03/21/1962 - City Council Special K~~ 0., A ~EClj~ ~RING OF THE BOARD or&SUPERVlSO~, ~AN '1'OWN~aIP Marc~ 2fat. l~ A special bearing of the `¶¶]• of Supervisors, Eagan Town.ebip, reprding Valle)' View Plateau Addit10n Road Improvement Project, was heMÞùž the Town Hall at 8~OO 01 clock P.M. on the 21st day of MarCh, 1962, at which all members were present exc䘲ha1rman Rahn. In Cha.i:rman Rahn's absence,Supervisor SchWSJ1~ presided over the hearins. The meeting wasú¿ê„ed oYer to Mr. Robert Rosene, the Town En- gineer, who doscussed and paraphrased the prelim1naq report on ^až]”et improvements in Valle,. View Plateau Addition dated FebruAr,1 20th, 1962, and prepared by the Town EngiRžêÄ The streets propoeed to be illproved include Highview Avenue, Hi-pview Terrace, Highr1dp Terrace, Southrƒ7‰JÑAvenue, Bridgeview Terrace aadBridgeview Avtnue. The Town Engineer explained that sodding ot boulevards wa%|†÷ž in.. cluded in the cost est1mate in the preliminary report because he be- l1eved that this work could be¶øÊHžmplished kore cheapl1 by the in- di vidual landowners whose propert1 was being assessed for the improve- ûôáë™. The Town :r.::ngineer further recODIDlended that the &SBessment pro- cedure 'be accomplishedb,- aasessinæC” short side plus 1/3 of the long side of each corner lot. After considerable discussion the Chairman callK”ù…r a vote of tbe property owners in Valle, View Plateau Addition who were preeent ... to thei r desires abÇ¥å …he type of assessment that should be made. The overwhelmins coneeDSUS wau that the propert1 owners be aaae¥}Ýü† equal~ tor the improvements _d.. Mr. Robert Steveu also coneentect to equal assessment if the streets leading up to his property were improved. A vote was then called for b,. the Chairman as to whether the property owners present were in favor of the project of improving the roads in the Valle,. View Plateau Addition through the use of assessment procedure provided in the local improvement sections of Chapter 429 of the Minnesota Statutes Annotated. Property owners present voted 16 to .5 in favor of the projected road improvement pro- ject. A further Tote was requested b,. the Chairman concerning the de- sires of those present as to the type of curbing to be installed on the projected street improvements, the machine laid. asphalt curb or the shoe formed asphalt curb.. The latter was preferred. Upon motion, the hearing was adjourned to the next regular Board. of Supervisors meeting on April 'rd, 1962. Dated: March Zl, 1962. 7 " /', I' ,; (il t. i / u- !rJ-,(L L /:'J:' . I Clerk