04/16/2001 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission Approved 5-14-01 ADVISORY PARKS COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF April 16, 2001 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks Commission was called to order at 7:02 p.m. on April 16, 2001 with the following Commission Members present: John Rudolph, George Kubik, Joseph Bari, N. Mark Filipi, Dorothy Peterson, Margo Danner, Melvin Williams, and Richard Pletcher. Members Terry Davis and David Wright were absent Staff present include Ken Vraa, Director of Parks and Recreation; Jeff Asfahl, Superintendent of Recreation; Paul Olson, Parks Superintendent; Eric Macbeth Water Resources Coordinator; C.J. Lilly, Parks Planner, and Beth Wielde, Research and Special Project serving as Acting Recording Secretary. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Member George Kubik moved to approve the agenda, Member Joseph Bari seconded, with all in attendance voting in favor to approve the agenda. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF March 19, 2001 Member Peterson noted a change on page 2, second paragraph before Public Hearing re DNR Grant. It should be changed from, "Member Peterson stated that information regarding the tree sale would be included in the next 'Discover Us' brochure" to '''Explore Eagan brochure." Chair Rudolph moved to approve the minutes as amended, Member Bari seconded, with all present members voting in favor. VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors who wished to address the Commission under this agenda item. DEPARTMENT HAPPENINGS/ SUPERINTENDENT'S UPDATE Superintendent Paul Olson gave the Superintendent's Update and Department Happenings for both the parks and recreation divisions, due to Superintendent Asfahl's attendance at another meeting. Olson covered issues including: . Increase in attendance for Eagan's senior programs . 208 teams have signed up for league softball thus far this year . Wet fields have resulted in cancelled practices and games . Thanks to Lyn Mar for printing the softball handbook . Concession training has begun . Volunteers are needed for Holz Farm events . The Garden Club is holding its plant sale . The next Discover Us brochure is being compiled and will be ready for distribution soon . There will be a Somali Community round table event . There are about 300 trees available at the tree sale. . Boulevard sweeping is almost completed . Eagan 3rd graders have completed their submissions for the Arbor Day poster contest, which will be judged by the APrC at the end of tonight's meeting . An RFP has been sent to playground equipment vendors Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of April 16, 200 1 Page 2 . Glacier Hills school has expanded their playground equipment, which is available to the public when school is not in session . The STS and Tree Trust crews have begun work. Olson described some of the projects they were working on, and gave a brief background on what these crews are . Parks has received quotes for security lights, and it is interesting to note that the quotes are coming in under budget . E-team workshop was held last month, with builders, developers, and staff from other cities in attendence Member Bari asked if a volunteer organization helped plant the trees from the tree sale. Olson stated that the trees were sold to individuals (limit: 2) and they are responsible for planting them. He noted that the trees were of a size that individuals can manage planting themselves. Member Bari also inquired about the downed light pole on Yankee Doodle Road, and wondered ifit had been knocked down by the wind or hit by an automobile. Olson said he was not sure, but it was likely that the pole had been hit. CONSENT AGENDA ARBOR DAY PROCLAMATION Chair Rudolph recognized the upcoming Arbor Day activities, and complimented the Arbor Day efforts. Member Peterson moved to approve, Member Kubik seconded, with all present members voting in favor to approve the consent agenda. OLD BUSINESS SKATEBOARD PARKS Beth Wielde, Research and Special Projects, presented further investigation into bringing a skate park to Eagan. Phase II of this study focused on site alternatives, cost projections, and alternative funding methods. Researcher Wielde discussed the three alternative sites proposed by staff, Quarry Park, Bridle Ridge Park, and Goat Hill Park. She gave estimated costs of the project based upon data collected from various skate park manufacturers, and funding alternatives including the Park Site Fund, local business donations, and trade school participation. The attending members of the APrC moved to send the issue into subcommittee for further investigation. All present members voted to do so. CEDAR POND BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES PROJECT Water Resources Coordinator Eric Macbeth gave a brief background of the project, noting that Water Resources had been approved to move ahead with the grant to monitor for aquatic health. Macbeth wished to present a conceptual design and have official designation as a Water Resources Demonstration Project. Macbeth discussed the existing retaining wall on the site, and the desire to re-establish natural foliage around the pond. He discussed the reasons that this particular site was selected, noting that Cedar Pond is one of the poorest quality wetlands in the City of Eagan. He then introduced Rusty Schmidt of URS/ BRW to discuss the project further. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of April 16, 2001 Page 3 Schmidt discussed the intent of implementing watershed education in the areas to promote water quality ideas for property owners. This can be done in conjunction with Eagle Scouts, possibly using door-hangers with tips on how people can help improve the water quality in their area. Schmidt showed some concept plans of the project, and discussed factors that influence nutrients and wildlife habitat impacts. He described a possible rain water garden to help the public participate in water quality processes by seeing the system. The purpose of the rainwater garden would be to improve the existing environment, and to educate the landowner. Chair Rudolph asked about the possible timeline of the project. Schmidt said it would take about one summer, with possible MCC help. He noted that the grading on the site would be minimal. Member Peterson asked what impact the 2000 storm may have on this project. Water Resources Coordinator Macbeth said that the impact was very important, and that they were working with Public Works to make sure it is not confused with the stormwater efforts of that department. Member Pletcher asked if the existing retaining wall would be removed. Macbeth said the wall is proposed for removal, and the area would have its public access increased. Member Kubik asked if there would be successive monitoring over the course of years. Macbeth said that they fully intend to monitor for biodiversity. This is scheduled to occur approximately every 2 weeks. Schmidt noted that the Met Council was very interested in the project, and that it would be a positive project for Eagan. Member Peterson asked about the plant germination expectation. Schmidt responded that natural germination processes would be supplemented with "plugs," which have already sprouted roots. Member Danner noted her concern with the vegetation at Cedar Pond over the years, and asked if the current vegetation would be removed. Macbeth said he expected so, and will likely buffer the area with some foliage. Member Danner asked why the water quality has become so poor at Cedar Pond, and Macbeth said that he does not have enough background or general history to be certain. He noted that the problem has been ongoing for many years. Member Danner asked about decreasing the number of Canadian Geese on the site. Macbeth responded that they cannot fully get rid of water birds. Schmidt noted, however, that geese may be discouraged by the use of taller grasses, whereas ducks tend to prefer the taller grass. He also noted that some of the diminished water quality may be the result of the increased load being placed on the water shed, greater loads going in to the pond. Macbeth noted that additional routing into the pond, and stated that the pond is expected to be capable of handling the bounce. He also noted that there are a few other techniques that could be considered in addition to this project. Member Danner asked how the project could keep geese out of the rainwater park. Schmidt stated that there would only be water in there after a rainfall, then it percolates through loose soils. Member Kubik recommended that the Minnesota DNR Aquatic Plant Restoration Program grant be accepted, and that the APrC officially designate the Cedar Pond Best Management Practices (BMP) Project as a Water Resources Demonstration Project. NEW BUSINESS EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL POLICY Macbeth described the discussion on this matter brought up at previous meetings. He noticed it laid out the requirements for the city to follow to protect erosion from occurring at the onset of development. This project has attempted to document a policy when dealing with developers. Member Kubik asked if there would be an Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of April 16, 2001 Page 4 opportunity to get a building pad perimeter as well as a building footprint. Macbeth said he would check with Engineering. Member Peterson asked if this would bring together all the language in the City Code that deals with erosion control. Macbeth said it was the concept, but they would need to work with the City Attorney on this. Chair Rudolph asked if this policy was consistent with other cities, or if Eagan was ahead. Macbeth said it was a combination of both, and that Woodbury is doing a similar project. Chair Rudolph moved to recommend adoption of the Policy as presented, and preparation of ordinance language. Member Pilipi seconded, with all present members voting to approve. WATER RESOURCES UPDATE Water Resources Coordinator Eric Macbeth discussed the recent developments on Fish Lake. Fish Lake experienced a fish kill recently, even though there was an aerator running through the winter. He noted similar reports at Heine Pond and Schwanz Lake. He stated that this is not a unique occurrence, it happens all over the state. He believes the fish killed may be the older, more sensitive fish. Member Kubik stated that it could have been much worse had the aeration not been taking place. Macbeth said that this was a good point. Macbeth also gave an update on progress with the herbicidal treatment of curly leaf pondweed project on Schwanz Lake and Blackhawk. He also provided an update on the barley straw project, which will continue through this summer to determine its impact on inhibiting algae growth. OTHER BUSINESS AND REPORTS 2000 ANNUAL REPORT Recreation Superintendent Jeff Asfahl and Beth Wielde, Research and Special Projects, presented the Commission with the 2000 Annual Report. Superintendent Ashfahl provided some description of the recreation division's section of the report, and Researcher Wielde mentioned some of the Administration and Parks highlights. Chair Rudolph commented on the amount of work the department puts forth over the course of the year. Member Kubik said that it may be a good idea for the Commission to arrange for a meeting of the Parks staff during the summer. JOINT COUNCIL! COMMISSION MEETING Superintendent Asfahl noted that the Commission is anticipated to meet with the City Council on May 15. Chair Rudolph stated that the Council may be looking for input on Moonshine Park at that time. Member Peterson stated that some other issues they may consider bringing to this meeting are North Park and Patrick Eagan Park, to revive the nature center issue. Member Bari asked if the CIP might be discussed at that time. Chair Rudolph said that this would be appropriate Chair Rudolph asked if it would be appropriate to discuss Moonshine Park at this time. Director Vraa said that they intend to have the meeting before the next Commission meeting. Chair Rudolph said that the 26th is the tentative date. He asked if this would work for the Commissioners. With the exception of Member Danner, this date worked. The meeting was set for 5:15 on April 26th. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of April 16, 2001 Page 5 PRESCHOOL PROGRAM UPDATE Recreation Supervisor Paula Nowariak and Preschool Instructor Holly Champlin presented a preschool program update. Nowariak provided background information dating to 1978, and noted that currently there are over 1,000 participants in the program. She noted 200 children in preschool right now, and that the preschool facilities are being used solidly Mondays to Fridays. She stated that the programs are funded from user fees. Instructor Champlin described the philosophy of the program; to have kids learn social skills, separation from parents, and motor skills. Classes are held every three months. There is both multi age (3,4, and 5 year olds) and age specific groupings available. Champlin then walked the Commission through a typical day, including arrival, "Theme of the Day," free play, snack time, Show and Tell, and clean-up. She also described some of the field trips the kids have taken, such as the Science Museum and an apple orchard. Supervisor Nowariak talked about the anticipated increase in program participation, and how supervisors must keep up with the trends and user needs. She noted that staffing is always an issue. They are looking at expanding motor skills opportunities, especially in the winter. Member Peterson asked about the strangest item she's seen for Show and Tell. Champlin replied that last week, a child brought in underwear. After a laugh from the Commission, Member Kubik asked what the snack usually is. Champlin said that it is usually cookies and crackers, and since there is no refrigeration unit, there is no milk. The kids take turns holding the button at the water fountain. WINTER PROGRAM REPORT Programs and Events Supervisor Cathy Bolduc provided an overview of 2000-2001 winter programs. She covered facilities and programs including: . Ice rinks, which opened on time, and provided seasonal average counts . Park maintenance, which had the rinks flooded in December, and were cleaned daily. 4,000 hours were spent on maintenance of the rinks, and 1.1 million gallons of water were used to flood the rinks. . Trapp Farm Park sliding hill opened on December 16, and was open until March 11. Bolduc gave counts of group types and group sizes. . Special Events included the Ice Festival, which was successful but may have run too long, and Breakfast with Santa, which drew a crowd of about 50. Activities included ice fishing and dog sled rides. . Bolduc gave statistics on the outdoor skating lessons, the three rinks (Clearwater Park, Sky Hill Park, and Bridle Ridge Park), and total participants. She noted that the adult beginner classes were not particularly well attended. . Rink Rats Hockey was well attended, there were about 34 youth who went to Bridle Ridge Park to participate. . Next year, staff is looking to improve: Seasonal staff communication and training More availability of Class B rink sites Inner tube resources and alternatives Improve on record keeping Special events publicity Review outdoor skating lesson program Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of April 16, 2001 Page 6 Chair Rudolph asked Bolduc where the tubes were stored off-season. Bolduc said they are stored at the maintenance facility, and that during the sliding season, they are stored on-site in a large container. Member Peterson asked if any fish were caught at Blackhawk Lake. Bolduc said little ones were, but not many. Catches tended to bring a rush of excitement. Member Peterson asked if Water Resources was brought in to assist with that program. Bolduc replied that they were. Member Kubik asked what alternatives to snow tubes were explored. Bolduc said that purchase outlets and other tube types were considered. Member Kubik asked if there was a "wish list" of donations posted somewhere. Member Bari stated tire shops sometimes donate their wares. Bolduc said that donation opportunities for tires are becoming sparse. Member Rudolph complimented staff on the use of Power Point in their presentations. He noted the improvements is presentation styles by the department. REVIEW COMMENTS- LEBANON HILLS REGIONAL PARK MASTER PLAN EXEC. SUMMARY Chair Rudolph provided a background on the Lebanon Hills Regional Park Master Plan document, and noted that it was in the comment phase. Rudolph mentioned that comment can be given via the Web Site. He stated that the County is seeking comment on this matter. Director Vraa said that he would be happy to coordinate the Commission's comments if they wish, or they can send them in individually. SCHEDULE WORKSHOP. MOONSHINE PARK This item was previously discussed under the Joint Commission! Council meeting. The next Moonshine Park workshop will take place on April 26th at 5: 15, in Conference Room 2A & B. ROUND TABLE Member Peterson requested that the subcommittee decide on a meeting time for the skate park issue. Chair Rudolph recommended April 30th to May 3rd. Member Peterson suggested May 3rd at 5:00. Chair Rudolph asked Researcher Wielde if this time worked, and she agreed. The meeting will be held in Conference Room 2A & B at City Hall. Member Peterson also mentioned the Somali Round Table Discussion per memo provided by Youth Development Coordinator Loudi Rivamonte. ADJOURNMENT Member Kubik moved to adjourn, Chair Rudolph seconded, with all members voting in favor to adjourn at 9:25 pm. '1\ ' '-)' -~ 0-' ;.f. .k:,., J-/'Yt.xAo-h,,,- Secretary , Advisory Parks Commission J / f./C)~ I !