04/20/1960 - City Council Special 106 MINUTES OF A SPECIAL M~~TING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, EAGAN TOWNSHIP A special meeting of the Board of Supervisors was held on April 20th, 1960 at 7 o'clock P.M. at which all members were present except Supervisor Trapp. Upon motion duly made by Supervisor Schwanz and seconded by Chairman Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the Tovmship purchase a mimeo- graphing machine for the purpose of preparing agendas for the Planning Committee and Town Board meetings, preparing notices and copies of ordinances for distribution. Upon motion duly made by Supervisor ;;;lchwanz and seconded by Chairman Rahn, it was RESOLV~D that henceforth the ~own Hall would not be used for private meetings of any kind for the reason that in the past keys to the Town Hall have not been returned by private groups and in- dividuals, the Town Hall has been left in an unkept condition following such private meetings, and the official records and documents of the Township are kept at the Town Hall and not under lock and key. Upon motion duly made by Chairman Rahn and seconded by Supervisor Schwanz, it was RESOLVED that the Town attorney be directed to prepare or obtain forms for special use permits and application blanks for approval of plats, plans, etc. according to the procedures of Ordinance No. VI. Upon motion duly made by Supervisor Schwanz and seconded by Chairman R~, it was RESOLV~D that public liability insurance and property damage insurance should be obtained, if not already in force to cover all 107 Township equipment consisting of truck, road patrol and caterpillar tractor; the public liability limits to be $100,000.00 - ~200,000.00 and property damage of $10,000.00. Dated this 20th day of April, 1960. ~D4 ;{;~/tL-{/ Clerk