06/18/2001 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission Approved July 16.2001 ADVISORY PARKS COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 18, 2001 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks Commission was called to order at 7:03 p.m. on June 18,2001 with the following Commission Members present: Melvin Williams, Margo Danner, Joseph Bari, N. Mark Filipi, Terry Davis, Dorothy Peterson serving as Acting Chair, George Kubik, David Wright, and Richard Pletcher. Chair John Rudolph was absent. Staff present include Ken Vraa, Director of Parks and Recreation; Jeff Asfahl, Superintendent of Recreation; Paul Olson, Parks Superintendent; Jim Storland, Water Resources Technician; C.J. Lilly, Parks Planner, Gregg Hove, City Forester, Sonya Rippe, Sports Program Supervisor, and Beth Wielde, Research and Special Project serving as Acting Recording Secretary. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Director Ken Vraa recommended an additional item under Item K, Other Business and Reports, to discuss the Lioness Lasting Legacy. Acting Chair (henceforth "Chair") Dorothy Peterson moved to approve the agenda as amended, Member Danner seconded, with all in attendance voting in favor to approve the agenda. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF May 14, 2001 Member Davis noted his presence at the last meeting, which was omitted from the first paragraph of the June 18,2001 minutes. Member Bari moved to approve the minutes as amended, Member Kubik seconded, with all present members voting to approve the minutes as amended. Changes have been noted and corrections made 6-19-01. VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION OF W AL T FLETCHER Walt Fletcher was recognized by the Advisory Parks Commission for his 500 hours of volunteer service to Holz Farm's "Friends of the Farm" program. VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors who wished to address the Commission under this agenda item. DEPARTMENT HAPPENINGS/ SUPERINTENDENT'S UPDATE Superintendent of Recreation Jeff Asfahl presented department happenings in the Recreation division. Discussion included: . Concessions trailer operations. . June golf program is doing well, good attendance. . Co-rec tennis has strong participation this season. . Fall softball and soccer information will be sent out soon. . Rainy weather cancellations have occurred over the past few weeks. . The Yankee Doodle Arts and Crafts Festival had approximately 10,000 visitors, very successful. . Rain has caused the cancellation of many youth association sports events. . Eagan has hosted seven weekend tournaments. . Tennis lesson enrollment has increased from '00, up to 400 this year. . Evening in the Park has begun; there is more information in the Discover Us brochure. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of June 18,2001 Page 2 . Wednesday morning senior activities are still going strong. . Youth Development programs began on May 23. . Planning for the multicultural festival is underway. . Paula Nowariak's youth programs are underway, which serve 1,700 youth in the various programs. Member Kubik noted that the Yankee Doodle Arts and Crafts festival was well done, and offered staff favorable comments for their efforts. Superintendent Asfahl noted the efforts of Kay Gustafson, and said he would pass along the compliments to her. Superintendent Paul Olson discussed happenings in the Parks Division, including: . Rain has been a problem for the Parks division as well. . On May 31, the City held the Community Services Open House, which was well attended. . Parks has been working with volunteers and organizations on a variety of projects, including: Tree Trust, to promote youth skill building. This program began at Blackhawk Park. Eagle Scouts, who have worked on a number of projects around the community. . Playground equipment was ordered for Peri dot Path and Cinnamon Ridge. This should be installed in July. . Olson attended the DOT Bicycle workshop. DOT is trying to develop a comprehensive bike map for the Twin Cities area, and used the workshop to get input from the community staff. . Seal coating on Northview is complete. . For residents who have branched down because of recent storms, Olson notified them that the City does not haul this debris unless the Council declares a citywide emergency. Olson noted that debris could be taken to the compost site on Yankee Doodle Road. For more information, residents can call the Streets Maintenance Department at 651/631-4300. CONSENT AGENDA GOPHER EAGAN Director Vraa stated that the Gopher Eagan proposal had undergone staff review. Both