03/18/2002 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission Approved May 20. 2002 ADVISORY PARKS COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 18, 2002 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on March 18,2002 with the following Commission Members present: Joseph Bari, Phil Belfiori, Margo Danner, Terry Davis, N. Mark Filipi, Elizabeth Perry, Dorothy Peterson, Richard Pletcher, John Rudolph, and Melvin Williams. Staff present included Ken Vraa, Director of Parks and Recreation; Jeff Asfahl, Superintendent of Recreation; Paul Olson, Parks Superintendent; Gregg Hove, Forestry Supervisor; Eric Macbeth, Water Resources Coordinator; CJ Lilly, Parks Planner; Beth Wielde, Research and Special Projects; Paula Nowariak, Recreation Supervisor; Tom Colbert, Director of Public Works and Cherryl Mesko, Recording Secretary. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Chairman Rudolph added (7) Historical Trail Committee Update under Other Business and Reports. N. Mark Filipi moved, Terry Davis seconded with all members voting in favor t accept the agenda as amended. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 11, 2002 Joseph Bari moved, Elizabeth Perry seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the minutes of the February 11,2002 meeting as presented. VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors who wished to address the Commission under this agenda item. SUPERINTENDENT'S UPDATE AND DEPARTMENT HAPPENINGS Items highlighted by Superintendent of Recreation Asfahl included youth development programming and the citywide changes that will evolve, adult softball registration is underway, plans for summer concessions have begun, spring pre-school programs are beginning with registration for summer and fall right behind, plans for the summer Puppet Wagon, research by the seniors of various senior centers, spring and summer program registration, upcoming Holz Farm events, recent Home and Leisure show at the Civic Arena, collaborative effort to create a "teen" brochure, completion of hiring staff for Cascade Bay, and the spring break events for grades 1-5. Items highlighted by Superintendent of Parks Olson included the 16th annual tree and landscape sale, the Arbor Day poster contest for third graders, the May 4 Arbor Day event at the athletic side of Rahn Park, the Sentence to Service crew will begin work in Eagan the end of March, the Toro Company's use of City parks to test - new mowing and turf equipment and the new skateboard equipment has been ordered to be incorporated in the new Lexington Diffley site. CONSENT AGENDA WOODGATE COVE Director Vraa provided a brief background of this proposal noting that the site is heavily wooded. Member Rudolph stated he had visited the site and was disturbed at the number of buildings proposed on the cul-de-sac. Member Bari shared his concern that the lot sizes don't seem to meet the minimum lot standards. Member Peterson suggested that the Advisory Planning Commission would note that in their review of the proposal. Member Davis reiterated the concern for such dense development on the site noting that the tree removal is well over what is allowable. Director Vraa clarified that this proposal was part of a PUD and as such, did not have to maintain a minimum lot size. He noted that the Commission could make a recommendation to the City Council based on their concern for tree removal and the impact it has to the site. After further brief discussion, John Rudolph moved, Joseph Bari seconded with all members voting in favor to deny the request and ask the developer to consider a proposal that has less tree loss. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of March 18, 2002 Regular Meeting Page 2 DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS There were no development proposals for the Commission to review. OLD BUSINESS DUKE WEEKS REALTY - CROSS PARKING REQUEST Director Vraa introduced this item noting that the site is located next to Central Park. He noted that Duke Weeks is proposing to develop a 3-story building to house the Medical Institute of Minnesota who have determined that they require more parking than what is shown on the Duke Weeks property. When the proposal appeared before the Advisory Commission in October 2001 there was an agreement to provide overflow parking on the Duke Weeks property for special events held at Central Park. With MIM's request for additional student/faculty parking, Duke Weeks is requesting overflow parking on the Community Center site. Director Vraa then identified the location of the properties and existing parking. Bob Smith, representing Duke Weeks, reviewed the development area noting that although they feel there are sufficient parking spaces on their property, MIM uses a different standard for identifying parking needs and feels they will use the overflow parking from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday. In response to a question, Mr. Smith noted that their