12/19/1967 - City Council Regular
Decembe~ 19s 1967
A regular meeting of the Board of Supervi.:.,;ors, Eagan Townsr.ips Dakot.
County, Mtoneeota, was held at the town hall at 7:30 o'clock P. M. on
December 19, 1967. All members were present. Chair~qn Xlein presided.
Chairman Klein first announced the public hearing concerning the
application of Rauenhorst Development Corporation to rezone acreage in Section
11 COD.8:1.st1ns of the NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 and the W 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of
Section 11, fo~erly tbe George Kirchner property. Mr. James O'Neil appeared
on behalf of the applicant and ther~ was no opposition to the rezoning from
A, .Agricul~u~al to 1-1, Light Industrial. Upon motion by Chairman rl€in,
secoQded by Supervisor Schwanz it was RESOLVED that said application for
rezonicg be, and hereby is, appro,,'ed with the exceptio!i. of approximately a
2 acre parcel containing George Kirchner's house and garage along the East
line of the Nlol 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 11.
At 7:t.5 the public hearing c01llDlenced concerning the applicat5_or.' of Rodney
Rffre.s and Herbert Polzin to rezone from A, Agricultural to 1-1, Light
Industrial 43 acres consisting of four parcels in Section 2 near Highway 149
and #55. There being no opposition to the rezoning upon motion hy Supervisor
Schwa~, seconded by Supervisor iahn, it '\'Ias RESOLVED that ,aid apl;'~ L~.etion for
rezoning be, and hereby is, approved.
At 8:00 the public hearing concerning the application of Barry Efiress
to reeone property. of Highway #55 and 149 contain.i.ng 34..,66 acres, formerly
the Albert Grothe property, from A, Agricultural to C-Z He.avy C01Ef!rcbl was
convened. Mr. E. E. Parranto appeared on behalf of the applicant... Mr. Ervin
Ulrich, p~.ident of Trinity Lutheran Church at the intersection of Highways #55
and #49 together with Rev. Waseliu8 and other members of the congregation
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appeared in opposition to the appHcat-;.n:::., After consi.dp.r~l>J.8 -1iscussion
concerning a proposed buffer around the ch!.u:(:h property. upon mod 01.1 by
Supervisor Klein. seconded by Supervisor Scro;r':m'7. it was RESOtNED teat said
application for rezoning be, and hereby ie, appl.'nvcd ::!ubj~ct to <om amendment
to provide that a portion be rezoned to U""6, Residantia 1 Mttltiple 8'!Yl the
balance to C-2 which amended description shall be submitted hy the applicant.
It was noted that the objections were withdrawn on the basis of the amendMe~t.
At 8:15 ths Chairman annoQ~ced a public hearing concerning the applicaticn
of Herbert and Salome Wells to rezone from A, Agricultural to C-l. Light
Commercial and for special use permit for filling station on a five acre
parcel in the SW quadrant of Highway #30 and proposed I..35E. Mr. Douglas
DeCoster and Dr. Wells appeared on behalf of the application and indicRted
that no specific oil company had Rgrecd to construct on the site. Upon
motion by Chairman Klein. seconded by Supervisor SctrrKanz, it llas P.ESOLVED
that the said application for rezoning and for special use per,:.oJ.t be, and they
hereby are, granted.
At 8: 30 P. M. a public hear.ins concerning the application of i,ier.ley
Schmidt to rezone from As Agricultural to R-l. Residential and fer ~pproval of
a preliminary plat of Wesley Schmidt Addition at 4145 Lexington Avsrme was
c.:mmenced. The parcel contains 3..68 acres. Attorney Thomas Campba} Appeared
on behalf of the applicant and Mr. Donald Warkentien, Hr. Krzisnik, Mr. Caponi
and Mr. Ke!tne appeared in opposition to the application or to certain portions
of tt. It we~ indicated that ther.e may be potent~al erosion problems because
of the terrain if the application were approved. After discussion and upon
roct1.on by Supervisor Rahn, seco1.1ded by Snpen.isor Sdn~an~. it was RESOLVED
that tbe hearing be, and hereby :i.8, continu~d to Januar; 16~ 1958 at 8:00 P. M.
