09/16/2002 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission Approved October 14. 2002 ADVISORY PARKS COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 16, 2002 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on September 16, 2002 with the following Commission Members present: Joseph Bari, Phil Belfiori, Margo Danner, N. Mark Filipi, Elizabeth Perry, Dorothy Peterson, Richard Pletcher, John Rudolph, and Melvin Williams. Member Davis was not present. Staff present included Ken Vraa, Director of Parks and Recreation; Jeff Asfahl, Superintendent of Recreation; Paul Olson, Parks Superintendent; Eric Macbeth, Water Resources Coordinator; Beth Wielde, Research and Special Projects; CJ Lilly, Parks Planner; Paula Nowariak, Recreation Supervisor; Colleen Callahan, Youth Development Coordinator; Sandy Breuer, Community Center Manager and Cherryl Mesko, Recording Secretary. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Item G-l, Centennial Ridge was moved from the Development Agenda to Item F-2 under the Consent Agenda. Added under Other Business and Reports was 5) Set Meeting Date of CIP Review and 6) Holz Farm Update. Elizabeth Perry moved, Margo Danner seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the agenda as amended. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF AUGUST 19, 2002 Elizabeth Perry moved, N Mark Filipi seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the minutes of the August 19,2001 meeting as presented. INTRODUCTION OF COMMUNITY CENTER MANAGER Director Vraa introduced Sandy Breuer as the new Community Center Manager and provided a brief background of her experience managing community centers. He also noted that she has an extensive background in recreation programming, which will be an asset to the position. Staff is very pleased to have her on board, Vraa added. VISITORS TO BE HEARD JOHN WARD - SIERRA CLUB John Ward addressed the Commission as a member of the Sierra Club but also as the chairperson of SPRAWL. He wanted to make the Commission and public aware of a bike ride (Tour de Sprawl) that would start and end at Patrick Eagan Park on Sunday, October 6. The location was selected primarily because of the importance the group places on preserving the park and surrounding areas in Dakota County. Mr. Ward concluded by thanking the Commission for their efforts to preserve natural resources and invited the public to participate in the ride. NANCY SCHOUWEILER, DAKOTA COUNTY Dakota County Commissioner Nancy Schouweiler addressed the Commission to bring them up to date on the referendum that will appear on the November ballot to preserve open space within Dakota County. She noted that a survey was conducted to see if the community would be interested in supporting a referendum of this type. Based on the responses, the County Commission chose to move forward with the referendum question in November. Commissioner Schouweiler explained that various parcels of land have been tentatively identified as viable options for consideration. If the landowner were willing to sell, the property would be acquired with the intention of keeping it in its present state in perpetuity. Although the property's ownership can be transferred, the right to develop would belong to the County, thus maintaining the property in its current state. Member Peterson noted that much of the land that appears to be identified for preservation in located in the southern part of Dakota County with very little in the Eagan or surrounding area. Commission Schouweiler responded that although Eagan is significantly developed there are approximately 900 acres adjacent to Patrick Eagan Park, Blackhawk Park, the Highline Trail and other areas that might fall into the category. Because of the Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of September 16, 2002 Page 2 pressure to develop these parcels, they may not be available for consideration if the referendum were to pass, Schouweiler added. Member Bari reiterated the concern that there appears to be very little land in Eagan that will benefit from this referendum. Member Belfiori asked if the criteria for selecting the parcels had been established. Commissioner Schouweiler explained the selection process for potential members and added that the rating system would be based on proximity to rivers, wetlands, and farmland. They will place a high priority on preserving pristine and valuable properties. Member Danner asked when the committee would start, if the referendum is successful. Commissioner Schouweiler indicated the committee's work would probably start in early 2003 SUPERINTENDENT'S UPDATE AND DEPARTMENT HAPPENINGS Superintendent of Recreation Asfahl highlighted several items of interest from the Recreation Division and Superintendent of Parks Olson highlighted items of interest from the Parks Division. RECREATION PROGRAM UPDATE - PAULA NOW ARlAK Recreation Supervisor Nowariak provided a comprehensive review of the 2002 summer youth and family recreation programs. Her powerpoint presentation focused on the number of staff required to facilitate the thousands of participants in the summer recreation programs. Nowariak highlighted the specific programs and camps that continue to draw large numbers of participants during the summer. Responding to a question from Member Peterson, Supervisor Nowariak provided an overview of a typical day for one of the programs. RECREATION PROGRAM UPDATE - COLLEEN CALLAHAN Youth Development Coordinator Callahan provided an in-depth review of the Youth Development and Teen programs Her powerpoint presentation outlined how the youth development program previously operated at both Quarry and Wescott Park, the transition of programming changes and how the programs operate today. In particular, Coordinator Callahan shared the new Recreate program at Pilot Knob school and how it's gaining popularity. The presentation concluded with the change and expansion of the teen programming and how that will continue to evolve in the future. Member Danner asked if staff was recruiting members for the Teen Advisory Board. Coordinator Callahan indicated that she will be looking for approximately 7 participants from the various schools and anyone interested should contact her directly. CONSENT AGENDA Dorothy Peterson moved, John Rudolph seconded with all members voting in favor to make the following recommendations to the City Council: 1. Vogelpohl Addition a. This development shall be responsible for a cash parks dedication when Lot 2 is proposed for development. b. This development shall be responsible for a cash trails dedication when Lot 2 is proposed for development. c. This development shall be required to meet the City's water quality requirements whenever development is proposed. 