are consistent with dedication policies. Staff recommends approval as a consent item. Member Terry Davis moved to approve Gopher Eagan, Member Kubik seconded, with all members voting in favor to approve the consent agenda. OLD BUSINESS SKATE PARK Director Vraa introduced the Skateboard Park issue, noting that this is an update as to the project's progress, with the full report anticipated to come before the Commission in July. He introduced Researcher Wielde, who described the process undertaken for the project. She mentioned that there had been a meeting with LMC Loss Control to discuss the insurance and loss control issues that the Commission had previously identified, and proceeded to discuss the survey undertaken at two local junior high/middle schools. She noted the enthusiasm the students had demonstrated when taking the survey, and how several youth volunteered their services in the planning and design of the park. Director V raa mentioned a meeting with Landscape Structures, who has software that can model a park within the designated budget, and that youth involvement in the process may be beneficial. He noted that dual tracking would allow a greater amount of information to go up in July. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of June 18,2001 Page 3 Wielde noted that preliminary findings of the survey indicate overwhelming support for the skate park project, by both boys and girls. Member Bari asked if the survey results indicated a preference for Goat Hill or Sky Hill Park. Wielde noted that the location where the surveys were taken may have impacted this, but the full findings will be presented in July and allow Commissioners to discuss the issue further. Member Davis noted that he liked the idea of dual tracking for July. Member Kubik inquired if staff had thought of bringing in a professional skater to give safety tips or training on skate park use. Wielde said that staff would take that under advisement. Chair Peterson asked if surveys were being conducted at Cascade Bay. Wielde noted that staff had discussed this, and had decided that since there was an overwhelming response at the local schools, the survey would not be conducted at Cascade Bay. NEW BUSINESS BLUE CROSS/ BLUE SHIELD Parks Superintendent Paul Olson introduced two staff of Blue Cross/ Blue Shield's real estate division to discuss the phased planning project for the Blue Cross/ Blue Shield campus. He noted that no action is required, that this item is for discussion and information. Roger Klepke of Blue Cross/ Blue Shield described the company's background and growth in Eagan and nationally, and noted that the growth has made expansion of the campus necessary. He noted recent land acquisitions and membership growth, and the strain this puts on the building. The company has been dedicated to keeping their neighbors aware of plan development. They have used an aggressive notification plan to keep neighbors up to date on the plan. Some of the concerns neighbors have had with the plan include traffic flow issues, sight line interruption, and impact to the woods and natural environment. Phase I of the plan includes Building A, and a parking ramp to avoid a great deal of surface parking. Phase II includes a second parking ramp and Building B. Phase I is anticipated to be completed by the end of 2003, and Phase II is expected to occur in 2005. Klepke noted the redirection Blue Cross Road onto a curved street the runs along the outside perimeter of the campus. He noted the planner's concern for maintaining trees and wooded areas. Member Pletcher asked about the plans for Delta Dental. Klepke said that Delta Dentals plan allows them to expand about 60,000 square feet. Member Davis asked about the parking around the proposed buildings C, D, and E. Klepke said that C was anticipated to start in 2010, that C, D, and E were long-range plans. Member Davis noted that the idea of ramps rather than surface parking was a positive thing. Klepke stated that these are in fact more expensive than surface lots, but ramps are ideal for maintaining green space and keeping employees closer to the building. Member Danner asked about ramp capacity. Klepke noted that the ramps are anticipated to hold 1,400 at the main building, and 2,200 total for buildings Main, A, and B. Member Danner asked about potential impacts on Sky Hill Park. Klepke said that there was not expected to be a great deal of impact. The plan calls for a small day care, community center, and possibly a credit union to be built nearby, and that this parking lot may serve as overflow for Sky Hill Park. Member Wright asked how many employees were