07/14/1961 - City Council Special
July l4ib. 1961
A special meeting of the Board of Supervisors, Eagan Township, was
held on Fri~, July l4i11, 1961 at 7:00 o' clock P.M. at the Town Hall at
which all members were present.
Chairman Rahn presided and advised the Board that the meeting had
been called at the special request and instance of Mr. Eugene Bader for
the purpose of making a final determination of his application for a
permit to operate a sanitary landfill along Highway No. 13 approximately
one mile South of the North boundary line of said township.
Chairman Rahn directed the Clerk to read in the pre-
sence of the Board and applicant and his attorney, Mr. Vance B. GranniS,
the following documents:
1. Report from the State of Minnesota Department of Health.
2. Town Engineer's report.
3. Town Attorney's Questionnaire and categorical letter reply from
4. Resolution of the Advisory PIAuping Committee dated July 10, 1961.
Mr. Bader discussed various points involved in his application be-
fore the Board who again discussed and considered the matter briefly.
The Town Attorney presented the Board of Supervisors with two reao-
lutions. one in favor of the application and one opposed to same. Super-
visor Trapp moved the adoption of the following resolution:
ItWllElWAS Mr. Eugene Bader has heretofore made application for
permit to operate a sanitary landfill along Highway No. 13 West
~b '7J~~
of the eld and Southern Railroad tracks and submitted cer-
tun information requested by the Board of Supernaora of Eagan Town-
ship; and,
\1IHEREAS said application has been made pursuant to the Dumping
Ordinance No. I; and,
WHEREAS the Board of Supervisors have inveatigated the proposed
site for said landfill and have received reports from the Minnesota De-
partment of Health, the Township Engineer and the Fort Snelling Park
group regarding same; and,
WHEREAS the Board of Supervisors has given careful and impartial
consideration to the application of Mr. Bader and the information and
facts presented both for and against said proposal, and has held a pub-
lic hearing thereon pursuant to notice;
NOW TlfEREFURE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, That said application be, and
the same hereby is, denied upon the following grounds, to-wit:
l. The proposed landfill site cannot be screened adequately so as
to obliviate view of said operation from adjacent residential areas over-
looking said area.
2. The bulk of soil present in the area is peat which ia not
suitable for cover material.
3. The peat condition in the area lenda itself to a future fire
hazard with which the Township for lack of equipment and personnel can-
not cope.
4. The water table in the area establishes a risk. flood condi-
tions could exist creating a polution and health problem to the commun-
5. Anticipated heavy truck travel OD State Trunk Highway No. 13
would likely create additional traffic hazards in view of applicant's
own proposal to invite dumping from the metropolitan area.
? That the proposed sanitary landfill operation in the area
applied for would be inimical to the health, welfare and best in-
terests of Eagan Township.
8. The lack of adequate facilities and personnel to properly
police said propoaed landfill operation under the terms of said Or-
Supervisor Schwanz seconded the foregoing motion and said resolution
was unanimously adopted.
Chairman Rahn presented the following applicationa for building per-
mi ts:
Maynard Danielson - 3816 Beau de Rue Road - 24' x 24' Garage -$1.500
Donald F. Charland - 4146 Cedar Avenue So. - 16' X 22' Garage - S750
Cedar Grove to be set back 5'
from Side lot line
- 16' x 22' Garage - 3740
to be set back 5'
from side lot line
- 4241 Limestone Drive
Cedar Grove, Lot 4,
Block 6
Robert Anderson
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was RESOLVED that the fore-
going applications for building permits be, and the same hereby are ap.
proved, and the Clerk is directed to issue building permits therefore.
Chairman RaM presented the application of Mr. Leonard Anderson,
Langhoven Addition, to obtain an easement from the town to install a
natural gas line across town property at or near the intersection of old
Highway No. 13 and new Highway No. 13. Chairman Rahn adrlsed the Board
that other residents in Langhoven had installed lines without obtaining
easements from the township. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was
RESOLVED that Mr. Anderson be, and hereby is, granted permission to lay
said gas line upon the condition that he and his wife join in an ease-
meut agreement conditioned that in the event the Township at any future
time shall require the remoTal thereof, same shall be done by applicant
or his successors at their expense. The Clerk was directed to notify
the other residenta of that area which have installed gas lines without
permission, that they must either enter into easement agreement a or else
remove their lines.
Upon motion, the meeting adjourned.
Dated: July l4U1, 1961.
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Clerk .