03/10/1962 - City Council Special JOINT SPECIAL MEETING OF BOit.RD OF SUPERVISORS AND A.DVISORY PLANNING COMMITTEE EAGAN TOWNSHIP, March 10th, 1962 A joint special meeting of the Board of Supervisors and the Advisory Planning Committee, Eagan Township, was held on March 10th, 1962 at 4:00 o'clock P.M. at the town hall at which all members of the Board were present and all members of the Committee eJ~cept Diffley and Adelmann. Chairman Klingel presided and stated the purpose of the meeting to be the consideration of the application of Oscar P. Jones for a gravel pit permit to extract sand and gravel from that certain property known as the Fred KUhn farm more particularly described as: S~ of the S~, leas the north one rod thereof, Sec. 11-27-23, and N~ of the N~ of Sec. 14-27-23, Dakota County, Minnesota. An informal discussion was had as to specific requirements to be made of applicant in such gravel pit operations in the event that the Committee recommended approval of the application, and were evolved as follows: 1. No excavation nor digging to be made closer than 100' from any road or r/o/w line or property line adjoining the operations site, and in any event no closer to any road or structure adjoining as may endanger the support thereof as may be determined by the town engineer. 2. No operations shall be conducted prior to 7 A.M. nor after 6 P.M. nor at any time on Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays. 3. All reasonable means shall be employed by applicant to reduce dust, noise and nuisances which shall include, but not exclusively, water spraying in the crushing process. 4. Where necessary to eliminate unsightly view of the excavation and operations, applicant shall plant suitable fast growing screening trees which shall be a minimum of 6' high placed in two rows staggered with trees not more than 10' apart in each row. 5. During the entire period of operations all excavations shall be sloped on all sides at a maximum ratio of 1 to 1. 6. No manufacturing or processing of any kind shall be permitted on the site at any time except the crushing of gravel. 7. Applicant shall commence his operations on an internal portion of the site not less than 1000' from the nearest dwelling and remove all deposits in that area before moving out and closer to a boundary or dwelling. 8. Applicant shall not drill nor install any well larger than 4" on the site without first obtctning approval from the Board of Supervisors in writing. 9. Applicant shall dispose of all waste water used on the site in a manner which will not adversely affect adjoining property. 10. Upon quiting operations or leaving any particular excavation or area in the site, applicant shall re-grade same in a reasonable manner and shall slope same on all sides at a maximum ratio of 3 to 1. 11. Applicant shall provide adequate access roads to and from the site which shall be blacktopped and improved to the extent of maintain- ing a dust-free surface and with proper sight distances for traffic safety at each point of access. 12. Applicant shall adhere to all county and town load limits in hauling to and from the site and to pay his fair share of the cost of upgrading existing town roads over which he hauls. All trucks shall be -2-- covered with appropriate tarpaulins while hauling loads. 13. Applicant shall provide warning signs and flagmen for proper traffic safety during periods of heavy traffic to and from or past the site and at such other times as the Board may require. 14. In the event operations cease, or substantially so, on said site for a period of more than one year, or in the event substantially all gravel and sand depgeits thereon have been removed, no further operations shall be ~~nducted thereon and this agreement shall be deerr.ed absolutely void. 15. Before commencing operations, applicant shall post a $5,000.00 bond in a company to be approved by the B.a~d in favor of the township to secure performance of this agreement and all applicable ordinances, rules and regulations. 16. Board may adopt reasonable rules and regulations during course of this agreement pertaining to applicant's operations which applicant agrees he shall be bound by. For failure to comply with same, or with this agree- ment or applicable ordinances, rules and regulations, applicant shall cease operations upon receipt of written notice by Board unless within time specified he shall remove such default. 17. Applicant shall not permit any other person, firm or corporat- ion or combination thereof to operate upon said site, haul or otherwise without first obtaining the written consent of the Board and an appropriate acknowledgement by such others that they will be bound by this agreement and covered by bond. No formal action was taken by the Committee. Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. Dated: March 10th, 1962. JOINT SPECIAL MEETING OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AND ADVISORY PLANNING COMMITTEE ZAGAN TOWNSHIP, MARCH 10Yl, 1962 A joint special meeting of the Board of Supervisors and the Advisory Planning Committee, Eagan Township, WaS held on March 10~, 1962 at 4:00 0' clock P.M. at the Town Hall at which all members of the Board were present and all members of the Committee except Diffley and Adelmann. Chairman Klingel presided and stated the purpose of the meeting to be the consideration of the application of Oscar P. Jones for a gravel pit permit to extract sand and gravel from that certain property known as the Fred Kuhn farm more particularly described as: SiV}4 of the S''II}t., less the north one rod thereof, Section 11-27-23, and NW}4. of the N.~}t. of Section 14-27-23, Dakota County, Minnesota. An informal discussion was had as to specific requirements to be made of applicant in such gravel pit operations in the event that the Committee recommended approval of the application, and were evolved as follows: 1. No excavation nor digging to be made closer than 100 feet from any road or right- of-way line or property line adjoining the oper- ations site, and in any event no closer to any road or structure adjoin- ing as may endanger the support thereof as may be determined by the Town Engineer. 2. No operations shall be conducted prior to 7:00 0' clock A.M. nor after 6:00 0' clock P.M. nor at any time on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. 3. All reasonable means shall be employed by applicant to reduce dust, noise and nuisances which shall include, but not exclusively, water spraying in the crushing process. 4. bhere necessary to eliminate unsightly view of the excavation and o~üf…ions, applicant shall plant suitable fast growing screening trees which shall be a minimum of six feet~? þ‚ placed in two rows stag- gered with trees not more than 10 feet apart in each row. 5. During the e>ñìu” period of operations all excavations shall be sloped on all sides at a maximum ratio of 1 to 1. 6. N—Úø„ufacturing or processing of any kind shall be permitted on the site at any time except the crushing of&¹ìf‡el. 7. Applicant shall commence his operations on an internal por- tion of the site not less than 1,0ÈÊLÿet from the nearest dwelling and remove all deposits in that area before moving out and closer to a bo;}¿ û dary or dwelling. 8. Applicant shall not drill nor install any well larger than four inches on the siîýNîƒthout first obtaining approval from the Board of Supervisors in writing. 9. Applicant shall dispose of altÑçf‚te water ssed on the site in a manner which will not adversely affect adjoining property. 10. Upon quóì÷ operations or leaving any particular excavation or area in the site, applicant shall regrade same in ·kÙbsonable manner and shall slope same on all sides at a maximum ratio of 3 to 1. 11. Applicant shall ïƒde adequate access roads to and from the site which shall be blacktopped and improved to the extent of®kÇnŸtain- ing a dust free surface and with proper sight distances for trgffic safe- ty at each point ofJ úss. 12. Applicant shall adhere to all county and town load limits in hauling to and from the site and~×Ë'ay his fair share of the cost of upgrading existing town roads over which he hauls. All trucks shall be Æ covered with appropriate tarpaulins while hauling loads. 13. Applicant shall provide warning signs and flagmen for proper traffic safety during periods of heavy traffic to and from crpast the site and at such other times as the Board may require. 14. In the event operations cease, or substantially so, on said site for a period of more than one year, or in the event substantially all gravel and Sand deposits thereon have been removed, no further oper- ations shall be conducted thereon and this agreement shall be deemed absolutely void. 15. Before commencing operations, applicant shall post a i5,000.OO bond in a company to be approved by the Board in favor of the township to secure performance of this agreement and all applicable ordinances, rules and regulations. 16. Board may adopt reasonable rules and regulations during course of this agreement pertaining to applicant's operations which applicant agrees he shall be bound by. For failure to comply with same, or with this agreement or applicable ordinances, rules and regulations, applicant shall cease operations upon receipt of written notice by Board unless within time specified he shall remove such default. 17. Applicant shall not permit any other person, firm or corporation or combination thereof to operate upon said site, haul or otherwise without first obtaining the written consent of the Board and an appropriate acknow- ledgement by such others that tlley will be bound by this agreement and covered by bond. No formal action was taken by the Committee. Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. Dated: March 10Yl, 1962. ~~~~ Clerk