, would be eligible to use picnic pavilions as long as they provided a $300 damage deposit. All existing policies regarding when fee waived school reservations could occur will remain as they have been established. After further discussion, Daryle Petersen moved, George Kubik seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the fees and charges proposed for 2001. Fees for pavilion reservations would be waived in lieu of a $300 refundable deposit with any school that has a joint powers agreement with the City of Eagan. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of November 20, 2000 Page 4 Member Kubik suggested that given the increase in salaries, maintenance costs, etc. it might be helpful for the Recreation Subcommittee to review the fees and charges in greater detail some time during the year. WATER RESOURCES UPDATE Water Resources Coordinator Macbeth updated the Commission on the street sweeping project and added that the Toadily Turtle presentations have begun in local schools. SUPERINTENDENTS UPDATE Superintendent Olson stated that Dakota County would continue to provide snow-grooming services for cross country ski trails and the Trapp Farm Park tubing hill. He continued that flooding of rinks will start on December 4 in preparation for the December 16 opening. Olson also brought the Commission up to date on the Lebanon Hills Stakeholders meeting regarding the overall planning for Lebanon Hills Regional Park. He noted that the plan would be shared with the public on January 11. The final update referenced by Superintendent Olson was the greenspace recommendation appearing on the November 21 City Council agenda. The three elements of the recommendations were to amend off-street parking requirements in relation to the square footage of the building on site, to change the off-street parking dimension to 10' x 19', and to increase the percentage of green space for commercial and industrial properties. Member Davis asked if there was input from the public when this item appeared before the Advisory Planning Commission. Superintendent Olson stated there were none referenced in the minutes. Member Rudolph complimented Commission Members Davis and Petersen for their pro-active role and their work effort to bring this issue to fruition. Superintendent Asfash reiterated that December 16 is the tentative opening date for warming shelters. Other items reviewed included the recreation division's review and development of goals, the December 2 Holz Farm holiday event, the distribution of the winter brochure and planning for the spring/summer brochure, the registration of 107 teams for basketball, and the recent Minnesota Recreation and Parks Association conference attended by several staff in November. Member Rudolph asked if the department was accepting applications. Superintendent Asfahl responded that staff is always looking for additional seasonal staff. OTHER BUSINESS AND REPORTS CIP PROJECTS REVIEW Superintendent Olson noted that the Commission has developed a Capital Improvement Project Work Plan to be funded from the Park Site Fund. The projects identified covered the years 2001-2005. Olson added that the Commission reviews the priorities every year and makes recommendations based on existing needs, which allows some flexibility for changes. He also identified the Mallard trail and acquisition of property adjacent to Blackhawk Park from Ray Miller as examples of projects not previously identified on the CIP. The project summery was reviewed in further detail along with costs allocated for each project. Member Kubik commented that the City has been astute in planning how dollars are spent and complimented staff for the excellent job in keeping costs in line. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of November 20, 2000 Page 5 DOG PARKS Director Vraa introduced this item and noted that a number of inquiries about bringing an Off-Leash Dog Area (OLD A) to the City of Eagan have been received. After reviewing those requests, staff felt it would be appropriate to review the issue further to see if it might be a viable option to pursue. Administrative Specialist Wielde provided an overview of her research into existing OLDAs. She obtained information from Bloomington, Champlin, Maplewood, Rockford, Rocherter, Rogers and Shoreview. Although each area had elements that distinguished it from others, some of the features included boundary fencing, double gates, water stations, swim area, small dog area, trees, parking for humans, night lighting and trails. Wielde then reviewed the attributes in each of the OLDAs researched. Planning considerations identified included size, geographical distribution, parking, fencing, environmental factors, noise, signage, park amenities, separation of park uses and amending the City Ordinance. Rules common to all OLDAs included proof of vaccination and clean-up of feces. Rules common to most OLDAs included allowing licensed pets only, maintaining verbal control of dogs, owner responsibility for dog behavior, owners are to have a visible leash at all times, dogs must be leashed prior to and upon leaving the off-leash area, dogs in heat are not allowed, owners must comply with all other park rules and dogs showing signs of aggression must be removed. Rules common to some OLDAs and safety issues were also reviewed. Relative to funding, several options identified included private donations, grant money, inheritance, increasing dog license fees, use permit, donations from public agencies, fund raisers, selling personalized bricks and tree plaques, fees for recreation events at the OLDA and City/County partnership possibilities. Administrative Specialist Wielde noted that Bloomington has a site 25 acres in size at