05/15/2000 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission Aooroved June 19. 2000 ADVISORY PARKS COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA MINUTES OF REGULAR METTING OF MAY 15,2000 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on May 15,2000 with the following Commission Members present: Joseph Bari, Terry Davis, Cyndee Fields, N. Mark Filipi, Barbara Johnson, George Kubik, Daryle Petersen, Dorothy Peterson and John Rudolph. Commission Member Gutknecht and Hiar were not present. Staff present included Ken Vraa, Director of Parks and Recreation; Paul Olson, Parks Superintendent; Jeff Asfahl, Recreation Superintendent; Eric Macbeth, Water Resources Coordinator; Jim Storland, Water Quality Technician and Cherry I Mesko, Recording Secretary. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Barbara Johnson moved, George Kubik seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the agenda as presented recognizing that item L-2 would move to item 1-3 on the agenda. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 17, 2000 Joseph Bari moved, Daryle Petersen seconded with all members voting to defer the minutes of the regular meeting of April 17, 2000 to the June 19 meeting. VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors wishing to address the Commission under this agenda item. DEPARTMENT HAPPENINGS Items highlighted by Director Vraa included the successful Fun Run, 218 teams playing summer softball, annual water quality monitoring program, increase of algae and aquatic plant populations, grand opening of the Wescott police substation, deli very of the Summer/Fall Discover brochure, improvements to Cedar School and Rahn Elementary infields, work projects by Dakota County Sentence to Service crews, beginning of spring fertilizing and all irrigation systems are up and running. CONSENT AGENDA There were no Consent Agenda items for the Commission to review. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS There were no Development Proposals for the Commission to review. OLD BUSINESS FISH LAKE CIP Water Resources Coordinator Macbeth noted that this issue had been discussed at the December Commission meeting. He noted that the plan was to lower the level of Fish Lake to freeze out the winter buds of curly leaf pondweed. The project will lower the lake by 6 feet from what it is now. Coordinator Macbeth then reviewed the timeline to complete this project and noted that the funding is from a zero interest loan but the project needs to be completed by the end of July. Member Rudolph asked if this was a unique operation. Macbeth responded that similar work has been done in another location and that Eagan will be monitoring the progress of that site. It was noted that it will take three weeks to lower the lake and that there is no concern about it being re-filled. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of May 15, 2000 Page 2 Member Bari asked how the fishing pier would be impacted with the lowering of the lake. Macbeth responded that the level will not be low when fishing is going to occur. Member Davis complimented Coordinator Macbeth on making the surrounding residents aware of the project. Member Kubik asked if the results of this project will be published stating that they could be very beneficial to other communities. NORTH PARK Superintendent Olson provided background of the 70 acre North Park site relating to its initial acquisition and the process the City of Eagan has undertaken to finally take possession of the property. Olson then recapped the history of the site relative to the City's acquisition of the tax forfeit parcel and the efforts made to address a closure plan required by Dakota County relative to their concerns about potential contamination of the site. It was noted that all issues have been resolved with the exception of how the fill slope will be stabilized to the satisfaction of Dakota County and MPCA. The County and MPCA require a 3: I slope and in order to satisfy this requirement, Olson continued, tens of thousands of yards of fill material would widen the base of the fill slope into the wooded area below the slope. The City is of the opinion that the slope has been stabilized with vegetation for many years as it is and to change that significantly will require significant change to the wetland area as well as having to completely re-establish vegetation. Staff has contacted an engineering firm that will developing alternatives for consideration and it appears that both the county and MPCA are open to what they may suggest. The final outcome of the process, Olson concluded, is that there will be the issuance of a "No Association" letter fom the MPCA which relieves the City of any association in the unlikely event of a release of an unidentified contaminant from within the fill pile. Member Davis asked how long the slope has been in place. Superintendent Olson responded that it was 25 years or more. Member Davis asked why the slope is an issue after this period of time. Olson responded that it exceeds allowable slope as defined by Dakota County and they have to look at the issue based on their criteria although both they and the MPCA are willing to listen to the options presented by the engineering consultant. NEW