currently working at the campus. Klepke said there are about 3,200 in Eagan, including the temps, part time, etc. Member Wright asked what transportation alternatives have been considered. Klepke noted that with the coming light rail, Blue Cross is looking for a light rail shuttle Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of June 18,2001 Page 4 service. There are currently some ad hoc programs such as shuttle, ride share, and some bussing. Blue Cross is encouraged by the upcoming mass transit capabilities. Chair Peterson thanked Klepke for his presentation. Director Vraa noted the efforts by Blue Cross to be a "good neighbor" to Eagan, demonstrated by the dedication of Sky Hill Park land, field use, and efforts to work with the City. Vraa also noted that the Park System Plan has noted the future loss of Blue Cross field space. WATER RESOURCES UPDATE Water Resources Technician Jim Storland introduced the 2001 Fishing Guide, including information on lawn care, and general lake location. He showed the map that identifies quality fishing lakes (lakes that contain game fish such as walleye), and the efforts to have a quality fishing lake within one mile of every neighborhood. Storland noted that the City has reached about 75% of this goal. Storland also discussed the Cedar Pond project update, noting that most of the retaining wall has been removed along the water, 2 posts have been set up for a kiosk, and that three water gardens are planned. One will be highly manicured, one will be partially manicured, and one will be wild. Member Kubik complimented staff on the fishing guide, and said that he likes to see the catch-and-release recommendation. Chair Peterson asked about the time frame for the next phase of Cedar Pond. Director Vraa said that it would be timed with the stormwater. OTHER BUSINESS AND REPORTS SOFTBALL UPDATE Sorts Program Supervisor Sonya Rippe described the growth of the softball program in Eagan. She discussed: . 210 teams have registered for the program. . Games are usually played at Northview and Lexington-Diffley fields. . Fall softball is gearing up already. . Funding is available from league fees, costs range from $395 to $590, depending on whether there are double-headers. . Fall fees are lower because fall programs are less formalized. . Description of the different types of teams, such as men's, women's, co-rec, corporate, etc. . The number of teams has increased, as have the number of games played. Rippe sees a correlation between this. . There is a decline in the number of men's corporate registrations. There is some reorganization underway to try to bring the numbers back up. . Schedules and standings are available on eteamz.com. The site has already received 5,300 hits. Rippe noted a decline in the number of teams playing, which is a statewide trend. Teams want more games, though, which presents a logistical challenge for staff. It would entail reduction in the number of teams to add games. Rippe believes it would be better to keep the league numbers the same and increase the number of games played. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of June 18, 2001 Page 5 Goals for the program include changing the Men's D games to double-headers, and since the field locations for night games are limited, look in to additional lights. Chair Peterson asked how these goals could be met. Rippe noted that lighting allows games to be played later and in less favorable weather conditions. Chair Peterson asked how pervasive the desire for double headers is. Rippe said that it was a combination of recreational and competitive requests. Rippe demonstrated the eteamz.com web page, how players can get information on scores and schedules not only for softball, but also for several other sports. Member Davis asked if there was a link through the City web site, which Rippe said there was. Member Davis asked if other cities were using this, but Rippe wasn't aware of any at the present. She described the dot.com mergers that have put the system in flux for a while, which is not calmed down. Chair Peterson asked if there was a cost for the City to use the site. Rippe said that cost was minimal, virtually none. Chair Peterson thanked Rippe for her presentation. GRANDFATHER TREE PROJECT UPDATE Director Vraa introduced Gregg Hove to describe the Grandfather Tree moving project. Hove presented the tree project from its earliest planning to the recent move. Hove acknowledged the work of the Eagan Foundation and Kay Gustafson. He described the phases of the moving effort, including consultant selection, fund raising, the 9 day transplant process, that the monitoring and follow-up. The steps for the actual transplant, as shown in Hove's presentation, are: I. Dig the 30' root ball, checking for major root configurations. The tree had good soils around it. 2. Excavation of the soil, by machine and by hand. 3. Put layers of burlap and wire around the root structure to hold root soils in place. 