2. Centennial Ridge - Manley Land Development a. An individual Lot Tree Preservation Plan shall be required on Outlot B and on Lots 4, 5, 9 and 10 at the time of building permit application. b. Tree Protective measures (i.e. orange colored silt fence or 4 foot polyethylene laminate safety netting) shall be installed at the Drip Line or at the perimeter of the Critical Root Zone, whichever is greater, of significant trees/woodlands to be preserved on-site. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of September 16, 2002 Page 3 c. The applicant shall contact the City Forestry Division and set up a pre-construction site inspection at least five days prior to the issuance of the grading permit to ensure compliance with the approved Tree Preservation Plan and placement of the Tree Protection Fencing. d. This proposal would be responsible for constructing a stormwater pond that would need a minimum treatment volume of 0.37 acre-feet covering a minimum surface area of 0.20 acres. The stormwater pond would be constructed with a 10: 1 aquatic bench from the normal water level and an outlet structure that meets City designs standards. Stormwater from 0.23 acres of the site is proposed to drainoff the site. However, a dedication of cash in lieu of ponding would be waived through a prior settlement agreement e. It was noted that grading for Lots 18 through 24 is shown to be quite close to the grading of the pond leaving to question whether or not there will be an adequate amount of area for backyards and a sufficient grade to avoid problems with erosion control. Erosion control practices during land disturbance activities will need to be effective in order to prevent the stormwater pond from filling with sediment and to prevent sediment from leaving the site. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS There were no development agenda items for the Commission to discuss. OLD BUSINESS TOBACCO FREE RECREATION UPDATE Superintendent Asfahl reminded the Commission that they had directed the Recreation Subcommittee to formalize a recommendation to consider the establishment of a tobacco free zone policy and bring it back to the Commission for consideration. A brief background was provided along with the subcommittee's perspective and recommendation to accept the draft policy statement. Member Rudolph acknowledged letters from Cafe and EHCI seeking the Commission's support in recommending a smoke free environment for youth athletic facilities. Member Rudolph agreed that there is a need to develop a policy but the issue of enforcement creates a difficult hurdle. He suggested looking at this as a starting point, noting that the City Council would need to be brought into the loop with this policy proposal. Member Perry added that the sub-committee discussed the option of an ordinance vs. education and appeared to favor the educational route initially. She opined that following the lead ofISD 196 and the athletic associations in discouraging the use of alcohol/tobacco at activities where youth are participating would be a good start. Member Peterson noted that when this issue was first brought to the Commission the Cafe group had indicated there were grant dollars available to help with this project. Since those grant dollars to ban smoking are no longer available, Peterson opined that she would prefer that this issue go to the City Council for direction on how to proceed. Member Rudolph opined that it would be more beneficial to get something started and then move it forward to the Council. He suggested adopting the draft policy statement at the Commission level so as to have something to forward to the Council. Dr. David Griffin, a pediatrician at Park Nicollet expressed his strong desire that the Commission, Council and City of Eagan take a strong position to ban tobacco use given the health risks to children. Member Rudolph reiterated his desire to move this forward to the City Council for their review and discussion. Member Williams expressed his concern that there would not be enough information provided with the recommendation to the Council and asked that an implementation plan be included with the recommendation. Member Peterson reiterated that this group is an advisory body only that does not set policy. She saw this recommendation exceeding the Commission's responsibilities. Members Rudolph and Perry reiterated the need to send a message about providing a smoke-fee environment for youth and the need to obtain further direction from the Council on how that can be done. After further discussion John Rudolph moved, Richard Pletcher seconded a motion to adopt the draft policy statement presented to implement a tobacco free policy. Those voting Aye included Elizabeth Perry, John Rudolph, Margo Danner, Joseph Bari, N Mark Filipi, Richard Pletcher and Phil Belfiori. Those voting Nay included Dorothy Peterson and Melvin Williams. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of September 16, 2002 Page 4 NEW BUSINESS There were no New Business items for the Commission to discuss. WATER RESOURCES UPDATE Items highlighted by Water Resources Coordinator Macbeth included the completion of field testing for the fall and an overview of projects proposed for 2003. OTHER BUSINESS AND REPORTS THOMAS WOODS TRAIL Superintendent Olson introduced this item and provided a brief background of the Thomas Woods subdivision that was reviewed by the Advisory Commission in March of 200 1. During that review the developer was requested to provide a ten foot easement between lots 8 and 9 to allow for the installation of an 8 foot wide bituminous connector trail extending from the roadway to the boundary line of Lebanon Hills Regional Park. The trail was intended to allow a more direct access in areas where it would otherwise be necessary to travel a circuitous route to an existing entrance or connection. It was noted that the trail was not installed as the development agreement directed and subsequently homes have been built on lots 8 and 9, drastically compromising the flexibility of allowing for an 8 foot wide bituminous trail. Superintendent Olson shared photos of lots 8 and 9 as they currently exist along with the existing grade into the park. It was noted that revisions to the original grading plan were made by the developer