a cost of $25,000; Champlin has a site 30 acres in size; Rogers has a site 30 acres in size at a cost of approximately $10,000; Maplewood has a site 10 acres in size at a cost of $6,080; and Shoreview has a site 10 acres in size at a cost of $1,884. Based on her visits to several OLDAs, Wielde reviewed several observations and provided a summary of her research. Direction was requested relative to whether or not the issue should be studied further. Member Rudolph asked how many requests had been received and if any existing parks in Eagan met the criteria for an OLDA. Director Vraa stated that several requests have been received and that this is a fast growing amenity being added by many communities in response to their residents. He added that an assessment of existing park sites was not included as part of this research. Member Rudolph opined that many of the OLDAs are fairly recent, which shows a trend toward this type of amenity. He suggested that the City may need to continue to examine the need for a like facility. Member Kubik stated that for something like this to be successful, responsible pet owners are vital. He added that currently there are many dogs that are not leashed nor do their owners pick up after them as the existing ordinance requires. Member Peterson asked if Lebanon Hills Regional Park is considering a dog park in their master plan. Superintendent Olson replied that it hasn't been identified as an option at this point. Member Petersen asked if there was an organized group that might help plan for an OLDA. Administrative Specialist Wielde stated that a group called ROMP has indicated an interest in helping any community. Member Davis opined that since we don't know yet what the demand is for this type of facility that further information should be obtained. He suggested talking with Apple Valley, Rosemount or Dakota County to see if some type of joint venture might be considered. Member Petersen asked how the demand could be determined. A survey of residents or licensed dog owners was suggested as an option. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of November 20, 2000 Page 6 John Randolph moved, and Terry Davis seconded a motion to further investigate an OLDA in the City of Eagan. Member Johnson offered an amendment that limited the investigation within parkland in Eagan. Member Rudolph accepted the amendment, however Member Davis expressed concern that limiting the investigation to Eagan parks would diminish the opportunity to work with surrounding communities and withdrew his second to the motion. The motion was seconded by Barbara Johnson and called. Those voting Aye included John Rudolph and Barbara Johnson. Those voting Nay included Joseph Bari, Terry Davis, Cyndee Fields, N. Mark Filipi, George Kubik, Daryle Petesen and Dorothy Peterson. The motion failed. After further discussion, John Rudolph moved, Dorothy Peterson seconded with all members voting in favor to recommend further investigation regarding an OLDA in the City of Eagan. SHADE TREE DISEASE REPORT Forestry Supervisor Hove introduced this item and provided a brief background. He noted that Mike Sauer has prepared an annual report and presentation of the status of the shade tree disease program. Hove added that Mike is also responsible for creating the Forestry and Water Resources web sites, which provide extensive information for residents as well as links to pertinent sites to help with their concerns. Mr. Sauer presented a very in-depth presentation on how oak wilt disease is spread and the various methods available for mitigation. He also reviewed a new process where spore checks are done on marked trees in an attempt to track the spread of the disease. In areas where a vibratory plow cannot reach the roots, trees are injected at the roots to help stop the spread. This is a process that has been done for approximately 20 years in Texas with reasonable success. Statistics of oak wilt over the past several years were also shared. It was noted that in 1995 through 2000 234, 194, 155, 101,80 and 149 trees respectively were identified with oak wilt disease. It was also noted that Dutch elm disease is steadily reducing, which was seen as an indication that the shade tree disease program is working. Member Kubik asked if there was a way for users on the website to make comments and show a phone number to call if they have further questions. Mike showed how users can access the site and how they can obtain almost any information they need regarding their trees. Member Kubik thanked staff for an excellent report and acknowledged the continued efforts being made to reduce shade tree disease in Eagan. SUBCOMMITTEE UPDATES Superintendent Asfahl recapped the Recreation subcommittee meeting relative to the sponsorship program. Member Johnson commented that she appreciated having a written update of the meeting. COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS - 2001 Director Vraa reminded Commission Members whose terms expire in January that they needed to apply to the City Council for re-appointment. SET JANUARY MEETING DATE The January Commission meeting date was set for January 11,2001. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of November 20, 2000 Page 7 ROUNDTABLE Member Kubik asked if would be appropriate for the Commission to review the tree preservation ordinance. Member Rudolph suggested that the Natural Resources subcommittee might look at this issue in identifying how best to preserve trees in the community. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to conduct Dorothy Peterson moved, George Kubik seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 p.m.. !,-) c===:b ~ ~~'--1 r ~~L:......)<".v, Secretary \ Date 1/ {;-/Ci S ! ,