01/10/2000 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission Approved April 17. 2000 ADVISORY PARKS COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JANUARY 10, 2000 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks Commission was called to order at 7 :00 p.m. on January 10, 2000 with the following Commission Members present: Joseph Bari, Terry Davis, N. Mark Filipi, Kevin Gutknecht, Barbara Johnson, Bonnie Karson, George Kubik, Lee Markell, Daryle Petersen and John Rudolph. Commission Member Robert Kane, Jr.was not present. Staff present include Ken Vraa, Director of Parks and Recreation; Jeff Asfahl, Superintendent of Recreation; Paul Olson, Parks Superintendent; Gregg Hove, Forestry Supervisor; CJ Lilly, Parks Planner; Eric Macbeth, Water Resources Coordinator; Jamie Verbrugge, Assistant City Administrator and Cherryl Mesko, Recording Secretary. APPROVAL OF AGENDA George Kubik moved, Barbara Johnson seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the agenda as presented. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF DECEMBER 16, 1999 Barbara Johnson moved, George Kubik seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the minutes of the regular meeting of December 16, 1999 as presented. VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors that wished to be heard under this agenda item. DEPARTMENT HAPPENINGS Items highlighted by Director Vraa included renovation of the garage space at the Art House, application of a Metro Greenways Planning Grant, the 2000 Eagan Fishing Guide, wetland banking credits, school's out events and summer softball calls are rolling in. CONSENT AGENDA Terry Davis moved, Daryle Petersen seconded with all members voting in favor to make the following recommendations to the City Council regarding Goetz First Addition: · This development shall be responsible for a cash parks dedication and a cash trails dedication fo the newly created Lot 1. · Acknowledge that an individual lot tree preservation plan will be required for Lot 1 at the time of building permit application. · Tree Protective measures (i.e. orange colored silt fence or 4 foot polyethylene laminate safety netting) shall be required to be installed at the Drip Line or at the perimeter of the Critical root Zone, whichever is greater, of significant trees/woodlands to be preserved. · The applicant shall e required to contact the City Forestry Division and set up a pre-construction site inspection at least five days prior to the issuance of the grading permit to ensure compliance with the approved Tree Preservation Plan and placement of the Tree Protection Fencing. · This development shall be responsible for a water quality cash dedication in lieu of on-site ponding. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS There were no development proposals for the Commission to review. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of January 10,2000 Meeting Page 2 OLD BUSINESS MURPHY FARM 3RD ADDITION Director Vraa provided a brief background of this project noting that the Commission had reviewed this proposal at their December 16 meeting and again at a Land Acquisition sub-committee meeting on December 28. The establishment of Lot 18 as a flag lot and its impact to Blackhawk Park created the most concern for the Commission. Given that information, the developer came to the December 28 meeting with a modification to the plan whereby the driveway to Lot 18 would move to the west with all utilities planned to go within the roadway. This change was suggested to minimize the visual impact to Blackhawk Park and the adjacent neighborhood. Residents from the surrounding neighborhood were present at that meeting to share their concerns for the long driveway onto Murphy Parkway as well as the impact a house on Lot 18 would have on the park. Director Vraa reviewed the original plan presented by the developer along with the plan that moved the driveway to the west side of Lot 18 (Exhibits A and B2). He continued that the development to the west had provided a conservation easement over the lots adjacent to Blackhawk Park to preserve the visual integrity of the park. Vraa then shared Exhibit C, which showed a proposed conservation easement that covered a portion of Lots 21 and 11 as well as Lot 18. Another alternative shared was the acquisition of approximately 25, 490 square feet of Lot 18 which would expand the size of Lots 12, 13, and 14(Exhibit D). Director Vraa concluded that another option the Commission may consider is no development on Lot 18 and/or no acquisition by the City. Mr. Miller addressed the Commission commenting that the discussion from the December 28 meeting was well represented by staff and said he was available for questions. John Ward, 1634 Murphy Parkway addressed the Commission noting that the neighbors' concerns focus primarily on the development of Lot 18 as it affects both the neighborhood and Blackhawk Park. Mr. Ward shared photos taken from Blackhawk Park to Lot 18 pointing out the visual impact a building on this lot would have to the park. He noted that Lot 18 was a fairly substantial lot ($140,000) and would most likely require an equally substantial home to maintain the value of the lot. He opined that the City's purchase of a portion of the lot would help to maintain the integrity of the park. Another resident on Murphy Parkway expressed his concern that the proposed width of the driveway will not accommodate the utilities that are being proposed within the 20' width. He also opined that the 380' driveway is not appropriate in this development and that Lot 18 should