08/19/2002 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission Approved September 16, 2002 ADVISORY PARKS COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 19, 2002 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on August 19,2002 with the following Commission Members present: Joseph Bari, Phil Belfiori, Margo Danner, Terry Davis, N. Mark Filipi, Dorothy Peterson, Richard Pletcher, John Rudolph, and Melvin Williams. Commission Member Perrry was not present. Staff present included Ken Vraa, Director of Parks and Recreation; Jeff Asfahl, Superintendent of Recreation; Paul Olson, Parks Superintendent; Eric Macbeth, Water Resources Coordinator; CJ Lilly, Parks Planner; Cathy Bolduc; Recreation Supervisor and Cherryl Mesko, Recording Secretary. APPROVAL OF AGENDA N. Mark Filipi moved, Melvin Williams seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the agenda as presented. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 15, 2002 Member Danner noted an incorrect name identified in paragraph 8 on page 1. Member Wright should have been identified as Member Williams. Dorothy Peterson moved, Terry Davis seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the minutes of July 15, 2002 as amended. AWARD RECOGNITION - JOHN GLYNN Recreation Supervisor Bolduc introduced and recognized John Glynn for over 10 years of experience and dedication to Eagan's ice and in-line skating programs. She noted that in addition to his many years of teaching youth and adults he was named the 1996 In-Line Instructor of the Year. Mr. Glynn thanked the Commission and Department Staff for their support in providing such positive opportunities to the community and hoped to continue the positive working relationship with Eagan Parks and Recreation. VISITORS TO BE HEARD Mr. John Ward, representing Patrick Eagan Park Preservation Committee addressed the Commission to commend their work on the park. He then talked briefly about the upcoming Dakota County referendum to acquire land in Dakota County. He opined that the referendum will dovetail with the local efforts to preserve Patrick Eagan Park. Member Belfiori asked how the Commission might be made aware of how the County may prioritize which parcels they would consider for acquisition if the referendum is successful. He felt it would be important to understand the criteria that will be used. Member Rudolph suggested that a representative of Dakota County be contacted to see if they can attend an Advisory Commission meeting prior to the November referendum to answer some of those questions. Staff was asked to follow up with the request. SUPERINTENDENT'S UPDATE AND DEPARTMENT HAPPENINGS Superintendents Asfahl and Olson highlighted several items of interest from both the recreation and parks divisions. Member Bari asked when Moonshine Park retreat center would be completed and when it would be marketed. Superintendent Olson responded that it should be completed by December 1 and that it would be marketed in the winter Discover brochure. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of August 19,2002 Meeting Page 2 RECREATION PROGRAM UPDATE-CATHY BOLDUC Recreation Supervisor Bolduc shared a PowerPoint presentation of events and activities she directly supervised during the summer. Those events included Senior trips, classes and special events. She also reviewed instructional skill development programs, nature programs, and special events like the Fun Run and Evening in the Park series. She concluded with an outline of upcoming programs that include senior programs, golf, Evening with the Stars, Who Done It Hike and the Halloween Hodgepodge. CONSENT AGENDA There were no Consent Agenda items for the Commission to review. OLD BUSINESS There were no Old Business items for the Commission to review. NEW BUSINESS There were no New Business items for the Commission to review. WATER RESOURCES UPDATE Water Resources Coordinator Macbeth shared a video created for the EaganlBurnsville Community Journal cable television show. Macbeth explained that following state authorization the City of Eagan established an ordinance to regulate the sale of phosphorous fertilizer. The regulation requires that phosphorous free fertilizer options must be made available to the public. The intent of the regulation is to provide information and exposure to phosphorous free products in preparation for a 2004 State law requiring phosphorous free fertilizer. OTHER BUSINESS AND REPORTS TOBACCO FREE RECREATION UPDATE Superintendent Asfahl introduced this item and reminded the Commission that the Recreation Subcommittee had met previously to review this issue and were bringing it back to the whole Commission for discussion and direction. It was noted that during their discussion, the subcommittee identified communities that have a policy or ordinance governing the use of tobacco. The subcommittee took a position that it is reasonable to expect that a Parks and Recreation system would do all that it could to promote healthy settings and felt that it would be reasonable for Eagan Park facilities to have policies consistent with local schools and youth athletic associations. Further, the subcommittee provided a draft