02/14/2000 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission Approved March 20, 2000 ADVISORY PARKS COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 14, 2000 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks Commission was called to order at 7 :00 p.m. on February 14, 2000 with the following Commission Members present: Joseph Bari, Terry Davis, Cyndee Fields, N. Mark Filipi, Kevin Gutknecht, Floyd Hiar, Barbara Johnson, George Kubik, Dorothy Peterson and John Rudolph. Commission Member Daryle Petersen was not present. Staff present include Ken Vraa, Director of Parks and Recreation; Jeff Asfahl, Superintendent of Recreation; Paul Olson, Parks Superintendent; Gregg Hove, Forestry Supervisor; CJ Lilly, Parks Planner; Eric Macbeth, Water Resources Coordinator; Cathy Bolduc, Recreation Supervisor; Paula Nowariak, Recreation Supervisor and Cherryl Mesko, Recording Secretary. INTRODUCTION OF NEW MEMBERS Director Vraa introduced Commission Members Cyndee Fields, Dorothy Peterson and Terry Davis who had been recently appointed to three year terms by the City Council. Commission Member Floyd Hiar was also introduced as the newly appointed alternate for a one year term. INTRODUCTION OF NEW STAFF Director Vraa introduced Recreation Supervisor Cathy Boldoc, recently hired from the City of Lakeville to fill the position vacated by Donna Tilsner. Cathy will be assuming responsibility for the winter warming shelter staff along with the seniors program and special events. COMMISSION ORGANIZATION ELECTION OF CHAIR, VICE CHAIR AND SECRETARY Following a brief description of the position, Director Vraa opened nominations for the Chair. Barbara Johnson nominated and Dorothy Peterson seconded the nomination for John Rudolph. George Kubik nominated and Kevin Gutknecht seconded the nomination of Terry Davis. Terry Davis nominated and Joseph Bari seconded the nomination for N. Mark Filipi. John Rudolph moved, George Kubik seconded with all members voting in favor to close the nominations. Member Davis withdrew his name for consideration for the Chair position. Ballots were completed and counted with John Rudolph elected as Chair. Following a brief description of the position, Director Vraa opened nominations for the Vice-Chair. Barbara Johnson moved and John Rudolph seconded the nomination for George Kubik. Dorothy Peterson moved and Joseph Bari seconded a nomination for N. Mark Filipi. George Kubik moved and John Rudolph seconded a nomination for Terry Davis. Terry Davis moved and Joseph Bari seconded the nomination for Barbara Johnson. Barbara Johnson moved, George Kubik seconded with all members voting in favor to close the nominations. Ballots were completed and counted with George Kubik elected as Vice Chair. Following a brief description of the position, Director Vraa opened nominations for the Secretary. Barbara Johnson moved and Terry Davis seconded a nomination for Joseph Bari. Terry Davis moved and George Kubik seconded a nomination for Daryle Petersen. John Rudolph moved, Barbara Johnson seconded with all members voting in favor to close the nominations. Ballots were completed and counted with Joseph Bari elected as Secretary. Director Vraa then turned the meeting over to Chairman Rudolph. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of February 14, 2000 Page 2 SUB-COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS Chair Rudolph noted that the Commission has been very actively involved in the various subcommittees. He noted that the previously established subcommittees were recreation, acquisition/development and natural resources. Following brief discussion, the following members volunteered to serve on the Recreation Subcommittee; Kevin Gutknecht, John Rudolph and Cyndee Fields. The following members volunteered to serve on the Natural Resources Subcommittee; N. Mark Filipi, George Kubik and Daryle Petersen. The following members volunteered to serve on the Acquisition/Development Subcommittee; Dorothy Peterson, Barbara Johnson, Terry Davis, Joseph Bari and Floyd Hiar. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Barbara Johnson moved, Joseph Bari seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the agenda as presented. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF JANUARY 10, 2000 Terry Davis moved, Barbara Johnson seconded with all members voting in favor to defer approval of the minutes of January 10,2000 to the March 20 meeting. VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors in the audience that wished to be heard under this agenda item. DEPARTMENT HAPPENING Items highlighted by Director Vraa included hosting the MRPAA Boot Hockey State Tournament, dog sled rides at Trapp Farm Park, two new winter programs, the continued opening of warming shelters while weather permits, equipment approved in the 2000 CIP has been ordered, a Metro-Greenways planning grant for Patrick Eagan Park was submitted, the Arbor Day poster contest, and the time spent by Water Resources Division staff on wetlands conservation issues. The highlights were followed by a "Benefits of Recreation" video and the introduction of the newly revised Fishing Guide. CONSENT AGENDA N. Mark Filipi moved, Barbara Johnson seconded with all members voting in favor to make the following recommendations to the City Council relative to Eagandale Office Park sth Addition; 1. This development shall be responsible for a cash parks dedication and a cash trails dedication. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS INVER GROVE HEIGHTS - BETTY ALLEN PARCEL - ROYAL OAKS REALTY Director Vraa provided a brief background of this issue noting that as part of the Joint Powers Agreement between the Cities of Eagan and Inver Grove Heights, all developed property in Inver Grove Heights that requires the extension of utility services from the City of Eagan, shall provide for a land or cash parks dedication as may be determined by the City of Eagan. Commission Members were reminded of the recent Southern Lakes development where a playfield was required due to the impact to Eagan park services because of the number of new residents within the development. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of February 14,2000 Page 3 A letter was read by Director Vraa from Micki Westrum, 4716 Weston Hills Drive, who was unable to attend the meeting, reflecting her perception that a land dedication within this parcel was needed. Her concerns were based on the lack of parkes) within close proximity of her home for her children to use. The closest park is now located at Red Pine Elementary, however the playground is not accessible during the school year, her letter stated. She also expressed concern for the removal of trees from the Betty Allen parcel and concluded by asking that the development not be approved without dedicated park space for the neighborhoods surrounding the area. Director Vraa concluded by stating that this issue was forwarded to the Advisory Parks Commission by the City Council for a recommendation and will be reviewed again by the City Council on February 15,2000. Mike Black of Royal Oaks Realty addressed the Commission stating they are looking for a land or cash parks dedication from the City of Eagan based on the provision of the Joint Powers Agreement. He continued that this is a 56 acre parcel south of Boulder Crest in Inver Grove Heights that will be developed into 76 single family homes. He added that the Inver Grove Heights Parks Commission recommended that a cash parks dedication be required for this development. Their rationale is that the City of IGH is attempting to acquire property to the southeast of this development for a potential community park that can provide multiple facilities for this community. Mr. Black stated that IGH has been acquiring tax forfeit parcels in anticipation of future development. Member Bari asked for clarification of IGH's recommendation for a cash parks dedication. Mr. Black responded that although IGH made that recommendation, if the City of Eagan concurs, the dollars will be collected from the developer by IGH but will be passed on to the City of Eagan. Member Davis asked for clarification of the nearest park for this neighborhood. Director Vraa pointed out Hidden Corner Park, adjacent to Red Pine Elementary. Member Bari asked what role the park within Southern Lakes would play for this neighborhood. Director Vraa reminded the Commission that the Southern Lakes neighborhood has expressed a preference to move the ballfield/park from their neighborhood. Member Davis noted that although the City of Eagan is not responsible for the tree preservation issue for this development, there was some concern about the tree line on the Eagan/IGH border. Mr. Black responded that the trees identified on the Eagan border will be kept. Member Johnson asked if the land acquisition by IGH would resolve the Southern Lakes field issue. Director Vraa responded that the need for fields within IGH is an issue for that city to resolve and it looks as though they are acquiring the property to the southeast to fulfill their needs. Joe Bari moved and Dorothy Peterson seconded a motion to accept a cash dedication in the amount of $96,000 for this development. Terry Hokem, 10167 Apennine Way, expressed his concern for the inaccessibility of Hidden Corner Park during the day and the heavily populated area with so many young children. He also opined that the City of Eagan's involvement with the playground at Hidden Corner Park was minimal and only included installation of playground equipment the PTO had purchased. The neighborhood feels that this is an isolated area in which the needs of its residents are not being met. Although there are plans for IGH to acquire property to the southeast of the Betty Allen parcel, Mr. Hokem opined that this is a slow process and the property may not be able to be developed because of accessibility issues. He continued that the neighborhood hopes there will be a land dedication required within this proposed development to facilitate the children that surround the area now. Mr. Hokem then read a prepared statement from Tony Ward reiterating the same concerns, which are shared by the neighborhood. He added that the residents have been diligently following this issue and expressing their concerns to all bodies reviewing it. