04/30/1968 - City Council Special
April 30, 1968
A special meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Eagan Township was
held at 7:30 p. m. on April 30, 1968 at the town hall with all members present.
The first item of business was a proposed resolution concerning the
participation by the Town of Eagan in the Cedar Grove No. 6 Storm Sewer
Project #21, Part A. It was noted that Cedar Grove Construction Company
requested a resolution be adopted by the Board indicating the Board's approvA:.
of the project subject however to a final determination at the hearing sched~lei
for May 14, 1968. Upon motion made and seconded it was RESOLVED that the Board
of Supervisors of Eagan Township be on record favoring the approval of the
Public Improvement Project #21, Part A, subject however to a final determination
and adoption of the resolution ordering said Improvement by the Board following
the hearing on the Preliminary Report covering said project.
The town attorney indicated that the proposed utility company franchise
ordinances covering gas and electric utilities operating in Eagsn had not been
prepared and requested that the matter be continued until a later date.
At 8: 00 p. m. the Chairman announced the opening of a public hearing
covering Preliminary Report on Improvement Project #23 relative to the Cliff
Road improvements. It was noted that a number of property owners who had
been noticed by mail appeared with some favoring the project and other
objecting. The town engineer and county engineer presented information
concerning the proposed project and after considerable questions and discussion,
upon motion by Supervisor Jacobson, seconded by Supervisor Rahn, it was RESOLVED
that .aid hearing be closed. Upon further motion by Supervisor Rahn, seconded
by Chairman Klein, it was RESOLVED that said project #23 be, and hereby is,
ordered and that the plans and specifications be completed.
The proposed revised road easement from Bill Reid covering Violet Lane
was submitted by the town attorney as prepared by Mr. Reid's attorney, Edward
McMenomy. It was noted that the description in the original easement was in
error due to an error in the survey. Upon motion by Chairman Klein, seconded
by Supervisor Jacobson, it was RESOLVED that said revised road ease~Bnt be,
and hereby is, accepted and that it be recorded with the Register of Deed$,
Upon motion made and seconded it was RESOLVED that the public hearing
concerning the application of James Williams for approval of rezoning fro~
A, Agricultural to R-1, Residential and preliminary plat approval for a
2 acre parcel on Lexington Avenue near County Road #30 be, and hereby is,
set for May 14, 1968 at 8:00 p. m. at the town hall.
The Board then discussed its inspection of the Mrs. HeLmer Clarkson
property near County Road #30 and Trunk Highway 13 which took place on
April 23, 1968. It was noted that numerous complaints had been ~de to the
Board members over the past months and the past years concerning the maintenance
of the property. The town attorney presented a proposed resolution and notice
to be served to the property owners declaring the premises a nuisance and
notifying the owners to cease the operations and to clean up the nuisance.
The Board of Supervisors acting as the Board of Health of Eagan Township did,
upon motion by member Rahn, seconded by member Jacobson RESOLVE that the
said premises be, and hereby are declared a nuisance pursuant to Minnesota
Statutes and applicable ordinances and FURTHER RESOLVED that action be taken
to abate the nuisance by appropriate legal means including court p~cccedines.
It was noted that considerable dust has been created on Silver Bell Road
due to the closing of Mendota Bridge. Upon motion ~de and seconded it was
RESOLVED that the town request the Minnesota Highway Department through its
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District Maintenance Office dust coat Silver Bell ROAd due to the unusually
large amount of traffic being generated on Silver Bell Road.
Upon motion by Chairman Klein, seconded by Supervleor Rahn, it was
RESOLVED that the contract for street improvements in the Eagar.dal~ Center
Industrial Park and McKee Addition Improvement Project #17, Part n he, A~d
hereby 1s, approved and ordered executed.
The town engineer presented plans for projects #19 concernins water,
sanitary sewer and storm sewer laterals in the Valley View Apartment area
and Project #20 consisting of water trunk main improvements near H:f.gh->'1ay
#13 and Cedar Avenue and Project /124 consisting of water trunk main impro'V'c-
ments to the Evergreen Park Addition along Pilot Knob Road. Upon motion
made and seconded it was RESOLVED that said plans be accepted and approved
and that the clerk be authorized to advertise for bids to be opened on ~y 28,
1968 at 8:00 p. m. at the town hall for said projects.
The town engineer presented a pEofile on the proposed improvements on
Yankee Doodle Road east of Highway #31 as prepared by the county engineer.
Upon motion by Supervisor Rahn, seconded by Supervisor Jacobson, it was
RESOLVED that Ruth Shirley be, and. hereby is, engaged for the summer of 1968
to cut the lawns in Cedar Grove 15 park, Cedar Grove Park on County Road #30
and the town hall area at $50.00 per cutting.
Upon motion the meeting was adjourned.
Dated: April 30, 1968.
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Public Hearing - Project 23
Cliff Rd. Imp.
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a Public Hearing was duly
held at the Town Hall on the 30th of April, 1968 at 8:00 P.M.
The Engineer, Robert Rosene explained the project. Acquisition of
the necessary right-of-way ~lus administrative costs would be approximately
$20,100.00 and would be assessed back to the property owners at an estim-
ated cost of $1.15 a front foot.
Fred Schulze: Why is a County Rd. being assessed no and not previously?
Answer: Previously right of way was donated.
Mr. Gabiou, County Engineer posted the road alignment and explained the
Roger Weierke: This will be a heavy traffic road so should straighten it.
Gabiou: The present curves as designed can be made at 50 Miles per hour.
F. Schulze: ~~. Gabiou you told me the County had the money now we will
be assessed.
Gabiou: The County has never had the money for acquisition of property.
F. Schulze: What are you considering paying for the land?
Rosene: $1000 an acre for permanent easement and $500 for slope easement.
All property owners do not give equal amounts of land, therefore
we will pay for the land and then assess.
Could road be re-designed?
~. Norton: If this is mlnlmum cut around the lake will you have to acquire
more land at a later date?
Babiou: No. At that time ditches will be filled & curg & gutters & storm
sewers installed.
Paul Dehlen: Won.t a 4-1ane take more than 100'?
Gabiou: No as it will be developed into a city street.
~. Norton: If this is a planned super highway how will it benefit the
property owner?
P. Hauge: This is not being 100% assessed.
Fred Schulze: We object to being assessed for a truck route.
P. Hauge: This is only a partial assessment & you will be benefitted by the
road also.
1here being no further question, the property owners were invited to check on
the amounts of land they will be required to donate.
Upon motion duly made by Supervisor Jacobsen, seconeed by Supervisor Rahn
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it was RESOLVED that the Hearing be continued on May 14, 1968 at 7:00 P.M.
Dated: April 30, 1968
tJ?~el W~
Clerk" - Eagan Township