parking stalls are 9 feet wide. Member Rudolph commented that many developments have moved forward with far more parking than they actually needed and was reluctant to respond to more parking on the community center site until the actual need is demonstrated. Mr. Smith responded that MIM is requesting additional parking based on their experience with existing facilities. There was discussion about the possibility of creating less formalized parking in the area designated for future parking. Member Belfiori asked Mr. Smith if they would be willing to share the cost of building the future parking lot. Mr. Smith indicated they would be open to sharing the cost of construction for the future parking lot on the community center site to provide overflow parking for the MIM students and faculty. N. Mark Filipi moved, Elizabeth Perry seconded a motion to recommend the construction of the proposed undeveloped parking lot in Central Park concurrently with the current parking lot to serve the community center. The costs for constructing the undeveloped portion would be shared equally between Duke Weeks Realty and the City of Eagan. The additional space will provide for a cross parking agreement for students and faculty of the MIM facility. Those voting aye included Joseph Bari, Margo Danner, N. Mark Filipi, Elizabeth Perry, Dorothy Peterson, Richard Pletcher and Melvin Williams. Those voting nay included Terry Davis and John Rudolph. DAKOTA COUNTY OLDA UPDATE - MARY JACKSON Mary Jackson of Dakota County Physical Development provided a status update on the Off Leash Dog Area study. She stated that the study has been on-going for some time and noted that the Master Plan did not include or preclude the inclusion of OLDAs. Ms. Jackson noted that the County is investigating the possibility and will be reviewing it again at their April meeting. NEW BUSINESS PATRIOTS PLAZA - PAT DOLNEY Director Vraa introduced this item and provided a brief background regarding the interest from a citizen's group to develop a memorial plaza to recognize the efforts of local patriots following the September 11 disaster. The group is hopeful that a site could be included at Central Park near the community center. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of March 18, 2002 Regular Meeting Page 3 Mr. Pat Dolney talked about the group's efforts to come up with a location and preliminary design for Patriot's Plaza. He identified the site location and shared the preliminary design that has been completed to date. He noted that the group is looking for support from the APrC and the City Council to authorize placing Patriot's Plaza within Central Park. Their supporters will then proceed with fund raising efforts to pay for the design and installation of the plaza. Director Vraa added that the group is asking for assistance to grade the site and provide electrical and water service to the site. After further brief discussion, John Rudolph moved, Joseph Bari seconded with all members voting in favor to endorse the efforts to provide Patriot's Plaza within Central Park. Member Rudolph commented on this unique partnership and congratulated the public's proactive stand to accomplish a very worthwhile project. QUARRY PARK - ROAD ALIGNMENT Director Vraa introduced the request by the Engineering Division to seek input and approval for an east- west connector road that will impact Quarry Park. Public Works Director Colbert explained that although this is a difficult issue and will have significant impact to Quarry Park, the east-west connector street has been identified to provide transportation from Coachman Road to the east through the Perron property to allow connection to Central Parkway. Although the Perron property has not come forward for development, Colbert noted that the property is being marketed for sale. Director Colbert shared the proposed plans and explained that the main objective is to try to help local traffic gain access to the ring road without getting onto Yankee Doodle Road. He added that Yankee Doodle Road is projected to be upgraded to 6 lanes in approximately 2005. After a great deal of review, they have concluded that the only way to accommodate this east/west connection is along the south side of Quarry Park, which would impact some of the park amenities. Director Colbert concluded by stating that the new road would provide access to current and future proposed development and that it uses 1.5 acres of a 9+ acre park. He noted that the City Council would need to make a decision quickly based on the recommendation by the APrC. Member Rudolph asked if the connection could be made to the north since it will resemble a frontage road to Yankee Doodle Road. Director Colbert responded that Four Oaks Road was originally proposed to connect to the east and north but that did not occur. There were several questions about the impact traffic might have to the park. Director Colbert stated that the average traffic volume for a road of this type