07/08/1969 - City Council Speciall
July $, 1969
A special meeting of Che Board of Supervisors of Eagan Township, ~z,;:~~;.:~
County, Minnesota was held at the Town Hall at 8:00 P.M, on July 8, 1969 wi4h
all members present. Chairman Klein presided.
The public hearing concerning the storm sewer in Cedar Grove ~~7, Project
No. ,,, was convened. There were no appearances either for or aga3.n~t the
project. Mr. Rasene stated that Qedar Grove Construction Company had frlic,t~_.
that they were in favor of the project, Upon motion by Klein, se~or_dac'~ ~;
Rahn, aye Uselmann, it was RESOLVED that the hearing be closed and tiia prOf':f.t_
be ordered in,
Upon motion of Klein, seconded by Rahn, ays Uselmann it was ttES~.+4~4+
that the applications for as on~sale beer license for Airliner Motel and
off & on-sale beer license for Parkview Golf Club be approved.
Mr. Albert Brecke, 5r. 4011 Mica Trail requested a variance for sQtbac'
of a garage an his property to 6 feet Exam the rear lot line and 20 feet ;~-
Amethyst, which is a dead end street. Upon motion of Rahn, seconded by T; ~.:~; ~,:<:;
aye Klein, it was RESOLVED that the above setbacks be approved and it w.:s
further RE30LV$D that a bulldir~g 'permit be approved for a garage 2~o-x.24 and r.v
remodel the existing attached garage into a family room.
Upon motion of Uselmann, seconded by Rahn, aye Klein, it was R~'~~~1~7,V~,~3 th~-
a building permit for a garage 20x22 at 1740 Yankae Dawdle Raad n;~ w,:e
Alfred Rahn property be approved.
Mr. John Bushell appeared relative to grading his industrial sits in
Section 36. Upon motion of Klein, seconded by Rahn, aye Uselma:i~ xt t=as
R450LVED that a grading permit be granted subject to the proper taa:~.r..re:~.~nce
of drainage on the property and final appra~ral by the Town Enginapr.
,. ,
Mr, Rosene stated that the streets in Sibley Terminal Industrial Park
were washing nut and causing canciderable maintenance by the Public perks
Department. IIpon motion of Klein, seconded by Rahn, aye Uselmann it was
RESOLVED that the Engineer be authorized to prepare a preliminary report
for widening, curb and gutter in the Sibley Terminal Industrial Park.
A petition tans received from the River Rills residents in Burnsvil.Ie
in regard to the Hillcrest rezoning request in Section 34 and placed on fii.e
with the Clerk..
The .x'equest for a building permit on Pine Ricge Drive, Timberline
Additioq was discussed. It was decided that the Board would continue *o
withhold issuing permits until after the preliminary hearing is held for
street improvements and the project is ordered in.
Chairman Klein asked to be excused from the meeting at 9:15 P.I~, inas~a~~.ch
as he had a prior commitment,
Removal of ~~ tree stumps in Cedar Grove Park on County Road ~~30 was next
discussed, Upon motion of $ahn, seconded by iJselmann, it was RESOLVED that
the bi.~ of Weierke Trenching in the amount of $350.00 be accepted and ~he
warbc be done after Labor Day,
The application of Richter, Inc. for a building permit for an ine~.:i~r~a~~,>:
for Power Tools, Inc. was next presented. This incinerator meets the si:a;~.dar~~:.
set by the Pollution Gontrol Poard, Upon motion by Uselmsnn, seconded
by Rahn it was RESOLVED that the building permit for the incinerat^.? i~; t~.Y
amount of $3,500 be granted subject to locating it at the r~W coz~nc-r. ~~{ the
build trig.
Upon motion by Rahn, seconded by Uselmann it was RESGI,VED thst tt~e
request for District ~~191 for an extension of Sandstone Drive nn `kl~. ~'~.~cc~:1.
property be deferred to the Engineer for study and preparation of :: ;xr ~.ltr,~9.~~~~x;
There being no further business the meellting adjourned,
Dated: Jei1v 8_ 1969 ~f'~ ~'` ~~-~ ~~~~