04/09/1968 - City Council Special
April 9, 196'
A special meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Eagan Township, Dakota
County, Minnesota was held at the town ball at 8:00 o'clock p. m. on April 9,
1968 at which all members were present.
The Chairman announced the commencement of a public hearing concerning
the Preliminary Report on Water Improvement Project #20 covering water trunk
mains on Highway #13, Beau de Rue Drive and Rahn Road. Certain interested
property owners were present but there was no opposition to the proposed
pcoject. Mr. Jean Parranto suggested that the ultimate assessment of the
a~~ fronting on the extension of Rahn Road be assessed against the 32 acres
adjacent to the road rather than on a frontage basis only. Upon motion by
Chairman Klein, seconded by Supervisor Rahn it was RESOLVED that said
Preliminary Report be, and hereby is, approved, that said Project #20 be
ordered, and the town engineer directed to prepare plans and specifications
for the project.
At 8: 15 p. m. the Chairman annouaeed the commencement of the hearing on
the Preliminary Report regarding Public Improvement Project #22 consisting of
street improvements in Cedar Industrial Park and Sibley Terminal Industrial
Park. Representatives of Cedar Industrial Park and Multi-Kleen Products
appeared. there were no objections to the report. Mr. Jean Parrant~ on
bebalf of Cedar Industrial Park, requested that 30' streets be installed
initially and that not all streets be improved temporarily. 'Property owners
generally favored stage construction of the streets. Upon motion by Chairman
Klein, seconded by Supervisor Rahn it was RESOLVED that the hearing be closed
and that the matter be taken under advisement by the Board.
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At approximately 8: 30 p. m. the Chairman anl'lounced tbe beginning of tbe
hearing concerning the Preliminary Report on Public Improvement Project /114
covering water and sanitary sewer improvements in Timberline, the property
lying on both sides of Highway #26 ~8tween Highway 113 and Pilot Knob Road,
Valley View Plateau Additions and the Hurpby House area. It was noted that:
4 number of interested property owners were present. There were no objections
to the proposed tmprovements in the Murphy House area. Residents of the Valley
View Plateau Additions expressed both approval and disapproval of the project.
It was suggested that the township study tbe feasibility of acquiring the
Valley View water system and that both water and sewer proposals including
street improvements be considered at the same time. Residents from the
Timberline area 4lso voiced approval with some objections to the proposal.
Upon motion 1Dade and seconded it was RESOLVED that the bearing be closed and
that the matter be taken under advisement by the Board.
Upon motion made by Supervisor Rahn, seconded by Supetvisor Jacobson it
was RESOLVED that a Homclite. 375 traob pump in tbe eum of $488.75 and a 11500
Homelite Air Blower costing $214.50 for maintenance in emergency fok'the
water and sewer system be purchased.
Upon motion by Chairman Klein, seconded by Supervisor Rahn it was RESOLVED
that 3.2 beer licenses for West End Hunting and Fishing Club and for tbe Eagan
Jaycees 4tb of July celebration be, and hereby are, approved.
Upon motion by Chairman Klein, seconded by Supervisor Rahn, it was
RESOLVED that a $15.00 account deposit be required for all residential units
connecting to the town sewer system.
The application of Rueth Construction Company of St. Paul for permit
under Ordinances No. 1 and No. 8 for depositing fly ash on the Haeg property
at Cedar Avenue near Nicols Station was deferred until the April 16th meeting.
The town attorney reported concerning the opinion of the Attorney General
relative to assessments for acquisition of right of way for both permanent
and slope easements on Cliff Road. The attorney indicated that the Attorney
General by his Opinion dated April 4, 1968 approved assessments for acquisition
of right of way only. Upon motion by Chairman Klein, seconded by Supervisor
Jacobson it was RESOLVED that tbe town engineer be, and hereby is, directed
to prepare a preliminary report concerning tbe improvements and acquisition of
right of way on Cliff Road between Trunk Highway #3 and C.S.A.H. #31 aod that
a hearing be scheduled concerning the improvements on April 30, 1968 at 8:00
p. m. at the town hall. Upon further motion by Chairman Klein, seconded by
Supervisor Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the proposed agreement lrlth Dakota
County providing that the county pay the cost of the Cliff Road improvement
and that Eagan Township acquire the right of way at the town's cost be, and
hereby is, approved subject however to prior approval by the Dakota County
Board of Commissioners.
