04/08/1969 - City Council Special . SVPCIt-I/ ISda...i MINU'l'BS OF A SPECIAL ManNG OF THE BOABD OF t.BlT~; I".as EAGAN TmNSHIP, DA'KOTA OOUNTY, MINN. April S, 1969 A special meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Eagan Township, J)akota County, l'finnesota, was held at the town hall at 8:00 o'clock p. m. on April 8, 1969 at which all members were present. Chairman Klein presided. The minutes of two previous meetings of the Assessment Committee were approved as presented. Upon motion duly made and seconded it was RESOLVED to grant a building permit to Douglas Olson for single family ~wellin& 66' 'x 24', estimated coet $28,000 in Section 24..27-23 on County Road 130. The application of Alden Corporation to rezone the NW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 14-27-23 on Yankee Doodle Road from A, Agricultural to 1-6 Multiple Residential was presented. Upon motion duly made by Chairman ~ Klein and seconded by Superv:1sor Uselmann, it was RESOLVED that the appU,ca- tion for rezoning be, and hereby is, duly approved. The public bearing concerning the Preliminary Deport for Improvement Project 125, Blackhawk Road improvements, was convened. Residents living along Blackhawk Road appeared to discuss the proposal at length. Upon motion duly made by Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Chairman Klein, it was RESOLVED that the improvements contemplated be, and hereby are, duly approved prov1c1ed that the town engineer supply to the abutting property owners a report on various aspects of the construction 80 as to advise affected owners of the details of the project, and further provided that in the interim before actual construction such oUing of the road by tbe towush1p be done as to maintain the dust control previously provided by the abutting property owner8; and it was FURTHER RESOLVED that the town engineer be duly authorized and directed to prepare a preltminary report on -1- the water service stubs along Blackhawk Road and proceed with the preparation of a water line plan from the junction of Blackhawk Road and the road into Minnesota Hospital Services Association South to Highway 130; and FURTHER RESOLVED that the town engineer be directed to prepare plans and specification~ for said Project.{J:25. The officials and attorneys for Dakota County Electric Co-op and Northern States Power Company appeared regarding proposed electric power franchises to serve Eagan Township. Considerable discussion was bad between the officials and the town board and the matter was thoroughly reviewed as to prior attempts at defining the spheres of activities to eliminate overlapping of service 11nes. Upon motion duly made by Supervisor Rahn and seconded by Supervieor Uselmann, it was RESOLVED to grant franchises for the supplying of electriC power to Eagan Township in favor of the two compan1eE as indicated on the map of Eagan Townsbip which is attached to these minutes and as shall be further legally defined in the franchises to be prepared by the town attorney and ultimately approved and adopted by the town board; and it was FURTHER RESOLVED that the tmm attorney be, and hereby is, authorized and directed to prepare the necessary franchise ordinances. Chairman Klein directed the town attorney to henceforth prepare aad forward copies of the Board of Supervisors' minutes each week to all members of the Advisory Planning Committee. Upon motion by Supervisor Rabn and seconded by Supervisor Uselmann, it was RESOLVED to accept and refer to the to'tm engineer the request of