08/23/1963 - City Council Special
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A special meetinsof the Board ~f :Supervisors 'Of Bapm Township
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was held at 2004 Baleralel Lane. St. Paul 18. M1~on Ausust
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23rd, 1963 at 7100 o'clock p.H. at which all 1IIi!IIlbers were present.
CbainBrtltahn presided and stated the purpose ef the 1IIBetina
tebe to act with respect to fire protection for Bagan TewnslUpe
Considerable discussion was bad concerninS the Cedar Grove Special
Fire District and the problems inherent in estabU.hins a department,
the acquiaitlen and. financins of land. buU.ins and equipaaent
in ~iaon with eatablishiq a towttehi.,...,lde fire cfeparbEnt
which at the outset would operate In the are .f the special fire
Up.n lIDtion cluly made by Cba1X'11Bll Kahn aNi seconclecl by SuperviAr'
Ia.eln, 1twas RISOLYED to establish a t:alIinahi.....u.e fire deparbent.
acquire lancl and COIUJtructan appropriate fire ball ancl to_ any
ether aClts necesury to the furtherance of fire protection fer .ptt
Township accordins te law; and. it wasFtlR'lHBR _!SOLVED .that the
Board re8&lution ofAupst 6th, 1963 levy-ins a 5 mill tax in said
special fire district be, ancl the __ hereby is. rea'cituled in all
Upon IIDtion. the ~t1na adjourned.
Qatec1: Au&WJt 23"- 1963.
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