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of February 14, 2000 Page 4 Member Johnson questioned why the residents did not know that the IGH Park Commission had recommended cash dedication. Bob Barret, 10150 Apennine Way, stated they are not clear why the IGH Parks Commission information wasn't known, however, reiterated that ifIGH is planning to continue acquisition of land to the southeast they will have issues because it is land locked. Mr. Barret added that Weston Hills Drive is also a high traffic area and there is concern for kids getting to Hidden Corner Park via this route. Member Johnson asked the residents what type of small park they envisioned. Mr. Barret commented that there are two ballfields currently at Hidden Corner, that they would like to see a playground area that would be accessible to them. Mr. Hokem added that they want a more nature based park with a playground; not an area for organized games. Member Peterson stated that as long as there is a Joint Powers Agreement in place between the two cities, a cash dedication should be recommended. Member Rudolph stated that the Commission is not aware of IGH' s vision for their park system and how they choose to implement it. Mr. Hokum asked the Commission to talk to IGH to see what their intention is for parks in this area. He suggested that the Commission should act on behalf of their residents as well. Member Davis asked if the neighbors have discussed their desire for a park in this area with the developer. Mr. Black responded that this plan has been revised three times over the past six months. The previous plan showed open space with a trail until an error was detected in the location of the M.U.S.A. line. The change resulted in the reduction of lots within 16 acres of the development that could not connect to Eagan water/sewer. Mr. Black continued that a traffic study ordered by the City of IGH reflected no significant increase in traffic because of this development. In addition, the IGH Parks Commission is working towards acquiring 75 acres to the southeast of this site with access proposed from the development south of the Betty Allen parcel. He added that this development proposal will appear before the Eagan City Council on February 15 with recommendations passed on to IGH for their approvaVdenial of the project. As a point of clarification, it was noted that IGH will make the final determination regarding the development proposal in their community, however the City of Eagan will make the recommendation relative to the parks dedication per the Joint Powers Agreement. It was also noted that the cash dedication is in line with what the IGH Parks Commission has recommended for this development given their plans to develop a community park to the southeast. Member Davis asked if the residents are aware of IGH' s vision for a park in this area. The residents present responded that the vision isn't clear yet since the city does not own the property. Member Bari asked again if the residents attended meetings relative to this issue in IGH. The residents stated that the IGH Planning Commission denied the proposal stating it was not a good fit, however they were not aware of the Parks Commission's recommendations. Member Kubik asked that the motion be called. Member Hiar empathized with the residents, stating that several conflicts have been expressed and opined that it may be premature to make a decision. Member Rudolph commented that the responsibility of this development and the overall park needs of the residents rests with the City of IGH. The motion was re-stated with the following members voting Aye: Joseph Bari, Kevin Gutknecht, George Kubik, and Dorothy Peterson. Those voting Nay included Cyndee Fields, N. Mark Filipi, John Rudolph, Barbara Johnson, Terry Davis and Floyd Hiar. The motion was defeated. Terry Davis moved, and George Kubik seconded a motion to accept a cash parks dedication and recommend to the City Council that a recommendation be made to IGH that consideration be given for a neighborhood park in this development to meet the near term needs of these neighborhoods. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of February 14,2000 Page 5 Member Gutknecht noted that if the City of Eagan takes cash dedication for this development, it will receive approximately $96,000. He asked what the City of Eagan would get with a land dedication. Director Vraa responded that the land dedication would stay in IGH and that the balance of the dedication, if any, would be calculated, paid by the developer and transferred to the City of Eagan. Member Johnson asked if there was any way that Eagan could ensure that a park would be built in this development if a land dedication were made. Director Vraa responded that the City of Eagan would not have the ability to mandate IGH's development of their park system. Mr. Hokem stated that IGH cannot proceed with this development without Eagan's input per the Joint Powers Agreement. Mr. Black reiterated that there is another 70 acres to the south where parkland can be placed, and that the IGH Parks Commission is pursuing. The motion on the floor was re-stated for clarification. Member Kubik noting that the motion did not contain the $96,000 cash dedication amount withdrew his second and the motion