12/10/1968 - City Council Special MINUTES OF A SPBCIAL MEETING OF THE BOA:RD OF SUPERVISOR$' EAGAN T~rnSHlP, DAKOTA CQ,UNTY, MINNESOTA Dece~ber 10, 1968 A special meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Eagan Townshtp, lakota County, lHnnesota was held at 7:00 o'clock p. m. at the town hall ~th all members present together with Roger Katzenmeier, represpntative ft~Utlkerson, Guthmann & Johnson, accounting firm. l-tr. Katzcameicr explained the audit report whieh the above fitm had c;amp1eted for 1961 and 1968. The Board indicated tMY would study this ~;',"'l>rv4 _;i,.,. .","'~ .;. "'.;.1 '\!.".".. y. .;;~ ~"' furtftH 8ft! lIeC!t again tfttb hia t1l about a month. Upon motion of Chairman Klein, secorded by Supervisor Rahn it was RESOLVED that l1r. Neal Black be appointed to the Metropolitan Aircraft s~ Aba~ement Council and the clerk be requested to notify Mr. Black and "abo'Abk~ '~at:i'~f l~apolis of this appointment_ Upon motion of Chairman Klein, seconded by Supervisor Rahn 1t was RESOLVED that the building permit application of Martin DesLauriers foe a single dwelling, 79' x 40' in the amount of $33,000, on 20 acres in Section 27 be approved. Upon motion of Supervisor Raha seconded by Chatman Klein i.t was RESOLVED that the Public Works Department be authorized to pur~&ase a sander for the Ford truck costing approximately $400.00 and further Gllhorized to purchase a sno~" blower for the small tractor costing approximately $180.00. there being no further business, tho meeting adjourned. Dated: December 10, 1968. I l . .(/' ,/-, ,/- <Alyce Bolke, Clol'k