12/17/2001 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission Approved January 14.2002 ADVISORY PARKS COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 17,2001 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on November 19, 2001 with the following Commission Members present: Joseph Bari, Margo Danner, Terry Davis, N. Mark Filipi, George Kubik, Dorothy Peterson, John Rudolph, Melvin Williams, David Wright, and Richard Pletcher. Staff present included Ken Vraa, Director of Parks and Recreation; Jeff Asfahl, Superintendent of Recreation; Paul Olson, Parks Superintendent; Gregg Hove, Forestry Supervisor; Eric Macbeth, Water Resources Coordinator; Beth Wielde, Research and Special Projects; Cindy Kirchoff, Planner and Cherryl Mesko, Recording Secretary. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Director Vraa added Item 5 - Set January Meeting Date under Other Business and Reports. George Kubik moved, Melvin Williams seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the agenda as presented. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 19, 2001 Member Davis noted that his name was incorrectly spelled. Dorothy Peterson moved, George Kubik seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the minutes of the November 19,2001 meeting as amended. VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors who wished to address the Commission under this agenda item. SUPERINTENDENT'S UPDATE AND DEPARTMENT HAPPENINGS Items highlighted by Superintendent of Parks Olson included the delay in flooding rinks due to the unseasonably warm weather, CIP projects including the installation of new rink lighting at Rahn Park and continued work on Moonshine Park for a retreat center, the Metro Area Bicycle Strategies Group meeting to update area Cities and County bikeways map, the meeting with a consultant hired by the City to review the feasibility of a "commercial" type sliding hill in Central Park and the Treescaping A ward presented to the Eagan Foundation by the Minnesota Society of Arboriculture in recognition of the Grandfather Tree project. Superintendent Olson also shared the discovery of pieces of wood found 290' down in a well shaft being drilled in Central Park. The samples were pulled up and given to Forestry Supervisor Hove who followed up with experts at the University of Minnesota in an attempt to determine their species and age. Preliminary studies identied 6 species of spruce with a growing season of approximately 3 weeks. Further analysis will be done to determine the age of the wood. U of M staff has shown a great deal of enthusiasm in following this find and staff will update the Commission with further information. Superintendent Olson opined that this might be a unique display to incorporate in the well site building proposed for construction on the site. CONSENT AGENDA There were no consent agenda items for the Commission to discuss. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS NA TURE'S EDGE - MANLEY BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION Planner Cindy Kirchoff provided a brief background noting that the developer is requesting Rezoning approval and Preliminary Subdivision approval to create 20 single family lots on 10.04 acres located at 4665 and 4636 Dodd Road south of Cliff Road. She noted that the site is a compilation of two separate but contiguous metes and bounds parcels, which were currently used for single-family dwellings. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of December 17, 2001 Page 2 Forestry Supervisor Hove shared tree preservation issues noting that the development as proposed will result in the removal of 169 significant trees (39.0% of total). The recalculated total allowable removal is 36% and Lots 1 and 4 will be custom graded. Hove then identified the specific tree mitigation measures necessary for this development. Member Davis asked why trees are being removed and new trees replacing them on the southeast border of the property. Supervisor Hove suggested the removal was necessary for site grading but that the developer could clarify. Water Resources Coordinator Macbeth reviewed both water quality and wetland issues for the Commission. He noted that four acres of the parcel are within the shoreland overlay districts of Fitz and Holz lakes, both of which are state-protected waterbodies and classified as Class II-indirect Contact Recreation by the City's water quality management plan. In order to meet the City's water quality requirement, the developer proposes to direct stormwater from 4.9 acres to a constructed treatment basin. Macbeth then reviewed the stormwater runoff for the entire parcel. It was also noted that the developer proposed to impact the wetland with 187 square feet of fill and is required to file the appropriate application with the City to receive a de minimis exception from a replacement plan. Relative to shoreland zoning, Macbeth noted that the City's Shoreland Zoning Ordinance applies to development of this parcel because it is located within 1,000 feet of the ordinary high water level of state-protected Fitz Lake and Holz Lake. Accordingly, average lot areas shall be no less than 12,000 square feet, lot widths not less than 75 feet, structure heights no greater than 35 feet and total imperviousness no greater than 25 percent. Macbeth noted that the developer has met all provisions. Member Kubik asked how the developer was proposing to protect the wetland during construction. Coordinator Macbeth responded that fencing is required but that the developer could provide further information if needed. Member Kubik expressed concern that not all of the properties have a setback of 30 feet from the wetlands. Member Danner asked who owns and maintains the wetland. Macbeth responded that ownership is based on the plat but thought the various surrounding property owners would own it. Member Kubik asked if there was an opportunity to develop the wetland so that it maintained a level of water. He opined that that might discourage surrounding property owners from mowing into the wetland as an extension of their yard. Kubik stated he would like to see the preservation of the wetland encouraged in some way through the new property owners. Kevin Manley, developer for the project addressed the Commission and asked if they had any questions. Member Rudolph noted that the Commission, and City, has taken a strong position to try to protect wetlands with a 30 foot buffer. He asked Mr. Manley if he would consider encouraging new owners through a restrictive covenant or education to preserve and maintain the wetland rather than mow it as previous owners have done. Mr. Manley suggested that he could bring that information forward to potential property owners. Member Kubik suggested that staff work with the developer to help new residents understand the importance of maintaining the wetland. After further brief discussion, Terry Davis moved, George Kubik seconded with all members voting in favor to make the following recommendations to the City Council relative to Nature's Edge development: 1. This development shall be responsible for a cash parks dedication and a cash trails dedication. 