10/15/2001 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission Approved November 19, 2001 ADVISORY PARKS COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF OCTOBER 15, 2001 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on October 15,2001 with the following Commission Members present: Joseph Bari, Margo Danner, Terri Davis, N. Mark Filipi, George Kubik, Dorothy Peterson, Richard Pletcher and John Rudolph. Commission Members Melvin Williams and David Wright were not present. Staff present included Ken Vraa, Director of Parks and Recreation; Jeff Asfahl, Superintendent of Recreation; Paul Olson, Parks Superintendent; Gregg Hove, Forestry Supervisor; Eric Macbeth, Water Resources Coordinator; Beth Wielde, Research and Special Projects; Sonya Rippe, Sports Program Supervisor; Loudi Rivamonte, Youth Development Coordinator and Cherryl Mesko, Recording Secretary. APPROVAL OF AGENDA George Kubik moved, Joseph Bari seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the agenda as presented. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 13, 2001 Member Peterson noted that additional recommendations were to have been included with the Duke Week Realty Corporation proposal. Inclusions to the recommendations on Page 5 were, The developer agreed to have water piped to Central Park at their expense to eliminate a holding pond and the developer is responsible for a trailway along Central Parkway. Member Bari asked for clarification of the last sentence relative to the Cascade Bay 2001 Survey Findings on Page 5. Member Davis asked that the sentence be stricken because it was out of context and obviously not a part of the discussion. Terri Davis moved, George Kubik seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the minutes of September 13, 2001 as amended. MEMORIAL PRESENTATION Water Resources Coordinator Macbeth noted that on behalf of the Minnesota Valley In-Fisherman Club, a sign is being recognized as a memorial to DJ. Rogers and will be posted near the Schwanz Lake fishing pier in Trapp Farm Park. DJ. Rogers was a 16 year old In-Fisherman Club member and fishing enthusiast who was killed in an accident October 17, 1997. The fishing pier on Schwanz Lake was installed by the Minnesota DNR in 1999 with a matching donation from the Apple Valley American Legion Post 1776 through the In-Fisherman Club, which requested Mr. Rogers be memorialized in this way. Coordinator Macbeth thanked the organizations and people involved in providing this tribute. VISITORS TO BE HEARD EAA PETITION REQUEST Michael Baden, President of Eagan Traveling Soccer and a board member of EAA addressed the Commission with a petition supporting a request for additional field space for youth sports at North Park. His presentation included justification for the need of additional soccer fields given the substantial growth to the program from 1994 to 2001. He expressed concern for the future loss of field space currently provided by Blue Cross/Blue Shield and the impact that will have to the program. Mr. Baden also pointed to the change in season for the sport. Fall was once the time when the majority of soccer was played but the growth now occurs in the spring/summer and requires the sharing of limited field space with other youth sports. Mr. Baden suggested that by grading, seeding and constructing a paved parking lot at North Park this would allow the park to be used for an immediate need and leave the park in the condition to meet unknown future community needs. Mr. Baden opined that North Park could provide flat ground space and grass for 4 regulation fields and if the Commission were to move ahead with this project, the fields could potentially be ready in 2003. The Travel Soccer program proposes to continue paying for the use of the fields and would consider providing the goals and portable toilets at the site, although that had not been approved by the EAA as yet. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of October 15, 2001 Meeting Page 2 Member Rudolph thanked Mr. Baden for his report and suggested that the acquisition/development subcommittee review this request in more detail. Member Peterson asked the status of the clean up of North Park. Director Vraa stated that the closure plan has been provided to Dakota County, however, they have not responded to date. Member Peterson reiterated that the cleanup could not proceed until Dakota County finalized the closure plan and suggested caution in looking at a firm time to pursue use of this space. It was suggested that softball/baseball fields may be considered for interim soccer use if those sports see a decline in enrollment. Director Vraa responded that both sports are also looking at field enhancements due to their growth. Member Danner asked where the construction cost figures came from. Director Vraa stated that Councilmember Carlson had asked staff to estimate the cost of grading and seeding the site. Superintendent Olson added that the $220,00 cost was estimated earlier in the spring and did not include infrastructure costs. The addition of a parking lot would increase the cost $100-150,000. Olson continued that the MPCA and Dakota County