11/18/2002 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission Approved December 16.2002 ADVISORY PARKS COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 18,2002 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on November 18, 2002 with the following Commission Members present: Joseph Bari, Phil Belfiori, Margo Danner, N. Mark Filipi, Elizabeth Perry, Dorothy Peterson, Richard Pletcher, John Rudolph, and Melvin Williams. Commission Member Davis was not present. Staff present included Ken Vraa, Director of Parks and Recreation; Jeff Asfahl, Superintendent of Recreation; Paul Olson, Parks Superintendent; Eric Macbeth, Water Resources Coodinator; Gregg Hove, Forestry Supervisor; Beth Wielde, Research and Special Projects; and Cherryl Mesko, Recording Secretary. Mayor Elect Geagan was recognized and welcomed to the meeting. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Consent Agenda F-l; Zehnder Ponds Addition was pulled from the agenda. Under New Business, Recognition of Eagan Core Greenway/Resolution was added as Item 1. N Mark Filipi moved, Dorothy Peterson seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the agenda as amended. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF OCTOBER 14, 2002 John Rudolph moved, Elizabeth Perry seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the minutes of the October 14, 2002 meeting as presented. VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors who wished to address the Commission under this agenda item. SUPERINTENDENT'S UPDATE AND DEPARTMENT HAPPENINGS Superintendents Asfahl and Olson highlighted several items of interest pertaining to the Recreation and Parks Division respectively. Superintendent Olson also noted that although there has been verbal confirmation to individuals, the City of Eagan has not received formal notification from the DNR that the Metro Greenways Planning Grant has been awarded to the City of Eagan. CONSENT AGENDA There were no consent agenda items for the Commission to discuss. DEVELOPMENTPROPOS~LS There were no development proposals for the Commission to discuss. OLD BUSINESS GIFT OF MARY UPDATE Water Resources Coordinator Macbeth noted that at a recent technical meeting all condition relating to wetlands issues have been met. He added that the wetland impacts have been reduced 60% from the original proposal. Advisory Park Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of November 18, 2002 Page 2 CEDAR VILLAS PARKLAND DEDICATION CREDIT Director Vraa introduced this item and noted that the Commission previously reviewed this development proposal and recommended a cash park dedication. The developer is now requesting that a partial reduction in those fees be considered because of the park amenities included within the development. Jay Jensen, Senior Vice President for Shelter Corporation explained that all the amenities proposed in their portion of the development will be available to residents in both the Shelter development and adjoining CDA development. The Shelter development is proposed to begin early 2003 followed by the CDA 6 to 8 months later. The Shelter Corporation is hoping to get a park dedication reduction based on the amenities identified, Jensen concluded. Member Peterson asked if Dakota County would be subject to a dedication requirement for the CDA development. Director Vraa responded that they would. Member Rudolph asked the developer how the amenities would justify a reduction in fees. Mr. Jensen responded that they would cover all ages that might be included within these developments. Member Peterson noted that if a land dedication had been required for this development it probably would have been met with the square footage being proposed by the developer for park amenities, however did not support a reduction in the park dedication fee as was requested. Member Bari concurred that the amenities being proposed did not sufficiently equate to a reduction in the dedication fee. Member Rudolph added that the Commission has seen similar proposals with similar amenities and have not reduced the park dedication requirements. Member Perry opined that the amenities being proposed with this development are necessary as a marketing tool for the developer rather than a part of park amenities for the community and could not support reducing the fee. Member Danner stated that although this development, in conjunction with the CDA, would be a good option for the community, she did not support the reduction of the approximate $55,000 park dedication fee. After further brief discussion, Dorothy Peterson moved, John Rudolph seconded with all members voting in favor to deny the request for a reduction in park dedication fees for the Cedar Villas development. DRAFT BANDSHELL POLICY Superintendent Asfahl provided a brief background regarding the need to begin policy discussions that would pertain to the use of the Bandshelllocated within Central