04/12/1967 - City Council Special
April 12. 1961
A specia 1 meeting of the Board of Supervisors. Eagan Tc,m.ahip, Da!ut8
County, Minnesota, was held at the town hall at 6:30 o'clock P. y~
on 11!.'l.'il
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1967, at which a 11 members were present. Also present were James Ols,Ju,
kiscal Consultant of Juran and Moody, the town engineer avd the towu at~orney~
The Board first met with the police chief concerning the propcued pO~LC0
b~clget for the coming year. After considerable discussion and upr~. motio1i
duly made and seconded, it was RESOLVED that Chief DesLauriers and Officer.
Berthe each be granted a $10.00 per month salary raise effective April l~ 1967J
and further that the Board give additional study to the police budget.
Mr~ Olson and the town engineer presented certain pro?osed alteru9tives
for storm sewer assessment purposes in Eagan Township. The distinction between
assessing industiral and residen~ial areas was discussed~ The fact the town
owns certG;in public areas itlcluding streets, etc. "Vo'!Jld be so:ne reason for
charging a percentage of storm sewer costs on a mill levy basis spread thr~JS:!~
out the town because of general benefit. ~x. Olson presented certain c~?~ta~
tions and certain projections for funding the storm sewer improvzments wit~
options for assessments and general tax levies. The Board determined to defer
the decision until a later meeting.
The Board also discussed the proposed acquisition of the Cedar Grove
Utility system. The presentation ~de by ~fr. Olson projected revenue from
the system. on the basis of average uttlity charges pr('lje~teQ thro'_;ghout
the township together with a parcel assessment. The town attorney state1 th~t
the n~tter concerning bondi_g authority particularly tr~t of asseSRm8~C3 we~c
being rev1.cwed with the bondina attorney and that more d~nnite infn:crnatto1.l.
should be forthcoming. In addition it was stated that the Water Pollution
Centrol Commission has indicated that it will submit a letter to the towuship
supporting the acquisition of the system by the township.
The fiscal consultant discussed the need for an additional bond issue ar.~
suggested the possibility of a $1,000,000 issue for sewer and water seryices,
~he matter will be considered at the next regular meeting.
Upon motion duly made and seconded it waS RESOLVED that the building permit
application of McKee General Beverages, 2765 Highway 155 for a 65' brid~2
bstween two existing buildings, plus an 85' wood canopy costing $2,800~OO b~~
and it hereby is, approved.
Upon motion the meeting adjourned.
Dated: April 12, 1957.
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