04/28/1965 - City Council Special I-IIN1JT:ES Inforiiisl I;leeting, April 28, 1965 '1'he Board of Supervisors of Eagan Township met informally at. the '1'o\'rn Hall on April 28, 1965 at 10:30 A.I.T. to consider- Fur-chase details of the Ceda:!:' Grove Utilities Co. All members were present except Supervisor :3ch1rranz. together with Attor-ney.::talland 8,nd Engineer .Joe Ander1ik and our Fiscal Conf:ul tant, Jim Olson. Nr. Enlil .Je.ndric 8,nd :.\'.'T. .]E:l..cl:~ I)ile11t11eis toeetl1ey- vIi th tl:eir ~~ttorney \'lere also preserlt. The Board 11o:;d receiyed the 1964 i-\nnuf:3.1 Audit re~Jort of the Utili ties Co. FT. Dilentheis informed the :Board that Cecla.r Grove TJtili ties has 16 acres of land \-lith tte plant and tlli;::: :Cllant is desi0ed to be expar!.ded. 11,he:.r also \',Jer8 ;J,dvised the.t (19~"tlin.;' 311 8.--D~';raisal me.de \,'lOl.11d t,o,ke ap:\roximately hlC! Heehj s.nd cost behleen"lC,OCO-:'15,OC.O. r,t pres"-nt a stuifry is beine; Dade to see vrhetheJ:- this plant \~ill nee,1 to be expanded to accomode.te Cede,r Grove ,ij5. i'<r~.. Delc~ntheis fUTtller iYlfo~['rled 1)_2. tb_c1t Cedar Gro.Vi::: 5 8a18~;: st2.rt in :.::cptember- and a lift st,3tion ioJill -be needed "oj Spring. Thirty-four- homes C2.n be sold I-li thout the lift station and the mains will be stsxted lJ,y them this fall. They hope to build 120 homes a year in ~~is addition. This would Bean that if we decide to acquire this system as a nucleus for a Bunici:pal system vIe \>/ould haye to nct irrillJediately to expand in this area. Vir. Clson felt this could be financed tbro1lgh 30 year bonds - set UI) to mature smaller to begin \vi th and ballooning at tbe end. It vms decided that our Engineer will evaluate the plant and system and consul t 1;,ri tll the fiscal consul tant to see whether "J8 ca.D financE' it EUld at tl~:tB.t tirne VJe vlill presen.t an offer. AprJ.l 23, 1965 j ;I tt.&1 a ,.-, Q~-;".r../:~d:V_--, Clerk