07/11/1967 - City Council Special
J.~l.ly 11, 1967
A special meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Eagan TOTmship was
held at the Town Hall on July 11,1967, at 'Which
~mbers wc~e present.
Chairman Klein presided. The reading of the minutes of the previous
meeting was unanimously waived.
Chairman Klein stated the purpose of the meetu~ to be th~ conside~atio~
of the regrading of Blackhawk Road at and near tts intersection with
Highway #13 and the changing of access to the LaHass Corporation prOp3t'ty.
Mr. Godword, civil engineer, appeared on behalf of Blue Cross and three of
:lts-officers also appeared. Mr. James Gabiou, the Dakota County Engineer,
and County Commissioner Louis Wachtler appeared on behalf of the county.
Mr. Joseph Dudley, attorney, appeared on behalf of Mr. Frank Hasselman
who was also present. Mr. Jean Parranto appeared on behalf of Parranto Brothers
Realty and D C R Corporation.
Mr. Gabiou related the approximate cost of removal of dirt from Yankee
Doodle Road and stated that to remove 52,000 yards would cost $16,900,
$7,600 of whic!1 would be tbe cost of moving the dh:t across H1gh-:'lSY l.Q3,
t.hcre",to be utilized on DCR I a road which, in turn, would seroTe ~s accesS
to the LaBasa Corporation. It was noted that Mr. Ted Kayoen. another
interested property owner, was not present but that he had beell contacted
by the other pRrties involved.
It was verbally agreed by Blue Cross, laNasa Corporation, DCR Corporati<:'n.
and the township tbat each would contribute 25% of the total cost of moving
the dirt across Highway #13 and that the cost would be paid in cash rather
then h~; as!3t~l';em~nt. It was further agreed that the legal work :in co~uectio!1
... 1 ...
wi th t'lOving the road and exchang1.ng properties wo,;;\ld be h~Hl1led by DCR
Corpor~tion, Blue Cross and Dakota Co~nty at their expense.
Upon motion duly ~de by C~airman Klein and seconded by Supervisor.
Rabn, it was RE30LVED that the foregoing agreement ivsofsr 6S t;\~ township
was concerne~ be, and the same hereby is, approved subject to the performance
by t.he other parties of their agreement.
Upon motion by Supervisor Rahn and seconded by Chairm~n K1ein~ it l<l.'3S
RESOLVED that the Advisory Planning Committee be directed to review Or.dinnnce
Ho. 6 l\,:tth regard to possible revision of uses permitted in the var:i.o~l~
commercial and industrial zones :ln order to enhance the esthetic va'.lJes i.n
;;he to":'1nship.
Upon motion the meeting adjourned.
Dated: July 11, 1967.
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