05/14/1968 - City Council Special
May 14, 1968
A special meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Eagan Township was held
at 7:00 p. m. at the town hall with all members present, on May 14, 1968.
l.t 7:00 p. m. the Chairman announced the opening of tie hearing coneerntttg
Preliminary Report 123 relative to the improvement of Cliff Road between Tru~
Highway #3 and Pilot Knob Road. Numerous residen.ts along the road were
presen.t with some voielng objections and other s in favor of tbe project which
would consist of improvement of Cliff Road by Dakota County and acquisition
of easements for right of way by the Town of Eagan. After conSiderable
questions and discussion and upon motion by Supervisor Jacobson and seconded by
Supervisor Rahn with unanimous vote it was RESOLVED that the township be, and
hereby is~ authorized to proceed with the project and further that the township
be authorized to acquire all necessary right of way easements and slope easements
required for the road improvement and further that the town attorney be
authorized toconnnence whatever legal action is necessary to acquire easements
including necessary condemnation actions.
At approximately 8:00 p. m. the hearing on the application of James Williams
for approval of rezoning from Agricultural to R-l, Residential and for Se(;. \ 't
preliminary plat approval of a two acre parcel on Lexington Avenue near County
Road #30 was commenced. It was noted the Advisory Planning C~ittee recommended
approval. There were no objections to the applications. Upon motion by
Chairman llein, seconded by Supervisor Rahn it was RESOLVED that s~id application
be, and hereby are, approved including the rezoning and preliminary plat approval
The chairman then announced the convening of a hearing concerning the
Preliminary Report covering Improvetpent Project #21, Part A consisting of
storm sewer improvements in the vicinity of Rahn Road and Cedar Grove No. 5
and No: 6. Numerous property owners affected aPPeared and had questions
concerning the project. Upon motion by Chairman Klein, seconded by
Supervisor Jacobson, it was RESOLVED that said report be approved, that the
project be ordered and that the town engineer be ordered to prepare plana and
specifications for the project; it was FURTHER RESOLVED that where sto~ drainage
would topographically split a platted lot that the assessment cover the entire
lot rather than to split the lot for assessment ~urposes.
Upon motion the minutes of the previous meeting were approved as distributed
with the following additions:
Upon motion by Supervisor Rahn. seconded by Supervisor Jacobson it was
RESOLVED that the letter from Mr. Salisbury and Mr. Eichinger requesting that
their residential property near Highway #13 and County Road #26 be eliminated
from Project #14 Bnd it was FURTHER RESOLVED that the laterals be installed to
the property owned by Mr. Salisbury and Mr. Eichinger at the present time.
Upon motion by Supervisor Jacobson seconded by Chairman Klein, it was
RESOLVED that the appropriate town officials be authorized to execute the
request for federal grant in the amount of $116,040.00 covering grant for
utility purposes and that said application for grant be submitted to the
appropriate federal officials.
Upon motion by Chairman Klein~ seconded by Supervisor Jacobson it was
RESOLVED that the agreement for joint co-operative use of police personnel and
equipment in Dakota County be, and hereby is, approved and upon submission of
the final agreement by the appropriate county officials the Board would then
review the agreement and determine whether to execute the agreement at that time.
The town attorney submitted an opinion concerning a tequest by certain
property owners along Skyline Drive for town maintenance of Skyline Drive with
the request that the cost of the maintenance be billed back to residents along
the road. Tho to'~ p~tnr~y _GO rQ~UOO~od to contoct Mr. D. J, Vimr to
determine whether some assurance of payment could be made by the residents
with the understanding that the town roads would have first priority for
The town attorney submitted an opinion concerning size of the fire depart-
ment and it was indicated that there does not appear to be any restriction on
size in the statutes. Also it was determined that the term of the officers
of the fire department could be staggered with no definite term required by
law. The Fire Department was instructed to submit suggestions concerning changes
in the ordinance.
The town attorney indicated that a trial in the District Court concerning
the appeal of condemnation award covering the Burrow property near Cedar Avenue
on Cliff Road is scheduled to be heard in about one week. Upon motion by
Supervisor Jacobson, seconded by Chairman Klein it was RESOLVED that an offer
of $800 per acre for right o( way be m8de to the property owners through the
county attorney.
Mr. Thomas Mohr appeared in response to a request by the Eagan Police
Chief. The Chairman read a letter from Chief DesLauriers dated May 14, 1968
concerning his inspection on May 14th of the Mohr property on Highway #3.
Mr. MOhr indicated that two trucks on the property would not be licensed, that
the tanks would be used for the nursery building; that be would get rid of all
materials constituting junk within a 30 day period; that six trucks would be
licensed within 30 days; that five passenger cars will be removed; the two
unlicensed trucks would be removed;the garbage truck body will be left, the
scrap iron will be removed; half of the tires will be removed, the remaining
to be covered properly; the earth movers in operating condition would not be
removed; the heaters, etc. to be disposed of. Upon motion by Chairman Klein,
seconded by Supervisor Rahn it was RESOLVED that the Board reserve a decision
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until the next Board meeting and if there is some showing by Mr. Mohr of
an attempt to begin cleaning up the property that then the Board would consider
an extension of the 10 day period set by the Burnsville Municipal Court on
May 8th to a total of 30 days.