BUSINESS CIP 2001-2005 Director Vraa provided a brief background noting that this is a follow-up from a workshop session on April 27 that revised the 2001-2005 CIP for the Park Site Acquisition and Development Fund. The primary changes included identifying expenditure dollars for the inclusion of Moonshine Park into the CIP and re-examining the distribution of projected funds over the 2001-2005 time frame. Following a brief discussion, Terry Davis moved, Dorothy Peterson seconded with all members voting in favor to recommend that the five-year CIP be approved as presented. Member Rudolph commented on the demonstrated flexibility of the CIP process. Member Davis thanked Member Bari for his work in preparing for the CIP review prior to the workshop and cited this as an example of how the Commission works for the benefit of the city. BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD OF MINNESOTA-PARK DEDICATION REQUEST Director Vraa introduced this item stating that Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota is seeking a refund in park dedication fees previously collected. Vraa continued that the city collects parks dedication fees for commercial/industrial property at the time the building permit is issued. The fees collected were $17,183 for parks and $4,682 for trails. The letter from Jeffrey LaFavre of United Properties requested the Commission consider reimbursement of fees based on their placing trails, picnic tables, grills and benches into the Riverpark office complex. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of May 15, 2000 Page 3 Director Vraa shared a layout of the site identifying the existing building, proposed parking and building currently under construction, trails surrounding the site and possible location of picnic tables. It was also noted that BCBSM will make the trails available to the public but their employees will have priority. Director Vraa added that Faithful Shepherd was the last development in which a credit was issued but it provided athletic facilities that will be programmed for community use during the summer. It was also noted that Comserve originally received a credit for fields they had on site but those fields were removed. In response to a question, Director Vraa stated that there is the potential that the trail could connect with Hwy 13 when that road is upgraded, however, that connection is not currently shown. Member Davis opined that the proposed trail system does not seem to be a relevant trail connection to the City's overall trail plan. Member Rudolph expressed concern for setting a precedent for other developments after their fees are paid and was not in favor of refunding fees. Member Johnson concurred, adding that the internal trails planned will most likely be used exclusively by employees in this area. Member Peterson asked if this plan meets the needs for this Park Service Area. She also questioned if this trail would connect to an existing City trail or was it outside the overall Master Plan. Member Filipi asked the Commission if they would have considered this for a dedication credit if they were looking at this as an initial proposal. Member Davis stated that if there was a true connection made to the existing trail system he may consider a partial credit. There being none, he stated he would not support the refund being requested. Following further brief discussion, Terry Davis moved, Barbara Johnson seconded with all members voting in favor to deny the request by BCBSM for a refund of park dedication fees previously paid based on the proposal presented at this time. As a point of clarification, Director Vraa asked the Commission Members if BCBSM were to amend their proposal with connecting trails would they re-consider. Commission Member stated they would be open to re- considering other options BCBSM may present. PARKS AND RECREATION UPDATE Superintendent Olson talked about the successful tree sale noting that it was not as large as in years past. He added that work has begun at O'Leary Park to establish an open turf area where the tennis courts were and provided details for the planned Central Park clean-up project scheduled for May 20, which will be open to the public. Superintendent Asfahl discussed the busy athletic sites noting that Lexington Diffley hosted a rugby tournament for the first time. The compilation of the Senior Questionnaire is being completed and plans are well underway for the upcoming Holz Farm Spring Festival. WATER RESOURCES UPDATE Water Resources Coordinator Macbeth noted that approximately 24 people attended the Naturalizing Shoreline workshop recently offered. Those attending found it to be very helpful. Macbeth updated the Commission on the study being done by the Corp of Engineers relative to the treatment of Schwanz Lake and Thomas Lake in controlling curlyleaf pondweed. So far they are seeing good results and will come back next spring to follow up. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of May 15,2000 Page 4 OTHER BUSINESS AND REPORTS MOONSHINE PARK UPDATE Director Vraa provided a brief background as it relates to the April workshop on programming possibilities for the existing home in Moonshine Park. Commission Members attending that workshop reviewed several options and suggested more in-depth analysis by the building inspection department, review of proposed modifications by a building contractor and the development of a cost estimate based on preliminary plans. The information was provided for those members who were not able to attend the workshop. WETLAND HEALTH EV ALUA TION PROJECT OVERVIEW Water Resources Coordinator Macbeth introduced Tom Goodwin and June Tunseth, biology instructors at the School of Environmental Studies who provided a verbal overview of the 1999 Wetland Health Evaluation Project Overview. Goodwin and Tunseth provided an in-depth slide presentation of the joint research and educational project that uses citizen volunteers to gather biological data on local wetlands. They shared slides of the various volunteers gathering data on macro invertebrates and vegetation to determine a quality ranking for a wetland. Funding for the project was approved by the Minnesota Legislature and the goals of the project are to evaluate wetland health using biological data, to increase the biodiversity in wetlands in urban areas, and to conduct a public education effort. The project is in a partnership effort between local units of government, local educators, citizen volunteers, Dakota County Environmental Education Program, a wetland consulting firm, Dodge Nature Center, Hennepin County Parks, and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. They added that the Dakota County Environmental Education Program coordinates the program. The wetlands sampled in Eagan included DP-13 (Northwoods), DP-ll (Opus), AP 52. I (Freightmaster) and E-9 (Trapp Farm). Northwoods had a moderate diversity of invertebrates and a poor diversity of vegetation; Opus had an excellent diversity of invertebrates and a moderate diversity of vegetation; Freightmaster had a moderate diversity of invertebrates and vegetation; and Trapp Fram had a moderate diversity of invertebrates and an excellent diversity of vegetation. After several questions were posed by the Commission, Member Rudolph thanked Mr. Goodwin and Ms Tunseth for their efforts in coordinating this volunteer effort. SUBCOMMITTEE UPDATES Member Davis stated that the Green Space sub-committee met with the Advisory Planning Commission to further discuss their proposal. The Advisory Planning Commission voted 3 yes/3 no to establish minimum green space for commercial/industrial property; 5yes/l no to reduce parking stall sizes to 9' x 19'; and 6 yes/O no to have commercial/office use parking requirements be changed to one space per 200 sq. feet. The Advisory Planning Commission voted separately on each issue. Member Davis noted that the City Council will view two different proposals; one from the Advisory Parks Commission and Green Space sub-committee and another from the Advisory Planning Commission. It is not known when this item will appear on the City Council agenda, however, Member Davis noted that both he and Member Petersen will be present. Member Johnson asked if the 9' x 19' parking stall will be an exact dimension. Member Davis responded that that is the minimum dimension. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of May 15, 2000 Page 5 Member Rudolph stated that notes were included in the packet outlining the Recreation sub-committee's meeting of May 8. He pointed out several items discussed including YELP, Summer in the Park, Wescott programming, sponsorship policy and the department's marketing plan. He commented on the amazing amount of work that is done behind the scenes to get programs up and running. Member Johnson commented that she liked the follow-up format provided by the Recreation sub- committee. COMMUNICATIONS There were no communications items for the Commission to review. ROUNDTABLE Member Bari took a moment to share a letter he sent to the local papers relative to a recent comment made by a councilmember. Bari read the unedited letter he had submitted to the newspapers. Member Bari took exception to the councilmember's comment that the Advisory Parks Commission's main responsibility is to "decide what color to paint the swing set" and was disappointed that the newspaper had edited his letter and had omitted the fact that he was a commission member. Member Davis shared his disappointment about the councilmember's comment and the issue that the newspaper did not disclose that Bari was a member of the Advisory Parks Commission. He opined that if the City Council is looking at doing background checks for volunteers that serve on an advisory commission that it may be appropriate for commission members to participate in the study of the issue. Davis said he viewed the Advisory Parks Commission as a very thoughtful and hard working group. He added that everyone works hard and thinks issues through very carefully before making recommendations for the good of the community. Member Rudolph also shared his disappointment with the comment and hoped that Councilmember Blomquist understood how dedicated and committed the Advisory Parks Commission is to the community. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to conduct, Daryle Petersen moved, N. Mark Filipi seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m. .~~:;c/ /!oZ'~:u.,~ Secretary I /gl~5 / ( Date r