are recommending the placement of a parking lot over a specific fill area, which would benefit the site. Member Danner asked if the use of this site is being designated for soccer only and expressed concern for other potential users. Member Rudolph reiterated the importance of scheduling a workshop to review some of the issues with representatives of EAA. Member Davis suggested scheduling the meeting after the City of Eagan has met with Dakota County relative to the closure plan. After further discussion, an AcquisitionlDevelopment subcommittee meeting was scheduled for November 15 at 5:30 p.m. to further discuss issues relative to the use/need of North Park with representatives of EAA. SUPERINTENDENT'S UPDATE AND DEPARTMENT HAPPENINGS Superintendent of Recreation Asfahl talked about several fall activities including a preschool trip to the apple orchard, the upcoming Halloween Hodgepodge, and the on-going activities with the seniors. Superintendent Asfahl also advised the Commission that Youth Development Coordinator Loudi Rivamonte had tendered her resignation and accepted a position as Associate Director of Cross Cultural Education. Asfahl concluded by requesting a meeting of the Recreation subcommittee in November. Superintendent of Parks Olson noted that he and Director Vraa had recently attended the NRPA conference in Denver and although they came back with some good ideas, they found that Eagan is doing a lot of things right. Superintendent Olson also shared with the Commission the park properties that will be, or have been, impacted by the storm water improvements throughout the city. CONSENT AGENDA Dorothy Peterson moved, Terry Davis seconded with all members voting in favor to make the following recommendations to the City Council: 1. Bergin Property. . No park or trail dedication is recommended, contingent upon the City acquiring approximately two acres of land from the owner for park purposes. The owner is to be responsible for a survey and the development of a legal description. . An Individual Lot Tree Preservation Plan will be required at the time of building permit application for Lot 2. . A cash dedication in lieu of on-site water quality ponding will be required for this development. 2. Culver's Restaurant . A cash dedication in lieu of on-site water quality ponding will be required for this development. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS There were no development proposals for the Commission to review. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of October 15,2001 Meeting Page 3 OLD BUSINESS OLDA UPDATE Director Vraa introduced this item noting that staff had begun a study of off-leash dog areas in 2000 but deferred the project when it was found that Dakota County was also studying the issue as part of their Master Plan of Regional Parks. Beth Wielde provided further background and shared information relative to a round table meeting hosted by Dakota County with the cities of Eagan, Apple Valley, Inver Grove Heights, Lakeville and Rosemount present. County representatives and Greg Ingram, consultant providing technical assistance for the County's study, were also present. The four primary areas of discussion were I) needs assessment, 2) partnership potential, 3) cooperation with citizen groups and 4) cost recovery. Beth provided an overview of the discussion that occurred at the meeting and concluded that this was follow-up information the Commission had requested. Member Peterson asked if Burnsville had recently opened an OLDA park. Director Vraa stated they are obtaining more data from existing facilities before proceeding. Member Davis asked what the next step was. Wielde responded that a subsequent meeting was scheduled for October 24 to continue the master planning process. SKATE PARK UPDATE Director Vraa introduced this item stating that staff has been tracking the use and concerns expressed relative to the skateboard equipment installed at Goat Hill Park. He added that staff had prepared a written assessment of the issues that have arisen since the equipment was installed in early September. Beth Wielde stated that the skate park has been a very popular facility for Eagan youth but it has not been without some issues. Staffs observations over the past month of operation have provided insight into how the park might be modified for the future. Wielde then reviewed six issues that were of some concern to staff and/or the public. . Most users do not wear helmets or protective padding, . Although there have been some altercations, there is typically no violence . The skate park was designed for a capacity of 30 and most times there are many more than that. Typically there have been 50 kids during the observation periods. . The equipment is sturdy but very heavy and difficult to move. This creates issues for the maintenance staff when it needs to be set up and taken down each season. . The use of bikes is a prolific problem. They are not allowed in the skate park, however there are no physical barriers that prevent the bikes from entering. . Some vandalism has occurred but litter is a continuous problem. Wielde then shared her discussions with other