04/17/2000 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission Approved June 19,2000 ADVISORY PARKS COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 17,2000 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on April 17, 2000 with the following Commission Members present: Joseph Bari, Terry Davis, Cyndee Fields, Kevin Gutknecht, Floyd Hiar, Barbara Johnson, George Kubik, Daryle Petersen, Dorothy Peterson and John Rudolph. Commission Member Filipi was not present. Staff present include Ken Vraa,Director of Parks and Recreation; Paul Olson, Parks Superintendent; Gregg Hove, Forestry Supervisor; CJ Lilly, Parks Planner; Eric Macbeth, Water Resources Coordinator; Pam Dudziak, Planner and Cherry I Mesko, Recording Secretary. RECOGNITION OF CLMP VOLUNTEERS AND SHARON HOLBECK APPROVAL OF AGENDA George Kubik moved, Barbara Johnson seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the agenda as presented. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JANUARY 10, MARCH 20, 2000 George Kubik moved, Cyndee Fields seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the minutes of January 10 and march 20, 2000 as presented. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF APRIL 3, 2000 Barbara Johnson moved, Joseph Bari seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the minutes of the special meeting of April 3, 2000. VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors wishing to address the Commission under this agenda item. DEPARTMENT HAPPENINGS Items highlighted by Director Vraa included CONSENT AGENDA George Kubik moved, Daryle Petersen seconded with all members voting in favor to make the following recommendations to the City Council: 1. Spencer Springs-Stonewood Development Corp. · This proposal would be subject to a cash parks dedication and a cash trails dedication. · An Individual Lot Tree Preservation Plan will be required for Lot 1 and for Lot 2. · Tree protection measures (i.e. orange colored silt fence or four foot polyethylene laminate safety netting) shall be installed at the Drip Line or at the perimeter of the Critical Root Zone, whichever is greater, of significant trees/woodlands to be preserved. · The applicant shall be required to contact the City of Eagan Forestry Division to set up a pre- construction site inspection at least five days prior to the issuance of the grading permit to ensure compliance with the approved Tree Preservation Plan and placement of tree protection fencing. · This development shall be required to meet its water quality requirements through a cash dedication in lieu of ponding. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Meeting on April 17, 2000 2. Safari at Eagan 3'd Addition - Fortune Realty · This proposal would be subject to a cash parks dedication and a cash trails dedication. 3. Kennerick Addition - Tri-Land · This proposal would be subject to a cash parks dedication and a cash trails dedication. · There are no tree mitigation requirements for initial site development. · Acknowledge that an Individual Lot Tree Preservation Plan will be required for Lots 12, 13, 14, 15 and 19 at the time of Building Permit application. · Tree protection measures (i.e. orange colored silt fence or four foot polyethylene laminate safety netting) shall be installed at the Drip Line or at the perimeter of the Critical Root Zone, whichever is greater, of significant trees/woodlands to be preserved. This tree protection fence shall be installed prior to any grading or tree removal. · The applicant shall be required to contact the City of Eagan Forestry Division to set up a pre- construction site inspection at least five days prior to the issuance of the grading permit to ensure compliance with the approved Tree Preservation Plan and placement of tree protection fencing. · The applicant shall be required to meet the City's water quality requirements by excavating from the nearby wetland a minimum additional wet-pond volume of 0.47 acre-feet covering an area of 0.23 acres. The stormwater treatment pond should be constructed according to NURP standards with a maximum depth of 6 feet, a 10: 1 aquatic bench, and an outlet skimmer according to City design standards. · A minimum 30-foot wide buffer of natural, undisturbed vegetation shall be required outside the boundary of the wetland and shall be maintained before, during and after construction. · Erosion control practices shall be property installed and effectively maintained (particularly to the west of the proposed cul-de-sac, where the topography is steep), throughout the development process to prevent and minimize soil loss and negative impacts to down-gradient resources and water quality. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS SAM'S CLUB - W AL-MART STORES, INC. After further brief discussion, Daryle Petersen moved, Kevin Gutknecht seconded with all members voting in favor to make the following recommendations to the City Council regarding this proposal: I. To acknowledge that this proposal would not be subject to tree preservation mitigation. 2. To require that a stormwater treatment pond be constructed according to NURP standards with a minimum wet-pond volume of 2.38 acre-feet and a surface area of 0.59 acres. The pond should have a maximum depth of 10 feet, a 10: 1 aquatic bench, and an outlet skimmer according to City design standards. 3. Recommend that the developer be allowed to reduce the parking requirement based on their request for 650 parking spaces and the Green Space Committee's recommendation for one parking space per 200 square feet. OLD BUSINESS CAPTAIN DODD SEDIMENT MITIGATION Following further brief discussion, Dorothy Peterson moved, John Rudolph seconded with all members voting in favor to recommend that the City Council direct the preparation of plans and specifications for sediment mitigation Option A (bentonite clay cover), contingent upon approval of this option by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Meeting on April 17, 2000 NEW BUSINESS ARBOR DAY PROCLAMATION George Kubik moved, John Rudolph seconded with all members voting in favor to recommend adoption of the 2000 Arbor Day Resolution. 5 YEAR REVIEW - WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN Barbara Johnson moved, George Kubik seconded with all members voting in favor to direct the Natural Resources Subcommittee to initiate the second 5-year review of the Water Quality Management Plan within the time frame identified. PARKS AND RECREATION UPDATE Items highlighted by Superintendent Olson included the continued effort by maintenance staff in preparing ballfields, completion of seasonal staff hiring and the cooperative effort with Dakota County to create a county wide trail map. Superintendent Olson continued that relative to the legislation covering bleachers, it appears that bleachers having less than 5 rows are proposed to be exempt from the retrofit/replacement legislation. Recreation items were highlighted by Director Vraa, which included the distribution of the softball managers' handbook which is bound by Lyn Mar printers at no cost to the city. It was noted that the senior's survey was mailed out and to date over 250 have been returned. Recreation Supervisor Nowariak has been meeting with teens to encourage participation in planning activities for this group. Water quality flyers were distributed to the Commission for their information. WATER RESOURCES UPDATE Water Resources Coordinator Macbeth shared before and after pictures of the wetland area near Thomas Lake that was recently excavated. OTHER BUSINESS AND REPORTS CIP REVIEW - WORKSHOP SESSION REMINDER Commission Members were reminded of the workshop date of April 27 for CIP review. Moonshine Park review was added to the meeting date to allow further discussion of potential options for this park. Member Rudolph reminded the Commission that the CIP meeting would focus on re-allocating the Park Site funds through the year 2005. PARK SITE FUND UPDATE Director Vraa brought the Commission's attention to the print out identifying the status of the Park Site Fund. This is a regular update that will be provided to the Commission. ANNUAL REPORT The Annual Report was distributed to Commission Members for their information. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Meeting on April 17, 2000 COMUNICA TIONS The City of Bloomington has provided a draft Comprehensive Guide Plan for surrounding jurisdictions to review and comment on. Director Vraa explained that the draft plan would be available for Commission Members to review if they so choose. Mr. Rudolph asked for an update of the Goetz property. Director Vraa stated that the Goetzs will be donating the parcel to the city in lieu of their request for the city to purchase it. ROUND TABLE Member Davis stated that members of the Green Space committee had been invited to an Advisory Planning Commission workshop to discuss their recommendations. A subsequent meeting will be scheduled to continue discussion of this issue. Member Davis stated he would continue to provide updates as they are available. Member Peterson reminded theCommission and audience that a clean-up day has been set at Holz Farm for May 6 for anyone wishing to participate. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to conduct, George Kubik moved, Barbara Johnson seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m. <;D,k.~ f~~^" Secretary Date 1/6103; / )