might be 1500-2000 trips per day. Member Peterson expressed her concern that this was the only park many of the surrounding residents could easily get to. Director Colbert stated that this connector road would provide a much more efficient route to the Community Center site for them. Discussion about what might be developed on the Perron property resulted in a question as to whether a portion of the property could be acquired through parks dedication to add onto Quarry Park in the future. Member Peterson thought this might mitigate some of the impact to the park as a whole. Member Rudolph asked if there would be a lighted intersection at Central Parkway. Director Colbert said there would but there would not be one at Coachman. Member Belfiori reiterated concern about traffic and the safety at Quarry Park and asked if more data on traffic levels could be reviewed before proceeding with a recommendation. Director Colbert stated that that information really isn't known at this time and may not be available until after the Perron property is developed. After further discussion, Dorothy Peterson moved, Terry Davis seconded with all members voting in favor to deny the road alignment through Quarry Park until the Perron property is reviewed for development. At that time the Commission would explore the opportunity of additional land dedication to expand Quarry Park and mitigate the impact of the connector street OAK CHASE PARK - UTILITY ACCESS Following a brief introduction by Director Vraa, Director Colbert provided a brief background identifying the lift station location and the issues that have arisen following the super storm event of July 2000. Because of the flooding that has occurred to this pumping station, the reconstruction project began last fall to remedy the situation. Director Colbert then reviewed the issues that surfaced with this project including the difficulty of creating an access Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of March 18,2002 Regular Meeting Page 4 within the existing easement. He noted that the driveway as it exists was shared with Foxes and Cardenas for several years. Colbert then explained the options that might be considered to provide access to the lift station through Oak Chase Park, and a separate access for the Cardenas, which would leave the Foxes with a single access road. Member Belfiori asked how large the bisected portions of the park area were. Director Colbert stated that one side was approximately .4 acre and the other was 1.4 acre. In response to how often the lift station was inspected, Director Colbert state 2-3 times per week. Member Peterson stated that this park serves a much larger neighborhood beyond the few homes surrounding it and would like to get some input from them. She added that to lose this piece of open space would be difficult for this park area. Mark and Judy Fox addressed the Commission stating that there is very little use of this park area. They have generally used it as an extension of their property along with the Cardenas. They expressed their support for the new access road. Mr. Cardenas addressed the Commission and stated he'd like to stay in the good graces of the Foxes and would prefer to have the access road installed as shown by the Engineering Division. Member Danner asked how long the lift station has been at this location. Director Colbert responded that it has been there since 1972 but has been very unnoticeable, until now. Member Peterson asked what other options might be considered. Director Colbert stated that if they cannot go across park property they will have to acquire access through easements or condemnation. Member Danner asked if the road could run adjacent to the existing access to the west and south of the park. Member Rudolph added that it is the Commission's charge to protect and enhance parks although he understood the resident's concern. Member Davis opined that although this part of the park isn't programmed, the open spaces is very much needed. Dorothy Peterson moved, N. Mark Filipi seconded a motion to recommend that the City purchase/condemn access rights from Lots 5 and 6 (Cardenas and Fox) to continue using the current driveway alignment along with additional easements over Lot 5's driveway and grant an access easement to them for the current driveway encroachment in the southwest corner of Oak Chase Park. Those voting Aye included Joseph Bari, Margo Danner, N. Mark Filipi, Elizabeth Perry, John Rudolph, Dorothy Peterson, Richard Pletcher and Melvin Williams. Terry Davis voted against. WATER RESOURCES UPDATE SET NATURAL RESOURCES SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING DATE The Natural Resources sub-committee was tentatively set for March 25 at 6:00 p.m. All Commission Members were encouraged to attend. OTHER BUSINESS AND REPORTS WINTER FACILITY REPORT Recreation Supervisor Nowariak presented a review of the 2001-02 winter skating and tubing season. Because of the unseasonable winter weather, the