10/14/2002 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission Approved November 18.2002 ADVISORY PARKS COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF OCTOBER 14, 2002 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on October 14,2002 with the following Commission Members present: Joseph Bari, Phil Belfiori, Margo Danner, Terry Davis, N. Mark Filipi, Elizabeth Perry, Dorothy Peterson, Richard Pletcher, John Rudolph, and Melvin Williams. Staff present included Ken Vraa, Director of Parks and Recreation; Jeff Asfahl, Superintendent of Recreation; Paul Olson, Parks Superintendent; Eric Macbeth, Water Resources Coordinator; Sonya Rippe, Sports Program Supervisor; Holly Champlin, Preschool Program Coordinator; Aaron Hunter, Cascade Bay Manager; Sandy Breuer, Community Center Manager; Beth Wielde, Research and Special Projects; and Cherryl Mesko, Recording Secretary. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Mr. Jack Conrad was added under Visitors to be Heard. Holz Farm Update and Miscellaneous were added under Other Business and Reports as items 6 and 7 respectively. Terry Davis moved, N. Mark Filipi seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the agenda as amended. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 16, 2002 The last paragraph of Page 3 omitted John Rudolph's name as having voted Aye on the tobacco free policy motion. Dorothy Peterson moved, Elizabeth Perry seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the minutes of the September 16, 2002 meeting as amended. Member Danner commented that she would like to see cost figures incorporated into the minutes. Chair Rudolph suggested that the Commission continue this discussion later in the agenda VISITORS TO BE HEARD Jack Conrad, representing Friends of Patrick Eagan Park noted that he was present with John Ward who wanted to update the Advisory Commission of the recent Tour de Sprawl at Patrick Eagan Park. John Ward noted that the event was very successful with 43 people biking 20 miles through the rain. He reiterated information presented at previous Commission meetings regarding the core greenways in Dakota County and the integral link that Patrick Eagan Park and other properties played. Mr. Ward added that Al Singer had announced at the event that the DNR would be awarding an $8,000 grant to Eagan, which was to be matched by the City to provide ground truthing of specific areas identified within the core greenways in Eagan. Mr. Ward elaborated on the benefits of maintaining the greenway and also noted that Patrick Eagan Park has been listed as a top ten treasure according to the McKnight Foundation. Jack Conrad added that the Friends of Patrick Eagan Park are hoping to ensure the land can be preserved. Mr. Conrad thanked Councilmember Carlson and Commission Members Danner and Bari for their presence at the bike event. Members Davis and Danner thanked the group for their work on the grant request and for their grass roots effort to preserve some of Eagan's natural open space. SUPERINTENDENT'S UPDATE AND DEPARTMENT HAPPENINGS Superintendent of Recreation Asfahl highlighted several items of interest from the Recreation Division and Superintendent of Parks Olson highlighted items of interest from the Parks Division. RECREATION PROGRAM UPDATE - SONYA RIPPE Sports Program Supervisor Rippe provided an in-depth review of adult sports and concessions programs from June 2002 through October 2002 and followed up with the upcoming 2003 winter season. Supervisor Rippe also shared the results of the season's softball evaluations and noted there is still strong interest for lighting the fields at the Lexington-Diffley complex. Member Peterson asked what percent of the respondents indicated a desire for lighting the fields. Supervisor Rippe responded it was between 30-40%. She added that this would allow for more revenue because of double header offerings. It was suggested that the lighting be discussed during the annual CIP review. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of October 14, 2002 Page 2 RECREATION PROGRAM UPDATE - HOLLY CHAMPLIN Preschool Program Coordinator Champlin provided an in-depth review of summer and preschool programs and shared some visions for the future. She noted that the preschool programs are funded completely through user fees and cover regular salaries, instructor's seasonal salaries and all program supplies. Coordinator Champlin shared the background of summer staff and programs as well as the current program offerings. Coordination of the Puppet Wagon is another component of Coordinator Champlin's responsibilities and she shared information about the success of that program also. Several ideas for future programming were also shared with the Commission. CASCADE BAY YEAR-END REPORT - AARON HUNTER Facility Manager Aaron Hunter shared an overview of the 2002 Cascade Bay season including weathering the third wettest summer on record. He noted that although the attendance was less than previous years the season was an overall success. Revenues are anticipated to cover expenditures and the year reflects a more realistic expectation for attendance. Manager Hunter's report focused on the growth of groups and birthdays, programming, marketing, training and staff. Staff will be looking at options for providing new attractions in the future. Member Davis asked how season pass sales compare with other communities. Manager Hunter responded that they are very comparable. CONSENT AGENDA N. Mark Filipi moved, Joseph Bari seconded with all members voting in favor to make the following recommendations to the City Council regarding Diffley Plaza: 1. This proposal would be subject to a cash parks dedication. 