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and that in the :lnt<:;rim the town enghli>;" be -::''':p'?ntf'(~ <:.r: r~h~I..:.t '~fl~ pDtential
drainage problems and allY issues cotlcer::ling l(ic!lt~.on 0:;; the hOl-,:'H:~_
At 8~45 the Chairman announced the cO~'ler:..tng ..)f a pt1hli~ h0ar;l.u.'$ concern1.ns
th~ preUminar'j' plat approval f'Jr H:::~l"Y Addi~;:t~r: !~).:3, Mr. Don~ld C3;:'1::'b~1l
c.:).d 1.f):. Harvey Kirchner appeared on l>enali: of th~ ~(r;p1:i.cAtL0:1. 'Upm.1 -no':lon
by Supervisor Schwanz, ser.ondcd by Supervisor Rahn. it ~:33 RESOLVED tb'J{: ']a:{d
aI'~1ication for approval of: preliminary plat be, and her~by iss app:t"o...?8i....
The 8pplir::-1t:!.on of: Mr4 Rodney Effres3 and Alphy LeMay to rezone ~?~'l'!"J:\:!~(l.a~:-=,'.i..i
78 act'C3 from A, Agr:Lcult'..1ral to R-l, R-6 and Co02 for apartment r.c!tp:i.~.t: ilnd
shopping area o~ Bighw~y #31 in Section 10 was next presentad. It w~s noted
that the Planning CC\111U11.t.tee recommended approval. Upon motion by Sl1peT.'lTj SOl'
Scmranz, seconded by Supervisor Rahn, it was RESOLVED that a publ:!.,; hearing
concerning (laid applicat:iDn be, a.:J~ hcreby is, scheduled for 7:45 p. l~ C'n
January 16, i.968.
The arplication of Marvin Rahn and Joseph Drku12 to rezone from A,
Agricult_rral to In1, Light Industrial the West 1/2 of the ~w 1/4 of 5~ction 1\
lying s~ or 1:h" intexscc tio:l. of Lone Oak Road and Lexington Avenu.1 ,,'l Ci ne~'::
pr(;:s~nt.cd. The Planning Committee recommended approval. Mr. Jam€:s O'Neil cf.
Ra1Jenhcrsi: Corporation appear.ed {ndlcating that since the appl1cat1,:;;.1. 'had
beec submitted Reuenhorst Corporation had purchased the propert~' L'ld.u~ing
the property ~Jn~~ by WillArd Rahn adjacent to the abov~ ~escrlbed paLcel~
Upon ~.:ltion "Tl8de and se~onded it 'WI18S RESOLVED that a public haaring c.(J'n;~c.Lr.i~g
the arr1icatioa of Marvin Rahn a~~ Joseph Drkula and in a1dttio~ an ep?li~ation
to be submitted by RDuenhorst Corporation covering the ~7illard RP.hn prop~r~y
be", ~nJ }-v~reb)' :ls, sch~~e(llcd for 7:30 P. If. on Jamlar:r 16s 1968, subject to
suhmission of an app1icatio~ ~G7e,ring t!1~ Hillard Ral~'l pTOp0rty I::!iid cOMi?ht!-3
legal descriptions.
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The application of Theodore Wachtp.r to :t:'~zone 78.7J. acres in Section 10
lying SW of the intersection of Lone Oak Road and Le:dngton Avenue from A,
Agricultural to I-I, Light Industrial was next presentea~ The P!Fn.~in8
Committee recommended approval. Upon motion by Chairma~ Klein, cecond6d by
Supervisor Schwanz, it was RESOLVED that a public hearing concernin3 8pid
application be scheduled for 8:30 P. ~ on January 16s 1968.
lbe application of Rauenhorst Corporation for building permit fOT a
170' x SO! concrete and steel structure on Lot 7, Block 2, Eagandale Cent~r
Industrial Park in the approximate amount of $100,000 was next presented.
The Planning Com;nittee recommended approval. Upon motion the Board approved
the application.
An additional application of Rauenhorst Corporation for building permit
on Lots 3l and 32, Block 2, Esgandale Center Industrial Park consisting of
a 20,000 square foot building at approximately $150,000 was next presented.
Upon motion made and seconded it waS RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors
grant a permit for the foundation only and that the complete plans and for:nal
building permit application be submitted at the regular meeting on
January 2, 1968.
The application of Carriage Hills Country Club for a building permit for
a Club Ho~se Building on Yankee Doodle Road was next presented. The Planning
Committee recommended approval. No one appeared on behalf of the application.
The Board noted that construction had been commenced on the building and upon
motion by SuperviSor Schr...n:nz, seconded by Supervisor Klein it wa s RESOLVED ;: ~
tbat the tc'Vm ettorney be authorized to ca 11 the owner on December 20th and
further to Dend a letter to the owner ordering immediate stoppage of conotruc-
tian until the building permit is issu~d.
