02/12/1968 - City Council Special MINUTES OF A SFlCIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPr.RVISOnS OF EAGAN TOWNSHIP, DAKOTA CO:i!'UY, NH:'N"[.~O'fA February 12, 1958 P. srecisl meeting of the Board of Supervisors was held nt 7~ on ') ~ !":lor.',:. ? M. c~ tho town hall on February 12, 1968 at which all mem~~rs ~are p~e~~nt. ChAl.rrlar.:. Klein announced tbht one principal purpose of th~ mf!e~itlS "~as to dit:C;l..CEl the possibility of placing on the ballot at the Annual 1-'i~ec:!.1".':~ of t:1C t('.~~. electors on March 12, 1968 whether to issue bo:.:,ib for.:J:he c~m:r':I1.1Cl':1.on .)f D1l .::ddition to the town hall in the approx~.m3te amount of. $00,000, l.:fto': ~Qnqidcrable discussion and upon motion made and seconded it was ReSOLVED that the issue of whether the Town of,8sgsn shall borrow money to construct, furnl~h a;Jd equip an addition to the town hall and :!.s3'.le the negotiable coupon bonds of the Tovm in art amount not to exce4d $50,000 to provide money for such pu:q:ose sball be submitted 10 the tOWb ~lectors at the Annual Meeting on March 12, 1968. The Board also discussed the pk'oposed addition to the fire hall on ~abn JlO"ld. It was noted that at the annual business meeting of the Towt'.'3hip in March of 1967 that a resolution was passed requesting that the Board cons~~~zt an addition to the fire ha 11 and finance it either through an !sotte 0 f bondo OJ:' out 01: r,p.neral revenue fundsbf the town. It was indicated that the B081.-d has rece;.l~.l a request from the fire depart11lent that add1th';),,11 spar:-.e i<: ne.;;ded vary soon and for this reasob the Board has instru~t{'!d all architec:: to prepare plans for the proposed addition to the fire hall. The s~me archite~t, K11stofte & Vo~ejpka, Inc. of Wayzata, has prepared plans for an addition to the town hall. Because of the current financial condition of the to.~ship it was, upon motion made and seconded, RESOLVED that the tOtoJO contr1.l~t for an addition to the fire hall in an approximate amount of $35 ~OOO anJ that the addition l,a financed through current revenue funds and th3 issoance of tax Ie".,. warrants. Upon motion the meeting adjourned. -j f f"/! .U-'.A ,to{ / )..<..<-"t:~;:.,~_" ......-........ ~ 'Clelk