be left in its wooded state. Commission Members Johnson and Davis commented that staffs presentation and the information contained in the packet accurately reflected the content of the December 28 meeting. Member Davis added that the developer came prepared with an alternate plan to move the driveway to the west in response to the Commission's concerns. Davis also asked if the plan shown on Exhibit D were recommended, would there be an easement in the area abutting the entrance to Blackhawk Park. Director Vraa stated that an easement was not shown in this location nor had it been previously discussed. Director Vraa again referenced Exhibit C that showed existing conservation easements on the development to the west. He noted that Forestry Supervisor Hove had identified a proposed conservation easement over Lots 21, 11,12, 13 and 18. As a point of clarification, Member Petersen asked if a conservation easement covered all of Lot 18, would a house and road still be constructed on the lot. Director Vraa responded that although a conservation easement would be placed on the entire lot it would allow for a building pad and driveway as described in Alternative B. Member Davis suggested that if the City were to purchase the northeastern portion of Lot 18 that easements should be placed on the east side of Lots 13 and 14. Director Vraa stated that this option could certainly be discussed. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of January 10,2000 Meeting Page 3 Member Filipi communicated that after the sub-committee meeting he visited the site and walked the area. He stated he had changed his opinion and now had a preference for purchasing all of Lot 18 rather than just a portion of it. Member Markell suggested that an appraisal be completed for this lot before spending $90-100,000. Member Petersen reiterated his concern for the development in general. He opined that this would be an excellent development for 24 lots and didn't feel that Lot 18 should be included as part of it. Petersen expressed his appreciation for the work the developer had done to mitigate the Commission's concerns but added that if the City were to acquire a portion of Lot 18 that conservation easements on Lots 12, 13 and 14 should be required to preserve vegetation. Mr. Miller responded that economics dictated the need for 25 lots and that if there were less lots, the viability of the development is compromised. He added that if a portion of Lot 18 is purchased by the City he would certainly be open to placing a conservation easement on whatever lots the City deemed appropriate. Member Gutknecht opined that the Commission should move forward cautiously and consider that a house on Lot 18 will forever change the look from Blackhawk Park. Mr. Miller reassured Commission Members that if a house is built on Lot 18 the existing vegetation will camouflage most of the building. He also stated that restrictive covenants can be placed on the building to be constructed on this lot to insure that the site is protected as the Commission intended. Member Gutknecht expressed his appreciation of the developer's willingness to mitigate the impact of construction on Lot 18 but opined that Blackhawk Park should be the priority in the Commission's decision. Member Bari asked what the square footage of Lot 18 was. Mr. Miller responded that it was originally 65,000 sq. ft. but with the movement of the driveway, the size has grown to approximately 72-73,000 sq. ft. Member Bari asked for clarification on the price of the 25,490 sq. ft. parcel proposed for acquisition compared to the previously identified $140,000 price for Lot 18. He opined that $90,000 was an inordinately high amount for the limited square footage. Director Vraa clarified that the purchase price of $90,000 would allow for acquisition of a portion of Lot 18 and provide conservation easements adjacent to Blackhawk Park entrance road. Member Kubik added that this scenario would also allow the developer to expand the size of Lots 12, 13 and 14 to mitigate the loss of a building site on Lot 18. Member Markell reiterated his concern that an appraisal should be completed for Lot 18 prior to the City's acquisition. Member Kubik asked how long an appraisal would take and questioned the cost. Director Vraa stated that a full appraisal is approximately a 60 day process, however, a more informal analysis can be attempted in time for further review if the Commission chooses. Member Davis asked if a motion could be framed to allow this proposal to move ahead to the January 18 City Council meeting as requested by the developer. Member Kubik reiterated that Mr. Miller has been very helpful in attempting to provide options to mitigate the Commission's concerns and felt the process should move ahead. Following further brief discussion, Barbara Johnson moved, Terry Davis seconded with all members voting in favor to make the following recommendations to the City Council relative to Murphy Farm 3'd Addition: · The City would acquire a portion of Lot 18 for a negotiated amount up to but not exceeding $90,000 for the purpose of preservation and protection of Blackhawk Park/neighborhood views as shown conceptually on Exhibit D. The City would acquire the northeast portion of Lot 18 with the balance being added to adjacent Lots 11 through 14. Conservation easemenst will be placed on the east side of Lots 13 and 14 to preserve the vegetative buffer to Blackhawk Park. · Should the City not acquire a portion of Lot 18, the lot would be reconfigured in a manner intended to minimize tree loss by moving the driveway to the west resulting in the expansion of the area between the driveway and the adjacent Blackhawk Park. The expanded area is intended to create a vegetative buffer. The developer would place a conservation easement over Lots 21 and 11, and all of Lot 18 per Exhibit C. Construction of a home and driveway on Lot 18 would be allowed with the developer relocating the fire hydrant and all utilities within the driveway access to the home. The road of Lot 18 would be proposed to be 12 feet in width and within an area of no more than 20 feet in width. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of January 10,2000 Meeting Page 4 NEW BUSINESS CEDARV ALE TASK FORCE UPDATE Assistant City Administrator Verbrugge was present to provide an in-depth presentation of the redevelopment concept for Cedarvale. The verbal presentation shared the overall study area and preliminary redevelopment guidelines. The proposal shared was a Village Plaza concept in conjunction with multi housing proposed to surround the plaza. The existing Centennial Lakes development in Edina was used as a model. Member Rudolph participated on the task force and added his appreciation to Jamie for the work related to this project. He added that this proposal could create a very vital, vibrant area. Member Filipi, also serving on the task force, commented on the diverse make up of the group. He also noted that although this is an excellent concept for this area, it may not be exactly what ends up being developed. Mr. Verbrugge concluded that he was soliciting input from the Commission relative to the overall plan proposal. Member Kubik suggested consideration of off-road trails given the amount of traffic that will be introduced to the area. Mr. Verbrugge again asked the Commission to continue to provide their input and comments relative to this proposal PARKS AND RECREATION UPDATE Superintendent Asfahl commented on the emerging market of seniors and the need to expand opportunities. Coupled with the shortage of seasonal staff, the senior population may be a resource to tap, Asfahl continued. It was also noted that Cathy Bolduc is the newest staff member to join the department, starting right in the midst of the winter rink season. Superintendent Olson commented on the slow start opening rinks this year because of warm weather. He added that the unfunded mandate to repair/replace bleachers is being looked at by the MRP A and League of Minnesota Cities to see if there is some legislative action that could exempt some of the smaller bleachers. WATER RESOURCES UPDATE Coordinator Macbeth stated that staff will soon receive the newly printed Fishing Guides. He also noted that comments relative to the activity around Pond BP-12 has been positive. OTHER BUSINESS AND REPORTS TRAIL USER SURVEY Supervisor Olson reviewed and compared the results of trail surveys done between 1980 and 1999 to see how the usership and needs have changed. Although all surveys show that the trails were used for exercise of some type, the trend seems to be moving more toward faster paced aerobic exercise. Some trails, along Yankee Doodle and Pilot Knob Roads, are also used for transportation, unlike most other trails throughout the City. Olson continued by sharing the user comparisons having evolved over the past 20 years. The conclusion of the survey comparisons is that the City appears to have made some very good decisions anticipating and responding to resident's trail needs. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of January 10, 2000 Meeting Page 5 SUBCOMMITTEE UPDATES Member Filipi commented that further review was done relative to the use of tree mitigation funds. Several options were reviewed including the dollars for preservation and/or re-forestation. Supervisor Hove stated that a memo has been drafted for the City Attorney's review. SET RECREATION SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING A Recreation Subcommittee meeting was scheduled for February 8 at 6:00 p.m. COMMISSION EV ALUA TION Director Vraa brought the Commission's attention to the recap of the various commissions' responses to as it relates to their interaction with the City Council, staff and other commissions. COMUNICA TIONS Director Vraa stated that the Hoops organization scheduled a meeting to provide information to the community relative to their facilities. The meeting is scheduled for February 3 from 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. and the community is invited to participate. ROUND TABLE Chair Markell addressed the Commission and thanked them for the thoughtful work they've done in the past. He also thanked staff for their professionalism and thorough approach to information presented the Commission. He shared his enjoyment in participating on the Commission for the past nine years and wished the Commission well in their future tasks. Member Davis noted that the Joint Advisory Planning Commission! Advisory Parks Commission task force would be meeting to follow up on the impervious surface issue. Member Filipi commented that a subcommittee may be the best way to develop feedback for the Cedarvale redevelopment proposal. Members Davis, Filipi and Rudolph offered to serve on that subcommittee and scheduled a meeting for Wednesday, January 19 at 5:30 p.m. It was noted that this would be a brainstorming meeting to comment on the conceptual plan and layout shown. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to conduct, John Rudolph moved, George Kubik seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 9: 10 p.m. - :f}/' ~ )t~~':Ze~ Secretary P;~~'~=~_6" Date 1/ Q/03 f ,I