municipalities who have Tier I skate parks to see if they have experienced similar issues. Some of the methods used in other communities to try to mitigate problems included: . Random staff visibility at the park. . Siting the park in a highly visible site, next to a City Hall, Community Center, etc. . Fliers with a note, "If problems continue to occur, the park will be removed." . Working with police to make the park a regular police stop. . Letters to the editor and local news articles. Wielde concluded that although there have been some concerns expressed by residents and/or parents of users, the skate park has been embraced as a positive addition to the park system. The success of the skate park has been demonstrated by the extensive use and the request(s) for more space and equipment. Member Kubik reminded the Commission that this project was designed to be a experiment to see if the public was interested in a facility of this type. He noted that the skate park is obviously a very successful venture but that the issues of behavior would need to be monitored very carefully. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of October 15,2001 Meeting Page 4 Superintendent Olson also addressed the vandalism and trash issues. He noted that, as with any new facility, there is a learning curve. Finding the "right" location for trash receptacles has been a challenge and he suggested that continued fine-tuning will help to mitigate the problem. He also suggested that proper fencing around the skate park could deter bikes from entering. Superintendent Olson opined that the biggest issue was to identify a permanent location for the skate park to lengthen the life of the equipment so that it didn't have to be moved twice each year. Member Rudolph asked how other Tier I parks address this issue. Superintendent Olson stated that they leave the equipment in one location. Member Kubik asked if there was some type of sound insulation that could be added to the equipment to mitigate noise to adjacent neighborhoods. Superintendent Olson wasn't aware of a product specific to that use. Member Davis asked if Goat Hill Park was always intended to be a temporary location. Superintendent Olson responded that it was and that the plan was to move and store the equipment this fall and identify a more permanent location for the spring of 2002. Member Davis asked if bikers have other options or could a Tier I skate park be adapted for bike use. Superintendent Olson stated that some communities operate bike parks, however it requires very different planning and landing zones so that a Tier I skate park could not facilitate bike use. Member Davis asked if a separate bike park location could be identified. Director Vraa explained that the problem is that there appears to be too many kids at the park at the same time and suggested that the best option may be to add more equipment to reduce some of the "wait time". Member Peterson suggested considering a second site in another part of the city to expand the opportunities. Member Rudolph noted that Goat Hill Park was suggested because of the paved hockey rink and opined that Sky Hill Park might be a good second location. Member Pletcher suggested expanding one site rather than adding another site. Director Vraa responded that the Goat Hill Park site was not big enough to accommodate the expanded need. Following further discussion, Dorothy Peterson moved, Terry Davis seconded with all members voting in favor to direct staff to work to begin the process of identifying potential sites and designs for the construction of a permanent skate park for the 2002 summer season, to identify a potential second skate park site, to consider the potential for an amenity for bike users and bring the information back to the Commission for discussion. Member Danner suggested that the 2nd site should also be permanent and offered Central Park as a potential location. She added that it appears that consideration should be given to supervising the sites as well. Member Kubik suggested the Commission spend some time discussing future trends so that it can be better equipped to plan for special uses like a skate park and bike park. Director Vraa suggested scheduling a workshop to discuss some of the observations of Ellen 0' Sullivan who watches trends and practices to see how they relate to society. Member Davis suggested that the Commission also look at the City's demographics and how that might impact future needs. Member Rudolph commented that commission meetings in the past have primarily focused on development issues but now the emphasis seems to be shifting to providing recreational enhancements. NEW BUSINESS VOLLEYBALL REQUEST FOR CARNELIAN PARK Director Vraa brought to the Commission's attention a request by Dave Perron to add a volleyball court (posts) and possible horse shoe pit to Carnelian Park. The request suggested that by adding the volleyball posts residents could provide their own net and would be able to enjoy another activity in this park. Director Vraa continued that in the past volleyball nets were mounted on tires and often moved from park to park. Member Rudolph suggested that rental equipment could be an option for residents. Member Kubik commented that the City currently has a variety of recreation equipment, including volleyball, available for residents to rent. Member Peterson added that at one time there were volleyball posts located within Carnelian Park but they were removed when the park was redeveloped in the early 1980's. After further brief discussion, Member Kubik suggested that the Recreation Subcommittee review this request and bring options back to the Commission for consideration. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of October 15,2001 Meeting Page 5 WINTER WEATHER POLICY Superintendent of Recreation Asfahl explained that the National Weather Service is planning to implement a replacement Wind Chill Temperature Index for the 2001-2002 season. The past policy for closure of facilities was _100 below 0 air temperature, or -250 below 0 wind chill. With the changes being proposed by the NWS the new policy would be: -100 below air temperature, or _150 below wind chill. Staff asked the Commission to understand the new benchmark and officially adopt it as the new standard for the closure of outdoor facilities. After a brief discussion, George Kubik moved, John Rudolph seconded with all members voting in favor to adopt the winter weather policy benchmark outlined by staff. WATER RESOURCES UPDATE Water Resources Coordinator Macbeth provided information on several pending projects. He noted that the Captain Dodd project was completed and that the alum removal project is being monitored. He added that the Nicols Fen is being reviewed to explore potential restoration and that other water quality professionals will review the wetland restoration at Cedar Park. Macbeth concluded that he will be attending an annual meeting in Madison with other professionals and will provide the commission with an update. OTHER BUSINESS AND REPORTS SUMMER PROGRAM REPORT - JEFF ASF AHL Superintendent Asfahl provided an overview of areas he is directly responsible for including outdoor field usage, Holz Farm activities and Art House programming. He noted that during the summer 42 permits were issued for a variety of field uses, that 18 special events/tournament took place and staff prepared fields to host over 100 different games/events almost every week. Activities at Holz Farm included a cleanup day in May, Spring Festival in May, 3-day, day camps for youth ages 4-12 and Lone Oak Days in September which ended a very successful summer at the farm. Several projects completed at Holz Farm during the year were also identified. Superintendent Asfahl concluded with information about the variety and growing participation in Art House programming. Member Rudolph thanked Superintendent Asfahl for his report and added that Holz Farm was a great asset to the community. Member Peterson added that since 1996,5,200 hours of volunteer work have been logged at Holz Farm. She also noted that the population of Eagan in 1940 was 900:t. Superintendent Asfahl noted that Recreation Supervisor Rippe and Youth Development Coordinator Rivamonte would be presenting an overview of the programs they supervise during the summer. He also noted that this would be the last Advisory Commission meeting for Loudi Rivamonte. He thanked her for her exceptional efforts in growing the Youth Development division. SUMMER PROGRAM REPORT - SONY A RIPPE Sports Program Supervisor Rippe provided an overview of the programs and activities she supervised during the summer. She noted that she is responsible for the adult athletic programming and concessions operations at Northview, Lexington Diffley and the new concessions trailer. Adult programs supervised included summer softball (210 teams), co-rec soccer (12 teams), co-rec sand volleyball (15 teams), men's and women's tennis (44), and co-rec tennis (9 teams). The golf program, offered to both youth and adults, has grown significantly to 300 participants during the spring and summer sessions. Supervisor Rippe reviewed each program in greater detail. Adult leagues are offered the opportunity of registering, checking schedules and standings on-line through an independent web site. This has been received very positively by the participants and will continue in the future. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of October 15,2001 Meeting Page 6 The newest project for the summer, Rippe continued, was the addition of a portable concessions trailer. The trailer was ordered in late January and was open for business on June 14. The "Dug Out" was open Monday through Friday evening plus 3 weekend tournaments and one special event. Member Rudolph thanked Supervisor Rippe for her good work and thorough report. Member Davis asked about the income from the concessions trailer. Rippe responded that she didn't have that broken out separately, however, concession sales in 2000 were $13,000 and they were $22,00 in 2001. SUMMER PROGRAM REPORT - LOUDI RIV AMONTE Youth Development Coordinator Rivamonte presented an outcome report from the summer activities she directly supervised. She stated that the goal of the programs at Wescott is to provide a framework of resources and