Upon motion tbe meeting adjourned.
nated: April 9, 1968.
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Public Hearing - Improvement 20
Eagan Township, Dakota County
April 9, 1968
The Public Hearing on Improvement Project 20 covering the extension
of municipal water trunk mains to serve property along Hwy. 13, on
Beau d'Rue Dr. & on Rahn Rd. in Sections 17, 18, 19 & 20 of Eagan
Township was held at the Town Hall at 8:00 o'clock P.M. on April 9,
1968, pursuant to notice thereof being properly published according
to law. Chairman Klein Presided.
Engineer Robert Rosene explained the project. ]Vlr. Jean Parranto,
representing DCR Co. requested that the Board consider the
assessment on the 32 acres adjacent to Rahn Rd. extension on an
are~ basis instead of a front footage basis due to the fact that
it would be a more equitable assessment.
There being no objections to the above improvement, Chairman Klein
moved to approve the above project and authorize the Engineer to
complete plans and specifications, seconded by Supervisor Rahn and
unanimously carried.
The hearing adjourned at approximately 8:15 P.M.
Dated: April 9, 1968
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Public Hearing - Improvement 14
Eagan Township, Dakota County
April 9, 1968
rfhe Public Hearing on Improvement 14 covering extension of
municipal water and sanitary sewer in Timberline, Co. Rd. 26,
Valley View Additions and Murphy House was held at the Town Hall
at 8:30 P.M. on April 9, 1968, pursuant to notice thereof being
properly published accordingly to law. Chairman Klein presided.
Engineer Robert Rosene explained the project whick is divided
into three parts.
Part I - Murphy House
Mr. Ray Murphy inquired as to plans for water, but
Mr. Rosene said this was impossible at this time. He indicated
he had no choice but to go along with this improvement.
Mr. Labey inquired as to whether he would be able
to connect when his house was moved. Rosene said ~.
Part II - Valley View
John Carroll, St. Paul - own 2 lots - How soon can we expect sewer?
Rosene - if decision is made to go ahead - would be ready by freeze-up
D. Knight - What amount of time would the assessment be carried?
Rosene - 20 years
P. Eigemann - Why are you planning sewer when we all have good
septic tankx?
Klein - Petition was presented for this study.
Bob Cooper - I have been there 2 years and have a good working
system & am not in favor of this at this time.
Bill Lindblade - septics may be good because was water is being
pumped into the streets in this area. We need it.
Tom Monahan - When we hook up, isn't there additional costs involved?
Rosene - $200 for connecting & your plumbers cost to connect to house.
Jerry Joseph - Is this $200 a one time charge? - Yes
D. Knight - What would interest rate be & what would yearly payments b
Jim Olson - 6% interest - average of $110 a year - $149.60 1st year
and $72.08 last year -
Pete Veldman - Will there be a vote? I'm against this improvement.
Klein - This will be a board decision as we'd have no way of knowing
how many residents are present.
D. Knight - Are these figures predicated on this large contract or
on just this area? - This ~rea at this years costs.
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Dick Voss - Highridge - Resident of 8 years & nvver had a problem- just
installed a new system but am for this improvement. It takes
a long time to sell a home in this area without sewer.
Harold Snyder - McKee - Have a lot in Valley View and am in favor of this.
Dave Lundsten - Will be building on Bridgeview & am in favor.
Bill Dougherty - I'm in faffor of progress.
Don Knight - What is monthly charge for sewer? $3.00 month based on water
usage in winter quarter.
John Peterson - In connection with this, has consideration been given to
adquireing water system? (Just informally)
As long as the streets are being dug up I personally would
recommend this before they go any further. (Rosene indicated
additional valves would have to be installed and pipes tested
in any study made - it would take about 2 weeks.)
