July 31, 1969
A special, meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Eagan Township,
Dakota County, Minnesota ass head on July 31, 1969 at the Town Ha11 with
all members present.
The contract with Austin P. Keller Construction Company, Project ti^, ~:~,
tzunk sanitary sewer and storm sewer on Rahn Road was, upon motion by Y1.;:,?~.,
secandad by Uselmann, aye Rahn, approved and ordered executed by the aprr~~,-•
riate town afficials~
An Agzeement between the County of Dakota, Egad Realty Co, and the
Town of Eagan wag presented covering the lowering of the gas line and
acquisition of the 3.2 acre water site on the Egan Realty prop~zty on
Yankee Doodle Road. Upon motion by Rahn, seconded by Uselmann, aye ILleiai,
it was RESOLVED that said Agreement dated March 31, 1969 be, ar~cl it n~~~~~by
is, approved and ordered executed by the appropriate Town officials.
The Board discus~d the request of Marshal Davis on Ciiff Road to
determine whether some action could betaken to defer the placing o£ a+c:~:::.
~.~les near the Davis property entrance within the county road right of :~_:,;
The Town Attorney was requested to talk to Mr. Davis and the County Engir,~~....
to see what action could be taken. Zt was determined that the poles wil]
be placed on the opposite side of the road.
The Town Attorney brought to the Board's attention the sat baclt of
buildings for fzont yard purposes in Research and Development zons:~ s•Ye.~<<
under Ordinance ~6. He indicated that it appeared that the req:Yirement
was e~nly a 60 foot set back fxrna as adjoining residentai distri~t~ ITp^.~
riotivn made and seconded it was RE50LVED that an amendment to the 0 diziaSzf.
be drawn to provide that front yard set back be ~~~ feet from the righr.
of way line in Research and Leveiclptnent districi•s.
The Town Attorney indicated that he had contacted the develap~xs n•
several plats ar newly platted areas in the Town attempting to get a
developmment contract with each aru3 a bond set far improvements. After
discussion, upon motion by Usalmann, seconded by Rahn, aye K1Fin, it
was RESOLVED Chat the building permits in the following subdivisions `:
withheld until an appropriate development contract is entered into betw~•••.
the Town and Che subdividers: Lakeside Estates Addition, Cedar Gr~Yu~c~ Nc:
Saddlehorn Addition, and Twin Oaks ,Addition. The Tawm Attorney was
instructed to write each of the developers and request that an appro,riat.F
development contract be entered into at the very earliest time.
The Tawas Attorney and the Town Engineer discussed the progress i~..
acquiring slope easements along Blackhawk Road. Alter considerable
discussion and upon motion by ILlein, seconded by Rahn, aye Us~imc~ :. ~.`:
was RESOLVED that a hearing on a preliminary report submitted by t'~c: T~~•r:
Rngineer be, and it hereby is, approved and that a hearing be schec:~~"' ~.. ~ t.. •.
:.anitary sewer, water and storm sewer later ale to serve Blackha~sk .;~. -~~'
also sanitary sewer, water and storm sewer later als on proposed S~I~-rr
Bc;ile Road, Project No. G4 be scheduled for August 19, 1969 at 7:30 P,T~.
a t the Town Hail.
The Town Engineer presented a preliminary report covering Pro,jecfi
No. 4b consisting of road improvements for Pine Ridge Drive fr~3:n I:C~Ci Cc~a•~,
Road to County Road X26 and McCarthy Ridge Road from Pipe Ridge *_+l~c
to the junction with Red Cedar Road. Upon aaotion by Kl~ira,. spco~cier'
by Rahn, aye Uselmann, it wan RESOLVED that a hearing on the prp1:~~~~.n , ~~J
report be scheduled for August 19, 1969 at 7:3!} P.M. at the Town ~~..~..
Upon motion by Klein, seconded by Rahn, aye UselmaM, it was
RESOLVED that the preliminary report covering Project Flo. 45, consisting
of mater and sewer later als to the Car•Bor-Nel apartment project,
subdivision 2, on Rahn Road be, and it hereby is, approved; further
that a hearing oa the preliminary report be scheduled for August 19,
19b9 at 7:30 P.M. at the Town Hall and be properly noticed in the legal
newspaper, and further that the Town Engineer be authorized to prepare
plans and specifications for said project; it was FURTHER RESOLVED th-a'~
said Project No. 45 would include eater and sewer later als in Ridgev9evr
Addition on Blackhawk Road.
Upon motion by Klein, seconded by Uselmann, aye Rahn, it was RESOLVb;J
that the plans and specifications for water main in $lackhawk Road,
consisting of Project #29, Phase #3 be, and bareby oars approved and
accepted and that the Clerk be authorized to advertise for bide to be
received and oper~d on Friday, August 29, 1965 at 3:00 P.M. at the Tm~n
The Board and the Town Engineer discussed in detail the praposr.l
lake level for LeMay Lake near Lone Oak Road and Pilot Knob Road, i".
was determined that the Hoard and the Taurn Engineer discuss further the
prapos®d level with the interest property owners along the lake.
The Tawas Engineer indicated that the Water Pollution Coatrol Com-
mission had indicated s desize to use SERCO Engineering to take tests ar
3eaage Treattaent J?lant #Z as part of $ statewide sewage lagoon testing
project. Upon motioa by Klein, aeconded by Rahn, aye Uselmann, it -aas
RESOLVED that the Commission be authorized to take tests; and furth~::
authorized SERCO Engineering to provide flow and sewage strength c:arF
on the Genera]. Beverage and Coca-Cola plants in Eagandaie Ceater Industr.:.:.
Upon motion Che meeting 8d journed• F/~.~~ .; ;.~°~ E~ j~ ~~:, , N<~ ~~,~