Upon motion by Chairman Klein, seconded by Supervisor Jacobson it was
RESOLVED that the bid of General Safety Equipment Company, North Branch,
Minnesota for a fire truck for the Eagan Fire Department be awarded in the
sum of $35,776.00 plus $88.10 for flotation tires and that the truck be
financed on the basis of B five year equipment certificates.
Upon motion by Chairman Klein, seconded by Supervisor Rahn it was RESOLVEJ>
that the on-sale 3.2 beer license be issued to the Lost Spur Club on Highway 113.
Upon motion by Chairman Klein, seconded by Supervisor Jacobson it was
RESOLVED that the request of Mr. Dale Schendel, the operator of the car wash
in Cedarvale Shopping Center, requesting that the sewer connection charges
be assessed over a five year period be referred to the Assessment Committee
for recommendation.
The Board then reviewed the bids as submitted for construction of an
addition to the town hall. Upon motion by Chairman Klein, seconded by
Supervisor Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the low bids be let to the respective
bidders for the addition to the town hall as follows:
General contractor: Hilary-Caron Construction Company
Faribault, Minnesota $42,289.00
Mechanical contractor: Whelan Company l3,995.00
Electrical contractor: Kostka Electric Company 9.000.00
Total $65,284.00
It was FuRTHER RESOLVED that the addition be financed as follows: That
$50,000 be acquired from the issuance of bonds authorized by the electors bnd
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that the balance be acquired from utility funds including sewer and water
bond revenue funds on the basis that a substantial percentage of the addition
will be used for utility purposes.
Upon motion by Supervisor Jacobson, seconded by Supervisor Rahn it was
RESOLVED that the low bid on the addition to the fire hall be awarded as
fo Hows :
General Contractor: Hilary-Caron Construction Company $24,926.00
Mechanical Contractor: Genz-Ryan Company
Tota 1
Electrical Contractor: Kostka Electric Company
It was FURTHER RESOLVED that said addition be financed $lO,OOO from budget
as provided in the 1968 budget and the balance to be financed from tax
anticipation warrants and general town revenue.
Upon motion the meeting adjourned at 1l:30 p. m.
Dated: May 14. 1968.
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Project 23 - Public Hearing Continued
May 14, 1968
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a Public Hearing was duly
continued at the Town Hall on the 14th of May 1968 at 7:00 P.M. All members
were present together with Engineers Rosene and Gabiou and Attorney Hauge.
Mr. Rosene and lfIT. Gabiou explained the project and the layout and
answered questions in this regard.
l~lr. Schul ze :
Mr. Gabiou:
What will be done with the property on the other side of road?
Will be returned to owner unless County needs it or purchases
it because it would be too small to build on.
Mr. Norton:
Mr. Klein:
I feel a vote shoumd be taken as people on this road don't want it.
This is a major thoroughfare and must go in & a vote isn't needed.
Mrs. Zeuli: We will have only 4 acres left and 5 acres is needed for a Bldg. Per.
Klein: Under these circumstances the Board would grant permit under hardship.
lflrs. Zeuli: Could the utility co. put in a high line on their easement?
Gabiou: They have the right to install poles in the right of way but
could not put guy wires on their property. They are allowed 12'
overhang without additional easement.
Chairman Klein asked for a show of hands on how many would not give the
necessary easements and three present would not give the easements.
Upon motion duly made by Supervisor Jacobsen, seconded by Chairman Klein
and unanimously approved it was RESOLVED that this project was approved and
the Engineer was instructed to acquire the necessary right of way and there-
after assess the cost against the benefitted property owners.
Upon motion the mearing adjourned.
Date: May 14, 1968
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Public Hearing - Project 21 Part A
May 14, 1968
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a Public Hearing was duly
held at the Town Hall on May :}:4, 1968 at 8:00 P.M. All members were
present together with Engineer Rosene and Attorney Hauge.
Chairman Klein presided and turned the meeting over to Mr. Rosene to
explain this storm sewer project in the Cedar Grove 5 & 6 area. He stated
that the homes in the Cedar Grove No. 5 would be assessed a partial assess-
ment for their share of the trunk benefits and this would be approximately
$70.00 per lot. He then answered questions as follows:
v~. D. Sampers: Is everyone in Cedar Grove 5 assessed?
Rosene: No. Only those in the drainage area. 71 lots would be assessed
and some of these would receive only a partial assessment.
It was indicated that the owners of these split lots felt that it would
be better to accept a full assessment at this time as they could be assessed
a greater amount if they were to receive another partial assessment at a later
date. Show of hands indicated 4 parties with these split lots were present
and all were in favor of receiving a full assessment at this time.
Show of hands also indicated that all present were in favor of receiving
a per lot assessment instead of being assessed on a square foot basis.
Chairman Klein read a letter received from Cedar Grove Construction Co.
indicating they were in favor of the project and had no objection to the
proposed assessment.
Upon motion duly made by Chairman Klein seconded by Supervisor Jacobsen
it was unanimously RESOLVED that the project be approved and the Engineer
be authorized to prepare the necessary pihans and specifications for same.
Upon motion the hearing was adjourned.
Dated: ~~y 14, 1968
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Clerk - Eagan ~ownship