died. George Kubik moved, Kevin Gutknecht seconded a motion to accept a cash parks dedication in the amount of $96,000 and that the concerns of the residents be forwarded through the minutes to the Eagan City Council, the Inver Grove Heights City Council and the Inver Grove Heights Parks Commission. Those voting Aye included Joseph Bari, Terry Davis, Kevin Gutknecht, Barbara Johnson, George Kubik, Dorothy Peterson and John Rudolph. Those voting Nay included Cyndee Fields, N. Mark Filipi and Floyd Hiar. OLD BUSINESS TREE MITIGATION Director Vraa provided a brief background noting that the proposed policy is the result of several APrC meetings, APrC subcommittee meetings, staff review and review by the City Attorneys office. The policy identifies options for utilization of tree mitigation funds which included preservation of trees/woodlands through fee title acquisition or conservation easements and through reforestation programs. Following a brief discussion, Terry Davis moved, John Rudolph seconded with all members voting in favor to approve the proposed Tree Mitigation Fund Policy and forward that recommendation to the City Council for consideration. MURPHY FARM 3RD ADDITION Director Vraa briefly reviewed the background of this item noting that the Advisory Commission had made a recommendation to the City Council to acquire land and conservation easements from the proposed Murphy Farm 3rd Addition. He noted that the City Council gave preliminary plat approval to the subdivision for 24 lots and agreed to purchase, for $50,000, the additional park property and easements as recommended by the Advisory Parks Commission. The issue before the Commission, Director Vraa continued, was to make a determination as to the source of funding for this acquisition. The sources of funding were identified as the Park Site Fund, the Tree Mitigation Fund or a combination of both funds. Member Rudolph asked if joint funding had been done previously. Director Vraa responded that this is the first opportunity to use Tree Mitigation Funds for acquisition. Following a brief discussion, Barbara Johnson moved and Kevin Gutknecht seconded a motion to fund the acquisition completely with Tree Mitigation Funds. Those voting Aye included Joseph Bari, Kevin Gutknecht, Barbara Johnson and George Kubik. Those voting Nay included Terry Davis, Cyndee Fields, N. Mark Filipi, Floyd Hiar, Dorothy Peterson and John Rudolph. The motion failed. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of February 14,2000 Page 6 Member Kubik asked for the balance of the Park Site Fund and the Tree Mitigation Fund. Director Vraa responded that it was approximately $2.5 million but that $1 million has been earmarked for purchase of the central park property. The balance of the Tree Mitigation Fund was identified as approximately $94,000. Member Peterson suggested that the acquisition be split between the two funds, thereby, not depleting either quite so significantly. Member Bari opined that the Tree Mitigation Fund was a better funding mechanism given the other priorities set for the Park Site Fund. Member Filipi expressed his support for sharing the cost between both funds as did Member Rudolph. Member Davis opined that he would prefer to use the Park Site Fund totally but suggested a 75%/25% split with the Park Site Fund supplying the larger share. After further discussion, John Rudolph moved, N. Mark Filipi seconded a motion to charge a percentage of the acquisition cost to the Park Site Fund and the balance to the Tree Mitigation Fund. Dorothy Peterson amended to motion to include 75% from the Park Site Fund and 25% from the Tree Mitigation Fund. Those voting Aye included Terry Davis, Cyndee Fields, N. Mark Filipi, Kevin Gutknecht, Floyd Hiar, George Kubik, Dorothy Peterson and John Rudolph. Members Bari and Johnson voted Nay. The motion passed. MALLARD TRAIL Director Vraa provided a brief background noting that the Commission had evaluated two trail alignments during the October, 1999 meeting and had selected Concept B for connection to the Highline Trail. Director V raa reviewed the existing site conditions, and project cost estimate. Following a brief discussion, George Kubik moved, Kevin Gutknecht seconded with all members voting in favor to authorize staff to finalize specifications and request bids for trail construction as outlined by staff to be funded from the Park Site Acquisition and Development Fund; either from the contingency portion or the Small Project Set-Aside. TEENS UPDATE Following a brief background by Director Vraa, Recreation Supervisor Nowariak updated the Commission on information they requested following the December Commission meeting. Supervisor Nowariak provided a brief overview of information gleaned from the Teen Center at the Southwest Area YMCA which included the estimated daily attendance of approximately 15-30 per night when teens typically drop into the center when they are using the gym facilities. Attendance on school release days increases to 20-50 participants and between 50-100 participants on teen nights held the first and third Saturdays of each month. Nowariak also provided highlights of a new initiative in Brooklyn Park that focuses on programming and planning to involve youth in the community. Their focus is on leadership development, social activities, service and community. The cities of Burnsville and Fridley are also following a similar approach. Very little revenue comes from the program participants, rather it is supported by grants from the State along with business community funds. Supervisor Nowariak concluded by identifying three potential action steps for the Commission to consider for adoption. