12/18/1964 - City Council Special ( L HJl<<)aANOOM or EXBCUTIVE HEE'rING or TIll BMlU) 01' SUPBRYl$OIS EAGAN 'lOhtsHIP, tWCD'1'A COONTY, MI.NN88lnA December 18, 1964 A apecial meetina of the Board of SupetVlsora, Eaaan Townaht.p, was held on December 18, 1964 at 8:00 o'clock P. M~ at the Town Hall at which all members were present for the purpose of informally considerina the application of Cedar Grove Construction Company for the plat approval for Ceclar Grove No. S and a reconsideration of the Gopher SmeltinS Company appllcatlona for apecial use p~t and buildina pe~it to construct an addl tiona! reverbatory furnace and bulldina unl t to house same. Mr.. ladl ......lc ...bt...~ey, Mr. William Busch, appeared on . behalf of Cedar Grewe C0ft8~J.'UO~ton ~any. Mr. Dick Seymour and Mr. Harry Ray, Attorney, appeared on behalf of Cedar Grove Athletic L Association and other residents in the Cedar Grove and aurroundlna ar_ wi th respect to the proposed aettin. aside of land for the park and recreational purpoaes. Cedar OroYe Construction eo.pany propoeed seven acr.. for park puxpoaes as laid out in its proposed plat of Cedar Grove No. S. Mr. Seymour stated the views of the Cedar ~ove Athletic AaaoolatlOn as beina intereated in obtaini. aix ec'rea behind the fire hall. He was advised that att-.ta had been _de to ecquire thia property without succ.... The repruentatlv.. for the Cedar Grove Athletic Association atated their vi.,. to the effect that the proposed park layout by Cedar Grove Construction Coq>>any, be1na approximately seven acrea, was not usable land for ball field, akatt.na rink and the Uke because of the ro111na terrain. A dlscuasion waa had L resardlna aradins of the area proposed and the posslbUity of addina an additional lot to the propoaed ar!ItA so aa to enable five acres of level land to be produced from the propo..d area. -.1- j ( L The Town Engineer reported that the present ball field as laid out and back atop covered an approximate one acre area; that otherwise the proposed park was unltq)roved. He further atated that the ravine area amounted to between l.7S and two acres. Mr. Jandric and Hr. Busch indicated that if the plat for Cedar Grove No. 5 would be approved, they would tender an additi0t\8l sinale lot immediately adjacent to the originally proposed area which would approximate 10'1 of the entire platted area. The Board took the matter under ad\rlaement. Mr.. John Valene, President and Mr. Vance B. Grannis, Attomey, appeared on behalf of Gopher Smelting C~any. ~. Donald Chapdelaine and Hr. Thorpe appeared on behalf of the reaiclent8 in the area of the lead plant. The representatives stated their views and poalt1ons with respect to the company's application for the installation of an additional L reverbatory furnace and buUcltns to house same. Mr. Valene stated that the bag capacity of the n,,-'W filtering system would be aufflcient to handle the additional furnace. Mr. Chapdelaine and Mr. Thorpe opposed the addition on the ground that the pOSSible potential danger from air pollution wes inconslatent with the aeneral health and welfare of tbe residents in the area of the plant. Representatives for Gopher Smelttna Company preaented their views to the effect that the additional furnace installation was an alternate system and would enhance the safety and welfare of those inside and outside of the plant, cltina as support for their views the stat...nts of the Minnesota Health Department representative ancl the representative of Wbeelabrator Corporation, both of whom appeared, ... (L ,.':'~,!:" ~ ~~ before the Board at their previoua ._tlns in connectim with the appU~~ The matter was taken under ad\rlsement by the Board. L Dated: December 18, 1964.