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The contract with the Sohlberg Aggreg9te CompAny of Inver Grove Heights
for street improvements in Eagandale Center Ind~9trial Park was n~t presented.
Upon motion by Chairman Kle~, secpnded by Supervisor Rahn, it W3S RESOLVED
that said contract be, and hereby iss approved and that the appropriate officers
be authorized to execute the contract, which approval ~iTas subj~ct to snbmission
by Soh1berg of adequate insurance coverage.
A form of an Extract of Minutes of a m~eting of the Board of Supervisors
cOllsisting of resolutions ratifying the sale of $1,050,000 Improvement Bonds
in 1967 Series B, fixing the form and specifications thereof providing for
the execution and delivery and providing funds for their payment was next
presented. Upon motion by Supervisor Schwanz, seconded by Supervisor Rahn
it was RESOLVED that said resolution contained in the extract of minutes be,
and hereby is, adopted and the appropriate officers be authorized to execute
the resolution together with the accompanying documents.
A form of resolution concerning a request to the District Highway
Department to close the old access to Highway #13 from Blackhawk Road and
to open tbe new Blackhawk Road access to Highway #13 was submitted. Upon
motion by Chairman Klein, seconded by Supervisor Schwanz, it was RESOLVED
that said resolution be, and hereby is, adopted and that the town attorney be
requested to forward a letter to the Highway Department requesting that the
new access opening be given immediate approval.
The town attorney presented a proposed amendment to the purchase agreement
covering the proposed B-E-B Plant site in Cedar Industria 1 Park concer:11ng
the acquisition of 50,000 cubic yards of fill from adjacent" property in the
Industrial Pa~k. Upon motion by Supervisor Rahns seconded by Supervisor
Schwanz it was RESOLVED that said amer.dment to purchase agreement bes and
hereby is, approved.
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Upon motion the minutes of the previ.ous meeting 1'1ere approved ElS mailed.
The town engineer presented plans and specifications for Deep W~11 #1
in Improvement Project #15-C. Upon motion by Chairman Klein, seconded by
Supervisor Schwanz, it was RESOLVED that said plans and specifi.cations bes
and hereby ares accepted and that the to~m clerk be authorized to ~rlvertize
for bids to be accepted and opened on January 16, 1968, at 8:00 P. M. 'l'he
t~YQ engineer indicated that there may be additional costs in the project if
it is determined to be necessary to drill the well to the Hinckley strata
rather than the shallower Jordan strata.
Upon motion by Chairman Klein, seconded by Supervisor Rahn it was RESOLVED
that the final payment to Erickson and Erickson Company for project No. 8
bes and hereby is, approved and that the officers be authorized to make such
Upon motion by Chairman Klein, seconded by Supervisor Rahn it was RESOLVED
that a floor scrubbing machine and attachments be purchased by the township.
A representative of the McKee Area appeared requesting approval by the
township fo~ a skating rink on undeveloped property in the Eagandale Center
Industrial Park adjacent to the McKee Addition. He indicated that Mr. James
O'Neil of Rauenhorst Corporation had given permission for such skating rink.
Upon motion made and seconded it was RESOLVED that the town attorney acquire
from Rauenhorst a letter approving the use of the Eagandale Center Industrial
Park Property east of First Street between Kenneth and Beatrice covering
app!"oxim.'=ltely 100' x 200' l.dth the understanding that the town furni.sh
adequate liability insurance coverage for the owner.
A request ~J Texaco to renew the building permit at the NE corner of
Yankee D::lodlc Road a~d Highway :f!:31 for an additional six months t-Jas upon
motion by Supervisor Rahn, seC011ded by Supervisor Schwanz, approved.
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A request was submitted to approve certain corrections in errors of
Eagandale Center Industrial Park plat consisting of the North line of Lot 36,
Block 3 in the East line of Outlot #3. Upon motion by Chairman Klein,
seconded by Supervisor Schwanz, it was RESOLVED that said corrections bes
and hereby are, approved.
Upon motion by Supervisor Rahns seconded by Chairman Klein, it was
RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors grant to Mr. George Jambos an 8 foot
street side lot variance for setback for Lot 13 North, Carlson Acres.
Upon motion the bills were ordered paid.
Upon motion the Meeting adjourned.
Dated: December 19, 1967
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