05/27/1969 - City Council Special MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF TIm BOARD OF STJPF.RVISORS EAGAN TOONSHIP, DAKOTA COUNTl, r-n:NN'Esr)TA May 27, 1')(1) A special meeting of the Board of STlYJ"";~"J.r:::~:"'..; ('f t~le Tnwn of Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota was held Ell: tho lh:~:) II":.!!. (-n l1'W 'J.7, 1969 at 7:30 o'clock P.~ at which all members w?re pr?SA~t. The Board met with Mr. James Olp.on, th~ fiscal co;-~(~lt~,lt cr:'>DC"e:rning financing of the ne"7 flre;'truck and proposed CO!m1ur.i.caH~ns t.'1dpblE~;,~t. H.;:.. O}..son inriicAted that 5-Year Certificates of Indebt.edness (';"J~!"'d.~'~~ ~;h"3 contract cant of $35,864.10 for the fj.re truck wou!d be f'lr~ct!,-~'1, eac1 1'luggestr,d Cert5.ficRtes in the S1Jm of approximately $40,000.00 to cover intr.:rf:'st ~nd other 8'kH.t.ional charges. ~p. Board also discussed the connection charge~ for ap~rt~~nt~ and whether fiscal needs would requite that the connection cha:t:'gl:!iIJ be paid lit the time of connection. The town engineer then indic~ted that the n~er of connections currently being made were well ahead of proj~ct:i(\nA of several years ago. Mr. Olson indicated that he would make a rec~J~ndati~n at the June 3rd meeting. The Board further discussed the extension of the Fire B-3J 1. cmtr'1ct ptl).'Ul"'" due in the sum of approximately $35,000.00. The Board further discussed the transEer of administration fe~s from the utility account covering the 15% charged for adtllin1stratinn ft~c's. Mr. Olson recommended that a transfer of the funds be ~e to the gcn~r~l revenue fund and the Board detendned to take the matter under advbcment. Upon motion by Klein, seconded by Uselmann, it was RESOJ..VFlJ that the appllcar.ion of C. A. Roberts company for office and warehouse in the amount of $220,000.00, Lot 25, Block 4, Ea8andale Center Industrial Park No.3, be approved. Upon motion by Klein, seconded by Uselmann, it was RESOLVED that a public hearing concerning preliminary plat p.pprC"'J;.l :br Eagandale Center Industrial Park No. 3 be held June l7, 1969 at 8:uO P.)L Upon motion by Uselnlann, seconded by Ral:n it was RESOLVED that the resolution granting the permit for trailer coach parks from the May 6, 1969 minutes be approved with the following corrections: Reason #l be omitted ~~d the following added to Reason #3, as represented by the atta~hed Exhibit "1" with official town seal. Upon motion by Rahn, seconded by Uselmann, 1.t was PESOLVED that: the final ~I'\J":;l<mt for the Whalen Company, in the amount of $1,627..30 for nl'~ch8P.ical WO'l:k on the Eagan Town Hall addition be paid in full. Upon motidri; by Klein, seconded by Uselmaun, tbe follOWing buildfng permi ts were approved: L. J. Gard, 2128 Carnelian, redl100d fence, $150.00. Elmer Harp, single dwelling with attached garage on 5~03 a~res, Section 3t Old Dodd Road, $30,000.00. Upon motion by Rahn, seconded by Uselmann the request of Rauenhorst D~vC' L opment Corporation for sanitary sewer and storm sewer service be referred to the town engineer for further study. Upon motion by Klein, seconded by Uselmann, aye ttahn, it was RESOLVED that the Home Rule Charter B11l HF #2150 be approved and a copy of th9 resolution attached to the minutes and a copy be sent to ths Secretary of Stat" Upon motion by Klein, seconded by Rahn, the request for sewer and water facilities for South Hills MObile Home Site be referred to the town engineer for further study. Upon motion by RaM, seconded by Klein, it was RESOLVED the the 1969 Plumbing license for Parmington Plumbing Company be approved. Upon motion by Raba, seconded by Uselmann, It was RESOLVE]) that the bid for "rubs for the town hall site from Tral1er Nursery in the amount of. $256.40 be accepted. ?J~ .:27/ /9't: :; dty~ ~/ ~J