07/17/2000 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission Approved August 14, 2000 ADVISORY PARKS COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 17,2000 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks Commission was called to order at 7:06 p.m. on July 17,2000 with the following Commission Members present: Joseph Bari, Terry Davis, Cyndee Fields, Floyd Hiar, Dorothy Peterson, and chairman John Rudolph. Staff present included Kenneth Vraa, Director of Parks and Recreation, Jeff Asfahl, Superintendent of Recreation, Paul Olson, Parks Superintendent, Eric Macbeth, Water Resources Coordinator, and Beth Wielde, Parks and Recreation Administration Specialist. APPROV AL OF AGENDA John Rudolph moved to approve the agenda, Terry Davis seconded with all members voting to accept the agenda as presented. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF JUNE 19, 2000 Chairman Rudolph asked that "Member Bari" replace "He" on page 2, third paragraph to the last starting "Member Rudolph stated he admired..." Chairman Rudolph moved, Terry Davis seconded with all members voting to accept the minutes as amended. VISTORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors that wished to address the Commission under this agenda item. DEPARTMENT HAPPENINGS Director Vraa touched on several of the Department Happenings included within the packet, including the successful youth association invitational tournament, the consultant-aided "Discover Us" brochure reformat, an update on the storm damage to the parks, to be discussed later in the agenda. Also discussed were plantings in right- of-way in developments, the Northview Park storage box fire by vandals, and the paving of the north lot at Thomas Lake Park and the second hockey rink at Goat Hill Park, as part of ClP programs, and replacement of hockey boards at Goat Hill. Next, Vraa mentioned the completion of weed harvesting on Fish Lake, a removal of 116 tons of aquatic plants. After Vraa's presentation, Chairman Rudolph took a moment to thank the City staff for their efforts in the wake of the July 7 storm, calling it "ajob well done." Floyd Hiar asked where the harvested material goes. Eric Macbeth said it is used for compost at the Lexington Diffley park site. CONSENT AGENDA Dorothy Peterson moved to approve the consent agenda, Chairman Rudolph seconded, with all members voting in favor to recommend that the City Council approve the use of the NSP tower and the environmental review associated with the 14.9 acre Space Center Air Cargo terminal site. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL There were no development proposals for the Commission to review. OLD BUSINESS LEXINGTON POINT TRAIL ACCESS CHANGE REQUEST After giving a brief background of the issue, director Vraa indicated that meeting the 5% slope requirement would be difficult, and that the developer would have to install a retaining wall, which would Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of July 17, 2000 Regular Meeting Page 2 be cost prohibitive. Vraa explained the location between lots 12 and 13, the proposed alternative, and slope differential on a plat exhibit. The issue arose whether it was possible to adhere to the development agreement to meet the 5% slope requirement, and that either the standards need to be amended or the trail needs to be relocated between lots 14 and 15. Steve Arbors, president of the Walnut Ridge Homeowners Association and Board voiced concern over the proposed location of the trail. The Association requests that the trail be put between lots 14 and 15, due to safety concerns such as the abnormally large slope, and the sharp bend towards the water body, which my send those on bikes or roller blades into the pond, or residents falling off the retaining wall. Other concerns included the current use of the area between lots 14 and 15 which is already used as a trail, and the aesthetic of the pond itself which is used primarily as a wastewater collection site. Arbors indicated that the community has already established a favored route. Arbors mentioned the proposed site would likely not be used by the residents, who have historically used the space between 14 and 15. Finally, Arbors addressed the cost of the trail, which would be significantly higher as planned than if the trail was re-routed. The Association would prefer extra funds be used to for a connection to Walnut Hill Park. Joseph Bari questioned Arbors if the homeowner on Lot 15 would object to a trail. Arbors indicated that and the homeowner on Lot 15 does not object to the proposed trail being located between 14 and 15, and has said they would grant an easement. Arbors said the homeowner on Lot 15 was aware of the possible trail at the time of purchase. Chairman Rudolph expressed concern over apparent misleading by the developer, pointing out "bait and switch" tactics used by the developer. Arbors agreed, and mentioned that as the president of the homeowner's association, he had to look at what members want, despite his own displeasure with the developer. Dorothy Peterson asked if the Lawnhill property line was behind lots 14 and 15, and Vraa responded that it was park land behind 14 and 15. Peterson commented that children would likely walk the direct route. Joseph Bari stated that there was an agreement made in September, and both parties were expected to live up to it, and made the motion to approve trail realignment between lots 14 and 15, seconded by Hiar. Chairman Rudolph asked Vraa if there would be additional cost to the City associated with the realignment, and Vraa said, not likely, but they would need an easement document for the trail, and there may be relatively minor legal fees. Terry Davis asked if the cost estimate presented in the packet was realistic, and Vraa affirmed, stating that engineering staff agrees. Dorothy Peterson amended the original motion to add disappointment and displeasure with the developer. Terry Davis asked if a permit has been taken out for Lot 14, owned by the builder, and Vraa said a permit had requested for 14, although the trail