Mr. Klein stated he felt this should be taken into consideration and stated
the Board would take this project under advisement until the Engineer reported
back with a report on the water system.
Part III - Timberline
C. Cortes - requested repeat of cost figures.
F. Eichinger - Are there requests for sew & water oh 26? - Yes on So. Side.
K. Erickson - Can you get it low enough to serve area around pond? - Yes.
Tom Nikolai - Can the assessment be paid in full at any time during 20 years? Yes
Is there an obligation to pay in full when you sell--Yes for FHA
but the costs are figures in value of house.
Dick Buchan, Zehnder - This would cost me $5000 - Your lot would be taken
up with assessment committee.
Mrs. Bennet - Why can't you hook up to house instead of a plumber. (Not poss.)
Virgil Walser, 1467 Lone Oak - My property does not abut but can it be served?
Rosene - Yes by a lateral to homes around the pond.
When would water Be available? - Before freeze-up.
Salisbury - Have property on Lone Oak - What is the capacity - for 1 or more?
Rosene - We have whatever capacity you deaire.
F. Eichinger - If sewer Lateral on this No. side to serve mine & Salisbury's
property is not put in would we be assessed? Not for sewer
but for water.
Mrs. Strand, 1425 Lone Oak - Was a petition presented for the North Side of
Lone Oak? Klein - No but it should be considered at this time
as the cost would be much greater at a later date.
Bill Harris Timberline - How many years will it be before there is storm
sewer in this area? Rosene - This year and at a little later date.
V. Walser - When will decision be made? - Within 30 days.
- 3 -
Paul Hartleben - Lone Uak - How is it determined where stub will go?
Rosene: Where prop. owner desires it.
R. Dworsky - Cherrywood Ct. - Will build this summer & am wondering if
this might be ~eferred.
Rosene - Our recommendation would be to do it all as costs
are increasing & would cost considerable more to do it at a
later date just to move equip. into a small area.
C. Cortes - River Ridge - Where will we be serviced from? -- The rear lot line.
Bennet - Timberline - If this is a board decision, how much weight will be
given to peoples feelings. We weren~t in favor of water system.
Rosene - You now have greater dependability with mun. water, an
elevated tank & better fire propection than previously - also
will be cheaper than if Timberline Inc. retained it.
Bill Harris - How firm are these estimates? - Have been close so far on other
projects. ilarris - I'm in favor of this improvement.
If street is torn up will it be fixed this fall? Yes as it is no~
Bob Walters - River Ridge Circle - Am in favor of this project.
Ken Asp - On back of lot - How does this effect me - will I be assessee? No.
There being no further questions, the Board took the matter under
advisement and the meeting adjourned at 10:50 P.M.
Dated: April 9, 1968
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Public Hearing - Improvement 22
Eagan Township, Dakota County
April 9, 1968
The Public Hearing on Improvement 22 covering grading, gravel
concrete curb, gutter & bituminous surfacing of streets in and
adjoinjng Cedar Industrial Park & Sibley Terminal Industrial Park
& Yankee Doodle was held at the Town Hall at 8:15 o'clock P.M. on
April 9, 1968, pursuant to notice thereof being properly published
accordingly to law. Chairman Klein presided.
Enginee~ Robert Rosene explained the project. Mr. Jean
Parranto representing DCR Co. and Cedar Industrial Park explained
that they were having difficulty filing the plat for the above area
due to the fact that the entrance to Blackhawk Rd. had not been
approved as yet. lie requested 30' streets on the balance without
curb & gutter but graded to either 40' or 44' and widened and curb
& gutter at a later date.
Harold Fredrickson representing Multiclean indicated they were
in favor of the project but were not ready to develop their property
as yet and would therefore favor stage development of the road (grading
and gr~veling at this time.)
Mr. Rosene stated that Sibley Terminal al~o favors stage
development of these roads at this timeo
No objections were presented to the above improvement, and
Chairman Klein moved to close the hearing and take the matter under
advisement, seconded by Supervisor Rahn and unanimously carried.
Dated: April 9, 1968
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