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of February 14, 2000 Page 7 Member Peterson asked if there was a group of teens identified that could assist with this project. Nowariak responded that there are several existing groups that would need to be pulled together that could provide a good base. Member Johnson asked if there are programs directed to older teens. Nowariak responded that the programs typically draw the younger teens who are not yet able to drive and want to continue social contact with their peers. Member Johnson noted that the teens seem to want to stick closer to their age group and not mix very much. Supervisor Nowariak concurred stating that there appears to be a strong sense that junior high and senior high students want to maintain that separation. Following further brief discussion, George Kubik moved, John Rudolph seconded with all members voting in favor to adopt the following action steps: 1. Organize a task force of youth and teen programmers along with teens to help meet the needs of the teens in Eagan. . Commission Members may want to appoint members to this task force. 2. Adopt a vision/plan to deal with teen issues. . Recreation subcommittee input on what the vision/goals should be and be an active support role. 3. Carry the plan forward to the City Council for adoption and planning in the 2001 budget. . The program needs support from the City Council, Advisory Parks Commission and the business community. NEW BUSINESS REQUEST TO CONSIDER EASEMENT SWAP - REGAL CINEMA Director Vraa provided a brief background noting that when the Regal Cinema was developed they chose to dedicate a portion of the development property as a "proof of parking" area to demonstrate that they could meet the parking requirements of the City. Should the City determine that demand necessitates additional parking stalls, this area would then be placed into parking. It was noted that the current proof of parking area is heavily wooded and the owners would like to swap the existing area for proof of parking adjacent to Rahn Park. They would dedicate a conservation easement over the existing proof of parking area to the City in exchange for an easement from the city that would allow use of the existing parking lot for theater purposes, if additional parking ever became necessary. Director Vraa then showed photos of the existing Rahn parking along with the theater's existing proof of parking area. Member Peterson asked if there would be any impact to the existing pond. Director Vraa said no. Following further brief discussion, George Kubik moved, Barbara Johnson seconded a motion to direct staff to proceed with preparation of the appropriate documents to secure a conservation easement in exchange for parking rights. All members voted in favor of the motion with the exception of Member Filipi who abstained from voting. TENNIS COURT REPLACEMENT - O'LEARY PARK Director Vraa provided a brief background of this issue noting that the tennis courts at O'Leary Park had been removed because of their poor condition. Because of the poor subsoils and increased subsurface moisture the Commission was being asked to consider whether the courts should be replaced or if the space should be used for other recreational opportunities. Several alternatives were reviewed along with the cost implications of each. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of February 14,2000 Page 8 Member Rudolph asked if the courts have been used for organized play. Director V raa stated that tennis lessons have been offered at this site in previous years. Member Johnson asked how realistic volleyball courts would be given the wet soils. Director Vraa stated that if that was a consideration by the Commission, drain tile would need to be installed. Member Peterson asked if the hard court surface was still in tact. Director Vraa stated that they were fine. Member Peterson stated that the hard court has been used more regularly in the past than the tennis courts. Member Kubik suggested leaving a grassy area to see how it is used and make plans for the site based on the casual use. Following further brief discussion, George Kubik moved, N. Mark Filipi seconded with all members voting in favor to complete the removal of the tennis courts at O'Leary Park and leave an open play area with space for picnic tables to see what the use is. Member Bari amended the motion to include adding a grill to the site. The motion passed. Member Davis suggested that the Recreation subcommittee meet to discuss options for this site before any further recommendations are made for changes. When asked what that time frame should be, Member Davis suggested that this probably wouldn't need to be addressed until