to accommodate several of the house pads and the storm retention pond in the back yard. The homeowner of lot 9 has approached the City of Eagan to remove the trail, however, the development agreement is between Manley Brothers and the City of Eagan and a request to make a change to it would need to come from the developer. Superintendent Olson concluded that this is being brought before the Commission as information only and that no action is being requested at this time. Member Peterson asked why this was the City of Eagan's issue; it appears that this should be an issue between the developer and the homeowner. Superintendent Olson indicated that the homeowners are asking the Commission to consider other alternatives to placing a trail in this location. Rich Schouveller, owner oflot 9 addressed the Commission noting that he did not initially know about the trail easement and that it has not been recorded to date. He opined that there never was room allowed between the lots for a trail and shared his photos of the site. Julie Roberts, owner of lot 8 added that there is a 4 foot distance between the driveways now and adding a trail would definitely be a safety issue in her opinion. Mr. Schouveller added that the trail easement would come right up to within 1-2 feet of his house. He referenced other trails that have plenty of room between the houses and felt that this was not a good location for a trail. Both Mr. Schouveller and Ms. Roberts expressed a strong desire to have the trail moved to another location where it might be better accommodated. Member Rudolph asked Mr. Schouveller how long he was in his home. He responded two months. Member Rudolph stated that the developer should have made these trail provisions long before houses were built, let alone moved into. He asked to hear from the developer. Curt Manley explained to the Commission that he has been working with the homeowners to find a solution. He noted that he has been working on this project for a brief time, had taken it over for his brother and really couldn't speak to what had happened or why. He did note that he was not trying to shift blame but was simply looking for a workable solution for everyone. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of September 16, 2002 Page 5 Member Peterson suggested that the developer work with the homeowners and then keep staff updated on how they are going to resolve installing the trail as the development agreement requires. Member Rudolph clarified that the Advisory Commission is not in a position to make a decision on this issue. The request to move the trail has not come from the developer and that is the process they would need to follow if that is the developer's desire. It was noted that moving the trail to another location has not received the support of other homeowners in the development to date. Director Vraa noted that staff would look for Manley Brothers to come up with a solution and then present that solution to the City of Eagan should it deviate from the development agreement. There was also some concern expressed by Commission Members regarding the setbacks of the building, based on the comments by Mr. Schouveller and Ms. Roberts. Member Belfiori added that the City of Eagan needs to make sure the solution is a reasonable one to ensure access to Lebanon Hills Regional Park as was planned. Member Rudolph reiterated the need for the developer to work with the homeowners to find a resolution to the problem and to keep staff updated on those efforts. Mr. Schouveller added that in talking to the surrounding neighbors there are a very high number of them who do not want the trail to be installed. Member Perry concluded that the issue at hand is that the trail was supposed to go in and the developer will need to deal with that issue. SUBCOMMITTEE UPDATES Member Peterson noted that the sub-committee that has been meeting to review parcels for potential acquisition has completed their analysis and will be presenting their findings at the October Advisory Commission meeting. COMMUNITY CENTER UPDATE Director Vraa noted that the building continues to be on schedule, however the site improvements are considerably behind schedule. He reminded the Commission of the September 18 Building Community event scheduled at the Community Center. COMMUNICATIONS - DISC GOLF Director Vraa directed the Commission to a letter in the packet requesting consideration of Disc Golf within the park system. Mr. Ashton has offered assistance to help locate a proposed site and answer any question regarding this popular sport. Member Rudolph asked if the Commission could get more information with potential suggestions for locations before discussing this further. Member Pletcher asked if this space would be identified for a single use or could another use be overlaid onto it. Member Rudolph suggested that this might be incorporated into the upcoming CIP review but reiterated that it would be beneficial to have further background information prior to that discussion. Staff was directed to provide further background and bring a report back to the Advisory Commission in October. SET MEETING DATE FOR CIP REVIEW Director Vraa reminded the Commission of their request for a follow-up work session to continue discussion relative to future alternative funding sources. It was noted that Researcher Wielde had gathered information based on funding ideas previously identified by Commission members. The meeting would share information researched in preparation for the annual CIP review scheduled for December/January, Vraa added. The meeting date was set for October 2, 2002 at 5 :00 p.m. HOLZ FARM UPDATE Director Vraa stated that the City Council will recommend approval to solicit RFPs for the Holz Farm master plan. Work is expected to begin shortly on the preparation of the RFP and it is hoped that a draft will be ready to share with the Friends of the Farm in late October. The plan is to have a recommendation for a consultant to the City Council by December 17. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of September 16, 2002 Page 6 ROUNDTABLE Member Danner commented that it was good to hear that the Parks and Recreation Department got such positive feedback from the community survey recently completed by Decision Resources. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to conduct Dorothy Peterson moved moved, John Rudolph seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 p.m. c2) iY<- ~--\ Secretary \ 'j .- i- 9-X-,<-~ (""IA. Date i ) 9/~');7 I (