11/22/1966 - City Council Special
November 22, 1966
A special meeting of the Eagan Township Board of Supervisors was held
on November 22, 1966. at 8:00 o'clock P. M. at which all members were present. .
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Cahirman Rahn presided. The reading of tm minutes of the previous meeting
was unanimously waived.
Chairman Rabn stated that the principal purpose of the meeting was to
accept bids and award the contract for Central Water Trunk Part 1 and North
Central Trunk Sanitary Sewer Part B. The bids were opened at the direction
of the Board by the town engineer and the bids tabulatdd.
Upon motion duly made by Supervisor Schwanz and seconded by Supervisor
Klein it was RESOLVED that the contract for said project be, and the smae
hereby is, awarded to Lametti and Sons, Inc. for the sum of $54,650.25, and
alternate number one at the rate of $8.40 per l1neal foot. It was further
RESOLVED that the proper town officials be, and they hereby are, authorized
to execute a contract with Lametti and Sons, Inc. and to accept a performance
bond .
Upon motion duly made by Chairman Raha, seconded by Supervisor Schwanz,
it was RESOLVED that authority be given to the town qgineer and town attorney
to negotiate the purchase of four acres of property from Joseph Adelmann in
Section 17 north of the railroad tracks for the proposed Temporary Sewage
Treatment Plant Number 1 at a price not to exceed $2,000.00 per acre.
Upon motion duly made by Chairman Rahn, seconded by Supervisor Schwanz,
it was RESOLVED that advertisements for bids be prepared and published
regarding the following:
1. Temporary Sewage Treatment Plant No. 2 which bids will be received
December 20, 1966, at 8:00 o'clock P. M. at the Town Hall.
2. Nrotheast Trunk Sanitary Sewer Part A.
3. The 500,000 gallon elevated water tank in Section 9.
The town attorney was directed to examine the Timberline water system
agreement and report to the Board at lItS next meeting regarding the take-over
of said system and the procedure to be followed therein.
Upon motion duly made by Chaitman Rahn, seconded by Supervisor Schwanz,
it was RESOLVPJ) that Dallas Savage, be, and he hereby is, appointed Eagan
Township assessor for the year 1967 at the rate of $2,000.00 per year plus
mileage. Supervisor Klein abstained from voting.
Upon motion duly made by Chairman Rahn and seconded by Supervisor
Klein, it was RESOLVJ12> tha t the township deny and relinquish its rights
by law to purchase the Warren Thompson property in Government Lot 1,
Section 9, according to the application for tax forfeiture received from
the Dakota County Board of Commissioners.
Upon motion duly made by Supervisor Klein and seconded by Supervisor
Schwanz, it was RESOLVFD that the town engineer and town attorney be authorize4
to prepare appropriate easement fo~ to be used in connection with easement
acquisition for utility lines and other public purposes.
Upon motion duly made by Chairman Rahn, seconded by Supervisor Schwanz,
it was RESOLVED that the town treasurer be, and he heruy is, authorized to
make short term investments with proceeds from the $500,000 water and
sewer bond issue in accordance with the town engineer's schedule of withdrawals.
Upon motion duly made by Supervisor Klein and seconded by 8tlpervisor
Schwanz, it was ordered that all bills as presented be approved and paid.
Upon motion duly made by Supervisor Klein, seconded by Supervisor Sohwanz
it was RBSOLVFD to increase tla weekly accident and sick benefits to
employees to $50.00 per week at a cost of $1.20 par ~ employee to Banker'-
Life Insurance Company.
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The t~ attorney was directed to determine the cost and legal aspects
involved in acquiring additional surety bonds for the town truasurer and
town clerk.
Upon motion the meeting adjourned.
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