4. Irrigation and monitoring systems to keep soil moist. 5. Preparation of exit ramp. 6. Transplant soils from old site to new. 7. 7" X 40' pipe inserted under root ball by hammer hoe. 8. Laying of I-beams under and across the pipe. 9. Preparation of hydraulic systems. 10. Gantry system set up, including bungees on the hydraulics. 11. Setup of wood roadway. 12. Put track system in place. 13. Raising of the tree, backing the trailer under the tree. 14. Moving the tree with 2 D-5 bulldozers pushing it, and excavators steering. 15. Re-set the gantry system at the new site. 16. Reverse the order- put the tree in its new foundation. 17. Back fill around the tree, remove burlap and wires layers. 18. Complete the backfill. Follow up care includes application of organic mulch, monitoring the site drainage, digging a stormwater root canal, applying root stimulator, and monitoring infa-red aerphotos for changes in coloration. Member Kubik asked if the soil density is the same after backfill. Gregg Hove noted that they use a pay loader to dump the soil, and then water it so it settles naturally. Member Kubik asked about the drip line, and Hove said it was about 45'. Any more than a 30' root ball, and National Shade would have to increase the cost of the move. They were pleased to find that 30' was enough. Member Kubik asked if there was a slide presentation available on the Web. Hove said that they have been tracking the project on the web. Kubik asked is it would be likely that Hove would share his experiences in an academic paper or presentations. Hove anticipates this. Member Kubik noted that this project is leading edge for both the private and public sectors. Member Peterson Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of June 18,2001 Page 6 inquired as to how people would be kept away from the critical site during the upcoming large celebrations and festivals. Hove said that the tree would be fenced off, and there may be an information booth set up. LIONESS LASTING LEGACY Member Margo Danner described the efforts of the Lioness group to sell engraved bricks for a donor plaza at the upcoming Community Center. She mentioned that during the sale, efforts would be made to locate the oldest living Eagan resident, and the oldest existing business in Eagan. Director Vraa described the location and features of the proposed donor plaza, and how it is unique to the Community Center. Member Kubik asked if it was permissible to give out a contact number. Member Danner said to contact Judy Stewart of the Eagan Lioness at 651/454-4747. ROUND TABLE Member Davis noted that this might be an appropriate time to deal with some of the open issues as seen on the attendance roster. Member Kubik added that it might be appropriate to have some of the subcommittees working on these issues before bringing them before the Commission. Chair Peterson said it was a good idea to send these to subcommittee first. The Commission went through the items individually: I. Commission Review W orkshop- STRIKE ITEM 2. Spring Maintenance Demonstration- ACCOMPLISHED DURING TOUR 3. Review revenue sources in lieu of park dedication- ACQUISITION & DEVELOPMENT SUBCOMMITTEE 4. Review docks- STRIKE 5. Seasonal easement at top of Trapp Farm tubing hill- MOOT- Superintendent Paul Olson mentioned that insurance contact recommended not extending the easement. 6. Wetland and Setback Buffers- NATURAL RESOURCES SUBCOMMITTEE 7. Workshop to review packet format! content- STRIKE Chair Peterson requested that the "Morning After" memos be included in the packet. She also recommended that meeting dates be set up for the two subcommittee meetings. Member Kubik deferred the meeting setup to staff. Member Davis said that perhaps these items could come before the Commission in September. Director Vraa agreed. Member Davis told the Commission about an article he had seen during a trip to San Diego in USA Today, regarding a bond used to purchase acreage for green space conservation. Member Filipi noted that the City of Plymouth has done a similar thing, although not on such a large scale. ADJOURNMENT Member Kubik moved to adjourn, Member Danner seconded, with all members voting in favor to adjourn at 8:55 pm. ~~. c'[1"'/] :~-j .AL<t:O.e)f.o?,) !JyY!.t........)....~1< Secretary f Advisory Parks Commission I/,,-(k :) /