2. This development shall meet the City's water quality requirements primarily by creating a minimum stormwater treatment capacity of 0.2 acre-feet covering a minimum area of 0.1 acre. The stormwater treatment pond should be constructed according to NURP standards with a maximum depth of 6 feet, a 10: 1 aquatic bench from the normal water level, and an outlet skimmer according to City design standards. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of December 17, 2001 Page 3 3. A cash dedication should be required in lieu of ponding for untreated stormwater that will run off of 2.0 acres of the site. 4. The development should be allowed 187 square feet of wetland fill. However, prior to any such activity, the development is required to file an appropriate application with and received from the City a de minimis exception permit. 5. A vegetation buffer of varying widths shall be required alongside the boundary of the wetland. 6. The applicant shall be required to install 24 Category A trees as mitigation for exceeding allowable tree removal limits according to the City of Eagan Tree Preservation Ordinance. 7. Tree Protective measures (i.e. orange colored silt fence or 4 foot polyethylene laminate safety netting) shall be required to be installed at the Drip Line or at the perimeter of the Critical Root Zone, whichever is greater, of significant trees/woodlands to be preserved. 8. The applicant shall be required to contact the City Forestry Division and set up a pre-construction site inspection at least five days prior to the issuance of the grading permit to ensure compliance with the approved Tree Preservation Plan and placement of the Tree Protection Fencing. 9. Individual lot tree preservation plans shall be required for lots 1 through 12, 14, 16, 17, and 20. 10. The applicant shall work with staff to incorporate language into agreements with prospective property owners to make them aware of the wetland area and how to preserve it. OLD BUSINESS NORTH PARK FIELD USE UPDATE Director Vraa introduced this item noting that the Commission has discussed the potential development of North Park for athletic field use. Because there has been no response from Dakota County relative to the closure plan for this site, Director Vraa suggested that it might be premature for the Commission to proceed with their discussion. He did note that a January meeting was scheduled with Dakota County. John Rudolph moved, David Wright seconded with all members voting in favor to postpone further discussion of this issue to the January, 2002 meeting. BIKE PARK STUDY UPDATE Beth Wielde, Research and Special Projects, explained that there has been interest expressed within the community for a bike park. The Advisory Commission discussed this issue in the past as part of the skate park evaluation. Staff was directed to explore the viability of providing this amenity for residents. In researching existing bike parks and equipment, Wielde noted that, like skateboard parks, bike parks often have pre-fabricated ramps, however they need a much longer platform and landing area. She shared a concept the City of Buffalo has found to be fairly successful. They fill a hockey rink with dirt and let the kids shape the ramps they want to use for their bikes. From a staffing perspective, it takes approximately one-half day to fill the rink and another half day to empty it. Wielde then reviewed the insurance and loss control issues related to a bike park. It appears there is a growing interest throughout the metro area for this type of use and the League of Minnesota Cities is hosting a seminar to educate communities. Wielde then asked for further direction from the Advisory Commission on other information they might want relative to a bike park. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of December 17, 2001 Page 4 Member Rudolph asked if there are any other bike parks in the area. Member Kubik recalled one off Cedar A venue and the Crosstown. Wielde noted that some cities have them but has not pursued that information further. Member Peterson suggested that if the City is going to pursue a bike park option it would be important to get input from the youth that would be using it. Member Rudolph asked if it would be possible to look at 3 different types of bike parks, identify potential sites and include the pros and cons for each. Member Wielde indicated that would be possible. It was noted that the LMC seminar would be held in the spring of 2002. Several Commission Members suggested that staff either attend the seminar or glean information from the LMC following the seminar. They opined that this would provide a better base of information before proceeding with further research. George Kubik moved, Terry Davis seconded with all members voting in favor to explore all three options and report back to the Advisory Commission after receiving input from the League of Minnesota Cities. NEW BUSINESS MILLENNIUM TRAILS CELEBRATION Director Vraa introduced this item noting that the City Council requested Commission representation to work with the Historical Society to determine the best way to celebrate the unique historical value of all Eagan roads and trails. He added that given the historical nature of the project, Communications Coordinator Joanna Foote would be taking the staff lead in coordinating this effort. Coordinator Foote explained that many trails and roadways in the area follow Native American routes and