skating rinks and Trapp Farm tubing hill were open only a limited number of days. Supervisor Nowariak provided an in-depth review of pre-season staff preparation, the days and dates various sites were open and concluded with ideas and recommendations for the next season. She noted that Bridle Ridge and Goat Hill Park are traditionally busy sites and suggested locating an additional rink on the east side of the city to alleviate some of the congestion. Another suggestion was to put some of the sites with limited attendance on timed lights instead of providing a warming shelter with staff. Nowariak also suggested making changes to the open hours of some sites. Commission Member Rudolph reiterated the need to continue the plan to pave rinks in the future, which seems to hold the ice longer. Member Davis asked where an additional rink might be sited on the east side. Nowariak responded that Pinewood Elementary or South Oaks might be options to consider. Member Davis suggested keeping this thought as the Commission reviews the CIP needs for future years. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of March 18, 2002 Regular Meeting Page 5 2001 ANNUAL REPORT Director Vraa explained that the annual report will be ready shortly and will be distributed to the Commission upon completion. JOINT CC/APRC WORKSHOP UPDATE Member Rudolph stated that the APrC shared a draft of the 2002-2006 CIP with the City Council at a recent workshop. He added that Commission Members outlined the CIP and were available to answer questions from the City Council. Rudolph noted the Council's concern and caution relative to on-going maintenance and how that could be addressed in the future. Member Peterson added that the Commission's challenge will be to look at funding beyond parks dedication fees. Director Vraa reminded the Commission that Park Site Funds cannot be used for maintenance and that they would need to be careful and clear about how those funds are spent. Member Davis noted that Mayor Awada and Councilmember Fields will be looking at land for soccer field options beyond North Park. They suggested that their review would be done by the end of March. METRO OPEN GREEN SPACE STUDY UPDATE After distributing notes from the previous two meetings Director Vraa asked if Commission Members wished to set up a follow-up workshop. He noted that park tours begin in April, prior to the regular meeting. Member Rudolph opined, and Commission Members concurred, that they would prefer a workshop session in April in lieu of the pre-meeting tour. The workshop was set for 6:00 p.m., April 15, 2002 COMMUNITY CENTER UPDATE Director Vraa stated that the pre-construction meeting for the well house/pavilion was completed and construction is anticipated to begin within the next four weeks. Completion is scheduled for December 15, 2002. It was noted that construction of the main building is moving along well but contractors are hoping for some dry weather to help keep the work on schedule. COMMUNICA TIONS Director Vraa pointed out the letter from the Dakota County Center for the Arts and Humanities identifying their need for expanded space for programming. They noted the increase from 40 participants in 1997 to 1,100 in 2002 as the reason for the need. The success of the programs creates a growth opportunity that the DCCAH would like to see incorporated in the overall plan for Patrick Eagan Park. Member Rudolph commented that it was good to see so much resident participation and Member Davis added that it is good to hear the group express their needs now as the "vision" of Patrick Eagan Park is discussed. HISTORICAL TRAIL COMMITTEE UPDATE Member Rudolph stated that he and Commission Member Peterson had attended the Historical Trail Committee meeting to discuss how to recognize significant historical trail segments in the community. Member Peterson stated the group has mostly been brainstorming to date. Some of the roadways that have been easy to identify have been Dodd, Pilot Knob, Johnny Cake Ridge, Hway 13, Lone Oak, Nicols, Wescott, and Beau'd Rue. It was noted that the Beau' d Rue name would be changed with the re-development of Cedarvale and it was hoped that the name could be kept for some trail segment. The committee will continue to meet to identify how best to celebrate some of these transportation links in the City of Eagan. ROUND TABLE Member Danner stated the Lioness group is looking for the family/business that has been in the community the longest for the brick paver project at the community center. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of March 18, 2002 Regular Meeting Page 6 Member Danner also noted that she had received a thank-you note from Patrick McCarthy expressing his appreciation for the support on the golf course issue. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to conduct John Rudolph moved, George Kubik seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 10:05 p.m. 1). a?~ {) .t~P- Secre ary /P(11~ 2- [ I Date