2. This proposal would be subject to a cash trails dedication. 3. This proposal would be responsible for an on-site pond that treats all storm water from this development and should have a minimum wet-storage volume of2.5 acre-feet and a surface area of 0.6 acres. The pond should incorporate a 10-foot wide aquatic bench extending from the normal water level (NWL) to one foot below the NWL. The side slopes of the pond below the aquatic bench should be at a 3: 1 slope to a maximum depth of 10 feet. The outlet structure should meet City design standards. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS There were no development items for the Commission to discuss. OLD BUSINESS THOMAS WOODS TRAIL UPDATE Director Vraa introduced this item and noted that at the September meeting the Advisory Commission directed the developer to work out a solution with the homeowners involved with this trail. Richard Schouveller, owner of Lot 9 addressed the Commission noting that they have met with Curt Manley, however, they have not come up with any solutions to date. He added that Mr. Manley was unaware that this issue would be on the Commission's agenda. Mr. Schouveller suggested that the Commission consider re-positioning the trail into the development to the north (Nature's Edge), which currently has no homes on it. He stated that Mr. Manley was open to that suggestion but didn't know if that would be an option. Member Bari clarified that the developer was directed to work with the homeowners and staff to resolve this issue and was disappointed that the developer had not followed through. Director Vraa added that he had talked to Mr. Manley by phone approximately 2 weeks earlier to share the timeline for preparing information to include in the Commission's October packet. At that time Mr. Manley indicated that the trail was going to be installed so there would be no reason for him to prepare for the meeting. Mr. Schouveller interjected that when he met with Mr. Manley last week he wasn't clear if the trail was supposed to be in the Nature's Edge development. Director Vraa Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of October 14, 2002 Page 3 reiterated that his understanding from Mr. Manley was that this issue was resolved within the development where the trail was designated. Mr. Schouveller stated that he is not opposed to a trail but is concerned for the amount of asphalt that would be required to develop the trail originally designed. He added that Mr. Manley mentioned that a smaller path would be put in. Member Rudolph stated that the Commission does not have a proposal in front of them to respond to and would need to hear from Mr. Manley regarding the trail that will be installed. Member Perry added that this is an issue the developer should be resolving and shared her disappointment that they did not bring this back to the Commission. Several Commission members empathized with the homeowners caught in the middle of this issue but reinforced the developer's responsibility to resolve this issue. Member Davis concluded by stating that the developer is obligated to do something and can't ignore the problem. NEW BUSINESS SHORELAND ENHANCEMENT GRANT Water Resources Coordinator Macbeth provided a brief background noting that there are several annual opportunities to acquire external funds and/or other support to implement projects in parks. He noted that Eagan Water Resources has been planning on developing an additional demonstration project in the City once the Cedar Pond project was nearly complete. The division's first priority consideration was along LeMay Lake in Moonshine Park and felt that the timing of the MDNR Shoreland Habitat Program grant was perfect. Macbeth asked the Commission to consider making a recommendation to submit this grant proposal for consideration. Terry Davis moved, Richard Pletcher seconded with all members voting in favor to recommend that the City Council authorize submission of a proposal for a Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Shoreland Habitat Program grant. JP-47 SEDIMENT A TION BASIN Water Resources Coordinator Macbeth provided a brief history of the alum-dosing facility that helps to remove phosphorus from entering Fish Lake. As a result of the alum-dosing, Pond JP-47 has approximately two feet of alum sediment accumulated, which leaves little basin volume to receive any more. Creating additional volume for sediment accumulation is currently constrained by the lack of land ownership by the City directly to the east of JP-47. As a result, the alum-dosing station has not been operational. Coordinator Macbeth reviewed a decision tree that conveys steps, a schedule of project milestones and set of alternatives with generalized costs. He then shared drawings