03/05/1963 - Finance I....- .......... _.._~ ~. MINUTES Board otAudit - Eagan T~nship March 5, 1963 The Board ot Supervisors, Eagan Township met at the hOal8 ot IIrs. AlTCe Bolke, 1365 Deerwocd Dr. at 2:00 P.M. tor the purpose of paying all bills, auditing the books and dratting a proposed budget tor 1963-4. Atter reviewing the outstanding bills, on motion ot Chairman RaM, second ot Supervisor Trapp aye Schwanz all bills were ordered paid. SWIIIlI&rY ot Audit is as tollows: Balance )(ar. 6, 1962 Receipts 3/6/62-3/5/63 Total Less Warrants Pd. Out Balance 3/5/63 . 17,571.52 85.7~.25 103,3 0.77 75.958.~ l ')!'f, 402 . The Clarks and Treasurers books were tound to be in balance. On motion ot Chairman Rahn, second ot Supervisor Schwanz, aye Trapp the above Audit was accepted. The proposed budget tor 1963-4 was drawn up as tollon: Protessional Services Full time Kain. Man Weed Inspector Hew Road Work Gen. Main. & Oper. Park Maintenance . 8,000 4,800 300 5,000 12, .300 200 130,600 6.000 t36 ,600 levenue Fund Total The total Budget will be the S&1118 as last year. There being no turther busineas, the meeting adjourned at 4:00 P.II. Dated: March 5, 1963 Clerk - Eagan To.rnshi p - _~_______--,-, .--- ~i ,:~;:":::-""'~~~~=-~:;;.:;:"'~~::;"'~:.-~~ .~~,;,'.b;';:'.>-"'~j"-~O->_~ '~__'~;_," "........ Ill:" ...... ----~~ ._.._-~.,:-,.~----.",:...-