05/18/1964 - City Council Special [ L L L. L , t' '" MINUTES OF SPECIAL TOWN MEETING Town of Eagan Dakota County, Minnesota May 18, 1964 A special meeting and election of the Town of Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota, was held at the Town Hall in said Town on Monday, May 18, 1964. The Town Clerk, Mrs. Alyce Bolke, called the meeting to order at 1:00 P.M. On motion duly made seconded and adopted by acclamation Herbert Polzin was chosen Moderator of the town meeting. The Moderator stated that the business to be transacted at the meeting was to vote on the question of coostructing, furnishing am equipping a new town hall at a cost of approximately $28,000 and is~ue the negotiable coupon general obligation bonds of the town in the amount of not to exceed $20,000 for such purpose. The following acted as judges of the election: Lucille Atwood u,ota Schwanz Ruth Smith Mary Harr is on Jeanne Beaudette Ethel M. Groff A suitable ballot was submitted fer the special election, and a sample thereof was ordered placed on file and attached to the minutes of the meeting. The polls were opened at 1:00 o'clock P.M. and remained open until 8:00 o'clock P.M. All persons qualified to vote at a general town meeting and election were permitted to vote. After the meeting was closed the judges proceeded to count and canvass the ballots cast at said election. When the canvaa. was completed on the question of constructing a new town hall and issuing bonds therefor, the following results were entered on the minutes and publicly read: ~--""---~-~-----r-----------_..-____.__""'--'----:"~..------------- . , TT T7— Tr 'T T mfl np T 11? iTC 28,000 ci■Ti )(‘ T .1 07L,TG T FryT0:7:, (L, T-- ,, 1 TT 71, r‘ 127 83 T 711-377.-T • 20,00() r7),F v ft 41, was thereupon determined that said oroposa1 was duly approved. There being); uo further 'business the meetin adiourned. -iy 10, J "l'ovvr, Clerk