noted that segments of Dodd Road are still part of those original trails. She continued that representatives from the Historical Society and Advisory Parks Commission would work cooperatively to coordinate an appropriate commemoration on the history of Eagan roads and trails. Foote concluded by asking the Commission to appoint 2-3 volunteers to serve on this committee. Member Rudolph asked if there was a time line for the process. Coordinator Foote stated that the City Council hopes to have an event scheduled some time during the summer of 2002. Member Kubik opined that this is a very worthwhile project but thought it would be helpful to know more detail about the time commitment. It was also noted that there may be several new Commission members appointed in January who might be interested in participating on the committee. Coordinator Foote noted that the first meeting was being planned for late January or early February. After further brief discussion, the Advisory Commission welcomed the opportunity to participate with the Historical Society but suggested waiting until the January meeting to appoint volunteers. WATER RESOURCES UPDATE Water Resources Coordinator Macbeth discussed several items that will be coming up during 2002. Those included the review of Fish Lake and recommendation on how to proceed, the Nicols Fen study ending in June, clearwater partnership project for Schwanz Lake, and sediment/erosion control issues. OTHER BUSINESS AND REPORTS COMMUNITY CENTER UPDATE Director Vraa stated that 149 bids were received for 36 bid sections for the community center building. To date 8 bids have been awarded with the balance pending further review. It was noted that the bids were very favorable. The bids for the Rotary bandshell, however, were not as favorable and will need further evaluation. It was noted that equipment is expected on-site the latter part of February with construction anticipated to begin in March. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of December 17, 2001 Page 5 Member Danner asked when the next bids for the Community Center would be awarded. Director Vraa responded that is expected some time in early January. GOLF COURSE EXPLORATORY COMMITTEE UPDATE Member Peterson noted that the project is at a crucial stage of feasibility review. The committee is reviewing, with the help of a consultant, the potential option of using all, none or some of Patrick Eagan Park for a potential golf course. Peterson added that the preliminary meeting with the consultant will be January 7 and that the committee is preparing to make a feasibility recommendation to the City Council on February 5, 2002. She noted that the next level will be the acceptability of the project and hopes the City Council will have the Advisory Parks Commission review any proposals and share their concerns. Member Danner brought up several issues of concern including the ponds and lakes on the proposed site and whether or not Patrick Eagan Park was part of the Metro Greenway. Member Rudolph opined that those issues will come up again in future discussions and review. AD-HOC COMMITTEE UPDATE - PATRICK EAGAN PARK Member Rudolph stated that the committee met to hear options for Patrick Eagan Park if it is not going to be used for a golf course. Initially they felt some urgency to track options simultaneously. Given the fact that there is so much unknown at this time and everyone is still in the learning phase, they decided to wait and see how the golf course may/may not impact Patrick Eagan Park. Once that has been determined, the committee will be better prepared to address what further review needs to occur. COMMISSION MEMBERS TERM EXPIRATION Director Vraa reminded Commission Members Bari, Kubik, Pletcher and Wright that their terms expire at the end of the January 2002 meeting. He also noted that Member Kubik was at the end of his 9-year maximum term set by the City Council and would be ineligible to be reappointed. JANUARY MEETING DATE John Rudolph moved, George Kubik seconded with all members voting in favor to set the January Commission meeting for January 14,2002. ROUND TABLE Member Davis stated that at the December 3 Ad Hoc Committee meeting, the committee suggested that a position paper be drafted to the City Council on behalf of the Advisory Commission reflecting the historical perspective and vision for Patrick Eagan Park. He provided Commission Members with a cover letter and draft resolution recommending a master plan for Patrick Eagan Park. He noted that this draft may be premature but suggested that it would allow more time for Commission members to further educate themselves, consider the issues and provide input on a resolution. He asked for comments by January 4 and suggested that the Commission take action at their January 14 meeting. Member Rudolph thanked Member Davis for his efforts to be proactive with this issue. Members Rudolph and Kubik offered to help with further input and refinement of the resolution. Member Williams opined that although this might be a good idea, the Commission needs to be fair and objective and listen carefully to both sides and opinions. Member Kubik stated that the long-range plan for Patrick Eagan Park is not clear and needs a master plan to clarify its future purpose. Member Danner commented that the McCarthy land adjacent to Patrick Eagan Park is also being considered for potential golf course development. She noted that the land is currently comp guided for housing, which would need to change for a public use. Member Wright expressed some concern for saving Patrick Eagan Park only to have a development of 450 homes immediately adjacent to it. He suggested preserving Patrick Eagan Park as well as acquiring more land to expand the park. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of December 17, 2001 Page 6 Member Rudolph stated that the Commission needs to be aware of public input and keep abreast of issues that impact Patrick Eagan Park. Member Kubik encouraged Member Williams to provide his input and work on the draft resolution. Member Wright also offered his help. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to conduct George Kubik moved, John Rudolph seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m. ~ ---{.-. ( -=b.l <.7-<1-<- /u-r Secretary I)Q~~~JL'-""- Date if g/i15 f I