needs to go in before the permit is issued, and 15 is under construction. Davis inquired about permits on 14, and Vraa stated that the Planning Department has put a hold on issuance of all permits. Chairman Rudolph presented the amended motion, to realign the trail between lots 14 and 15, and voice disappointment and displeasure with the developer. Floyd Hiar proposed to amend the motion, to include that the developer absorb any additional legal costs associated with the realignment. Terry Davis agreed, saying the developer should have to absorb all additional costs. Chairman Rudolph presented the amended motion, to realign the proposed trail from between lots 12 and 13 to between lots 14 and 15, to express disappointment and displeasure with the developer, and to require the developer to bear any additional costs associated with the realignment. Floyd Hiar recommended obtaining a letter of agreement from the homeowner on lot 15, stating their acceptance of the trail. Chariman Rudolph agreed and mentioned an existing letter. All members voted in favor of the trail realignment with the attached amendments. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of July 17, 2000 Regular Meeting Page 3 NEW BUSINESS ACQUISITION OF BERGIN PROPERTY Director Vraa presented a brief introduction that included an exhibit showing location of the Bergin property and the topography and potential acquisition boundaries. Vraa explained that a minimum of Y2 acre of the property was identified for potential acquisition. Vraa also indicated that Bergin intends to sell his home and invesitgate development options but now would entertain an offer from the City of Eagan. Vraa delineated that commission action could be to either identify portions of the land to acquire and recommend the purchase to City Council, or not pursue the acquisition. Chairman Rudolph agreed with the parks vision, and expressed interest in obtaining a parcel of Bergin land. Dorothy Peterson inquired if the purchase of 2 acres would be within the high water mark, and Vraa said it would in fact be within the high water mark, plus allow for the trail loop connection. Vraa said that the trail could be connected with a I-acre purchase, but a 2-acre purchase would allow greater flexibility. Joseph Bari made a motion to purchase a minimum of one-half acre and maximum of two acres of Bergin property, not to exceed a cost of $58,500, seconded by Cindee Fields. Terry Davis questioned why there was a minimum of one-half acre under consideration, and Joesph Bari said it was due to the amount Mr. Bergin would sell. All members voted in favor SPONSORSHIP POLICY This issue has been deferred to August, as noted on the agenda. REVIEW OF STROLLER POLICY-CASCADE BAY By request from the City Council after their special session, Director Vraa has asked the Advisory Commission to review the policy prohibiting strollers into the Cascade Bay facility. The issue before the Advisory Commission is to consider the best alternative for customer service; to compromise on the stroller issue, change the policy and let strollers in, or to let the policy stand as is. Chairman Rudolph stated he has read the policy, and stated it was clearly a safety issue, and follows models of existing facilities. The policy was based on models from other cities, and suggested that the policy stand for now, and possibly have staff revisit it in a year or two. Rudolph did not sense that it was feasible to change the policy. Dorothy Peterson mentioned that strollers were the most debated issue at Cascade Bay, and that customer service is important. Vraa said there weren't many people trying to bring them in, and the policy is clearly stated, distributed with the season pass. Terry Davis mentioned most people don't have a problem with the policy, in fact few people ever bring it up. Davis is hesitant to spend a great deal of time on the issue, and suggests a workshop might be in order to address this and other issues that have been tabled. Cyndee Fields observed, from her experience as a patron of Cascade Bay, that there is no room for strollers and become a safety issue. She suggested that strollers around the water areas could easily be knocked in the water by running children. Davis stated that safety is an element of customer service. Joseph Bari made the motion to keep the existing "no strollers" policy in place, Dorothy Peterson seconded, and all members affirmed. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of July 17, 2000 Regular Meeting Page 4 PARK AND RECREATION UPDATE Parks Superintendent Paul Olson presented a status update regarding the impact of the recent storm to Eagan parks. Olson presented a graphic from the National Weather Service showing the amount of rainfall on the City of Eagan. lt indicates 11.3 inches fell in isolated areas of the city between July 7 and July 10, 2000. Olson presented photographs of some of the park damage, and photos of staff assisting with the cleanup effort. He noted that few planed events had to be cancelled due to storm damage, save for events at Rahn Park. He indicated that most of the damage occurred in the south and southwest portions of the city, but the extent of turf damage was less than originally thought. According to the Utility Department, Blackhawk Lake will be the last to come down, with Fish Lake and McCarthy Lake at Patrick Eagan Park also receding slowly. Chairman Rudolph inquired where the funds would come from to repair some of the damage. Olson indicated that FEMA representatives would be meeting with Dakota County, since Dakota County, not the City of Eagan, was declared a disaster area. It is anticipated that FEMA will reimburse the City for such things as partial payment of staff overtime, equipment, and contractual expenditures. The usual rate of reimbursement is 75-80%. Superintendent of Recreation Jeff Asfahl reported recreation programs going well, that recreation staff member Paula Norwariak reported 4,500-4,600 participants. The fall "Discover Us" brochure is to be mailed the week of August 14th. Asfahl reported that as the city