11/26/1968 - City Council Special MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF EAGAN TOWNSHIP, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA November 26, 1968 A special meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Eagan Township was held at the town hall at 7:00 p. m. on November 26, 1968 with all members present. At 7:00 a joint meeting of the Board of Supervisors and the Advisory Planning Committee convened. Mr. Alfred Hubbard, Chairman of the HinnesotC' River Hatershed District and Mr. Ray Haik, attorney for the Watershed Distri.:"~ appeared~ There was discussion concerning the proposed flood plain regulations along the Minnesota River and also suggestions were made by the Watershed District representatives that the town propose several alternatives for use of the land and then draw up a proposed ordinance for future develop- ment along the river. The main oo~cctive should be to let proposed developers understand the potential flooding problem and further that the to~n suggest uses for the property in the flood plain area. No formal action was taken. The Chairman indicated there is need for additional funds in the Road and Bridge Department due to the increase in the number of employees, added road department expenses and also that necessary highway right of way acquisitions have taken place during the past months. After consi.derable discussion and upon motion by Supervisor Rahn, seconded by Supervisor Jacobson, aye Klein, it waS RESOLVED t~at the clerk be directed to make a formal request to the County Aud~tor fo; an additional 4 mill levy in the 1969 town budget for road and bridge purposes under the emergency provisions of the law. Upon motion the meeting adjourned. Dated: November 26, 1968 . t1ty~ ~f~