policy statement that addressed the issue through signage and education. Member Peterson asked if the subcommittee felt they had enough information to bring this issue to the City Council. Member Rudolph felt they did. Member Davis opined there should be a clarification between "during youth activity" and "where the activity takes place" in identifying how the policy should be stated. He was concerned that the draft appears to be a 24/7 policy as stated. Member Rudolph expressed his personal choice for a no-tolerance, smoke free policy but added that it would be difficult to monitor and manage. Member Peterson shared the support for tobacco free facilities during youth activities but did not agree that it should be implemented across the board. Member Bari added that both the State and County have recently backed off the total ban policy and was reluctant to proceed with a total ban in Eagan. Member Filipi stated that he supported a 24/7 policy but added that what the Commission is proposing is a policy statement only. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of August 19,2002 Meeting Page 3 Following further discussion, Member Pletcher suggested that the first attempt should be to create an environment of no-smoking and that should begin with signage and education. In looking for a starting point to move forward, John Rudolph moved, N Mark Filipi seconded a motion to approve the policy statement as presented and to have the City Council review and give direction about appropriate implementation. Member Davis stated he preferred to see a more formal action presented for the Commission to respond to at the September meeting reiterating his concern for some of the existing language. The motion was called with Members Danner, Filipi, Rudolph and Pletcher voting Aye. Members voting Nay included Bari, Belfiori, Davis, Peterson and Williams. This item will be brought back to the Advisory Commission at the September 16 meeting. PARK SITE FUND UPDATE Parks Superintendent Olson briefly reviewed the status of the Park Site fund as of June 30, 2002. He reminded the Commission that the primary source of funds comes from parks dedication fees and then reviewed the revenues and expenditures to date. Because all of the expenditures to date were not reflected in the report, Superintendent Olson estimated that the balance at the end of the year would be approximately $2.9 million. SUBCOMMITTEE UPDATES Member Peterson reported that the Historic Trails Committee met and have determined that the 1879 map will be used to identify pioneer trails. The committee's next step will be to obtain costs for signage and then talk to the City Council about how they want this project to proceed. Member Bari reported that the Acquisition subcommittee has continued their review of parcels and have adhered to a point system established to rank the parcels. Bari added that of the original 28-29 parcels they have narrowed it down to approximately 6 that would merit consideration. It was noted that the parcels were reviewed individually and when the results were tabulated they were very consistent and close. COMMUNITY CENTER UPDATE Director Vraa reported that the building is moving along very well and is back on schedule. The site contract, however is 5-6 weeks behind schedule although the contractor is now on site. Vraa noted that it is important to get the areas adjacent to the building completed first. It was noted that the well house/pavilion is expected to be completed in November and that there is a short delay with the Bandshell at this time. Director Vraa asked Commission Members to note September 18 on their calendar. Invitations will be sent to individuals who served on the original task force and the various focus groups to celebrate their participation in the Community Center/Central Park project. The event will take place at 5:30 p.m. and will be followed by a brief tour. Member Peterson asked if there were dollars in the CIP for a warming building at the Community Center site this year. Director Vraa responded that the contractor would put the pad in, however they may not get the building constructed for this winter. He added that he would keep the Commission updated. COMMUNICATIONS Director Vraa directed the Commission to the Decision Resources survey and brief overview which was included in the packet. He pointed out that when residents were asked what they liked most, if anything, about living in Eagan, the #3 response was parks. Staff was very pleased to hear such a positive response and that it ranked so highly in the eyes of residents. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of August 19, 2002 Meeting Page 4 ROUND TABLE Member Peterson commented on the significant changes made to Evergreen Park because of the storm mitigation project. Director Vraa reminded the Commission that they will need to continue their discussion of alternative revenue sources. There has not been a date set yet to continue that discussion. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to conduct, John Rudolph moved, Joseph Bari seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m. ~ .~;;L-I R-t,vw-v-- Secretary Date I I y I (1 '$ , !