06/19/2000 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission Approved July 17, 2000 ADVISORY PARKS COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 19, 2000 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on June 19,2000 with the following Commission Members present: Joseph Bari, Terry Davis, Cyndee Fields, N. Mark Filipi, Floyd Hiar, Barbara Johnson, George Kubik, Daryle Petersen, Dorothy Peterson and John Rudolph. Staff present included Jeff Asfahl, Superintendent of Recreation; Paul Olson, Parks Superintendent; CJ Lilly, Parks Planner; Eric Macbeth, Water Resources Coordinator; Paula Nowariak, Recreation Supervisor; Cathy Bolduc, Recreation Supervisor; and Cherryl Mesko, Recording Secretary. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Chairman Rudolph asked that the item M-l, Teen Report, be moved up on the agenda to follow Development Proposals. Joseph Bari moved, George Kubik seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the agenda as amended. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF APRIL 17,2000 Terry Davis moved, George Kubik seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the minutes of April 17, 2000 as presented. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF MAY 15, 2000 Barbara Johnson moved, George Kubik seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the minutes of May 15,2000 as presented. VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors that wished to address the Commission under this agenda item. DEPARTMENT HAPPENINGS Superintendent Olson touched on several of the Department Happenings included within the packet. CONSENT AGENDA Dorothy Peterson moved, Daryle Petersen seconded with all members voting in favor to recommend that the City Council authorize execution of a joint powers agreement with Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation District that provides for Eagan's deposit of 3.5 acres of the wetland banking credits into the State of Minnesota wetland bank. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS There were no development proposals for the Commission to review. TEEN REPORT Recreation Supervisor Nowariak provided a brief background of the cooperative effort underway to work with teens in the community. Several meetings have been held with teens to determine what type of programming they would like to see provided. Supervisor Nowariak then introduced Amber Stevenson, one of the teens participating in the meetings. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of June 19, 2000 Page 2 Amber stated that four meetings had occurred with 10-18 year olds attending. During the meetings, the participants brainstormed ideas for events and trips that included camping, tour of the state capital and shopping trips. Because there was such a large age range, it was decided to break the group into 4-5 grade, 6-8 grade and 9-12 grade. Once the groups were divided, they came up with ideas for events they each could participate in. The 4-5 graders decided to put on a talent show for Summer in the Park kids and take a trip to the Mall of America. The 6-8 graders decided to participate in the talent show and plan a trip to Valley Fair. The 9-12 graders decided to plan trips to Valley Fair and Galactic Bowling. Member Rudolph asked Amber where the group had been meeting. Amber responded that they have been meeting with Paula in the municipal center lunchroom. Members Rudolph and Davis thanked Amber for her informative report commenting that this is a good start for teen involvement. OLD BUSINESS SENIOR QUESTIONNAIRE RESULTS Following a brief introduction by Superintendent Olson, Recreation Supervisor Bolduc explained that a questionnaire was sent to approximately 875 seniors in April to acquire information and data regarding current participation and future program needs for this population. Cathy noted that 336 questionnaires were returned. One thing that was discovered was that the majority of the respondents do not participate in programs in Eagan. The results did seem to indicate that a great number of seniors would be interested in more special events, day trips, health and wellness classes, lunch or dinner activities and special entertainment, like music. Supervisor Bolduc opined that identifying a core group of 8-12 people within this population to assist with program development and an overall plan of action for future senior programming needs would be an asset to the department. Cathy concluded her presentation by asking for direction from the Commission on how to proceed with this issue. Member Rudolph commented on the interest shown for a senior center noting that it appears this group is looking for a common meeting place. Member Peterson asked if this group would participate in on-going programming or focus more on interim programming. She suggested that an advisory group may be able to help with the plans for the senior center. In the meantime staff may look at interim programming while moving forward with establishing an advisory committee. Member Johnson stated the importance of working toward an advisory committee. Member Rudolph stated he admired Supervisor Bolduc's patience in compiling all the data submitted. He noted there was a concern expressed for cliques and asked if that was a reality. Bolduc responded that that feeling has been expressed at existing facilities. Member Bari asked if there were ways to break up these cliques. Supervisor Bolduc suggested the need to find more common ground given the diverse interests of this population. Supervisor Bolduc then asked the Commission for direction regarding moving forward with an informational session to work toward an advisory committee. Member Peterson asked if the Recreation Subcommittee would help with the advisory committee. Member Davis asked what the group's status would be. He saw the need for a mission statement to be established to help direct the advisory committee. Member Kubik suggested that this issue be referred to the Recreation Subcommittee and then be brought back to the Commission. Following further brief discussion, John Rudolph moved, George Kubik seconded with all members voting in favor to set up a Recreation Subcommittee meeting to develop a proposal to bring back to the Advisory Commission. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of June 19, 2000 Page 3 FISH LAKE CIP Following a brief background introduction by Superintendent Olson, Water Resources Coordinator Macbeth noted that a bid opening occurred on June 1. The engineered cost of the project was projected at $76,370, however both bids came in significantly over that amount and were subsequently rejected by the City Council. Macbeth added that city consultants Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik and Associates have been asked to conceptualize additional options to enable the city to lower the level of Fish Lake. Member Kubik asked why there was such a wide discrepancy in the bidding. Superintendent Olson responded that bidding is not very competitive at this time, which tends to drive up the price. LEXINGTON POINT 14TH TRAIL ACCESS CHANGE REQUEST Superintendent Olson introduced this item stating that the developer approached the Advisory Commission in August of 1999 requesting a trail realignment. The Commission granted the request for the trail alignment, which placed the new trail between Lots 12 and 13. It was noted that at the time this trail location was moved, the Commission emphasized the importance of installing the trail before any homes were built. The development agreement specifically stated that the trail would be constructed prior to the issuance of building permits within the plat. Superintendent Olson continued that a letter was received from Richard and Cynthia McNary, who have a home under construction on Lot 12, requesting that the trail be moved to a different location. It was noted that if the Commission agrees to move the trail to another location, the City Council would need to amend the development agreement. Brad Swenson addressed the Commission noting that he has been involved with the development of this property since the project began. He shared a graphic indicating that the trail was originally planned for placement along the back of Lots 6 through 13. Because of the increased pond level, Swenson said that a trail could not be placed at this location. He then shared the second location of the trail between Lots 12 and 13. The developer is now requesting that because of the steep slopes and close proximity to driveways and utilities between Lots 12 and 13 that the trail be moved between lots 14 and 15. He stated that this move does not save the developer any money since the City pays for the construction of the trail. He suggested that the new location would provide a better access for trail users in this area and would not have the slope issues as with Lots 12 and 13. Member Johnson reminded Mr. Swenson that it was his suggestion in August of 1999 that the trail be located between Lots 12 and 13. Mr. Swanson responded that with the condition of the site, the grade works better between lots 14 and 15. Member Peterson reminded Mr. Swenson that the development agreement clearly stated that the trail was supposed to have been installed before any homes were built. Richard and Cynthia McNary addressed the Commission and stated that when they were first looking at this area to build a home they were told that there was a possibility that a trail may be placed between Lots 12 and 13. They stated they were informed approximately three weeks ago that the City had decided to put a trail in but that the developer was working with the City to move it between Lots 14 and 15. The McNarys stated that if a trail is placed between Lots 12 and 13, their garage would be 3 feet from the trail and expressed concern for trail traffic so close to their home. They opined that there is no other trail that they're aware of that is placed within a 10 foot easement and cited other trails in the city placed within much larger easements that buffered residents from trail traffic. They also expressed concern for the slopes and change in elevation if a trail is located next to their property citing the Highline Trail as a difficult trail to maneuver given its topography. They opined that a trail between Lots 12 and 13 would not provide a safe trail experience for users. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of June 19, 2000 Page 4 Mrs. McNary added that they have walked both of the proposed trails noting that people who live in the area are currently cutting between Lots 14 and 15. She expressed their concern for vandalism to their property with a trail so near and opined that a bad trail is worse than no trail. She also questioned where this trail was going; that it would be nice to get to Walnut Hill Park but the slopes would be too steep. Member Rudolph stated that both Mr. Swenson and Mr. Thorsen entered into an agreement to change the original location of this trail and that the agreement specifically stated that no building permits were to be issued until the trail was installed. Rudolph continued that this is a disturbing precedent to set given that both parties entered into a legally binding agreement. He added that this is a problem that should be between the homeowner and the builder/developer; not the City. Member Rudolph concluded that there was no evidence brought forward that would lead him to believe that moving a trail to another location would be better. Member Petersen asked if it was the McNary's understanding that the trail would be located between Lots 12 and 13. He clarified that the agreement clearly stated that the trail would be placed completely within Lot 13 and reminded everyone that both Mr. Thorsen and Mr. Swenson agreed with that requirement. Member Kubik asked the McNary's who informed them that a trail adjacent to their property was only a possibility. They responded that a salesperson in Mr. Thorsen's sales office had advised them of that information. Member Peterson reiterated that this is an issue that is between the developer and potential homeowner. Mrs. McNary stated that since the original trail had already been moved, the Commission should give them an opportunity to make the same request to place the trail in a different location. Member Kubik stated that the aesthetic value of a trail between Lots 12 and 13 is far better than the proposed location between Lots 14 and 15. He also expressed some concerns for the need for a retaining wall should a trail be moved between Lots 14 and 15. Member Rudolph asked the McNarys if they had known there was going to be a trail adjacent to their property would they have purchased their lot. The