04/30/1962 - City Council Special --:. (Wi, ~ \ I -I~'I:J'1:i:,S '? 3'~':)}~~=:I,.L :,J:-=TI-~:: ,-\~ j:? ~,-*~D ("I~) ~3t ;-:\T::HVI3Cl:~L~, EAGA1,J TC~.'}J3FIP .lpri1 30, 1962 h~ld. ;.. c'r-'i..,1 ".eeti:lg of VIe BOc'TC c:rfSupervisors, l~aean Township, was u.":d in order to inspect the BelAmi Dog Kennel, 2971 Pilot Knob TId. All members of the Board of Supervisors, Eaean Township, toeether with Constable if:artin DesLauriers met at the TOW'l Hall at 12: 30 0' clock F .i'i. on Eonday, April 30, 1962. From there they proceded to the 3elAmi Dog Kenne 1, Pilot Knob l';.d., to inspect same du.e to the fact that a petition signed by 27 neighboring residents had been su.bmitted requesting cancellation of their lic ense . On a rrival dog refuse was bu.rning in the incinerator (dog hair & cleanings). Dog manu.re was piled at the rear approximately 70' from Pines' property and appeared to be about two months old. The original Kennel house and the Board adjoining the home. basement of the home were in the original for which the lie ense had been issued Vias west of the found that the dogs had been moved to the basement Here they found 25 dogs and in the utility room of the were 9 puppie s making a total of 34 dogs. TVIO dogs kennel. There was no requ.ired 6' Illesh wire fence su.rrounding the area where the dogs were kept and no proper runways for exercising the dogs. Dated, April 30, 1962 ~;u:? Chairman C";L,,,,J ~~ - Supervi: r ...-F~ ' r. or