spring. Member Peterson suggested that more information be obtained from the surrounding neighborhood to help determine what should ultimately be placed in this park. OAK WILT GRANT Following a brief introduction and background, John Rudolph moved, Joseph Bari seconded with all members voting in favor to recommend to the City Council that the MnReLEAF Forest Health grant application be submitted to MnDNR. Member Johnson asked if residents could only use a licensed contractor on the City's list to remove trees. Supervisor Hove confirmed that was the case. NORTHVIEW PARK SIGN Director Vraa provided a brief background relative to the installation of a sign at Northview Park. The installation of this sign is planned to coordinate with the Arbor Day event on Saturday, May 6 scheduled at this park. Parks Planner Lilly reviewed three concepts with the Commission seeking their direction. After discussing the three options, Member Hiar asked if the option for using recycled lumber rather than cedar had been considered. Planner Lilly responded that the sign contractors he had talked to had shared a concern for wind load in working with recycled lumber, however, he would pursue that option further. Following brief discussion, George Kubik moved, Barbara Johnson seconded with all members voting in favor to select sign concept C presented and authorize staff to finalize design and construction of the Northview Park sign to be installed in April prior to Arbor Day. PARKS AND RECREATION UPDATE Superintendent Olson noted that the A rinks will remain open as long as possible but that parents should check for specific hours that buildings will be open before dropping children off at a site unattended. Seniors or students looking for part time seasonal jobs were encouraged to call for applications and it was noted that the Northview concessions building will undergo some renovations before it opens in the spring. The maintenance staff is working with EAA on soccer schedules to allow some of the fields to "rest" while looking for alternative sites to meet their demands. Superintendent Asfahl stated that the Spring/Summer Discover! Brochure would be in residents' homes within the week. Recreation is also looking to recruit 50+ adults for summer seasonal positions. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of February 14,2000 Page 9 WATER RESOURCES UPDATE There were no informational updates to be provided to the Commission. OTHER BUSINESS AND REPORTS SUBCOMMITTEE UPDATES Superintendent Asfahl provided a brief summary of the past Recreation subcommittee. Member Rudolph commented that staff is very proactive in programming and has come up with some great new ideas. In reference to the senior survey, Member Peterson suggested that a question regarding a senior center be added. Member Davis provided an update of the Greenspace Task Force comprised of members from the Advisory Parks Commission, Advisory Planning Commission, resident representatives and staff. He noted that the purpose is to look at footprints of existing buildings and the impact they have on impervious surfaces. Several comparisons have been done with other cities including stall size, spaces needed for specific uses, etc. The group is looking at what types of incentives can be offered to reduce surface parking. The group has been working very aggressively to look at several options and create models that can be superimposed on existing sites to visually see what the impact would be. The Commission will continue to be updated with information, as it is available. Member Filipi stated that the Commission's ad-hoc committee reviewing the Cedarvale redevelopment will need to set a meeting to formulate recommendations to pass on to the City Council.. Director Vraa suggested setting a workshop for all Commission Members to review and make a recommendation to the City Council COMMUNITY FACILITY TASK FORCE UPDATE Director Vraa provided a brief update of the Community Facility Task Force noting that the City Council is looking for a report and recommendation in April. The Task Force has been meeting every two weeks and will continue that schedule until the report has been completed. COMUNICA TIONS There were no communications items in the packet for discussion by the Commission. PARK SITE FUND UPDATE Director Vraa noted that a current update of the Park Site Fund was enclosed in the packet for the Commission's review and information. BEST PRACTICES FIELD MANUAL Forestry Supervisor Hove distributed the Best Management Practices Field Manual. He provided a brief background of how this publication came to be and reviewed the Statement of Purpose. He noted that there was no action required by the Commission, that this was informational only. ROUND TABLE A meeting regarding the Cedarvale Task Force was set for February 29, 2000 at 6:00 p.m. A Recreation subcommittee meeting was scheduled for March 14 at 6:00 p.m. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of February 14, 2000 Page 10 ADJOURNMENT With no further business to conduct George Kubik moved, Cyndee Fields seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 10:25 p.m. (') , secrff!: ,'>--(. -;:Z-C~l )<)_~U:),<'-Y' II g/(;"7 . ' Date