McNarys responded they would not. Member Davis clarified that the McNarys are eight feet from their property line and that the trail is to be contained completely within Lot 13. Brian Thorsen addressed the Commission stating that the exhibit contained within the development agreement shows the trail located between Lots 12 and 13. He also stated that a retaining wall would not be required for a trail located between Lots 14 and 15 and that there would be no drainage issues with this trail location. Member Bari reiterated that the trail was to be located completely within Lot 13 and did not see any information presented that convinced him that this agreement should be changed. Mr. Swenson and Mr. Thorsen began explaining that Parks Planner CJ Lilly had asked them when the trail would go in and that there were several reasons why they had not proceeded. Member Rudolph asked them specifically why they had not notified the McNarys that a trail was going to be placed adjacent to their property. Mr. Thorsen responded that they were told it was a possibility. Member Kubik firmly stated that the leagally binding agreement that Mr. Thorsen and Mr. Swenson signed very clearly stated that not only would a trail be installed but that no building was to occur within the plat until it was completed. Following further brief discussion, John Rudolph moved, George Kubik seconded with all members voting in favor to deny the request for trail relocation. It was noted that the city had not received any previous request from the builder or developer to move the trail from Lot 12/13 prior to the letter received from the McNarys. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of June 19,2000 Page 5 Chairman Rudolph empathized with the McNarys and their situation and explained that the Commission is an advisory body and that if they wished to pursue the issue further they could request to be placed on the City Council's agenda. Member Kubik concluded by stating that while walking the site he saw severe erosion running under the erosion fences and asked that a city inspector visit the site to ensure the situation is remedied. NEW BUSINESS There were no items under this agenda item for the Commission to review. PARKS AND RECREATION UPDATE Superintendent Asfahl commented on the excellent training that occurs for the summer programming staff. He added that youth sports are well underway but will start to wind down shortly and that several softball tournaments have been hosted at the athletic complexes. It was also noted that a recent teen concert, or "battle of the bands" was held at the civic arena. It started from a request by several teens wanting to play for their friends and peers at one of the local pavilions. Given the nature of what they envisioned, it was felt that their request could be facilitated and monitored better in the Civic Arena. Member Peterson asked how the word got out about the event. Superintendent Asfahl stated that it was mostly word-of-mouth but that several hundred flyers were distributed. Member Kubik asked for additional information regarding the Holz Farm mini camps. Superintendent Asfahl identified some of the upcoming camps and how people could register for them. Superintendent Olson talked about the mitigation of North Park and how the city would deal with the fill slope that has been of concern to Dakota County. Olson also updated the Commission on a structural issue at Thomas Lake pavilion. It appears the hill where the building is located has a large amount of swamp fill that was covered with sand and is now creating some issues for the building. Member Rudolph asked if there were any restrictions for the building. Superintendent Olson clarified that there is no potential problem but that it is an issue that will need to be addressed fairly soon. WATER RESOURCES UPDATE Items highlighted by Water Resources Coordinator Macbeth included the recent fishing clinic held for 50, 9-12 year olds. He shared several pictures of the event and noted that there will be another session on July 13 for kids who live near Wescott Center. Coordinator Macbeth continued that the alum dosing station at fish lake is showing positive results and that the weed harvester would be ready to begin within the week. Member Kubik asked how the harvested weeds are disposed of. Macbeth stated he wasn't sure where they were taken. Responding to a question from Member Johnson, Macbeth described how the portable harvester worked. OTHER BUSINESS AND REPORTS SET MOONSHINE PARK WORKSHOP DATE Superintendent Olson introduced this item explaining that the Commission chose to defer the next Moonshine Park workshop pending the results of the Community Center bond referendum. Now that the referendum has passed, Olson suggested that the Commission schedule that meeting. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of June 19, 2000 Page 6 Member Peterson asked if the vision previously done for Moonshine Park should be reviewed or re-done. Member Johnson added that since there would be a community center built, perhaps the Commission should concentrate on areas that may not be included in the community center plan and suggested that a questionnaire be more site specific. After further discussion, it was decided that a questionnaire would be sent to Commission Members so that they could fill it out and return to CJ Lilly for compilation prior to a meeting. It was suggested that a meeting be set at the July meeting. SUBCOMMITTEE UPDATES A recreation subcommittee meeting was scheduled for 5:00 p.m. July 6, pending the availability of Recreation Supervisor Bolduc, to discuss the potential establishment of a senior advisory committee for senior programming. Member Davis commented that he had not heard as yet heard about a joint meeting with the City Council to review parking space size and impervious surfaces. COMUNICA TIONS Chairman Rudolph commented on the letter of resignation from Kevin Gutknecht and thanked him for his service to the commission. ROUND TABLE Member Kubik complimented Chairman Rudolph for running a very efficient and streamlined meeting. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to conduct George Kubik moved, Joseph Bari seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 8:47 p.m. ,_ _ I)." ,~~ -:;--:;l) ~ [}-fJ ..:::::::1 .-~ ~:::9~. Y.R/J(Q..~';.-<,-.,\ Secretary ! Date ( / 'i:J~: ~:~> I