activities aimed at lessening the risk factors of juvenile crime as well as strengthen families and community by promoting quality recreational and educational programs. The goal of the program at Quarry is to provide recreation-based programs to youth and strengthen families and community by offering asset-building events for the targeted population. Several events at Wescott that were highlighted by Rivamonte included an ice cream social and talent show, National Night Out event, and summer program kick-off event combined with tours of the police substation. National Night Out was also held at Quarry Park with approximately 80 people attending. Youth programs were offered at both Wescott and Quarry for preschoolers through teens. Rivamonte added that the very distinctive need of each community provides a challenge for programming. Specific programming in each area has provided a sense of community and growth in participation of many of the programs offered. Coordinator Rivamonte also discussed the collaborative partnership programs that help expand the opportunities for the youth served in these areas. The presentation was concluded with pictures of participants and programs offered at both sites. Member Peterson expressed her appreciation for all the hard work Coordinator Rivamonte gave to her programs and specifically to the successful Multicultural Festival. She added that Loudi would be missed. Member Danner added her thanks for all the work Coordinator Rivamonte put into the two sites. She asked what the biggest difference was between the Wescott and Quarry neighborhoods. Coordinator Rivamonte responded that Wescott is a very concentrated area with socio-economic differences and that Quarry is a very heavy latchkey program. She noted that the transient rate was high in both locations and that they serve children from many places including Iceland, Pakistan, South Africa and Somalia. Member Rudolph thanked Rivamonte again for her hard work and dedication and stated that she would be greatly missed. COMMUNITY CENTER UPDATE Director Vraa explained that grading is underway at the Central Park site noting that the contractor had found some good granular soil to help balance the site. He added that the road work is not progressing as well as expected but that utilities are underway. Well #20 is being drilled and a building is being planned that will incorporate both a well house and a shelter building. Relative to the community center building, Director Vraa reported that the drawings are currently being reviewed and that the City Council will soon authorize the advertisement for bid. The bid opening is tentatively set for November 20 with anticipated award by the City Council on December 5. GOLF COURSE EXPLORATORY COMMITTEE UPDATE Director Vraa provided a brief update of the Golf Course Exploratory Committee. He noted that the three groups had met within the past week and that the next scheduled meeting on October 24 will be with the Executive Committee to synthesize the information obtained to date. The Executive Committee will then meet with the City Council to seek further direction on open issues they may have identified. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of October 15, 2001 Meeting Page 7 Member Peterson stated that she enjoyed working on the Land Use sub-committee, however there are more questions than answers at this point. She said she was looking forward to having all the information from the various groups come together. Member Danner asked if she should be representing opinions of herself or those of the Commission when she participates in the meetings. She indicated she would like to know the feelings of the Commission as it pertains to this proposal. Member Rudolph noted that although a master plan for Patrick Eagan Park has not been done, the Commission still has a vested interest in how the park is developed. Member Davis suggested that Member Danner wear two hats; one as a citizen and one looking out for the Commission's interest. He opined that at some time there would most likely be feedback from the Commission but that there was not sufficient information at this time to develop a position. Davis suggested that a briefing by Members Danner and Peterson would be helpful as an update. Member Kubik added that Members Danner and Peterson could certainly supply information reflecting the values and purposes of the Advisory Commission and voice concerns and issues that might be in conflict with them. Member Danner stated that after the Executive Committee meeting perhaps more information will be available to share. Member Rudolph thanked Members Danner and Peterson for their participation and for keeping the Commission updated. Member Kubik thanked Director Vraa and staff for continuing to provide updates on the various issues impacting the City of Eagan. ROUND TABLE There were no issues brought up under this agenda item. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to conduct George Kubik moved, John Rudolph seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 p.m. i"-. _.. l-ft. c::-J,;/"I-i t";'{': L i j :...'__k'~ .'.-4 <"~ Secretary I Date 1/ sic)> l (