looks toward fall, field use on the decline. He also noted that there have been requests for non-traditional sports such as rugby and cricket. Asfahl reported current events such as fall softball registrations, which have already yielded 30 participants on the opening registration day, and Expressfest 2000, hosted by the Arts and Humanities Council on Saturday, July 29 at Patrick Eagan Park. Due to water impacts from the storm, the route of the "Fun Run" has been altered. Asfahl noted Lone Oak Days 2000 would be held on September 15 and 16. Asfahl also commended the park maintenance staff on their good jobs in the aftermath of the storm, saying that 95% of activities resumed, and no games needed to be cancelled, save for those at Rahn Park. WATER RESOURCES UPDATE Water Resources Coordinator Eric Macbeth updated the status of the storm aftermath, saying that there is more data to be collected on storm impacts over the next couple years, paying attention to additional nutrients introduced into the system by the storm. Macbeth mentioned a mutual aid agreement with Bloomington that will allow the City of Eagan use of a weed harvester. Thomas Lake modulates flood impacts, and will have weeds harvested as regularly scheduled. According to Macbeth, the other weed harvester is under contract as part of the regular maintenance program. Macbeth also noted that the PCA has approved a plan to cap sediment at Captain Dodd Park. The goal is to have this done before winter. Macbeth introduced Jay Riggs, Urban Conservationist at the Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation District. Riggs gave a brief presentation on the Low lmpact Development (LID) initiative, which recommends alternative planning methods to allow for natural drainage and runoff collection. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of July 17, 2000 Regular Meeting Page 5 Chairman Rudolph requested to be updated on opportunities to keep updated on applications in the Eagan area, and Riggs responded that thus far response has been good in communities, and hopes to set up some retrofit projects in Eagan. Terry Davis also requested to be kept updated on LID program progress, and proposed that Macbeth and Riggs work to develop recommendations for developers. Macbeth presented the updated Water Resources Web page and demonstrated the features to the commission. The page is located at www.cityofeagan.comlwater resources. He gave credit to Mike Sauers and Theresa Poyers for their assistance. OTHER BUSINESS SUBCOMMITTEE UPDATE Chairman Rudolph stated Joseph Beri, Jeff Asfahl, and Kathy Bolduc met Wednesday regarding the review of the senior citizens survey. Minutes indicate that the focus of the meeting appeared to be how to start up the group. Kathy Bolduc put together job descriptions. Rudolph was quite certain of the group's success. Minutes of the meeting were given to the Advisory Commission. Terry Davis wondered whether the group is sanctioned by the City, or if it is a sub-set. Asfahl indicated that the group was a mechanism for the creation and development of programs. Director Vraa mentioned that it would not be much different than, say, the softball committee. Terry Davis mentioned that the Green Space Committee will meet with the City Council at a workshop to encourage green space and decrease the amount of impervious surface. This proposition would be discussed at a workshop on August 1. There is no formal agenda as of yet. MOONSHINE PARK MEETING Director Vraa stated that the next meeting would occur Thursday, August 3 at 5:00 p.m. Staff will notify absent members about meeting. At this time it was noted by Terry Davis that open issues have accumulated, and that some of these might be best eliminated at a workshop. The open issues should be prioritized and addressed. Dorothy Peterson inquired about the status of the ClP, and Director V raa says that it hasn't gone to the City Council yet. PARK SITE FUND UPDATE Director Vraa said revenues were going very well. ROUND TABLE Director Vraa discussed the Community Center project, noting that 20 RFP's for architectural services have been distributed and responses are expected around July 31. RFP's for master planning and construction management will be sent soon. lnterviews for selected architectural firms will take place August 16 and 17,2000, and interviews for master planners and construction managers will take place the next week. Final selection is expected to take place September 1,2000. Vraa also described the organizational method by which design needs will be delineated, as advised by the City Council. Elements will be broken down into teams, such as seniors and teens. The Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of July 17, 2000 Regular Meeting Page 6 challenge, according to Vraa, will be to tie it all in to one plan. The intent is to have groups of 5-7 people to help the architect with their plan, and to keep it concise and focused. Joseph Bari suggested the Advisory Commission to become involved with the process. Floyd Hiar asked if the selection process for the architect emphasized green building techniques, and if that was a weighting factor in the selection process. Vraa said it was part of the selection, as well as the firm's experience in community centers. Vraa then discussed the departure of Kristi Organ, Manager of Cascade Bay. He informed the Commission that Cherryl Mesko has been appointed as interim manager. Vraa explained that Mesko is familiar with the facility and its procedures. Over the next couple weeks, Vraa will be talked to staff about their expectations. Vraa hopes to hire a new manager in early fall. Terry Davis asked if C.J. Lilly would send a questionnaire regarding the Moonshine Park program. Dorothy Peterson said that the questionnaire needed to be redone. Peterson asked Vraa if rent at the cell tower at Rahn Park could be used for recreation programs. Vraa said he would check on this matter. Terry Davis moved to adjourn, all members agreed, meeting adjourned at 9:23 p.m. Secretary c:D e~-;."Ztv\ p J."X;:"<-)t:._~~. , Date (jJ/ci3 I .