K. W. McKee, Inc. for sewer service to the Warner Hardware Building on Lexington Avenue. Upon motion by Chairman Klein and seconded by Supervisor Rahn, it was USOLVEO to refer to the town eng1neer for Etudy and report the request of John Re1Jl1ck, 1440 Highview, for water laterals. -2.. , Upon motion by Supervisor .Rahn and seconded by Chairman Klein, it was RESOLVED to approve a sign permit for Skelly Service Station at County Road #30 and Cedar Avenue. Upon motion by Supervisor Rahn and seconded by Supervisor Uselmann, it was RESOLVED to increase the price of water meters from $50.00 to $60.00. Upon motion by Chairman Klein and seconded by Supervisor Rahn, the clerk was requested to write the Dakota County Highway Department and request that the gas tax money be used to pay for the acqu1si tion of rigbt-of-way on County' Road #30 aDd #32. Upon motion duly made and seconded. the bUls were ordered accepted and paid. Upon motion, the meeting was adjourned. Dated: April 8, 1969. (,' , - , "'. Clerk -3- ....l ~ .. ~. '" .. " -,-" -... .. .. r .. /.... I- .- 4 _~~ I 12----1' ~j~;h ~~ '.. .. rJ ~ .., .. .. " . '" .. ^ 4 j, :.... ~ ~.. .. .. .. '1 I .. ... I. ~ <1.-' .~tT :0: I,. .. ..' j, Ii Iv i, & 1,.'-7- '. .. '.... '... ol ..: -L.--~ " ',I .1 .. , ... . .1oJ...'t;. _ ~....'7>' 7/ ." ,~~I ~-;i.: ~I ? ~(;/ GJ"'~ . '" J!9 ~~'t 00--_ -& .._1Il .&~ >oJ::-. ...--- 2- ~ ~~ (.1}. "'> ~ ". ~ ""'I-,,~ ->, U.S T_~ . 494 ,;;~ - ---:=2.'-.:._ \> ~ .... -1 !loo ~ fJ ~ ~ -., ~ . .!. oil "'-,~ . '/.1. -.. .. .. ..' .. l.. - "'....... -.. -' ~ ~ -" 1 .:! - ----...;.~~, 1 .. I< l.l- lIol " .. 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[........j :: ~:: :::::::::::::::: ........... ..................... (&l"_I1.) ~ (e."-I'~) ~) f"'r?~'(~;'l '"..:.,"'\::,-' \''(~:s. dii .. EAGAN TOWNSHIP FEBRUARy I 1963 NOVE:MBE.A. 1963 JANUARY, 1964 JANUARY, 1966 JANUARY, 1967 MARCH, 1968 IESIDENTIAL I-I C-I TOWNSHIP BOUNDRY. SECTION LINE 1/4 SECTION LINE EXISTING ROAD RIGHT of WAY PROPOSED ROAD RIGHT 01 WAY RAILROAO RIGHT of WAY UTILITY EASEMENT NATURAL GAS MAIN Rand. 1-2 C-2 ----------- - -- ---- ----------- ------. "'?D' zooo I 3000' , , 1/2 MILE ~ , 1 .... , I I - MILE NORTH BASE MAP REVISIONS Ex~,tS II "A" FEBRUARY, 1963 JANUARY. 1964 FEBRUA.RY, 19&6 JANUARY 1968 MARCH, 1968 BONESTROO, ROSENE, J\NDERLIK eo ASSOCIATES CONSULTING ENGINEERS ST. PAUL 8, loll NNESOTA A""ACHE'P 'rO M. ~uTe~ OF '~fU) O~ s;,P~VI~OQ.t;. ME~1"ltJ(i APr2.l"-- e~, , ~G.9. AUDITOR//' SUdg. 1Q( 4M NMI i x�4///�i WESCOTT ROAD/ LEGEND TOWNSHIP BOUNDRY SECTION LINE I/4 SECTION LINE EXISTING ROAD RIGHT of WAY PROPOSED ROAD RIGHT of WAY RAILROAD RIGHT of WAY UTILITY EASEMENT NATURAL GAS MAIN ZONING LEGEND (fir -,i) RESIDENTIAL I -I F R and D 1-2 C - I C-2 (6I-iefi) EAGAN TOWNSHIP ZONING MAP Exiki6 IT "A TYPES OF ZONING R-1 —RESIDENTIAL URBAN R-2 —RESIDENTIAL DOUBLE R-3 —RESIDENTIAL FOURPLEX P.- 4 —RESIDENTIAL TOWNHOUSE P.-3 --RESIDENTIAL MEDIUM MULTIPLE 1,-6 —RESIDENTIAL MULTIPLE C - I — LIGHT COMMERCIAL C-2 — HEAVY COMMERCIAL I - 1 — LIGHT INDUSTRIAL I-2 —HEAVY INDUSTRIAL R 8 D —RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT P —PUBLIC FACILITIES A —AGRICULTURAL ArrAcI4P To !kl')UT OF tot404) oP SvPO2.visoR MCETit46 fP(aiL esq X969 ZONING MAP REVISIONS FEBRUARY, 1963 NOVEMBER, 1963 JANUARY, 1964 JANUARY, 1966 JANUARY, 1967 MARCH, 1968 BASE MAP REVISIONS FEBRUARY, 1963 JANUARY, 1964 FEBRUARY, 1966 JANUARY 1968 MARCH, 1968 0 2000' 0 1/2 MILE NORTH I MILE BONESTROO, ROSENE, ANDERLIK 8. ASSOCIATES CONSULTING ENGINEERS ST. PAUL 8, MINNESOTA