Park particularly regarding the close proximity to the community center. The policy would be designed to allow the most beneficial use of this venue and to manage its permitted use. Superintendent Asfahl then reviewed the draft rental policy considerations. Questions asked by the Advisory Commission included who will enforce and regulate the rules, who will staff this site, is there a priority of use, will residents living nearby the Bandshell be notified of events, and what criteria will be used to review allowable music/entertainment. Superintendent Asfahl responded that many of the operational policies had not been determined to date. He did add that it is being proposed that priority scheduling for this amenity would be 1) Parks and Recreation, 2) entertainment for the benefit of the community and 3) groups for gain. Member Rudolph noted that the Advisory Commission has reviewed draft policies in the past and know that they are fluid documents reviewed periodically by the Commission. Rudolph asked if staff is comfortable with the draft policy being presented. Superintendent Asfahl responded that this draft is a starting point and that additional issues can be addressed as they arise. Member Peterson suggested that the Recreation Subcommittee meet to discuss this policy in greater detail. Member Danner asked if the community center staff scheduling the Bandshell could weigh the need to charge fees for this venue versus the benefit to the community. Given the number of questions from the Advisory Commission, John Rudolph moved, Elizabeth Perry seconded a motion with all members voting in favor to defer the review of the draft policy to the December 16 meeting following further review by the Recreation Subcommittee. Advisory Park Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of November 18, 2002 Page 3 Ed Finley, 3520 Widgeon Way addressed the Commission and asked when public input would be solicited regarding the Bandshell policy. Director Vraa responded that there is no written legal notice of a public hearing for policy issues like this but input is always welcome. Vraa suggested that Mr. Finley contact staff or the Commission with his suggestions. Mr. Finley noted that he had several suggestions and comments and would send them to Superintendent Asfahl. NEW BUSINESS RECOGNITION OF EAGAN CORE GREENW A YIRESOLUTION Commission Member Danner introduced Laura Hedlund, Chair of the Dakota County Parks Commission. Ms. Hedlund addressed the Commission to speak to the importance of recognizing the Eagan Core Greenway. She noted the importance of preserving natural areas and open spaces and commented on the value that Patrick Eagan Park has played in her family's enjoyment. She opined that the Eagan Core Greenway is a huge opportunity to connect Lebanon Hills Regional Park to significant natural open spaces in Eagan and strongly urged the Commission to pass the resolution being presented to them. She added that the Commission should speak as one voice and take action now to preserve this greenway. Susan Gauer representing Friends for Patrick Eagan Park addressed the Commission and asked them to adopt a resolution that recognizes and celebrates the Eagan Core Greenway and its significance, to open discussions to secure the preservation of the greenway and specifically identified parcels of land and to identify appropriate partners to assist with the acquisition of the identified land as it becomes available. Member Danner then asked the Commission for their input. Member Bari asked if the Commission was being asked to pass the Resolution or recommend action to the City Council. Member Peterson suggested that moving this forward to the City Council may be premature given the fact that there has not been research into funding sources to acquire property, or consideration of the impact this would have by taking property off the tax roles. Member Danner stated that the Commission is simply being asked to recognize that there is an Eagan Core Greenway, which would give the group leverage to move forward in looking at potential partners for this venture. Member Bari suggested that the Commission could approve the recognition of the Eagan Core Greenway and not address items Band C on the Resolution at this time. Member Peterson opined that it was inappropriate for the Commission to be involved in identifying specific parcels of land for acquisition. Member Pletcher felt that the Commission had already recognized the Eagan Core Greenway. Member Rudolph noted that that may have been done informally, but that this is a request to formalize that support. Member Williams expressed concern that Items A, Band C were much too specific and that the Commission should not be taking action on them at this point. Member Danner reiterated that the Friends of Patrick Eagan Park have worked diligently to provide terminology that they feel best represents the intent of the Resolution