that depict excavation of JP-47 to create additional accumulation area and creation of an engineered three-cell basin directly east of JP-47 on property owned by Mr. McCarthy and under consideration for a large single-family residential subdivision. It was noted that the Natural Resources subcommittee met to review and discuss options to bring to the Advisory Commission. Member Filipi noted that based on the subcommittee's meeting he didn't support the expanded excavation of JP-47 because of the need to withdraw wetland banking credits to mitigate, nor was he thrilled about using a part of potential park dedication from the McCarthy property for this purpose. Member Peterson noted that if the alternative to proceed with a separate storage basin was considered, the City would have to have a willing seller. Coordinator Macbeth noted that this basin might be considered as a requirement of future development of the property. Member Filipi acknowledged that the removal of accumulated sediment could be pursued pending review of separate storage basin options. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of October 14, 2002 Page 4 Member Pletcher asked if the storage of the alum sludge posed an odor problem. Coordinator Macbeth indicated that there is an issue with odor currently and that will continue to be an issue. Member Perry asked if the future restriction on phosphorous fertilizer would decrease the need for alum dosing. Coordinator Macbeth noted that that may be a way of extending the life of the basin but other options might be considered as well. After further brief discussion, N. Mark Filipi moved, Joseph Bari seconded with all members voting in favor to move forward with the plan to remove sedimentation from JP-47 and proceed with separate storage basin. DISC GOLF Researcher Wielde introduced this item and explained that there have been several requests over the years to provide disc golf opportunities within Eagan's parks. Wielde provided the background of the sport and an overview of what would be involved to incorporate this amenity. The research was done in response to a specific request presented at the September 16 Commission meeting. It was noted that the cost for a 9-hole and l8-hole course would be approximately $3,700 and $7,300 respectively. Member Bari asked if there was any other interest expressed in this amenity other than the letter in September. Director Vraa noted that although there have not been subsequent requests, over the years staff has received several requests to consider this activity within Eagan parks. Member Rudolph suggested that since there is a citizen interested in helping to provide information for consideration, continued research would be helpful. He added that this seems to be a thriving and growing sport in the metro area. Member Peterson suggested that since there are several communities that offer disc golf she would like to find out 1) when they were built, 2) level of use, 3) revenue generated, and 4) what they would do differently. After further discussion, John Rudolph moved, Richard Pletcher seconded with all members voting in favor to direct staff to continue the study and incorporate input from Mr. Ashton, as a volunteer, about the sport. The study should also incorporate all questions asked by the Commission with a report to be brought back to the Commission at a later date. SKATEABLE ART Researcher Wielde indicated that local artist Martin Hicks had contacted the City of Eagan to incorporate art into the new skate park. The art piece would serve as a functional piece of equipment and is identified as a grind rail. Mr. Hicks is hoping to fund the greatest portion of the cost with a grant but in order to submit the grant proposal would need a letter of financial support from the City of Eagan. The City's financial support would not exceed $600, which is consistent with the cost of other grind rails purchased. Wielde noted that the APrC allotment for the skate park expansion was $75,000 and the costs to date total $74,170. The funds for the second grind rail would keep the total cost within the $75,000 budget. Member Williams asked what the projected cost ofthis piece of art would be. Wielde responded that the estimate is approximately $2,000. Regarding insurance, Researcher Wielde noted that the LMCIT stated that insurance for the park runs with the park rather than the manufacturer and that the artistic grind rail would be covered in the same manner as the rest of the park. Member Peterson asked who insures the artist if there are design issues that create future liability. Member Davis indicated that the artist would need product liability insurance, which can be cost prohibitive for an individual, if he can even get it. Member Peterson asked if a standard grind rail could be purchased from the manufacturer so that the artist can embellish that rather than create a whole new piece of equipment. After further discussion, Dorothy Peterson moved, Elizabeth Perry seconded with all members voting in favor to authorize staff to write a letter of financial support not to exceed $600 so Mr. Hicks can pursue grant funding. It is understood that Mr. Hicks will secure funding for any amount over $600. Mr. Hicks is to work out obstacles defined by the Advisory Commission and once completed, the design will be brought back to the Commission for their review. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of October 14, 2002 Page 5 WATER RESOURCES UPDATE Coordinator Macbeth noted that the Gun Club Lake Water Management Organization is seeking three board members and one alternate. He stated if Commission Members were interested in serving on the board they should contact Eric. OTHER BUSINESS AND REPORTS BANDSHELL PROGRAM DISCUSSION Superintendent Asfahl noted that in preparation for the 2003 season, staff is looking at the policies and procedures that will need to be in place for the use of the Bandshell. He added that as those policies are being drafted they will be brought to the Commission for review and comment. OCTOBER 2 WORKSHOP UPDATE Member Perry indicated that the subcommittee review of alternative revenue sources identified several options for consideration. Some of those included increasing park dedication fees, voluntary check-off distributed with water bills, rounding-up water bills, park tax and charitable gambling proceeds. She noted that the subcommittee will continue reviewing options for consideration. ACQUISITION PRIORITY REPORT Superintendent Olson provided a brief background of the work being done by the APrC to review, evaluate and make recommendations pertaining to the acquisition of land for preservation and/or the enhancement of park areas. He noted that Members Bari, Perry, Rudolph and Peterson participated in a very extensive review and rating of available parcels within the City of Eagan. The subcommittee reviewed criteria to see how they might fit the parcels being reviewed. The existing acquisition list was reviewed to see what parcels were still available and those sites were reviewed individually and independently. After all the ratings were completed, the results were discussed and the sites were totaled and ranked. Commission Members involved in the process indicated it was a very time consuming but educational process, and provides a great working tool for future review. Following further brief discussion, Dorothy Peterson moved, John Rudolph seconded, with all members voting in favor to approve the report and recommendations of the Acquisition Priority subcommittee as submitted. SUBCOMMITTEE UPDATES There were no further subcommittee meeting updates. COMMUNITY CENTER UPDATE Director Vraa indicated that the building construction has been progressing very well, however the rain has negatively impacted the site work. The Building Engineer position has been advertised and interviews are scheduled for October 28 and 29. Director Vraa added that construction of the Bandshell is moving along well and although the pavilion is moving slowly it is still expected to be completed by mid-November. HOLZ FARM UPDATE Director Vraa noted that the RFP for the Holz Farm Park master plan had been reviewed by the Friends of the Farm in preparation for distribution. It is expected that responses will be back in November and that a selection will be made in December. Director Vraa added that although the City Council is usually involved in the review it may be beneficial to have a Commission Member also involved. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of October 14, 2002 Page 6 John Rudolph moved, Joseph Bari seconded with all members voting in favor to recommend that Dorothy Peterson be appointed to serve as a liaison from the APrC in the review of the Holz Farm Park master plan RFP review. MISCELLANEOUS Director Vraa shared the results of a skating school survey recently completed. In response to a request from Commission Member Danner for senior program costs, Director Vraa shared the 2003 budget information that pertains to this program. The information reflected where dollars are allocated for program costs. Since the City Council has preliminarily approved the budget for levy purposes, it was noted that the final 2003 budget has not been approved to date. Member Danner asked to have specific dollar amounts reflected in the minutes whenever they are discussed at Commission meetings. She identified the importance of having accurate and complete information reflected in the minutes. Member Davis noted that if a dollar amount isn't included within a specific motion the packet's background information would include that information. Member Perry added that in most cases the dollars that are discussed are generalizations and if they are specific they are so noted in the motion and minutes. Member Rudolph stated he was comfortable with how information is reflected in the minutes. Member Davis suggested that if a Commission Member wishes to clarify any issue they may want to raise the issue when a motion is being made or discussed. ROUND TABLE Member Peterson commented on the number of staff who will be making presentations at the MRP A conference. Director Vraa added that Water Resources Coordinator Macbeth was also presenting at a national conference. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to conduct John Rudolph moved, Margo Danner seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 10:05 p.m. D.-<-;cC\ 0:t>v?<~ Secretary /1 g!e'$ Date