so that they can move forward to preserve the Eagan Core Greenway. After further discussion Elizabeth Perry moved and Dorothy Peterson seconded a motion that the City of Eagan's Advisory Parks Commission recommend that the City Council: A. Recognize the Eagan Core Greenway, acknowledging its significance to the community as well as to the environment and B. Request that the City open discussions to secure the preservation of the greenway, with attention to the remaining parcels of land in proximity to Patrick Eagan Park and C. That Eagan would like to identify appropriate partners to assist with the acquisition of this land for the Eagan Core Greenway, as it becomes available. As a point of clarification, Member Perry added that the map that was submitted with the City's grant request to the DNR should be used as an exhibit to accompany the Resolution to provide consistency with what is being identified as the Eagan Core Greenway and surrounding parcels. Advisory Park Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of November 18, 2002 Page 4 After further brief discussion the motion was called. Those voting Aye included Joseph Bari, Phil Belfiori, Margo Danner, N. Mark Filipi, Elizabeth Perry, Dorothy Peterson, Richard Pletcher and John Rudolph. Melvin Williams voted Nay. The motion passed SECURITY LIGHT - WESCOTT COMMONS Superintendent Olson noted that staff received a request from the on-site resident manager at Wescott Hills apartment complex to install a single security light in Wescott Commons Park. He added that when the park was originally developed the existing management did not feel the need for a security light in this location because of the potential spill light. Olson stated that Dakota Electric estimated the cost for a security light would be $2000 and suggested that it could be funded by the Park Site Fund. After a brief discussion, John Rudolph moved, Joseph Bari seconded with all members voting in favor to approve the installation of a standard park security light in Wescott Commons Park. 2003 PARKS AND TRAILS DEDICATION FEES Researcher Wielde noted that the Commission annually reviews parks and trails dedication fees for the subsequent year. The City of Blaine's parks and trail dedication fee survey of other communities was used to help calculate the Metro Sample Average for study purposes. Given the limited future funds that will be generated through parks and trails dedication fees, Wielde reviewed several options for the Commission to consider. Director Vraa noted that water quality fees are also tied to values established for parks and trails dedication fees and that the Commission is being asked to take action on a change in excavation fees proposed for 2003. Member Peterson suggested a 5% increase across the board for parks and trails dedication fees and asked staff if there was a means to ensure that property values were appropriately calculated to ensure consistency. Member Perry suggested that a 5% increase annually should be considered in looking at future rates. Following further brief discussion, Dorothy Peterson moved, Elizabeth Perry seconded with all members voting in favor to recommend to the City Council that the parks and trails dedication fees be increased by 5% for all categories for 2003 and to increase the 2003 excavation rate to $4.50 per yard. 2003 FEES AND CHARGES Superintendent Asfahl explained that the Commission annually reviews fees and charges for the subsequent year and makes a recommendation to the City Council for inclusion in the overall fee structure. He noted that fees have not generally changed since 1997 and suggested that the fee schedule be increased by 10% across the board. This fee structure took into account the addition of the Central Park Pavilion, Central Park Bandshell and Moonshine Park. It also took into account the City Council's direction to increase revenue opportunities at the tubing facilities. Questions were asked regarding the fee change for tubing at Trapp Farm Park and Central Park. Member Danner asked how many people would be able to be on the tubing hill at one time and if there would be a profit from the fees being charged. Superintendent Asfahl responded that approximately 80 people could be accommodated at one time and that the revenue would offset some of the costs for this community amenity but would not make a profit. Member Danner asked if people have complained about the rates. Superintendent Asfahl responded that some people have expressed their disappointment with a fee. Member Perry noticed that there was no fee identified for canoe storage racks that were authorized to be placed at Moonshine Park. Superintendent Asfahl apologized for the oversight and indicated he would bring that fee proposal to the Commission at their December 16 meeting. After further brief discussion, John Rudolph moved, Dorothy Peterson seconded with all members voting in favor to recommend to the City Council the 2003 fee schedule as outlined. Advisory Park Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of November 18, 2002 Page 5 WATER RESOURCES UPDATE Water Resources Coordinator Macbeth reported on a recent conference in Alaska, the City Council's approval to proceed with Pond JP-47 and to pursue additional wetland banking, the Shoreland grant pertaining to Moonshine Park and the need to comply with Federal government requirements regarding the stormwater management plan. OTHER BUSINESS AND REPORTS SHADE TREE DISEASE PROGRAM Forestry Supervisor Hove introduced this item and provided a brief overview of the City's shade tree disease program, satellite imaging used to identify oak wilt, buckthorn removal program, major landscaping projects at Central Park and the Cedar redevelopment project and an update on the Grandfather Tree. Following the updates, Supervisor Hove introduced Tree Inspector Keith Kassidy who provided a very in-depth report of both the Oak Wilt and Dutch Elm programs within the City of Eagan. He noted that although there were less trees marked for removal in 2002 than in 200 I, the number of Oak Wilt infected sites increased in 2002. He reviewed in great detail the methods that staff uses to identify and work to mitigate the spread of these diseases. Several questions were answered regarding the buckthorn removal program, which has been very successful. Staff also noted that the website helps people who are unsure of what to look for and how they can get answers to their questions about any of the problems identified. The Commission thanked the Forestry staff for the great job they do and for keeping them up to date. PARKS DEDICATION FUND UPDATE Superintendent Olson provided an update of the overall financial status of the Park Site Fund. He reviewed the fund balance as of January 1, 2002, the actual revenues and expenditures as of November 1, 2002, which indicates an estimated fund balance of $3,032,410. Superintendent Olson cautioned that the balance does not reflect projects that are in progress, or will begin as part of the 2002 CIP expenditures. The status of projects proposed for 2002 was reviewed along with the approximate percentage of completion. Member Danner asked how much money is included in small projects. Superintendent Olson responded that it is approximately $20,000 per year. The security light at Wescott Commons Park and the canoe rack are examples of items that typically come out of the small projects portion of the CIP, Olson added. THOMAS WOODS TRAIL UPDATE Director Vraa stated that a letter was sent to the developer regarding this trail and that they have indicated they will be installing the trail as directed. SUBCOMMITTEE UPDATES There were no subcommittee updates. COMMUNITY CENTER UPDATE Director Vraa indicated that the Building Engineer had been hired and will hopefully start work in two weeks, and the Rental Coordinator and Fitness Coordinator positions are currently being advertised. He added that the building is moving along very well, the Bandshell is nearing completion as is the wellhouse/pavilion building. Operations are being set up and staff is looking at the budget. Director Vraa noted that staff is sill looking at phased soft openings to begin in April 2003. Advisory Park Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of November 18,2002 Page 6 Member Danner asked if the banquet room reservations are moving forward. Director Vraa responded that they are being booked quite regularly. Member Danner asked if the site would be ready for the 4th of July event. Director Vraa responded that grading may be done this fall but due to the wet weather conditions this year the seeding won't be done until spring 2003. COMMISSION MEMBERS TERM EXPIRATION Director Vraa reminded Commission Members Belfiori, Davis, and Peterson that their terms expire and if they wish to re-apply they need to do so in December. Vraa also noted that Member Rudolph's term also expires but he has reached his term limit set by the City Council and will not be eligible for re-appointment. COMMUNICA TIONS An e-mail was shared with the Commission complimenting Forestry staff for their efforts in working with a resident regarding removal of buckthorn. ROUND TABLE Member Peterson suggested that staff look at incorporating the bicycle trail map signage at Silver Bell and Highway 13 once the Cedar redevelopment project is completed. She noted that this location was originally designated for this particular signage. Director Vraa added that nine firms have picked up the RFP for the Holz Farm Master Plan. Staff will work with Member Peterson as the Commission's liaison for the review and interview process. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to conduct John Rudolph moved, Elizabeth Perry seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m. '-" -""'0 ~n cJ>' t~ ".....t.L1 ." ~~.~,;'-t-.. Secretary Date il/folo '3 ,